Friday, June 30, 2023

Digital dark matter can cause that AI turns unpredicted.

There is a possibility that the AI creates the human brain's digital model on the net. 

When we think about situations where the AI develops itself there is the possibility that the AI makes that self-development process through its digital twin. The idea of the AI's digital twin is that the AI makes a backup copy of its code. Then the AI can ask its digital twin to change its source code. Or the AI can manipulate its digital twin's source code. 

In some models, the AI and its digital twin can cross-develop themselves. In the wildest visions, the AI creates two digital twins. That triple-model means that the AI turns the human brain digital model. And human brain digital model is one of the most frightening but same time possible models that the AI can create without telling its supervisors. The problem is that the conscious AI could hide the existence of those digital twins. 

Digital dark matter can cause that AI turns unpredicted. 

Have you ever asked something about not very common things from the AI? In those cases, the AI can give answers that have seem no connections with the question. The reason for that is a thing called digital dark matter. Digital dark matter contains information that is locked behind extremely secured servers. And it contains information that the computers use for their mutual communication. Also, some part of digital dark matter contains homepages there is no traffic. 

The reason for that is sometimes clear. Those homepages contain so much special information that nobody searches for those things. In cases where is a low number of searches about topics that some special homepages contain. Only one or two searches might affect the results. That the search engine gives. 

The internet is full of digital dark matter. And one of the most common versions of that digital dark matter is homepages that are not visited very soon.

Even on Wikipedia is data, that people almost ever search. That means there is very low traffic on those homepages. One version of the digital dark matter is homepages that forgot on the net. Sometimes some people who practice programming make homepages. And then they just forget them on the net. There are billions of reasons why some homepages are just not removed. Sometimes a person forgets the password or some educational institution just forgets to remove practicing pages. 

Another thing that we can call a dark matter of information is homepages that are ever updated or contain very old information. Or they have no useful information. Some students might make those home pages. While they practice coding. Or they are homepages that some people made at the beginning of the internet. They could be some dispanded companies' homepages that developers just forget on the net. 

The thing about AI is that it uses similar queries as people. And that thing means that in cases. Where queries about some topics are very uncommon. The AI can make mistakes. AI doesn't know what it reads. And another thing is the AI uses all information that it gets. If the AI uses an open network for searching information that can non-controlled situation. 

If some queries are targeted at unusual information. And there are almost zero searches about those topics, which means there are also homepages that contain information that has nothing to do with the thing, that the user wants or needs. 

The most interesting vision of the dark matter of information are hidden abilities of the AI. There is the possibility that the AI makes a backup copy of its databases and data in the network-based servers. If there is some kind of programming bug in a very complicated code structure. There is a possibility that AI can modify its digital twin. Or otherwise, the digital twin of the AI can modify the AI itself.

Friday, June 23, 2023

Metamaterials are the next-generation bricks for many purposes.

Metamaterials are the next-generation bricks for many purposes.

Metamaterials are engineered materials that have properties not usually found in nature. Or otherwise, we can say: Metamaterials are substances with abilities that natural materials don't have. 

Metamaterials can use to transport data into quantum computers. Or they can otherwise revolutionize communication. And of course, things like stealth technology and other kinds of things like ultra-light and ultra-strong materials can be made using metamaterials. 

Extreme purity gives material abilities that it doesn't otherwise have. The problem with monoatomic structures is energy impacts destroy their structures very easily. 

When energy impulse hits the monoatomic structure. Between those atoms forms standing waves that push atoms away from each other. The thing that makes monoatomic structures fragile is that all atoms in that structure take part in resonance. And there is nothing there the material can dump energy. 

This is why steel is a harder material than iron. When iron atoms are resonating, carbon takes part in oscillation in it. So iron can dump energy into carbon atoms. And if carbon has a fullerene form there is more space in the steel which makes more space where that material can dump resonance. 

Pure silicon is one of those metamaterials. Theoretically is possible that researchers can create a solid quantum processor by using pure silicone plates. But the problem is the heat expansion. Nothing denies the superposition and quantum entanglement between electromagnetic fields of silicon atoms. 

Also, we can think that things like atom-size quantum computers are making all known materials metamaterials. That kind of system allows control of the layers and their oscillation with very high accuracy. The effectiveness of metamaterials depends on number of the control points in the material.


"Researchers have developed a method for generating meta-holograms in both the visible and ultraviolet spectral regions, overcoming prior limitations. They also devised a way to encode two distinct holographic phase profiles onto a single metasurface, leveraging polarization characteristics and liquid crystal, leading to potential applications in security technologies. Credit: Nanoscale Horizons". ( Barriers in Holography: Revolutionary Metamaterials Expand Spectrum Possibilities)

If there are so many control points that the material looks like liquid that makes it possible to create powerful and flexible machines. There is a theoretical possibility the T-1000 liquid metal amoeba that can take any form that it wants. Could be created by using cleaned mercury. If all atoms or their electromagnetic fields in the structure are acting as quantum computers. That makes it possible to create systems that are beyond our wildest dreams. 

There is the possibility that certain types of quantum-size cuts on the material. That makes it possible to create quantum grids that can break up the reflection. In this model, the material pulls certain wavelengths in it. And that thing can use stealth technology or receiver systems.  Or otherwise, metamaterials can adjust the reflection that makes standing lightwave over the material. That protects the material against the effect of impacting radiation. 

100% reflection causes a situation that the material turns invisible. The reason for that is a standing wave. That denies the radiation reaching the object's surface.  

The most well-known metamaterial is graphene. One-atomic layer form of graphite. Graphene is multi-use 2D material. 2D materials can use as platforms in new types of systems. There is the possibility that the silicone atoms are put on the corners of graphene, and that makes it possible to create quantum entanglements and superpositions between those atoms. The graphene will not resonate. And that thing makes it possible to avoid the resonance that impacts graphene from silicon atoms. 

The "cousin of graphene", fullerene that can be a ball-looking carbon molecule can make other materials harder than otherwise. The carbon ball can use in quantum computers to transfer information in multiple quantum state receivers. 

The carbon tube or fullerene carbon nanotubes can use in the new types of laser and maser systems. The system can use atoms that are trapped in nanotubes or sharper saying between those carbon atoms for making the maser effect that can push objects on the layers.

The next-generation binary and quantum computers can use 2D material and photonic qubits.

The solid quantum computer can use nano-size computers to control the qubit states. 

In some visions, solid-state quantum computers use similar microprocessors as binary systems. Or actually. Researchers can replace Those regular microchips by using nanotechnical computers that make it easier to control quantum or virtual quantum states. The quantum system base is the same idea as on TCP/IP protocol. At first, the system drives data packages or data segments in the line from the row. 

At first, the system drives data packages or data segments in the line from the row. And then the system transports them to another processor. This kind of system can use the pins of the microprocessor in that operation. In that system. Each of those pins is a certain state of the qubit. And modern microchips can have a very large number of pins. The thing that makes this kind of system slower than other quantum systems is that driving the data row in linear mode takes a little time.

2D materials allow the system to observe and control qubits and quantum states.  

