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Retroposons and AI are excellent tools for medical work and genetic mapping.

   Retroposons and AI are excellent tools for medical work and genetic mapping. 

The AI works with genetics and medicals. 

The AI, or "co-scientist" is the ultimate tool for medical research. But the same AI can make many other things like finding certain DNA sequences. The AI can search billions of DNA samples finding anomalies. And then the AI can search the medical data of people.

Who has certain anomalies in the DNA? There is also the possibility that the mice have certain DNA sequences that act similarly to human DNA. So if the system injects manipulated DNA where is that anomaly in the mice, that can tell how the genome models behavior of the mice. 

Retroposons and retrotransposons are a little bit different things.  "Retrotransposons (also called Class I transposable elements or transposons via RNA intermediates) are a type of genetic component that copy and paste themselves into different genomic locations (transposon) by converting RNA back into DNA through the reverse transcription process using an RNA transposition intermediate." (Wikipedia/Retrotransposon)

"In contrast to retrotransposons, retroposons never encode reverse transcriptase (RT). Therefore, they are non-autonomous elements with regard to transposition activity (as opposed to transposons). " (Wikipedia/Retroposon)

"Non-long terminal repeat (LTR) retrotransposons such as the human LINE1 elements are sometimes falsely referred to as retroposons. However, this depends on the author. For example, Howard Temin published the following definition: Retroposons encode RT but are devoid of long terminal repeats (LTRs), for example long interspersed elements (LINEs)". (Wikipedia/Retroposon)

"Retrotransposons also feature LTRs and retroviruses, in addition, are packaged as viral particles (virions). Retrosequences are non-autonomous elements devoid of RT. They are retroposed with the aid of the machinery of autonomous elements, such as LINEs; examples are short interspersed nuclear elements (SINEs) or mRNA-derived retro(pseudo)genes". (Wikipedia/Retroposon)

"Research from Duke University overturns previous beliefs about retrotransposons, showing that these DNA sequences actively use cellular mechanisms to form circular shapes and replicate. This finding, which has implications for understanding genetic evolution and diseases, challenges the long-held view that circular DNA is merely an accidental by-product. Credit:" ( Hijackers: How Sneaky Retrotransposons Are Rewriting the DNA Playbook)

"Ring-like circular DNA has been seen copying itself by borrowing some of the cell’s machinery, just as a virus does. Credit: Fu Yang, ZZ Lab at Duke University" ( Hijackers: How Sneaky Retrotransposons Are Rewriting the DNA Playbook)

"Phylogenetic tree of marsupials derived from retroposon data" (Wikipedia/Retroposon)

The human DNA molecule can involve three billion base pairs. The retroposon can transport DNA sequences to the wrong place. Or the DNA sequence. That is in a different place in DNA. Can make the cultivar look different. Than other cultivars in the same phylogenetic tree. 

But the other interesting thing in the DNA is the so-called "retroposons". Retroposon is circular-shaped DNA that transports genomes. Retroposons are DNA sequences that can travel in the genome. The circular DNA plays a vital role in cell replication. The circular DNA plasmids can also control the cell's machinery. 

That thing is also an interesting tool. Artificial retroposons are things that can transport virus resistance to the cells. And the same thing can act as an artificial retrovirus. If the system can create artificial retroposon the system can reprogram cell factories or cell organelles to produce things like antibodies. When retroposon is transported through the cell organelle, the cell organelle can return to its normal duties.


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