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The new bizarre Wigner crystal is made purely of electrons.


 The new bizarre Wigner crystal is made purely of electrons. 

The new large-size Wigner crystal is made of pure electrons. That kind of structure can make it possible to create a new type of time crystals. The time crystals are the thing that is the "quantum-size perpetual motion machine".  The atoms are in repetitive movement in time crystals. 

Which means the energy is surrounding through the atom row. And then it would return to the quantum field that surrounds the atom row which sways back and forth. Making that quantum perpetual machine real the system requires a minimum energy level. 

The thing is that the time crystal can transfer and store data in a quantum computer. But that thing can also use to create zero-point energy. The outcome radiation will increase the energy level of the atoms in the time crystals. 

And that energy can transfer to the Bose-Einstein condensate. But the time crystal can also be used to load electrons to storage. And the electron-based Wigner is one of the most fundamental electric storage in history. 

But the thing is that the Wigner crystal that is made by using only electrons is stopped electricity. That thing can make it possible to create an extremely high energetic battery. If the electrons are stored in the flowing Wigner crystal they can conduct to the electric circuit or particle accelerators. 

There are two ways to increase the speed of the electrons in the electric wire. The first is to increase the number of released electrons. And the second one is to connect the object where is a loss of electrons to the electric wire.  When some atoms are losing electrons that means they are traveling away from it. 

When electrons are leaving their atom. They are leaving a hole in the electron core. The other electrons would fill those places in the electron cores. The flow of electrons and electricity is based on that phenomenon. If the flowing electrons in that pure electron Wigner crystal are surrounded with positive ions the electrons are traveling to the cores of those ions. 

This new Wigner crystal can benefit from the new type of motor and ultra-powerful acoustic solutions. 

If we would make the Wigner crystal by using only electrons. That thing can raise the speed of sound higher than it's in the neutron stars. And that system can make the new type of motors possible. When the soundwave travels through that material it releases its kinetic energy to the air while it slows its speed. 

The speed of sound is increasing when the particles of the material are turning smaller. The metallic hydrogen would make the ultimate membrane for increasing the speed of soundwaves. But if the membrane is made by using protons or neutrons that thing can make it possible to increase the speed of sound to an extreme level. 

When we are thinking about the possibility to send soundwaves through metallic hydrogen. That thing means when the soundwaves would face atmosphere. It would slow and release their energy as in the form of the blast. 

The speed of sound could be 180 000 km/s in the neutron star. But it could be higher in the Wigner crystal. The reason for that is that the electrons are smaller than the neutrons. And the top of the speed of sound would be in the quark material. If somewhere in the star that is formed of the quarks the speed of sound would be even higher in that star than in neutron stars. 

When we think about the speed of sound inside a neutron star it's 60% of the speed of light. If we would make the extremely thin.  And at the same thick material that has the same density as neutron stars. There is the possibility to make the soundwave that travels at extremely high speed. 

The idea is that. There is made the neutron membrane by using neutrons that are pushed together by using electromagnetic fields. Or two Wigner crystals. Then the soundwave would send through that structure. The speed of sound would be extreme when it strikes to air. And when it slows it releases an extremely high energy level. 

That kind of system where the connected neutrons are increasing the speed of sound. Can use as jet engines in the air. But that thing can use to create extremely devastating weapons. Making this thing real there must make a layer where the material is similar to neutron stars.


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