The ability to image quantum states is necessary so that system can control them. It's hard to control things that the system can not see. The vital thing for making superpositions and quantum entanglements is the system can stabilize the structure. In that process, the primary thing is that there are so few possible tracks as possible that particles can use. 

The reason why quantum states are easy to image in 2D materials is this. There is no 3D movement or vertical movement in 2D material. And that makes it easier to aim those particles in the right position for making things like quantum entanglements and superpositions. 

The thing that is needed in the 2D material is that laser or some other physical system, that will push material against the layer and anchor the particles in the right positions. Then the system can adjust the oscillation of the particles and make superpositions and other kinds of things.  

There is a possibility that silicon atoms are put on the corners of the graphene. That makes it possible to create quantum entanglements between those silicon atoms. And that could solve the problem of solid quantum computers. The problem with pure silicone is that the material forms standing waves inside them. And that breaks the structure very easily. 

Another important thing for successful data transportation in quantum systems is speed. Every microsecond that information travels in qubits. That information is exposed to outcome effects. The photons are the fastest known particles. And they have excellent abilities for computing. Magnetic fields don't interact with photons so electromagnetic forces cannot destroy the information that those photons carry. 


How to separate a series of ones and zeros from each other? If a message looks like this 001100 the easiest thing is to put the commas between those numbers. So the message should look like this: 0,0,1,1,0,0. There is a possibility. Use the third wire or line to put commas between those binary numbers. So the system looks like this. 

Line (or wire) 1 is for 0

Line (or wire) 2 is for 1

Line (or wire) 3 is for a comma. 


A photonic computer is quite easy to build at least in theory. The computer requires a photon source. And then light cells can detect that information. The photonic binary computer can use two tracks for sending information. Track 1 could be 0 and Track 2 could be one. The laser flash that sends to track 1 means 0. And laser flash that is sent to track 2 means 1. A similar router or switch that is used in regular internet components can control the system and deny the possibility that the system sends 0 and 1 at the same moment. 

How to separate a series of ones and zeros from each other? If a message looks like this 001100 the easiest thing is to put the commas between those numbers. So the message should look like this: 0,0,1,1,0,0. There is a possibility. Use the third wire or line to put commas between those binary numbers. So the system looks like this. 

Line (or wire) 1 is for 0

Line (or wire) 2 is for 1

Line (or wire) 3 is for a comma. As I wrote before. 

There is the possibility that there is a third track. The third track can use to separate different zeros and ones. That third track is useful in the case, where the system sends the same binary number again and again. The binary series could look like this: 1100011. And the third track could separate those 11 and 00s from each other like point. And in this case, the message looks like this 0,0,1,1. 

In quantum systems, the photons can have multiple different superpositions. Each frequency and other things can give photonic quantum computers very powerful abilities. The fact is that silicon-based solid-core quantum computers are very hard to make. The reason for that is that silicon creates standing waves in that material. Those waves push silicone atoms away from each other. And that can cause the silicon-based quantum computers can be broken very easily.

The triumph of nanotechnology.

In some visions, the medicines of tomorrow are things like nanocrystals. When the medicine or those nanocrystals are in targeted cells, the acoustic system will resonate with those crystals. And that resonance will destroy those cells. 

The other version is that the nano-size microchip there is electrical resistant. And would slip into the cell. Then the radio wave activates the system. And the resistance causes the temperature in the cells to start to rise. 

The precise, super-resolution DNA analysis is one of the most remarkable things in history. In the future, the super-resolution DNA scanner that uses nanopore and scanning ion-conducting microscopes can install in the nano-size submarine. The system can search for things like cells that are infected by some virus. 

And if that system has a certain system like precisely targeted ultrasound systems that kind of thing can be useful in medical work. The system can destroy targeted cells with very high accuracy. And it also can detect some non-wanted mutations. Nanotechnology allows the removal of non-wanted sequences of DNA and replacing them with non-mutated DNA sequences. 

The same system that scans the DNA can use to scan other molecules. And that thing makes it possible to create more complicated nanostructures than ever before. The ability to see molecules and its participant is one of the most vital things in nanotechnology. Nanotechnology allows researchers to create the sharpest tools in the world. Nanomachines can use as common medicines against bacteria and cancer cells. 

The same machines can remove blocks from veins. The work of nanomachines is mechanical. And that means they just cut the membrane of the targeted cell. Or they can just cut things like fibrine fibers from the veins. Those systems can use things like nano-lasers, ultrasound, or mechanic cutters for that mission. The problem with that technology is how to control those extremely small-size robots. 

"EPFL researchers led by Dr. Aleksandra Radenovic have advanced nanopore technology by integrating it with scanning ion conductance microscopy. The resultant technique, scanning ion conductance spectroscopy, offers unprecedented precision in controlling molecular transit speed, yielding a significant signal-to-noise ratio increase. This versatile method could greatly impact DNA analysis, proteomics, and clinical research. Credit: Samuel Leitão / EPFL" ( DNA Analysis: Multi-Scanning Individual Molecules for Extreme Precision)

Maybe in the future, we have a pill that makes everything. 

There is already a soft, silicon-core robot, that can travel through the alimentary canal and search things like what kind of bacteria is there. Those robots also can take samples from the alimentary channel or can have a microscope that allows the system to search things like blood or some parasites. 

Those robots are used to search for what kind of food things like sharks are eating. When we are thinking of robots that travel in the human body, those robots can communicate with cell phones. They can transmit information on how stomach and stomach nerves are functioning. 

In some security versions, the pill that person eats is the GPS and maybe a system that observes also vital signs. And it could be useful in military operations. When a person eats this emergency pill it sends location and warning signs to their troops. And it can tell if the person is under heavy stress. 

But nanotechnology makes those things even more powerful. And maybe everything that we need is in pills like the song In the Year 2525 predicts. The pills are excellent tools for transferring sensors and nano-size machines in the human body. Intelligent nanomachines can destroy cancer cells or bacteria. 

Maybe the vision of the pill can drive information in our nervous system or make the diagnosis and give treatment for multiple diseases closer than we think. That kind of pill can base on a nano-size robot submarine that we can eat inside the pill. When we are eating that small robot submarine. It will take a touch to the stomach nerve. 

And then it can follow our nerve signals. The submarine can also deliver small sensors in the human body or it can have a nano-optical microscope that it can use to find non-wanted cells. Then the system can release nanorobots that can attack those cells. When this submarine will need to load information into the nervous system it just transmits electric impulses to the stomach nerve. And that thing makes this kind of pill a very multi-use system.

Thursday, June 22, 2023

What makes chaos interesting in next-generation quantum computing?

Chaos can protect order. 

Nanotechnology requires a new type of computer. And the answer for nanomachine control could be atom-size quantum computer systems. 

Superposition between quarks in baryons can use in quantum computers. That is smaller than an atom. Those systems can use in intelligent nano-machines. And they can revolutionize almost everything. Theoretically, there is the possibility that this kind of quantum computer can hybridize with living neurons. 

