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Why somebody hates artists and especially painters?

"Scream" Edvard Munch
(Picture 1)

Kimmo Huosionmaa

All of us have different opinions, about the art. And we will not normally shoot those artists because of their work. If somebody will send artists to prisons because they paintings will not satisfy those persons, that will wake the investigators interested in those works. The reason for arresting of somebody because of some paintings seems quite small and strange for our democratic society. And if the painting is some kind of the political manifest, we must ask what makes it the political manifest?

Why the picture cause reaction, that some police-officers will come to artists home with sub-machine guns. Are those pictures some kind of danger for national security, and another question is, what means term "national security?". Is that the security of military industry? Or is it the national leader's personal security? And are the arrests made for hiding some leaders personal secrets, that they were in some places, where they were not? When we are observing person like Lev Trotsky, we must understand that this person was in New York during the Russian revolution in 1917.

And when we are thinking about the connection between Trotsky's place, where he stayed during the revolution and hate him, we must consider that maybe the reason for killing that man was, that somebody else was claimed, that he was with Trotsky in some very important place, and when Trotsky was in New York, that story was uncovered the lie. So did that revolution began too early, that the persons would not be in right places when the operation began. The revolution began too early in St. Petersburg, and the front was opposite direction, to what was planned. Maybe the leaders of the revolution thought that they will start to attack the Pacific coast of Russia to St. Petersburg and Moscow.

But the plans were not working because the people would start to hit the winter palace, and that caused the situation, that some key leaders were in wrong place.  And Lenin arrived in St. Petersburg after the revolution happened in that town. There was no evidence that Stalin ever was at the front, and he just claimed that he was the political prisoner. And the evidence was the prison card, what could be made by Okhrana, the Tsar's political police. And if Stalin was the agent of that organization, would that man be in trouble. He just claimed that he was the metal worker, who was the member of "secret communist cell".

But when we are looking about the "purges" what was me by him, this thing would get the different meaning, because GPU:s terror was targeted to metal industry and engineers who worked in there. So was Stalin hiding his past of the Okhrana's agent? This would explain, why this man hated those engineers. Because if Stalin ever was talked to real metal engineer about the things, what happened in the factory, this man would catch by lie, because if he was Okhrana's agent would this man know anything about the work in metal industry, and he would not know about the missions of the men, who work in there. And that would uncover the dirty secret about the man, what would cause death to him.

 When we are thinking of some portraits we must understand that if there were the landscape where some great battle was to happen, and some leader doesn't remember that or this person remembers a wrong place, that would be very destructive for the reputation of that person. Those leaders of the revolutions might make about the personal glories around them, and that's why they are so sharp about their reputation. And in the case of the Russian revolution, might be some fakes in those votes, about the leadership of the state.


Picture 1


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