Sunday, August 20, 2023

The terahertz technology paves the way for quantum sensing. But it can have medical and weapon solutions.

The terahertz technology paves the way for quantum sensing. But it can have medical and weapon solutions. 

Terahertz technology is a new tool for quantum sensing. Terahertz technology is known from airports where terahertz scanners are searching for weapons hidden under clothes. But quantum sensors can also see people and other objects even through the wall. Unlike traditional infrared and radar sensors, quantum sensors see changes in quantum fields. A quantum field surrounds every single object in the universe.

Quantum fields are not stable or frozen. They are like radiation impulses that travel outside the object. The reason for that radiation is the expansion of the universe. That means every object emits radiation that can be seen even through the wall.

And when that quantum field faces other quantum fields, those quantum fields disturb each other. When radiation hits a quantum field, it increases its energy and causes radiation impulses from that field. And also, radiation is a quantum field. So if there is some object behind the wall, the quantum sensor sees the radiation that reflects from the quantum field around the object.

The radiation that the particles in the object emit can tunnel through the wall. And the sensor can see that radiation as a bubble on the wall. There are two types of terahertz sensors. Passive sensors use natural reflections. And another way is to stress the space by using terahertz radiation, which pumps energy to particles like atoms that are sending terahertz radiation.

"Rice University researchers have identified a way to utilize the “new terahertz gap” using strontium titanate, enabling the development of innovative optical technologies in the 3-19 terahertz range. This discovery could lead to advancements in quantum materials and medical diagnostics". ( Unlocks Terahertz Technology for Quantum Sensing)

Image 2) Material circles around Wolf-Rayet stars form when energy travels out from those stars. All other quantum fields act similar way. Because the universe's expansion along with impacting radiation pikes causes particles to turn higher energy levels than their environment. And that thing causes the energy impulses out from the particle. 

This kind of radiation can rip objects into pieces. The terahertz radiation can disturb and even destroy proteins in the cells. And if a terahertz laser can send radiation through the wall. Using a wavelength that matches that of carbon or iron it causes quantum annealing in those atoms. If energy stress suddenly ends that increases energy flow out from the particles. And that energy rips material into pieces. 

That kind of system can be useful in cancer treatment. The system will make certain cell proteins oscillate pumping energy to them. And that destroys cancer cells. The problem is that the system must find the right frequency that oscillates only proteins in harmful cells. 

That system can push energy into steel objects that will be destroyed when that energy stress ends. Those kinds of abilities make terahertz systems suitable weapons. In some ideas, the killer satellite uses terahertz-lasers that give stress by using silicon frequency. That allows the killer satellite destroys microchips and solar panels in other satellites without harming their shell. 

But maybe in the future, it will be possible to send radiation stress by using some other particles like quarks. If the system can stress quarks with electromagnetic radiation, that will be fundamental in sensor technology. If we want to send radiation whose wavelength is the same as the quark's size, the system must use free quarks.

The energy stress that is sent to those quarks will cause wave movement with the ability to stress quarks. That radiation causes resonance in quarks, and the system can measure the radiation that quarks send when they remove extra energy. The smallest known particles, gluons, offer the ability to observe even smaller objects than quarks. That system requires free gluons. That it stresses using radiation.

The problem with those hypothetical quark- and gluon-based systems is that they can send energy signals that rip quarks away from each other, destroying neutrons and protons. That kind of system can turn those active quantum sensors into weapons that can destroy objects through the wall.

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