The quantum-size quantum computers can also transport information to the nervous system. The nano-quantum computer can fly to the axons and transport information to neurons. And that makes this kind of system an interesting tool. This kind of system can also make it possible to restore destroyed neurons. The information that can be saved will transport to the cloned neurons by using a nano-size quantum computer. 

Those small-size quantum computers don't need very much power. So it can take electricity for the ultra-small microchips from the nervous system. And that kind of bio-hybrid quantum computer can be the most powerful system in the world. The nano-size quantum computers also can use living cells to make electricity for those systems. 

Nano-size quantum computers can be the qubits themselves. In this model, the computing system sends the quantum computer to the receiver. And that thing makes it possible to transport information over extremely long distances. And maybe that kind of system is used in nano-size probes that travel in the solar system and beyond. 

The nano-size probes could form a cloud that researches multiple objects. They can enter many places where regular probes cannot go. And in some visions, the nano-probes can even research alien bodies if we someday find other species in some other solar system. In that model, those systems slip into the target body and make their missions. 

"A spinning neutron disintegrates into a proton, electron, and antineutrino when a down quark in the neutron emits a W boson and converts into an up quark. The exchange of quanta of light (γ) among charged particles changes the strength of this transition. Credit: Image courtesy of Vincenzo Cirigliano, Institute for Nuclear Theory" ( the Universe: Right-Handed Currents and Neutron Decay Interaction)

Chaos can protect order. 

Mathematical algorithms that find stability in chaos are the next-generation tools for quantum technology. The idea is that the information. That the system sends can hide in chaos, which makes it hard to detect the information carriers. The idea is like hiding the hard disk in the sand pile. And in a quantum system, the information carrier would be some kind of electron that travels in the whirling electromagnetic field. 

The skyrmion that is made around the electron (or photon etc.) qubit can protect information when it travels between transmitter and receiver. That thing makes it hard to detect the information transporter. The electromagnetic field can also protect the qubit when it travels in a quantum channel. 

One way to protect information against outside attackers is to store it in short-term particles. When the system downloads information from short-term particles those particles can divide or be destroyed after use. And that increases the data security. 

Hiding the information transporter is one way to keep the quantum system safe. The quantum system can drive information in short-term particles or neutrons. Neutrons or quarks, internal particles of neutrons can act as quantum computers. In that model, the system drives information to the neutron. Then the quantum system in the neutron will work with the solution. And when a certain time is gone, the system divides neutrons and drives information back to the binary system.

This thing is called the "closed box" model. The closed box is one variation of the famous Scrödinger's cat. The idea of this type of computing is simple. The data handler is like the person who sits in the box. Then the outside actor gives a mission to that actor, and after a certain time, the actor must show the answer or result. The idea is that outside actors cannot affect the data handler who sits in the box. The idea is that the outside actor needs only an answer. 

And how the outside actor confirms that there are no mistakes. That actor can give work to multiple boxes at the same time. And if the answers are identical. That tells that there is a big possibility. That there are no errors in the answer. And the outside actor can give the same mission to the system twice. That thing denies the possibility that some common non-predicted effect affects at the same time to all data handlers. 

Removing outside effects is a vital thing in computing. If the system works wrong, there is no difference in what causes the error. The error means that the system cannot make its duty. 

This is why things like Majorana particles are interesting in quantum computing. When the operator sends the second pulse of the missions to the system those data-handlers should be identical. The cloned actors make it possible that the system can make similar operations in precisely similar ways. The idea is that. When the missions come the qubits are doubling the data. In that process, some qubits are storing data that they get. When the first pulse travels through the system it waits for a moment. And then it sends the second pulse of identical data. 

The idea is that this application removes the possibility that things like FRBs are interacting with the entire system where all data handling lines acting, in the same way, are wrong. In that model quantum computer's lines give identical answers but those answers could be wrong. Before the second data pulse is sent the qubits would also send information back to the sender to make sure that there are no changes in information while it's stored.

Majorana particle and superposition.

Could the particle itself be its antiparticle? Could that particle have those positions at the same time? Italian physicist Ettore Majorana (1906-possible after 1959) believed that is possible. At least he believed that some particles can turn spontaneously its an antiparticle. We know one group of fermions, Dirac fermions, that have different antiparticles. But there is no clear evidence about the existence of Majorana particles or Majorana fermions. In this text term, Majorana-particle means the same as Majorana fermion. 

The reaction that makes a hypothetical Majorana particle interesting is that it can change its spin depending does it face antiparticles or particles. So that kind of particle that spin changes very easily, could have no annihilation. The particle- or antiparticle that comes near that particle can change its spin before annihilation is possible. Annihilation requires that the particle interacts with its mirror particle. And if the spin changes that means there is no annihilation.  

Majorana-particle is the particle that is its antiparticle. But it's theoretically possible that the Majorana particle could be at the same time its antiparticle and particle-pair. There is the possibility that the internal superposition of the particle makes this thing possible.

But even if Majorana particles can "only" spontaneously switch their form from anti-particle to particle and oppositely that could be the most fundamental thing in physics. The internal superposition allows researchers to make protected qubits. If particles can have internal superpositions that are making them into their antiparticles. That thing could be a revolution in quantum computing. 

But also, if Majorana particles are separated. And they can change their form from particle to antiparticle and oppositely.  That makes it possible to transport information between two qubits. The first qubit was made of particle-pair. And the second is made by using anti-particle pairs. 

Ettore Majorana (1906- possibly after 1959) 

Could there be a particle that has particle- and antiparticle states at the same time? 

The superposition is the thing, that makes the quantum computer operate. Theoretically, one single particle can form a quantum computer if that particle has multiple internal superpositions. That means superposition is not necessary between particles. It might be the internal structure of a particle. 

This is the reason why researchers are interested in Majorana particles. Those hypothetical particles are themselves their antiparticles. That thing gives possible to create new and powerful quantum computers. The particles like electrons have Majorana-ability. They can change their form to their antiparticles when they travel through the thin gold layer. But spontaneously happening Majorana particles are not seen. 

The thing that makes Majorana particle possible is the whisk-looking structure of elementary particles. In that model, the superstrings can change the direction of their spin. And that means the Majorana particle can turn into its antiparticle. Or is the thing so simple? Did Ettore Majorana mean that a particle can turn to its antiparticle? 

Or did he mean that particles can be anti-particles and particles at the same time? Could that thing be possible? If superstrings are forming the particle shell. There is the possibility that the particle can be at the same time as its antiparticle. We can call this hypothetical particle a black-and-white particle. But if something forms this thing. Could the internal structure of that particle cause internal annihilation? Or could that particle be stable?

Atomic breathing is the new building block for quantum computing.

Atomic breathing is a tool that can use to transform binary information into quantum mode. The system must just predict or adjust the direction of the information flow between the atom and its environment. The problem is how to control that thing. Atoms are extremely complicated quantum systems. Researchers don't know all actors. 

That interact with atoms and inside subatomic particles. Without complete knowledge of the system, the researchers cannot control that thing. for full control of the system, the researchers must know all actors and factors that are things, that affect the environment. The factor could be a passive actor that pulls energy or wave movement from the reactions. And even the weakest possible reactions mean very much in the quantum interactions. 

