Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Is the new Great Wall of China the thing that gives China superiority in technology?

 Is the new Great Wall of China the thing that gives China superiority in technology?

One of the top actors in quantum computing and artificial intelligence is the People's Republic of China. Those things are important for creating new aircraft, space systems, and communication tools. 

And one of the most powerful quantum computers run on China territory. The Chinese government is introduced many futuristic and powerful weapons like hypersonic cruise missiles and stealth bombers to the world. So how did this happen? 

When we are thinking about the situation that made it possible that Europeans could go to China and take everything they wanted the reason for that was the Wall of China. Before the wall was built China was one of the most advanced nations in the world. 

Then Chinese built the Great Wall, and China left without cultural and scientific exchange with surrounding nations. So when the Europeans arrived they faced the old-fashion military that used equipment from the 12th century. But what if the Chinese would let the information come through the wall? Today China is surrounded by a firewall. 

The Wall of China made cyber-attacks possible. The information came through China's information wall. Allowed that the scientific and technical data could pass that firewall. And by using the data that was collected from net China can create many powerful tools. And the quantum systems make it possible that China will be more powerful. 

Quantum computers allow handling the incredible mass of data. And that thing allows controlling every citizen individually. But the quantum systems also allow that cyber attacks will be more effective. 

The thing is that the Wall of China is effecting also other ways. China has been collected the western high-tech industry in its territory. That thing makes it possible to copy the solutions as an example from the mobile application to the Chinese products. The mobile solutions are interested in the military like the PLA (People's Liberation Army). 

So could there happen that the similar effect that once made China easy cake for conquerors will turn opposite against Europe and the USA? The firewall of China makes it possible to hide the new projects without nobody can disturb those people. There is the possibility that the Chinese weapon and other systems would turn more advanced, flexible, and powerful than the European and American systems. 

The thing that benefits the Chinese leaders and projects is that there is nobody in China. Who criticizes the projects or resources that are put in them. Nobody can resist the projects controlled by the PLA. And that thing makes very fast research and development projects possible. So China can work with very high-scale space and aviation designs, and nobody cannot danger those projects. 

When nations are building walls, they are isolating. That thing can create the false and dangerous feeling that the nation behind the wall is safe. When the Chinese build their wall they thought that they were safe. But that thing caused that they didn't know the advantages that other nations made. And that old-fashion army with old fashion equipment made China an easy target for intruders. 

But the Great Wall also acts another way. It also isolates other nations from the advantages that are made in China. When China introduced its most modern weapons sometimes introduced a question. Are we the same way victims of the Great Wall as the Chinese were when Europeans came? Is the Chinese equipment turn too powerful for us? 



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