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Showing posts from November, 2021

The most accurate sensors in the world are basing the artificial spiderweb structure.

 The most accurate sensors in the world are basing the artificial spiderweb structure.  Spiderweb has been to model the most precise sensors in the world. The spiderweb sensor would use the network structure that is stressed with laser rays. The laser ray can measure the oscillation in the spiderweb structure. Or spiderweb-antenna can also detect the changes in the brightness of the laser or maser ray. And that thing can make it possible to create an ultra-powerful sensor system.  There is the possibility to create an antenna that uses the spider web structure. The laser or maser ray that is targeted to the spiderweb sensor can collect data from distant targets. When the electromagnetic radiation hits the laser ray it affects its brightness. And that thing allows the sensor to observe the radiation. The laser or maser ray can act as the virtual antenna that collects data from the environment. That kind of virtual receiver is also giving the small-size systems a very powerful signal-cat

And by the way, how do packman robots find their targets?

 And by the way, how do packman robots find their targets? One of the most effective ways to make the biorobot find its target. Is to use the small nanorobot that carries small cells that will produce the nutrient fiber. The nanorobot will carry the fiber to the wanted target, and then the biorobot will follow that nutrient fiber. Then the biorobot would travel to the right position. There is the possibility that there are small crystals inside that biological machine.  When the acoustic signal will deliver it will break those crystals. There is the possibility that the crystals involve the enzyme.  That removes the DNA from the nucleus of that manipulated cell. Then another crystal will deliver the new DNA to the nucleus of the cell. And that kind of technology makes it possible to change the form of the cell.  That means the cells can turn to create the enzymes or they can turn into neurons. And maybe that kind of technology allows fixing even brain damages. The ability to make copie

Self-replicant biorobots are the reality now.

   Self-replicant biorobots are the reality now.  "As Pac-man-shaped Xenobot “parents” move around their environment, they collect loose stem cells in their “mouths” that, over time, aggregate to create “offspring” Xenobots that develop to look just like their creators. Credit: Doug Blackiston and Sam Kriegman"( The researchers are made the very first biorobots that can self replicate. Biorobots are genetically engineered organisms that are programmed to make some missions. Synthetic DNA or RNA makes it possible to create organisms that can make many things. As an example, they can take the stem cells to the right position.  The self-replicant biorobots can use to fix the damages in organs or blood veins. The robots would be the bacteria that are homing to the walls of the veins. And then they can turn to the part of the veins or they can connect to other nanomachines.  The synthetic nanorobots

The new ion drive makes aircraft operate without moving parts.

     The new ion drive makes aircraft operate without moving parts.  Ion drive is making it possible to create an aircraft that flies without moving parts.  In this kind of model, the ion system can get energy from the small turbogenerators. Or it can deliver from Earth by using the maser rays.  There are many models of what this kind of airplane can look like. The film above this text introduces the MIT solution. There is a very interesting similarity between this concept and Wright-brothers Flyer I from Kitty Hawk that flew the first motorized flight in 1900.  The thrust of that kind of ion engine that is introduced in the film is not very big. But if the system is equipped with internal turbines, it can be a powerful tool. The fact is that the regular jet turbine can also equip with an ion assistant. That means that the air will ionize at the front of the engine.  And then it will pull backward past the combustion chamber. Also, the ion system can use to accelerate the air at the st

Researchers can read the jellyfish's mind.

 Researchers can read the jellyfish's mind. For making new. And more effective BCI chips (Brain-Computer Interfaces). Researchers should know precisely how the neurons are working. In the human brain is 200 billion neurons which is making observation of the actions of single neurons difficult. That's why the research must begin by using species whose neural systems are simpler than humans. And one of them is jellyfish.  The deep knowledge of the actions of neurons helps to connect certain changes in EEG curves to certain actions in the body. The BCI can make the revolution in nanotechnology and robot control. But when we are thinking about the possibility to model the simple neural structures. Researchers can create new and more independent nanomachines. There are three types of BCI systems that are under development.  1) The BCI (Brain-Computer Interface) is connected with human brains. And that thing is the thing that is used to control prosthetics. But the same systems can a

The nanoparticles that can destroy harmful organisms can be the next step in medical research.