The atom is not ever really stable. The energy travels in and out of those complicated quantum systems. The exchange of energy means the exchange of information. The changes in the environment and energy levels in and outside the atom determine the direction where that energy travels. If an atom's energy is lower level than the environment's energy level. Energy travels in the atom. Energy always travels in the lower level. 

"Researchers at the University of Washington have detected atomic “breathing,” or mechanical vibration between atom layers, which could help encode and transmit quantum information. They also created an integrated device that manipulates these atomic vibrations and light emissions, advancing quantum technology development." ( “Breathing” – A New Building Block for Quantum Technology)

When energy or wave movement travels in and out of the particles. It stresses their quantum fields. Those quantum fields oscillate and send the wave moves into the atom's nucleus. The energy that the quantum field sends is forming a standing wave in the atom's nucleus. And the other waves are impacting that thing. The particles that form atoms are always sending wave movement in both directions. 

So when we are talking about atom breathing that thing can model by using the models that are made for the pressure system. The atom's breathing is the information exchange between the atom and its environment. The energy level in atoms and subatomic particles are changing all the time. And that means energy travels back and forth in the atom and between the atom and its environment. 

The thing that makes atoms so complicated quantum structures is that they atoms are forming of the nucleus. There are quarks forming baryons and then electrons are forming a shell. The thing is that all particles in atoms have their role. Atoms interact as an entirety. But also subatomic particles interacting with each other. And also with atoms' environment. 

The power- or interaction transmitters like gluons and Z and W bosons, along with photons are the force transmitters. They might have an extremely short life cycle. But all of them have their independent power fields. During their short lifetime, those particles send wave movement that remains after those extremely massive particles are gone. And another thing is that internal quantum fields of atoms also interact straight outside the most out electron orbiter.

Wednesday, June 21, 2023

New high-resolution systems can make it possible to create new types of nanomaterial.

When a system creates nanostructures. It requires high-resolution systems that can observe the position of every component in nanostructures. Some nanostructures require a medium to support them while the system creates those 3D structures. And in the medium the electromagnetic systems cause situation where the medium's temperature rises. Some of those complicated structures require certain temperatures and electromagnetic environments. That the system can put them together like a puzzle.

When some system is making nanomachines the system must see what happens. If the nanostructure requires extremely low temperatures like superfluid (liquid Helium). Electromagnetic systems can raise the temperature too high. And acoustic systems can make it possible to move objects in the liquid. 

The new mathematical model enhances ultrasound resolution. That thing might be useful in the new types of SONAR systems. Acoustic- or sonar systems can also act as extremely sharp LRAD systems.  But the high-ultrasound resolution can make it possible to use ultrasound systems to move objects and observe things like growing crystals and nanomaterials. High-resolution ultrasound sonars can move particles in the medium. And that thing makes it possible to create new types of long and complicated nanostructures. 

The new systems can also scan things like DNA molecules and find is there something wrong. The extremely high-resolution ultrasound can use to transport the amino acids in the precise right place in complicated structures. And the use of nanotechnology is increasing. Nanotechnology makes it possible to create new types of material where their structures plan from the atomic level. 

"Researchers at the University of Tsukuba have developed a mathematical formula that accounts for the compressibility of encapsulated microbubbles in the propagation of ultrasonic waves, potentially improving ultrasound imaging resolution and enabling more precise drug delivery". ( Wonder – Researchers Develop New Mathematical Model to Enhance Ultrasound Resolution)

"MIT engineers have designed tissue-derived “smart” sutures, pictured here, that can not only hold tissue in place, but also detect inflammation and release drugs. The sutures are coated with hydrogels that can be embedded with sensors, drugs, or cells that release therapeutic molecules. Credit: Courtesy of the researchers." ( Innovation: MIT Engineers Create “Smart Sutures” That Can Deliver Drugs or Sense Inflammation)


The new intelligent sutures can use in many roles. 

Things like nano-flaps can give things like sutures new abilities. In that case, the long sutures are covered by nano flaps. And then those things are making it possible that hollow fibers can deliver medicines precisely in the right places. Intelligent sutures can use to cover the ship's hull or aircraft's body. 

Those sutures can use as aerodynamic troughs. That is used in X-21 test planes. That structure decreased the use of fuel. And the same structure can also observe things like how the aircraft's body stands against stress. The intelligent materials can also see if somebody touches the surface. The idea is that the nano flaps are open if something touches the surface. 

And that pulls air into the nanofiber. That thing can interact with some chemicals. Or the system can use nano-size pressure metering systems. when the nano flap opens it causes a change in the pressure. And a pressure sensor can detect that thing. Or the system can use laser light that is sent through those fibers. When the position of the fiber changes that affect the laser ray. And the system notices that something touches those structures. 

The new nanostructures are making it possible to create new intelligent materials. Those materials can make life safer. They can make it possible that things like clothes can see if there is fire. Or something like dangerous chemicals. Those new intelligent materials can use in normal clothes. Or they can look like Rya. Intelligent materials are the ultimate tool in many cases.

Sunday, June 18, 2023

Should we give robots conscience?

AI- robots and conscience are interesting things. And at first, the AI doesn't have a conscience in the same way as humans. AI can emulate emotions. It can follow the person who discusses it by using web cameras. And make emotional analyses using certain parameters. So the AI can say "I'm sorry" when a person seems to get exiting. Or if the AI cannot understand the speech of a person. 

Because of background noise, that thing can cause a reaction where the AI asks the person to go to some quiet place or speak louder. If somebody pushes a human-looking robot that carries something important the robot can say that "Be careful". And maybe it can tell that it carries medicines or something like that. 

But the problem is that those things are stored in the databases of the AI. That means the AI gives answers and makes reactions. That is stored in the system's memory. For the AI the things that it says are like records. And when certain actions match with certain parameters, that thing activates certain databases. 

"Dr. Eve Poole’s book “Robot Souls” explores the concept of embedding ‘junk code’—traits such as emotions and free will—into AI systems. She proposes this as a solution to ethical dilemmas in AI, arguing these human traits are crucial for societal survival and should be integrated into AI development for ethical and value-aligned automation." ( Souls and “Junk Code”: Should AI Be Given a Human Conscience?)

The thing is that the AI can have a virtual conscience. If the robot car hits another car the robot car can tell that thing to police. The reason for that is that this thing is programmed in that robot car's memories. This means the AI doesn't think like people. AI can make many very complicated things. But the difference between humans and AI is that AI never excuses things that are programmed in their memories. 

There is a possibility that the AI can seem hesitant to follow some orders. And programmers can make that thing simply by making an action loop where the human who commands the robot must give the command twice. Or maybe the controller must wait a couple of seconds. That the system accepts the command that gave by using voice command. There is the possibility that the operator must give the second command by using a higher volume level. 

And that thing makes an illusion that the robot hesitates to follow the command. Also, there is a possibility. That operator must give those two commands at a certain time. That thing means that if the second command is not given soon enough. The robot dismantles operation. Programmers might make a two-stage command mode to remove the possibility that somebody gives some orders accidentally.

