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There is the difference between life and intelligent life.

David Hardy's painting about
strange life form
(Picture I)

Kimmo Huosionmaa

Many people think that searching the life at the Universe is the synonym for the term Searching Intelligence from the Universe. The lifeforms, what might be found, are not necessarily intelligent or even more complicated than some cyanobacteria, what lives in some lake at Sinai. This is very well known error in the writings about the searching life outside the Earth. There would be three main types of lifeforms, what can we search from the Universe.

Number one would be the simple bacteria, what might not have the nucleus, and those bacteria could be very common life form outside the Earth. Those bacteria would use volcanic heat for creating the energy for the life processes and those bacteria would not have to chance to create the higher level, because the conditions on that planet or moon would be so hard, that only the most primitive life forms can live in that planet. And those primitive bacteria can be the threat for the Earth only in the cases, that some human would step on the planet or moon. Or some meteorite would collapse to that particle and the pieces of ice would travel to the Earth. And that could cause the epidemics on the animal and human population.

The second one version of the extraterrestrial life forms could be the organisms, what are consisted of cell groups. Those organisms can be very primitive, and that could be some line of bacteria. Some algae are like that, and the organisms could be vegetables. And in some cases could the planet have very big forests, but there would be no animals at all. Or there could be animals, what transforms their body between the vegetable and animal form. When we are looking at those organisms, the flies would be in very highly advanced organisms. That means those organisms would not probably have any higher intelligence level than some bugs are.

The third main group of the organisms would be complicated animals, what might have the different way to work than humans. Maybe those organisms live in collective groups like Ants or Wasps. Those organisms would have the capacity to be intelligent when they need the capacity to create new things. That means that those bugs would connect together for connecting their nervous system together, and this might create the "Gaia"-type intelligence, where all the group would connect their minds together. Then those aliens can create new things, and this might be called as the collective intelligence, what makes that population able to solve problems, and when the problem is solved, those organisms would disconnect their connections and the some of the individuals would be programmed to accomplish the mission.

Those intelligent aliens could be totally different than we are. They might be mushroom type neural network, what could take the body to the control, or some other weird thing. Those parasite-aliens might be the very interesting thing, but they could actually be something, what we would not want to meet. That alien can grow the germs, what would deliver the nerve cells to the victim, and then take the victim under the control. Those nerve-cells can communicate by using pheromones like the bugs do on the Earth. This might be one version of the aliens, what is acting like some bodysnatchers.

I made this as an example, that the intelligent life can be very different than we are on the Earth. And when we are going to deeper into the Universe, we will find more and more miracles. Maybe we would not find the intelligent life from the Universe, and if we would think that thing carefully, it might be better for us, that we would not find another technical civilization or the lifeform what can answer to us. But when we are thinking another way, the finding of another intelligent civilization would bring some advantages to the relationship between the nations on our planet.

And that could make us humans to work together because that contact would give us the threat, what comes from outer space. If we are looking to history, the foreign enemy has always melted the nation to the homogeneous system, that could be working together against that threat, what comes outside of the borders. Maybe the threat from another planet would act like that. We would not actually know, what could happen in the case that aliens would make contact to the human race. But maybe that contact would not happen during our lifetime, and that's the way the philosopher would always win regular people about argumentation when we are talking about the alien intelligence, what is one of the most fascinating things, what we can talk about.

Picture I


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