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Space X's Starship and Draco nuclear engines would be the ultimate tools for solar system research.

The Draco nuclear thermal- or nuclear plasma propulsion system is the tool of the next generation. The Draco system will have more capacity than the old-time Centaur stage that transferred most of the deep space probes to their target planets. 

It's possible to install The nuclear-powered Draco rocket in the super-Centaur stage and can transfer large spacecraft to long-distance missions in our solar system. The Draco stage can dock with Space X's Starship. And those systems are the ultimate combination for deep space missions to other planets. The Draco system can be even more powerful than any other spacecraft.

When we think that the Draco would be a so-called improved NERVA (Nuclear Engine for Rocket Vehicle Application), the Draco might use antimatter as the booster. In that kind of special system, the antimatter is positrons. The Draco could create those positrons from the beta radiation that comes from the nuclear reactor. 

Or the cathode tube sends electrons through a thin gold layer. In that system, the system injects positrons into the Draco engine's exhaust gas. And that connects "Project Orion" with "Project NERVA". 

The Starship (Image credit: SpaceX) NASA could install Draco thermal nuclear engine to Starship. 

"Artist's concept of the DRACO (Demonstration for Rocket to Agile Cislunar Operations) spacecraft, which will demonstrate a nuclear thermal rocket engine. Nuclear thermal propulsion technology could be used for future NASA crewed missions to Mars. (Image credit: DARPA)" (, DARPA to launch nuclear rocket to orbit by early 2026)

NASA believes that SpaceX's Starship will be a next-generation space station. The Starship could operate as an orbital laboratory, either manned or remotely controlled. That laboratory can be useful for nanotechnology and biological research. If there is some kind of leak where dangerous organisms are released, that kind of laboratory can send them to the sun. 

The risk that the organism can be released into the Earth's atmosphere is denied. By putting those laboratories in orbit around the moon. At the moon orbiter, all debris falls to the moon.

Space X is a pioneer in VTOL space shuttle technology. And maybe that kind of technology is used on Mars and other missions to the outer solar system.

But the thing is that. Those AI-controlled laboratories can be used in other places in our solar system. The Starship is a large system that allows for many variants of that large system. The remarkable thing that makes Starship and Space X interesting is that their rockets are multi-use. Space X sends its rockets into orbit and then returns them on ships. That kind of operation requires extreme accuracy. '

The same technology can use in Mars and other types of deep space missions. And maybe that kind of system will use in space mines. Those systems can get asteroids to Earth orbiter. And their lasers will cut those asteroids into pieces and send them to the factories. That kind of use can revolutionize raw materials products on Earth.


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