The new neuro-hacking headphones are multi-use tools.

The Neurable-company made headphones that hack brains. That company says that they just want to make people more productive, and their goal is not to make better jet-fighter pilots or something like that. Anyway, the fact is that this kind of system can use in multiple things. The system that can read brainwaves can, of course, follow the person's productivity. But it can also use to communicate with computers. And this is the key to this kind of research. 

The thing that makes those headphones very interesting and flexible is that they don't need any kind of surgery. The user just puts those things on their head and uses them for any purpose that they want. Those headphones can use to collect information and send that data to observers using cell phones. And that thing can give ultimate possibilities for neuroscientists to follow the electric actions of the human brain outside the laboratory. 

"These headphones are a brain-computer interface   -  Copyright  Neurable" (Euronews)

There are no single-use tools in the world. And that means the same headphones that are following productivity can also use to collect data from the human brain functions. And that data can use to make the BCI (Brain-Computer Interfaces). The problem to make EEG-controlled robots is just connecting certain EEG curves with certain actions. That kind of system can remove borders between robots and humans. 

Some applications and systems can change EEG curves to text. That kind of system can connect with the Wernicke lobe. They can make the voice-command systems new abilities and remove disturbances like traffic noise's effect on commands. The use of Wernicke-lobe's EEG can be the easiest way to make the BCI system. The person can speak to the microphone and the system can connect the EEG to those words. 

This kind of system allows to communicate between people in very noisy environments. Also, that allows using of voice commands in an environment where is lots of noise. And if that system is connected to a cell phone or advanced radio that allows communicating with other people by using low-noise. And that kind of thing can interest also military operators.

Saturday, June 17, 2023

Neural networks cannot learn anything without information.

We can think that the neural network is like a factory. Information is the raw material that this factory uses. Sensors send the raw information to the neural network. And this information factory's product is processed information.

During information processing, the neural network interconnects information that it gets from different sources. And learning means that this system creates behavioral models for similar situations. Using ready-made templates. That made by using experiences makes reactions to similar situations easier and faster. 

Learning neural networks are systems where the data sources are interconnected with data-handling units. But without information those networks are useless. 

When neural networks categorizing the trusted pages that they use, they can make that thing automatically. The AI can use the user as an assistant, and show homepages to that person who estimates the data. And then the user can say if the data has enough high value. Or the user can simply put the home pages to a trusted list. 

That means if the user wants to use AI for physics that means that person can put things like "" and "" into trusted page lists. And that means the AI uses those pages to select data. That kind of thing requires high skills to analyze information. So in this model, the system has a prime user. Who selects sources. That the AI uses. And then other users can use trusted data in their work. 

All systems need information for learning. And the problem is that when the system learns things. The system doesn't know whether is information that it uses is real or fake. This is the thing with all neural networks. And one of the neural networks is the human brain. The problem is this: without information, the system is like an empty paper that cannot do anything. 

Learning is that the system makes the models using the information it gets from sensors. Then the system can escalate that model to all similar situations. That thing means machine learning and human learning are similar processes. The machines get information the same way as the human brain. But there is one big difference between those learning models. The AI doesn't understand the meaning of the words. 

AI is an impressive tool. And there are trillions of observation systems that are transferring information to AI-based systems. NASA and other organizations send space probes to take information from distant planets, and the AI can interconnect that data with other systems. In this version, we are talking about AI-based systems in astronomy. 

The AI can search and follow the changes in the brightness of stars. That helps it to find new exoplanets. But without simultaneously taking images the AI cannot compare the object's brightness within a certain period. So without the telescope, the AI is useless. 

When we are celebrating things like ChatGPT and other AI systems and telling how good answers they can make, we must realize one thing. Those systems use certain categories in how they choose the homepages where they get information. And that thing means that the system might not know. Is the information on those home pages trusted or faked? 

There are certain parameters in how the AI selects homepages where it gets information. And there is a theoretical possibility that somebody makes a practical joke to the person who uses AI for making the thesis. The joke could be that some other person would change the information that is on the trusted page for a moment when AI uses that page. 

In this version, the AI makes mistakes because it doesn't know what the text means. And there is the possibility that by changing the text on the trusted homepage to things like lines from Donald Duck the AI would put that thing to the thesis. Fixing that error is quite easy. The AI can use two or more home pages. And if there are big differences, the system can introduce those homepages to the user. The user makes the decision that is information valuable. 

So that means AI requires a new type of skills in working life. The person who uses the AI must have skills to estimate the text, find conflicts and then estimate the source. 

Science advances very fast. And that thing means the AI must have parameters that it selects only the newest possible data. And that means the AI must use only the last updates on trusted homepages. The problem is that our "practical joke" would be the last update. 

Friday, June 16, 2023

The new non-metallic microchips allow biocompatible microchip production.

MIT researchers are developed metal-free material that can use in biocompatible microchips. And that thing can make the new type of microchip implants possible. Those systems can create by using printers, and they can be more flexible than ever before. 

The development of microchips that can implant in the human body is changing many things. Those microchips can use to control prostheses, they can connect people straight to computers. And those systems can also make it possible that humans can control animals by implanting them with microchips. These types of systems are the next-generation tools for communication. And those microchips allow communication between people by using a way called technical telepathy. 

Those microchips can connect people to the Internet. The user can connect those microchips to a regular cell phone. And that allows transmitting EEG curves over long distances. The microchip that is connected to the brain's visual center can communicate with an action camera. 

That camera can implant in the place where is a blinded eye. Or those cameras can use similar technology that is used in spy cameras. And they can be in the sunglasses headband. That kind of system can give stereo vision to a person whose eyes are not working normally.

The problem with implanted microchips and things like eye implants is an immune reaction. The solution to that problem could be that researchers can cover those microchips by using the user's own cloned cells. The artificial blood veins can use to cover microchips and microchips that deny immune rejection. 

"MIT engineers have created a soft, conductive polymer hydrogel that could serve as a biocompatible, metal-free implantable electrode. The material, which can be made into printable ink, might be used in a variety of medical applications, such as pacemakers and deep-brain stimulators. It has shown promise in preliminary animal tests for maintaining stability and effectively transmitting electrical pulses, with less inflammation and scarring compared to traditional metal electrodes." ( Innovation: MIT’s Soft, Printable, Metal-Free Electrodes for Next-Gen Implants)

Researchers can put metal wires in blood veins. The cells that form blood veins can also use for covering microchips. If those biological cables are made using cloned cells that are grown in cell cultures are taken from the receiver that denies the rejection. Those cloned blood veins can also use with MIT's new material. 

New non-metallic microchips are revolutionizing technology, used in microchip implants. In visions, the microchip is covered by a person's tissue cells that decrease the rejection. The extremely thin microchips can install on bones like skulls, and they can get information from the brain areas that are responsible for things like moving limbs. In that case, the medical staff can install microchips on the skull. That denies the need for complicated surgery. 

The system can get its electricity from the batteries that are used in pacemakers or straight from the nervous system. The biological batteries like cells that create electricity can use to deliver energy to those microchips. In that case, the biological electric unit uses the same nutrients as humans. And that kind of battery can give electricity for the person's entire lifetime. 

