Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Technical telepathy. And its risks.

"A team from Duke University has created a speech prosthetic that translates brain signals into speech, aiding individuals with neurological disorders. While still slower than natural speech, the technology, backed by advanced brain sensors and ongoing research, shows promising potential for enhanced communication abilities. (Artist’s concept) Credit: SciTechDaily.com" (ScitechDaily.com/Not Science Fiction: Brain Implant May Enable Communication From Thoughts Alone)

The BCI (Brain-Computer Interface) allows one to communicate with thoughts. But those systems have their risks. Technical telepathy means the (usually) surgically implanted microchips that can offer an interface to other computers. And if hackers can hack that microchip, the results could be catastrophic. 

The AI and neuro- or brain implants allow people to communicate using thoughts. This kind of thing is also revolutionizing BCI systems. Those microchips can interact with other species' nervous systems. And they also can transmit information from the surveillance cameras. The idea is that those microchips send signals straight to the brain lobe, which is responsible for certain senses. 

In interactive brain implants, the AI decodes EEG to thoughts to text application that sends the data to command lines. The system can benefit the Wernicke-lobe that produces speech. In the case where a robot or computer sends data to a certain brain lobe, that thing allows the system to create virtual memories. Because that kind of system passes normal neural tracks it causes the effect that a person cannot separate real memories from the memories that this system transmitted to the brain. 

They are allowed to use cell phones using thoughts. This kind of system can be the base for the next-generation technical PSI or remote view. Neuroimplats are impressive tools that can control robotic exobodies and other robots. The fact is that the neuro-implanted person can also control dogs and bugs that are under microchip control using their brainwaves. Researchers make work with BCI systems that don't require surgical operations. Those systems are so easy to wear as hats. 

The misuse of the BCI is possible. The system can create false memories and control people's thoughts. This thing should be mentioned when researchers are working with interactive BCI systems. Surgically implanted chips are dangerous if somebody hacks them. And this is one reason why this kind of research must be public. 

The AI and the BCI systems that decode human thoughts can be terrifying tools in the wrong hands. The system can used to control people. And in some very scary visions, the interactive BCI system will read all thoughts. That humans have. And then if it sees marks of rebellion, the system stimulates the brain areas that control pain. These kinds of systems are scary and effective things. 

AI is one of the systems that are concerned with marketing. Things like our knowledge of subconsciousness allow the AI to create material that affects, especially subconsciousness. This is the reason, why the Internet should filter things like subliminal effects from marketing materials. Also, people who work with the BCI should be careful because if the microchip that is used to communicate with computers is hacked, that can cause catastrophic situations. 




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