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Showing posts from February, 2024

Beyond Moore's law (Virtual quantum computers)

    Beyond Moore's law (Virtual quantum computers)  "Researchers at City University of Hong Kong have introduced a groundbreaking approach in semiconductor technology using mixed-dimensional transistors. This innovation paves the way for more efficient, high-performance electronics, overcoming the challenges of traditional downscaling and highlighting a significant leap towards advanced, multifunctional integrated circuits." (ScitechDaily, Beyond Moore’s Law: New Strategy for Developing Highly Versatile Electronics With Outstanding Performance Discovered) The virtual quantum computer.  The new state of magnetism called "alter magnetism" makes it possible to create a microprocessor tower, where each layer acts as one state of the qubit. The University of Hong Kong developed a multi-state transistor. There is the possibility that the next-generation binary computer microchips can involve multiple binary processor layers. Those processor towers can act like virtual

The nanodroplets and nanopolymers can be the next-generation tools for nanotechnology.

"A schematic illustration depicting the generation of microdroplets through the integration of inverse colloidal crystal structures into a microfluidic system. The system demonstrated the capability to produce over 10,000 droplets per second. Credit: Masumi Yamada from Chiba University" (ScitechDaily, Pore Power Unleashed: Revolutionizing Microfluidics With High-Speed Droplet Production)  The high-speed droplet production can benefit systems that transport lots of viruses. Or otherways packed genetic material in the targeted cell cultures. The high-speed droplets can used to clean electric components or remove non-wanted cells from layers. Those systems also can destroy targeted cells shooting them with high-speed droplets.  The nanodroplets can revolutionize fluids. The nanodroplets can used as acoustic transmitters. In that case, the droplet that can be gelatinous or hard will send in the structure. Then acoustic system makes that thing resonate. That resonance will send so

Fusion energy: are we any closer than before?

"This image shows a cutaway rendering of SPARC, a compact, high-field, DT burning tokamak, currently under design by a team from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Commonwealth Fusion Systems. Its mission is to create and confine a plasma that produces net fusion energy." (Credits:Image: CFS/MIT-PSFC — CAD Rendering by T. Henderson) (MIT, Validating the physics behind the new MIT-designed fusion experiment) There are many reports of breakthroughs in fusion systems and fusion technology. And many people wait for new energy to form like the moon from the sky. The fusion energy would solve entire energy problems on Earth. But the problem is how to make a commercial fusion reactor.  The temperature in those reactors is very high. If that plasma, that orbits the reactor in the wheel, or donut-shaped system touches the wall that thing would destroy the reactor immediately. In stars fusion happens in extremely high pressure and on Earth, the system must compensate for tha

Drones require a new type of defense.

Credit:BigThink Drones are effective weapons. They are small, cheap, and hard to shoot down. Or a defender can shoot down one drone can down if it sees the drone and aims a weapon at it.  When somebody defends targets against drones, they must not get any drone travel through the defense line. The Ukrainian war has shown that simple, so-called dummy drones can cause damage if they are used as large swarms.  Above:" The Huntress II Turbojet hybrid drone promises insane speeds and all-weather operation" WaveAerospace (New Atlas, Huntress hybrid drone packs a 300+ mph turbojet core) The new tool in drone marketing is Huntress, a turbojet-powered quadcopter drone that can travel 30 kilometers. And the speed of that drone is 486 km/h. This kind of quadcopter can be the new type of loitering ammunition. The quadcopter can wait airborne and observe the right moment. Then it can attack against its targets which can be any military targets in the area.  Thermobaric explosives make tho

Hydrogen is carbon-free fuel only if its producer uses carbon-free energy sources.

Hydrogen is an emission-free fuel. When pure hydrogen burns. It produces water. And that makes it the most interesting fuel that replaces natural gas like methane. Nothing limits hydrogen use as fuel in large-scale power plants that use natural gas. But hydrogen is also a promising fuel for small-size systems like local fuel cells and fuel cells that give energy to cars and other vehicles.  One way to make pure hydrogen is to remove carbon from methane gas. But the other version is the electrolysis process. The problem with hydrogen production is where engineers can get green energy for the electrolysis process  In electrolysis, electricity breaks water molecules into hydrogen and oxygen. Renewable energy like wind and solar cells are good tools for producing electricity for electrolysis systems. That produces hydrogen.  Hydrogen fuel cells are systems that allow to make carbon-free vehicles, and larger systems can use hydrogen. In some visions of the hydrogen economy, every single hou

Electric power innovations. Fuel cells in aircraft and solar panels over Arizona canal.

  "ZEROe teams powered on the iron pod, the future hydrogen-propulsion system designed for Airbus’ electric concept aircraft." (Intersting Engineering, Airbus's ZEROe: First engine fuel cell powers up for hydrogen flight) Electric power innovations. Fuel cells in aircraft and solar panels over Arizona canal.  Airbus Zero is a testbed for fuel cells that are used in commercial aircraft. The problem with aircraft is always noise and pollution. If the aircraft uses electric engines. That decreases noise levels and cleans the air, especially around airfields. Lightweight solar panels that can be installed on the wings and body of aircraft can give electricity to electric engines. And they can extend an aircraft's operational range.   The thing that makes this kind of system interesting is that the "flying cars" or cheap VTOL aircraft can use them as a power source. The hydrogen power cells can give energy to electric aircraft at night time. And that makes them m