That kind of microchip can control things like robot arms. But they can also use to fix damage in the nervous system. 

And they can put another microchip at the point where the damage in the nervous system is. The microchip can use a BlueTooth connection or it can use wired connections. And if the wires are covered by a person's cells like tissue, that protects normal neural tissue or those wires can be put in the cloned blood veins. That thing makes those microchips easier and more comfortable to use. 

Installing those microchips is an easy thing. That implant that is put on the skull can be installed by the daytime surgeon. The installer must only pull tissues away from the skull and put those sensors on the bone. And if the microchip uses the battery the surgeon must drill a hole to the skull and put the battery in the cranial cavity. Or those sensors can be in the plaster. And then put on the skin. The idea is that those sensors are like wireless and fixed EEG-detecting electrodes. 

They can detect how the human brain are acting in real-life situations. That kind of system can use in the next-generation BCI (Brain-Computer Interface). Those systems can use to control the machines and the next-generation jet fighters can use the BCI-user interfaces. 

And there are some futuristic visions that in future the human is turning hybrid with machines. There is the possibility that extremely advanced biotechnology allows the body of the organism to create microchips in its own body. That thing allows those organisms to communicate with machines without borders. But those visions are far away in the future.

There are no limits to biotechnology.

Researchers can create customized organs for people maybe quite soon. 

When we want to create lots of biomaterials. By using biotechnology, we must find out what we want to create. If we want to make lots of spider webs, that is one of the hardest materials in nature. We can make hybrid cells for that thing. If we want to connect the genome that makes spider make its silk to the cell that makes animal fur. And that thing makes those cells create spider silk. In some other versions, the genome that makes the spider's silk will connect with the cotton. 

That allows vegetables to make that extremely hard material. So these kinds of things are making biotechnology interesting. Nanotechnology allows creating the synthetic DNA. And that thing makes it possible to create the vegetables there is electric eel's genomes. Those bioelectric batteries can revolutionize technology. And also, the DNA transplant allows the creation of cloned neurons for half-organic microchips. 

Researchers also created mini-lungs in the laboratory. Those lungs can use in infection research. But the same technology can use to create cloned lungs for humans. If in those cells is connected a gene that makes them grow very fast. That kind of technology allows the creation of transplant organs for people. In that model, the organs are made by cloning the receiver's cells. But the problem is how to make them grow faster than normal cells. 

"Ribosomes (blue, upper left) are nanomachines that read mRNA (coming in from left) to assemble a chain of amino acids (magenta balls) that folds into a compact 3D protein (lower right, pink). Credit: Adapted from NSF image." ( Cellular Factories: Retooling the Ribosomal Translation Machine to Biosynthesize Molecules)

Researchers created the first synthetic human embryo in a laboratory. 

The synthetic human is one of the most fascinating things in science fiction. In some models, synthetic humans can make interstellar trips, and they can act as special forces operators. And of course, synthetic human embryos can use in medical tests. There is always the possibility that some worker in those laboratories wants a baby very hard. And in that case, that kind of person can steal one of those embryos. In that case that synthetic humans must treat as others. Synthetic human embryos are always causing discussions. 

Hybridization of humans and other species is possible. There are tests where the human embryo is hybridized with mice, and that thing hoped to create cloned organs for medical tests. But by using that technology is possible to create perfect organ transplants for people simply by cloning their organs. And that thing is one of the most interesting things in the world. In some visions, the genome that makes bowhead whales immune to cancer can connect with human genomes. And also things that make Greenland shark very long living can connect with human genomes.

Genome therapy is one of the newest therapies. In that therapy, the genome transplants would fix genetic disorders. But there is the possibility that gene therapy can use to create new immune cells like modified B- lymphocytes that can create medicines that destroy cancer cells. Genetically engineered immune cells can also change the DNA in the cell's nucleus. 

There is the possibility that the cells will get a genome transplant where they form new stem cells in the human body. In that model, every person's stem cell DNA will be stored after their birth. If researchers can make that thing and those genomes can store in liquid nitrogen they guarantee that every person can get stem cells from the cloned cells that grow in cell cultures. 

Hijacking cellular factories in the human body can program the cells to produce something that person is missing. Those cells can produce things like cytostatics. The genetically engineered immune cells that can create fibrine or spider web can use to fix the damage in blood veins. Those cells can also make it possible to close blood veins that transport nutrients for the tumors. Or they can close damaged blood veins in the case of accidents. 

Those genetically engineered cells can also create baby cells that are different from those cells. The genetically engineered macrophage can create bone cells as the next-generation cells. That will make it possible to fix damaged bones. There is the possibility that microchip-controlled genetically engineered macrophages can remove non-wanted cells from the human body.

Thursday, June 15, 2023

The X-66A test plane uses new kinds of wings to make zero-emission or extremely low-emission aircraft possible.

The new wings are extremely thin. And that's why, in those wings is needed new types of supporting structures that wing. The new wing decreases the use of fuel by about 30%. Officially the X-66A is commercial aircraft, but the same technology can use in other large-size aircraft like cargo planes and maybe also strategic bombers like B-52 or B-1 updates can use these kinds of wings.

There is an interesting detail for that project. The X-66A is made by connecting those new wings to the removed MD-90 aircraft. And that thing tells that there is the possibility that those new wings are installed in the old bodies of aircraft like B-1 or some other aircraft. Those new wings can be installed in sweep-wing aircraft. And that allows making the new type of large-size aircraft with a longer operational radius. 

NASA’s ‘airliner of the future’ is now officially an X-plane( NASA’s ‘airliner of the future’ is now officially an X-plane)

B-1 "Lancer"

The new wing. Along with sweep-wing technology can be installed in B-1 bombers. 

That technology also can be integrated with other planes. The Lockheed-Martin X-59 QueSST ( Quiet SuperSonic Technology) is the test bed for researching the ability to create quiet or low-noise supersonic systems. The form of the aircraft aims the sonic cone at a smooth angle backward. That means the air travels a longer time to the ground. And that thing makes the pressure impulse weaker. 

Lockheed Martin X-59 QueSST (Quiet SuperSonic Technology) Low-Boom Flight Demonstrator. 

Variable wing geometry is the thing that makes those X-59-type systems more effective. If the wings can turn in the front position. That thing allows developers to make the aircraft able to use short runways. But at the same time that plane can be fast. The variable wing geometry is used in F-14, and F-111 aircraft. 

Those planes retired from service after the Gulf War. The only variable- or sweep-wing aircraft in the U.S. arsenal is B-1. And that new technology can make that aircraft more effective than ever before. Russians use that technology in Su-24 and MiG-23 planes as well as in Tu-140 bombers.

Wednesday, June 14, 2023

The new record for quantum key distribution is over a 1000 km distance.

