Friday, November 5, 2021

NASA is launching DART (Double Asteroid Redirection Test) to space

The DART (Double Asteroid Redirection Test) vehicle's computer is equipped with multipurpose artificial intelligence that allows it to navigate to an asteroid. Then that probe shoots the asteroid by using kinetic energy arrows that can turn the asteroid out of its course. The thing in this kind of operation is to keep the asteroid in one piece. The DART is using the impact technique where the satellite is impacting the asteroid. Pushing it away from the trajectory. 

The idea is that DART itself will push the asteroid to another trajectory. But maybe the future versions of that kind of system are the darts. Small sub-probes that are impacting asteroid and then push it. When we are thinking about kinetic energy vehicles. Also, so-called dummy rockets can use for pushing asteroids away from their course. The rockets might equip with an impact cushion or gel head that makes the impact softer. At first, the manipulator's arm will throw the rocket into an asteroid. Then they would touch the surface of the asteroid. And that thing activates the rocket engines. 

There is there might be also the possibility to use soft-head rockets. Those are not penetrating the asteroids. If we think of the possibility that the system is used for asteroid mining. 

The penetration ammunition would be more useful if the purpose of the system is to cut the asteroid in pieces. The idea is that the penetrating ammunition would start to resonate in the asteroid. And that will break the asteroid to pieces. And those pieces can pull near Earth where they can drop to the ground by using return capsules. 

The small-size intelligent rockets can also use in ASAT or killer satellites. The idea of this kind of killer satellite is that it would shoot the lower orbiter satellites with its darts. And then it would push those satellites back to the atmosphere without breaking their core. The internal artificial intelligence makes it possible that the satellite can search the target satellites without communication between it and ground stations. So the satellite can be silent when it approaches its target and shoots the impact vehicle to it. 

When we are thinking about the kinetic energy systems that are just pushing asteroids away from the trajectory those systems might be useful for the killer satellites. If the satellite shoots the target by using the gel or some other impact cushion that keeps the target in one piece. 

But it makes it fall to the ocean. Keeping the target satellites in one piece is a very good idea because that keeps the orbiter clean from the debris. The killer satellites are suitable systems for destroying enemy communication and recon satellites. Also, things like orbiter lasers can turn away from their course by using the pushing impact ammunition. The rocket will simply push the laser weapon to the atmosphere.


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