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Data is the new oil for markets

Kimmo Huosionmaa

Data is a new oil for economies around the world, and the ”big data” or the data, what is loaded from the internet would be the basis of all reports, what data scientists make. The computers and data, what can be collected from the internet are replaced oil, and the data handling process is for making the report of the certain thing. Reports are involving the things like changing the value of stakes or they can tell to engineers, how some machines are working. Those persons can collect this kind of information by using wireless systems, and they can get the top speed of the automobile, from the digital data storage. Data handling specialists can connect the information from different sources, and they can get information, about who actually drives some car, by using credit-card, surveillance camera and if they have access, the GPS-information of the family members, who owns some car.

The connection of information tells very much about how the vehicle is used. And if there will be none of the family that owns the vehicle place, when their car is filled, will that tell something about that vehicle. Are they renting that car, or why they won't drive it themselves. Something tells about the situation, that the owner of the car lefts always the mobile telephone to the table at home.  The report is the result of analyzing data, what is allowed from the internet. The ”Big data” means the data, what is not processed in some systems before it would be landed in the hands of data scientists.

This term means newspapers, web pages or other data storage, what are free to get. The type of processed data will qualify the value of the processed information. The value can be meter by money or other like historical or cultural things or the growing health or happiness in some company or state. But those things can raise the productivity and save in the health bills in the healthcare, and the absences of the people will decrease if they will enjoy their working.

The product of data processing is normally reported if the data is not used by controlling robots or something like that. This means that value of the product can be also immaterial, because those reports can be put on the internet, and almost everybody can make copies of them. In the real life, there would be limits on accesses to reports, what are made by some companies or governmental offices. This means that those reports might be locked behind passwords.

But many reports, what is made by public authorities are free to read. But the data and especially the processed data is the product, what has its value in money. If some satellite firm sells the information about the natural resources, that data might be limited only the customers about this company.

Those satellites are equipped with magnetometers, what are very small and they are working in groups, what acts like the compound eye, and they are connected with the normal cameras, what are in the side of that instrument, and the data of those sensors can be connected together. So the iron site will be found the effective way.

And also uranium sites are looking at using the compound eye style Geiger-sensors and normal cameras. Google web search is a base of many operations, what are done on the internet. This system allows us to limit the information, what is getting from the internet. The limiting the information is the key element for making databases effective.

The large mass of information will make those databases ineffective because the user needs to search that information. And if somebody would be injured or the situation needs the fast reaction, the crew must get only the information, what they really need to accomplish the mission. It is the base element in bio-metrical recognition and other things, what are used on the internet. Compiling the Google search and base power of the nations main electricity, we must say that there is much same about those things. Because without google web-search technology is almost impossible to handle the data mass of Internet.

But as we probably know, the results of those searches can be manipulated. And this makes the finding of small local entrepreneurs telephone number from the internet sometimes quite difficult, because there are many bigger contractors above it. This case might be real when we are taking some machine for repairing in some company, and then we will call there to ask if they are ready, and we are lost the telephone number of that company. This case might cause the grey hear for everybody when the person uses the mobile telephone in freezing weather, and the person must find the certain firm from the results of Google search.

And without electricity is almost very difficult to use computers. Using isotope batteries (RTG:s), we can make the laptop, what is independently used, and this kind of thing doesn’t need the electric network. This solution is very expensive, but it can be suitable for the space flights. In this scenario the normal battery will be replaced with nuclear battery, what will use the radioactive isotopes like Chromium-85 for creating the electricity for mobile solutions like mobile telephones, laptops, and tablet computers. The idea of the computer, what can use as long as human lives are fascinated, but also very expensive. Or can you imagine the internet without searches? Without google-search we must use web addresses, and do you think that thing will give the effective way to use the internet.

The data is not collected for fun, and the data must have some purpose. There are the systems, what will send the data how the motors are working, and if the sound of the motor is changing, the information of that will send to the computers, what might fix the tunes of the machine, or the automatized system will start to repair that diesel- or turbine. And maybe in the future, the equipment of the power systems is the man-shaped robot, what can fix the problems by using same tools as the humans.


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