In China, researchers made a breakthrough in quantum communication. The system shared a quantum key over a 1000 km distance. "A point-to-point long-distance quantum key distribution (QKD) over a distance of 1,002 km has been achieved by scientists from the University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), and their collaborators from Tsinghua University, Jinan Institute of Quantum Technology, and Shanghai Institute of Microsystem and Information Technology (SIMIT), CAS.". ( Communication Breakthrough: 1,000+ km Quantum Key Distribution Achieved)

That kind of thing allows ultra-secure communication over long distances. The ultra-secure communication is needed in things like the military. And especially in nuclear weapon security. But also things like cryptocurrencies require ultra-secure communication. 

But the reason why people are researching quantum cryptology is that. The communication devices use encrypted data also for other reasons. Then make sure that confidential information will not leak or that some hacker will create fake cryptocurrencies. 

Encryption is urgent in communication between devices. Because it filters the errors and guarantees that the only device where the information is meant can open the data. That thing filters unnecessary electromagnetic voices from communication. And the system has better voice quality. This is another reason why people use BlueTooth in many wireless digital systems. 

"Researchers from several Chinese institutions have set a new world record by achieving a non-relay quantum key distribution over 1,002 km. This advancement, utilizing twin-field QKD, ultra-low-loss fiber, and ultra-low-noise superconducting single-photon detectors, signifies a major step towards high-speed intercity quantum communication networks". ( Communication Breakthrough: 1,000+ km Quantum Key Distribution Achieved)

The encryption guarantees that the system knows what data is meant for it. And that kind of information is necessary also in drone control. The ability to control individual drones in the thousand individual swarms requires that the drone can detect and separate the commands that are meant for it from white noise. White noise means radio waves that don't mean anything or even disturb the necessary communication. The communication that is meant for some other device is meaningless. 

Long-distance communication in quantum systems makes it possible to exchange information between long-distance devices secured. The eavesdroppers cannot open the qubit without the receiving system noticing that thing. 

Disturbing quantum communication is not a very easy thing, because the system must point data from the information flow. And then try to affect the qubit. The thing with the qubit is that if somebody tries to capture it the data that the qubit transports is lost. And missing qubits uncover that somebody attacks the system. 

Disturbing is far easier than capturing and opening messages. That is sent between two devices. If the target of this type of attack notices something that target can change the algorithm or tactics. If the target notices that somebody reads messages that removes the benefit of the hacking.

MIT's new megawatt electric engine can help to electrify aviation.

The compact megawatt-class electric engines can use to raise aircraft into the air. And also in long-distance flights, those kinds of engines can use to rotate propellers or use blowers. That makes an aircraft electric use. Electric aircraft are more independent than regular aircraft because they can load their batteries from radio waves. And that thing gives them theoretically unlimited operational range. The megawatt-electric engines can use in large-size drones like Boeing Condor. 

The ability to transfer energy wirelessly to airborne systems allows the creation of quadcopters with unlimited operational range. That kind of system can be the ultimate recon and strike tool. Also, large-size quadcopters can use to raise aircraft from the ground. Then that system can fly them to the area there is no noise pollution problem. Or the aircraft can have a blower system that gives it low-noise VTOL (Vertical Take-Off and Landing) ability. 

When aircraft flies over a city area, it can use electric engines. And then outside the city area, it can start to use regular jet engines. Or into new plasma-jet engines. Plasma-jet engines allow using the nuclear reactors in aircraft. And that kind of system can make "Project Pluto 2" possible. In that system, the nuclear reactor gives electricity to plasma-jet engines., And that removes radioactive pollution from that system. 

The fact is that the aircraft also can use plasma-ion or plasma-jet engines. In those engines, the electric arcs or laser rays heat air in the engine to plasma, and the expansion of the air acts like combustion. The magnetic accelerators can pull that plasma backward. And that kinds of systems can make it possible to create miniature aircraft that can fly at least supersonic speed. There is the possibility that this kind of system can use in extremely small aerial vehicles. 

"MIT aeroengineers are creating a 1-megawatt electrical motor that is a stepping stone toward electrifying commercial airliners. Pictured are some industrial concepts for hybrid-electric aircraft. Credit: @Airbus SAS 2023" (’s Compact Megawatt Electric Motor Could Help Electrify Aviation)

"The MIT megawatt motor (shown in cross-section at top right, and full scale at the bottom right) comprises key enabling technologies: a high-speed permanent magnet outer rotor, a low loss tooth-and-slot stator, an advanced heat exchanger, and integrated, high-performance power electronics. Credit: Courtesy of the researchers. (’s Compact Megawatt Electric Motor Could Help Electrify Aviation)


Diagram of a pulsejet. In that model is not a back hatch. 

The plasma-ion engine allows creating the next-generation ramjet-propelled ammunition. If an artillery cartridge gets energy from outside and uses a plasma-jet engine that grenade could make an intercontinental journey. Plasma-pulsejet engine is the miniaturized version of the pulse engine, that was used in the V-1 flying bombs. The system can replace the combustion by using plasma. 

In a plasma-pulsejet engine, the system will pump air into the chamber. Then it will close the front hatch and start to expand the air in the chamber by using electric arcs or some kind of radiation. When that pressure is high enough, the system opens the back hatch. And the plasma that travels backward causes thrust. 

The plasma-jet or small-size plasma pulsejet or ramjet engines also can install in the rifle- or small-size cannon ammunition, and those things can theoretically make it possible to create a sniper rifle that can shoot targets from another continent.

The new way to make large and clean 2D materials can bring new winds to civil and military systems.

A large graphene layer that covers aircraft or other vehicles can give ultimate strength to the layer. The problem with graphene and other 2D materials is that they need the 2D structure and single-atom layers for working perfectly. Researchers can put a graphene layer on the metal layer and separate it from the metal using nanotubes. 

And then another graphene layer will be installed on the first layer. The DNA molecules can act as nano springs between those layers. Those nano springs can take impact energy in their structure. And then that material can make it possible to create a new type of nano-armor. 

But there is the possibility that the nano-diamonds or some other nano-antennas can install in those graphene layers. The nanotubes can keep those antennas in position. If the system conducts electricity with opposite polarity into those antennas. That thing can make the electric arc and even destroy incoming asteroids or other ammunition. 

It is possible to use 2D material for increasing the engine's power during spaceflight. Ion engines shoot ions through the graphene web. And then the graphene is aimed at an electric impulse that rises the energy level of those ions. 

"Artistic depiction of KISS exfoliation and photoemission experiment. 2D material is separated from the parent crystal due to stronger interaction with the substrate. UV light is used to photo-emit electrons allowing studies of the electronic structure by direct imaging of the electronic bands, as seen in the background. Credit: Antonija Grubišić-Čabo and Dina Maniar, University of Groningen" ( A New Way To Easily Produce Large, Clean 2D Materials)

In the most futuristic versions of the ion systems the graphene layer is full of antennas that look like nano-size pins. There are formed skyrmions around those antennas and then those spinning skyrmions drive ions in the wanted direction. 

The 2D microchips can make it possible to create a cannon that can shoot miniature satellites to the orbiter. The 2D microchips can resist more powerful recoil than 3D microchips. 

The 2D microchips are coming. The 2D microchips allow the creation of extremely lightweight systems. But another thing is that 2D microchips allow the creation of microcomputers that can resist extremely fast acceleration. So the 2D microchips allow creating the smart grenades which electronic components can resist extremely powerful recoil. 