 The nanoparticles that can destroy harmful organisms can be the next step in medical research.  The beginning of the research of the nanoparticles was when researchers asked: "why smoked meat and fish last better than without smoking". The answer was that the small carbon bites in make killed harmful bacteria. Then the researchers thought that if those small carbon bites could connect with nutrients or some enzymes. That makes the harmful organisms eat those carbon bites.  The thing is that this kind of nanotechnology can be effective also against viruses. Nanomachines can destroy infected cells before they are producing viruses. But the problem is how to detect the cells that are carrying viruses.  The weak point of the virus is that it should find the cell before it can make the descendants. And if those infected cells are detected they can be destroýred. If there are some kind of anomalies in their use of nutrients. The nanomachine would just connect to those nutrients an

The new multi-use microchips can vanish when they finish their job. And they can revolutionize medicine and other things.

The new multi-use microchips can vanish when they finish their job. And they can revolutionize medicine and other things.  The film above this text introduces the new type of implanted microchip that can melt and vanish after it's done its job. The implanted microchip is only the core that contains multiple functions. And the new type of microchips vanishes after they are done their job.  The carrier organism is a good tool to position the microchips to the right position. The microchips are injected into things like worms or other parasites that go to certain organs. And then, the programmed cell death or scientifically saying apoptosis will terminate those carrier parasites.  And those carriers-organisms can transfer to people bodies by using injection. Those carrier organisms can also carry things like osteocytes to broken bones. Nanotechnology makes those things a very multi-use system. Those microchips can equip with ultra-small ultrasound or even an X-ray system, and they can

Can other universes form of dark matter?

     Can other universes form of dark matter?  The image above: The Hubble image of the Hourglass Nebula. Was the Big Bang look like this? What makes material visible? The answer is reflection. But also the expansion of the universe causes an effect that wave movement and photons would start to transfer out of material faster. The energy would travel from the higher energetic areas to the area where is a lower energy level.  The material is visible only if photons are traveling away from it. If the material is lower energetic than its environment. That is causing a situation that energy travels in the material. And that turns material to shadow.  And that causes that the energy level of the material turns lower and the material is turn to wave movement. When the universe expands, the quantum fields inside it turn weaker.  And if we could make material where quarks and other particles are a different size than the visible material that thing would be invisible to us. The reason for that

Deep neural networks are revolutionizing astronomy and many other things.

    Deep neural networks are revolutionizing astronomy and many other things. Deep learning means that the person would know how to act in certain situations. "Learning" means. The person would know how to in any situation that connects with a certain case. But deep learning means that the actor also knows why something is done in a certain case?  And also, the actor can predict some situations. In the computer world, the prediction means that the solution like some movement series will upload to RAM (Read Access Memory for) immediate use.  Deep neural networks in the service of astronomers are opening the road for a new type of artificial intelligence. The idea of the deep neural network is searching the exoplanets is that the system is following a certain well-known exoplanet using multiple different types of telescopes. And then, that system would make the database about the observations. Then the network is trying to look for the phenomenon that is matching with recorded

The same lunar-concept rovers can operate at the moon, the bottom of the oceans, and dry land.

    The same lunar-concept rovers can operate at the moon, the bottom of the oceans, and dry land.  Image 1) Above this text is an interesting lunar-rover concept. A modified Tesla cyber truck that could operate in a vacuum. The electric car can operate always in a vacuum and the thing is that the modification is needed only when the vehicle must be pressurized. There are three ways to make the rover that can operate on the moon.  The first version just uses the standard but armored vehicle, and in that case, the astronauts must wear full lunar suits which protects them against cosmic radiation and micrometeorites. The second version is to connect the radiation protection to that vehicle. This thing means that astronauts can use lighter suits. But in the case of an accident, this can be risky business.  And in the "luxury model," the moon rover has a pressurized cabin where the astronauts can take off their lunar suits. The lunar rover can be locally or remote-controlled. The

Skyrmions were modeled by using a beam of light.

