Friday, June 9, 2023

New liquid metals can make a revolution in nanotechnology and quantum computing.

Liquid metals that cover the things like paper or some other organic materials are the next-generation tools for AI and for transforming machines along with quantum computers. The liquid metals can make it possible to create liquid robots that can remove tumors and non-wanted cells from the human body. If liquid metal droplets can operate in human blood vessels. It can close blood flow to the tumors. But the transforming liquid metal machines can make many other missions than just acting as the intelligent scalpel. 

The liquid metal robots can slip into the computer center and record data that travels in cables. Liquid robots that surface can turn solid can use to fix damages in cars, aircraft or ships, and satellites. If there forms a hole in the aircraft's structure during flight, the system can release those liquid robots to fix the holes. 

By using liquid-metal-based pressure systems is possible to turn 2D microchips superconducting. That kind of pressure system makes it possible to create Schrödinger's cat-style quantum system. 

This computing system is at the same time binary and quantum systems. Or actually, the system can switch the mode between binary and quantum states. That makes the system more scalable than at any time before it. 

The ability to drive information into the binary system makes it easier to control it. And then, the binary state of the system will transform into the quantum state. That happens by transforming it into a superconducting form. The quantum state processes the information. 

"Researchers have developed a new method of applying liquid metal to surfaces such as paper and plastic, transforming these everyday materials into potential “smart devices.” Future endeavors aim to broaden the application to diverse surfaces and to construct smart devices from materials treated by this method". ( Metal Breakthrough Can Transform Everyday Materials Into Electronic “Smart Devices”). 

And then, it will return the system to the binary state. That happens by removing the superconducting state. This kind of system will make the superconduction by using a hybrid system that decreases the temperature and raises pressure for locking atoms in stable conditions. 

Liquid metal structures can make the next-generation AI-based systems possible. In those systems, the 2D microchip is below the liquid metal-based structure. When the magnetic system pulls the liquid metal to the 2D microchip it increases its pressure. And that pressure will raise the temperature that requires turning the 2D microchip to superconduct. 

That system makes it possible to create hybrid systems. That is the same time as binary and quantum computers. In that kind of system, the system drives information in the binary system. The binary system stores that information. Then the high-pressure-low-temperature system turns the binary system into a quantum computer. When the quantum computer is made its run, the system can return it to the binary state, and then drive processed information to the screen. 

Liquid metal robots are the tools that are making many things that have been sci-fi before true. Things like T-1000-style robots that can transform their form might be closer than we think. And there are always threats in those systems. 

Liquid metal robots are actually like drone swarms. They can transform into any possible form. The only thing that limits the system's abilities is the number of nanomachines and microchips. Theoretically, the liquid metal robot that uses the 2D microchips can change its computing state between primary and quantum states by using pressure systems where the liquid metals form pressure that turns those 2D microchips into superconducting.

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