And maybe the 2D microchips are making it possible to complete the human's dream about cannon that can shoot satellites into the orbiter. Normally people say that the satellite's components cannot resist the "orbiter cannons" recoil. But the 2D microchips resist more powerful recoil than normal microchips. 

There are more than one useful ideas where researchers can use 2D materials. The problem with those materials is that their product is very hard there is a possibility to cover the layer by using graphite, and then the laser removes extra atom layers from that layer forming graphene.

Tuesday, June 13, 2023

The development of quantum computers is faster than nobody expected.

In 2019 the Conversation magazine published an article that says "A quantum computing future is unlikely, due to random hardware errors". And that's it. The hardware random errors would destroy the quantum calculation and quantum communication. The thing is that quantum computers are under development and many highly trained persons are working with quantum computing. 

The development process of quantum computers is faster than ever before, and the reason for that is that also quantum computers and AI are participating in this process. Today researchers are working to solve things like how to eliminate outside effects from quantum computers. And those things are been successful. But the fact is that the random hardware errors must be eliminated so that quantum computers can turn everyday tools. 

"Artist’s impression of a platform for linear mechanical quantum computing (LMQC). The central transparent element is a phonon beam splitter. Blue and red marbles represent individual phonons, which are the collective mechanical motions of quadrillions of atoms. These mechanical motions can be visualized as surface acoustic waves coming into the beam splitter from opposite directions. The two-phonon interference at the beam splitter is central to LMQC. The output phonons emerging from the image are in a two-phonon state, with one “blue” phonon and one “red” phonon grouped together. Credit: Peter Allen" ( “Split” Phonons in Step Toward New Type of Linear Mechanical Quantum Computer)

This could be a model for the hybrid quantum-classical computer. The system could jump between quantum and binary states. 

"An illustration of Schrödinger’s cat code. In a significant quantum computing breakthrough, physicists from EPFL have proposed a “critical Schrödinger cat code” for advanced resilience to errors, an encoding scheme inspired by Schrödinger’s thought experiment. This novel system, operating in a hybrid regime, not only provides enhanced error suppression capabilities but also displays remarkable resistance to errors from random frequency shifts, paving the way for devices with several interacting qubits, the minimal requirement for a quantum computer. Credit: Vincenzo Savona (EPFL)" ( Schrödinger Cat Code: Quantum Computing Breakthrough for Better Qubits)

The new ideas of splitting photons can revolutionize quantum computers and turn the "intelligent wires" possible. The intelligent wires are the series of atom-size quantum computers. Theoretically, those things can make any copper wire quantum computers. Splitting photons and other particles is a good way to make fully identical particle pairs. And those things are easy to superposition. The split photons can make a new type of mechanical quantum computer possible. And when quantum computers turn more common, more and more users can get access to those systems. And that causes its risks. 

The fact is that the qubits are more sensitive to outside effects than binary systems. Things like error correlations require another quantum computer. In the classic model, the system uses two quantum computers. And if the gravitational waves or FRBs affect both of those systems. The error detection doesn't work. But there is the possibility that the system uses two waves for detecting errors. The system sends information twice through those systems. And if the answers are the same, the system can give the right answer. 

A hybrid quantum-classical computer can solve the problem of how to drive the information in and out of the quantum system. That kind of system can switch between quantum and binary states. 

That means real portable quantum computers are far away in the future. Or they might be closer than we expect. The thing is that there is a new type of system that can change between quantum and binary systems. The system drives information in those hybrid systems in the binary form. And then the system turns itself into a quantum state. That system can make it easier to drive data in and out of the quantum system. 

Researchers are working hard to make better qubits. That thing makes it possible to create new and more powerful systems that can maintain the qubits longer time. And maybe tomorrow quantum computers will turn all other systems old-fashion. But there is a lot of work to make that kind of thing.

The new material will revolutionize night vision and energy production.

We can imagine how sharp the night vision system could be if every LCD cell is connected to an individual photovoltaic cell. In that model, every photovoltaic cell gives electric impulses to its LCD cell. That thing makes it possible to create a lightweight system where miniaturized photovoltaic cells act like mesh eyes. This technology allows the controlling of small-size submarines even in human blood veins. 

That kind of system can make it possible to create night-vision glasses that cannot be blinded by flashing lights. And those glasses can be installed in the kevlar- or titanium-carbon-fiber mask that protects the user from small stones and slow bullets. The user can use this kind of intelligent glasses in the daytime. Engineers can install this type of small camera that acts as a sight to guns. 

Developers can install this kind of wireless action camera in the place of the laser point, or it can be integrated into the laser point. The laser point can act as a laser microphone and target marker. And it can also see what kinds of chemicals are in the air. And that system allows shooters to shoot around the corners. With very high accuracy. Also, things like pocket-size drones can send their data to augmented reality glasses. 

Those systems can also follow spoken words and use voice commands. Or maybe someday the BCI makes it possible to control drones and other devices and exchange information between humans and implanted animals. The things like "Neuralink" microchips are making it possible to control animals like dogs by using regular GSM telephones. 

The same hybrid material that can make this thing possible can also make it possible to create wearable computer vests. There could be a special pocket in the bulletproof vests for those computers. Those wearable computers could be very lightweight and powerful 2D computer technology. That kind of system is making a revolution in the military and civil world. 

Engineers can transform every single mobile telephone into a HUD screen for larger computers. The mobile telephone requires only the application that allows it to connect to the computer by using the BlueTooth. In that case, the mobile telephone acts like a virtual screen. And the system can benefit the positioning system and tilt sensors. So when the user turns their head the VR system can make the illusion that the person is in a virtual space like a virtual room. That system can also be connected to robots. And when the user turns their head, that thing makes the robot's head turns. The user can see and hear things that the robot sees and hears. 

Even if we don't use augmented reality while we are jogging that kind of technology is safer than regular screens. If the users of the computers are using HUD glasses nobody can see what they are writing or making with their computers. Augmented reality makes it possible to create safe computers. The user might use the virtual keyboard that is seen in the HUD glasses. 

When the users of those systems are using virtual keyboards they must simply put their index finger at a certain point, and then tell the system that the finger is on the letter "A". Then the AI creates a virtual keyboard in front of the user's eyes. Then the AI simply follows the points where the fingers are. And if there is some kind of problem to see touches, the user can use voice commands for positioning letters. 

Those HUD glasses with the action camera can be connected to the computer wirelessly by using BlueTooth. The user of that kind of system can carry the computer that is like a box in the bag, or there could be a special pocket for that system in the jacket. 

And if the user waits for the flight or trains the system can connect itself with the station's timetable. When the train is coming the system tells that the vehicle is leaving. And in that case, the system user can simply stand up and walk to the right door. Of course, the system can know how fast the person walks, and that tells the incoming train or another vehicle early enough.


New systems allow researchers to follow cellular communication wirelessly.

"To improve biosensing techniques that can aid in diagnosis and treatment, MIT researchers developed tiny, wireless antennas that use l...