     Skyrmions were modeled by using a beam of light.  Skyrmion can use to make the models of black holes and also as the quantum circular saw.  The image above this text introduces the skyrmion that formed around the wave movement. The wave movement acts like a pillar that is forming a skyrmion around it. This kind of model can use to make models about the things like black holes and wormholes. The black hole would make the X- or gamma-ray beam that acts as the giant super skyrmion.  The skyrmion is not a particle. It's the one kind of magnetic field that orbits the wave movement. Or rather saying skyrmions are forming of quantum lightning. Normal-size lightning is the flow of electrons. But in the quantum world, the lighting is like small strings.  The other version of the fuzzball theory of the Black Holes is that Balck Holes themselves are not destroying the information. The giant skyrmion around then is the thing that destroys the information.  Skyrmions are given an idea that

Is the new Great Wall of China the thing that gives China superiority in technology?

 Is the new Great Wall of China the thing that gives China superiority in technology? One of the top actors in quantum computing and artificial intelligence is the People's Republic of China. Those things are important for creating new aircraft, space systems, and communication tools.  And one of the most powerful quantum computers run on China territory. The Chinese government is introduced many futuristic and powerful weapons like hypersonic cruise missiles and stealth bombers to the world. So how did this happen?  When we are thinking about the situation that made it possible that Europeans could go to China and take everything they wanted the reason for that was the Wall of China. Before the wall was built China was one of the most advanced nations in the world.  Then Chinese built the Great Wall, and China left without cultural and scientific exchange with surrounding nations. So when the Europeans arrived they faced the old-fashion military that used equipment from the 12th c

The brains will be predicting their perception.

     The brains will be predicting their perception. Brains are predicting their perception. And that thing makes them energy efficient. When the information comes from the senses, it will not activate all neurons immediately.   When the signal comes as an example from the eyes to the optic lobe.  At the occipital, there is also a system or a group of neurons which mission is to recognize threats. If those neurons would not recognize the threat they will send that signal to the optic lobe. There the signal will transmit to the activator neurons that are selecting the tracks.  Where the optic lobe preprocesses and resends senses signals, they reach the activator neurons. Those neurons will not activate all neurons right away. Their mission is to tell can the neuron group handle the data that is sent.  When the signal comes to neural structure, only a couple of neurons that mission is to route the signal to the right neuron group will activate. They are waiting for the response. And if s

The GPS-free navigation

 The GPS-free navigation The GPS-system is playing a vital role in everyday life. That system is required in many everyday applications. But in the military area, the GPS is even more important than people even imagine. The GPS-guided bombs allow the aircraft can close their target freely from any direction.  The recon satellite must only locate the target from any point of Earth. And then it must just deliver that point to the attack systems. And then the GPS-guided system will fly the aircraft to the target.  The GPS makes also possible to locate own ground troops very accurate. And then the attack plane can attack the enemy with pinpoint accuracy. And this is the reason why the GPS satellites are the primary targets for the ASAT (Anti-Satellite) weapons. And that is the reason why GPS-free navigation is under development.  One of the simplest versions of the GPS-free navigation that can operate without GPS is the inertial navigation system. If the inertial navigation systems are ope

Quantum computers are solving problems of processor-based multitasking.

    Quantum computers are solving problems of processor-based multitasking. Quantum computers are solving one of the biggest problems in the computer world. That thing is processor-based multitasking. When we are thinking about binary systems the multitasking is virtual. In Windows- and other multitasking systems the active software is the thing that is driven through the processor. And other open software is waiting until the operating system calls them.  The activation of the program happens when the user of the system clicks the software and activates the next application. So in the virtual multitasking system, the software or application reserves the entire processor where the data travels. The thing is that most of the time the processor is not using its entire power. And if processor-based multitasking is possible the processor could use a part of its capacity for other missions.  But in binary systems,  the processor must reserve its entire capacity for the task. There has been

Why shooting a grenade to orbiter is so hard?

