The gravitational engines and the technology of the future
Ion and gravitational engines are the technologies of the future. The esoteric ion engine is the system that creates things like anion clouds near the craft. That anion cloud pulls the craft to them. That thing requires a situation where the craft, which can be some kind of airship, is equipped with a stick magnet. The system shoots anions or ions near that craft. And then the magnet turns its N or S pole toward those ions. The idea is that those ions pull the craft to them.
In some visions, things like extremely low-energy particles can be used to make crafts to travel to them. The idea is that the low-energy particles make the gas and energy flow to them. And that movement pulls the craft toward those low-energy particles.
The gravitational engine
The weaker point in the Earth's gravitational field at the Indian Ocean is interesting because the same phenomenon that is behind that weaker gravitational area can exist stronger near black holes. The same thing that makes the gravitational field weaker in that area can make it stronger in areas with stronger gravitational fields. And maybe the same phenomenon that makes the weaker point in Earth's gravitational field can make a hole in the black hole's gravitational field.
Some Indian researchers think that this weaker gravitational spot forms when the Indian tectonic plate impacts other tectonic plates. If that effect can form rising gravitational waves, that can neutralize some other gravitational waves. Or maybe those impacting tectonic plates create a situation where gravitational waves are traveling in the opposite direction than they usually do.
If there is some heavier bubble in the mantle, that thing forms the second gravitational center in magma. So maybe there is a bubble or island of heavy elements in the mantle. That thing can send gravitational waves that impact other gravitational waves. And make the gravitational field weaker at that point.
There is a possibility that the gravitational waves that come from space are impacting harder than the gravitational waves that Earth sends. The origin of the gravitational hole in the Indian Ocean is a mystery. Many suggestions can cause this effect. There is a possibility that a gravity hole causes the whirl of ocean currents.
In the esoteric gravitational engine model, the system makes a gravitational pothole in the direction where the craft will move. And that pothole pulls craft in that pothole. That system's base is that it uses assymterical gravitational field where one point is deeper to transport crafts to direction of that deeper gravitational pothole.
The gravitational engine can have two possible ways to manipulate gravity. The first one is to make a weaker gravitational spot on the point of the craft. And then the system must control the form of the gravitational hill. The stronger gravitational field pulls the craft in the direction where the gravitational pothole is closest. The gravitational pothole has a stronger gravitational field.
The binary stars gave the impression of a gravitational engine. That is one of the most interesting aspects of so-called futuristic space technology. The idea is that the system creates a gravitational pothole near the spacecraft. And if that gravitational pothole is deeper than a pothole, that craft makes that gravitational pothole pull that craft into it.
That kind of extremely futuristic engine doesn't require the ability to make black holes. The system must just increase the mass of the proton or electron cloud by shooting radiation at those particles. The system uses a model where impacting energy will increase the mass of the particles. And that phenomenon can be used to create gravitational potholes around the craft.
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