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Titanic: the thoughts about myth and legend of that ship.

RMS Titanic by Bill Cannon
(Picture I)

Kimmo Huosionmaa

The next text is only my personal thoughts about the case, of the ship named "Titanic".  I don't know how well the scenes of movies are following the real life, and how well the real Titanic were modeler in the movie, what carried her name?  But here I begin the hypothesis, that Titanic was modeled exactly similar, what it was in 1912.  Below the text is a scene from the film "Titanic", and there are some things, what are not mentioned, and one of them is, why there were no loudspeakers in the command bridge of that ship? If there would be the emergency situation the guards of the ship, would not get information about the problem if they would not hear the telephones. In the evasion maneuver is another thing, what might go wrong. I don't know if this maneuver possible by using steam engines, but why the chiefs of that ship didn't order other steam engine run backward?

This would help the evasion maneuver, and the contact with iceberg could be escaped. When we are looking at the scene, could there be some problems with the rudder? There were many things, what went wrong in that night between 14 and 15. April 1912, and one was that the ship was faced the unexpected iceberg.  The reason, why this ship sunk is the hole in the bow, of the Titanic. The hole would not be devastating if the ship were not too fast. There were installed the small-pressure Parsons-turbine at the center propelś axel.

This gave the extra speed for Titanic, but her bulkheads were too thin for the pressure, what the hit to iceberg caused. There are other explanations, and one was that there was the small bomb at the bow. The bomb would not able to sink the ship in the normal circumstances, but the speed was too fast, and that caused too much pressure against Titanic bulkheads. Those persons, who believe the thermite-bomb have explained this theory. that there were members of IRA in the ship and many of them could be wanted by the British authorities.

Those people were tried to set up their death, because, if their identities were uncovered, those persons would be hang. The third explanation would be that there were some torpedo-tests at the sea, what were made by submarines or aircraft,  and because the captain of the Titanic was driven by the unexpected route, those test devices were made the horrible mistake, and shoot the torpedos to the wrong target. There was one ship, named California, what was the name of the battleship. This ship could send the wrong position to Titanic because her crew had got some secret mission.

But there is no proof about it. And this idea came straight to my head, and I will introduce it here without any evidence about criminal conspiracies or something like that. Maybe this thing would explain, that this ship was not rescued those people, who survived from Titanic. But they are only rumors or hoax stories, and the official reason is, that RMS Titanic sunk, because she hit to iceberg at the Atlantic. Or as the modern way would say, Titanic sunk because the hole of the bow and that caused a leak, what sunk the ship. There is one little detail in the sinking, and that is, why the back didn't explode, because the air would be packed in the closed space.

The second one is did the propellers of the ship rotating during sinking process? If they were rotating, there could be pressure in the ships steam engines, and where the pressure has been if the boilers were torn off their positions. There is one very interesting explanation for the phenomenon, and that is if there would be induction motor at the place of the steam turbine. But why that thing would be hidden? So this is only thoughts about this phenomenon, what have not certain observations.  And the last question is, why the radio-operator of Titanic send the alarming message in the form CQD/SOS, what could make this signal better to understand? Titanic is the myth and legend. The overbooked ship, what was hit to the iceberg, and where the people show unbelievable courage when they were waiting for their death.

The film:

Picture I:


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