Why shooting a grenade to orbiter is so hard? The fictional "Columbiad" could shoot a shell to the moon. The image is from Jules Verne's fictional novel "From the Earth to the Moon".  Can movement continue forever? If we are thinking about things that are larger than some quantum-size objects: the answer is no. And the reason for that thing is friction. When a thing like a grenade travels through the air, the ammunition transfers the kinetic energy to the air molecules. And that thing sucks the energy that is loaded into the grenade when it is left from the cannon.  Another thing that is slowing the grenade or ammunition in the air is the vacuum behind the ammunition. And that thing would pull the projectile backward. So shooting the grenade to the orbiter is a very difficult thing.  Because of those slowing effects, the shell requires an extremely high punch that will break everything inside the shell.  There is the possibility to make the grenade or other ammu

The new bizarre Wigner crystal is made purely of electrons.

     The new bizarre Wigner crystal is made purely of electrons.  The new large-size Wigner crystal is made of pure electrons. That kind of structure can make it possible to create a new type of time crystals. The time crystals are the thing that is the "quantum-size perpetual motion machine".  The atoms are in repetitive movement in time crystals.  Which means the energy is surrounding through the atom row. And then it would return to the quantum field that surrounds the atom row which sways back and forth. Making that quantum perpetual machine real the system requires a minimum energy level.  The thing is that the time crystal can transfer and store data in a quantum computer. But that thing can also use to create zero-point energy. The outcome radiation will increase the energy level of the atoms in the time crystals.  And that energy can transfer to the Bose-Einstein condensate. But the time crystal can also be used to load electrons to storage. And the electron-based Wig

The black box problem

    The black box problem When we see the black box, we see only the core of the thing. And the thing that is in the box remains a mystery before we open it.  The black box problem is the thing that we know that there are bites in the box. We know that there is the possibility that there is a DVD. Or any other merchandise in the box. But we don't know what kind of merchandise or item is in that black box. The thing is that. We know what kind of merchandise we order or what should put in the box. There is the possibility that the deliverer has made mistake and sent the wrong box to the wrong place. We know what should be in the box. But only the physical observation confirms the information. The fact is that we are just assuming the thing that should be in the box. We cannot be sure and confirm the information before we see what is in the box.  We can predict that there is a certain thing. But we don't know what exactly is in the box. The "black box" testing means that

Cancer cells are real-life vampires.

  Cancer cells are real-life vampires. Image: (ScitechDaily/Cancer Cells Use “Tiny Tentacles” To Suck Mitochondria Out of Immune Cells) Natural nanotechnology makes immune cells powerful. But the same thing gives cancer cells active defense against the immune system.  The cancer cells are fighting more actively against the immune cells than predicted. The images above this text show that the mitochondria are traveling from the T-cells to the cancer cells. So cancer cell is like energy vampire that sucks mitochondria away from the immune cells.  Natural nanotechnology is an impressive thing. The immune cells are using natural nanotubes to fight against bacteria. But the new thing is that also cancer cells are using similar technology against immune cells. The nanotubes or tiny tentacles can pull the mitochondria out from immune cells. And that thing makes cancer cells more destructive than they should be.  The question is why evolution has been created that kind of cell? If we think tha

The AI can help to predict "black swans", low-probability, high-risk events such as earthquakes, and pandemics.

  The AI can help to predict "black swans", low-probability, high-risk events such as earthquakes, and pandemics.  The term black swan means extremely extraordinary. But possible cases have a great influence on the things that are happening. So the "black swan" is a low-probability but high-risk event. Sometimes those "black swans" are positive. And that means the terms "high-effect or high influence" can replace the term "high-risk". Two of the black swans are, of course, an alien invasion and large-scale nuclear accidents.  Nuclear accidents like Chernobyl and Fukushima are things that are done. But the things that went wrong should store in the database. And the AI can tell the crew that uses the nuclear reactor that "you are acting like in Chernobyl". In the case of Chernobyl, nobody mentioned to the staff that the reactor was poisoned with Xenon, and then a couple of more mistakes caused that the reactor exploded.  The mi

Machine learning brings social skills to robots.

 Machine learning brings social skills to robots.  Things like social skills are important for robots that are working with humans. The skills like saying "pardon me, I'm hurrying" are interactive methods to tell that robot has some kind of mission. If we are thinking the case that robot works in warehouses and collect the stuff from the shelves.  There is needed to tell people if they are closing the road. As an example the case that the robot collects food. That requires cold storage robot should tell people that it is in a hurry or its load is warming. So the people should step away from it, or the food is going bad.  That thing means the robot has not had the entire day. To wait for those people will step away from its route. This is one example where the robot should communicate with people. In some other examples, the people are standing in the working area of the welding robots without protective masks. And that means robots should tell that they should use dark gl

The robot eye

The robot eye In some visions, the person would have small cameras that can be put to the cap of the hat or helmet. And those small cameras are sending the data straight to the human brain. That thing can make the "eagle's vision" to every people. The idea for that system is taken from the robot's eyes. The prosthesis is meant to return the vision to the people whose eyes are lost their eyes.  A surgeon can implant those robot eyes. Or eye prostheses behind the membrane of the eye. And that means there is also the sense in that kind of system. So nobody doesn't notice that the eye has been replaced by using the CCD camera that is sending the signals to the optic nerve- Or straight to the optic lobe of the brain. That thing is done by pulling the wires to the optic lobe.  And then the electrodes that are making the stimulation will connect to the membrane over those areas.  There is also the possibility to make a similar system. That sends the signals from the micr

Artificial intelligence and robotics are meant to serve humans.

When we are creating innovations, we must understand the influence of that thing. Every invention in history has some kind of influence on society. And that kind of thing means that we should look at new inventions carefully that we understand the purpose and abilities of those things. Marketing is a great part of modern inventions because that helps to get financial support for those projects.  The robot called "Sophia" is one of the most interesting examples of robots. That might serve us tomorrow. That robot is one of the tools that are used for marketing the robots. That can emulate human behavior and emotions. Those kinds of robots are created for many purposes from the military to law enforcement. The thing that makes those robots interesting is that they can use for security, intelligence, and military operations.  And the thing that determines the abilities of robots is their programming. The thing is that Sophia is one of the most impressive examples of robots and th

The small-size autonomous ekranoplans might have many uses in the civil and military world.

We all remember the Soviet Ekranoplan called the "Caspian sea monster".(1).  The large-size ground-effect plane that planned for fast amphibious, and anti-ship, and anti-submarine platform. There were also other but smaller projects like four A-90 "Orlynok" ekranoplans. Those were in test drive with the Soviet Navy.  The successor of the "Caspian sea monster" was the "Lun"-class ekranoplan, which was in service from 1988 to the late 1990s. Those ekranoplans or ground-effect (WIG (Wing-In Ground)or GEV (Ground-Effect Vehicles) aircraft planned to make low altitude attacks against the enemy fleet and transport troops so fast that the enemy could not react to those operations.  There is planned to make ship-size ekranoplans. But those projects remain at the level of drawings. But the small-size ekranoplans can be acting as the sea-skimming cruise missile. The origin of that idea is also in Soviet Navy. The giant Bartini-Beriev VVA-14 (5)officially p

Russian new antisatellite test endangered the ISS crew.

Russia made a new ASAT (Anti-Satellite) test. This test is made by using debris that is launched against the trajectory of the target satellite. This kind of ASAT weapon is simplest as possible. The last stage of the rocket will load by using metal balls or other debris.  Then that debris will launch against the target satellite by using the small detonator behind that ammunition. The ASAT tests are the new demonstration of the will to create weapons that deny the use of satellites.  The satellites have many missions in the military world like targeting, locating, and communication. If the ASAT destroys GPS (or GLONASS), recon and communication satellites. That thing will make military operations more difficult than they would be. The nuclear forces would not have their launching codes if those satellites are destroyed. And also drone swarms and smart GPS-controlled weapons will be useless if the communication and  GPS shut down. The other targets for the killer satellites would be the