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Showing posts from August, 2023

"The Wall" is the Saudi Arabian urban marvel or nightmare.

 "The Wall" is the Saudi Arabian urban marvel or nightmare.  "The Wall" (Actually The Line) is straight from some SciFi movies. That structure is 170 kilometers long, 200 meters wide, and 500 meters high mega-house. That kind of structure would covered by using mirrors. And that giant house would produce its energy by using wind, sun, and geothermal energy.  Some people say that "the Wall" is a maniac structure whose maintenance costs so much that it will never be autotrophic. Some people say that the purpose of Saudi Arabian megastructures like the "giant cube" in Riyadh is to offer a place or fortress for the Saudi elite. That mega-size skyscraper would be the largest building on our planet.  "The Line is a planned city in Saudi Arabia, designed to be a 170 km long, 200 meters wide, and 500 meters high string of skyscrapers with a population density ten times that of Manhattan. However, researchers from the Complexity Science Hub argue tha

The new stereo camera beats lidar.

 The new stereo camera beats lidar.  Lidar or laser radar might be the eye of the tiger. Researchers are operating systems that do not use active radars to avoid jamming and radio radiation that can uncover observers. The problem with lidar is that the system sends laser beams that can cause eye injuries if there is damage in the lens of that system. Also in some cases, the active laser rays can make the lidar system very visible. The lidar can also be used as a laser communicator making the system a multi-use tool.  But passive systems like low-light CCD technology using cameras that can point the cameras by connecting multiple pixels from both cameras can also be very accurate. Those camera systems can measure distances very effectively and accurately. Those CCD cameras can operate in almost total darkness. The AI-based software can interconnect those pixels from both cameras with extremely high accuracy.  "NoDar's software can convert a pair of stereo images from a camera [

Chat GPT outperforms university students as text producers.

 Chat GPT outperforms university students as text producers.  The Chat GPT is a very good tool. It outperforms many things and the next-generation coders and other workers might only advise to Chat GPT or some of its successors and the AI makes the calculations and codes for the person who uses it. So maybe Chat GPT is the end of the era of coders or analysts.  When we think about students, they have to learn to work with the newest possible tools. The business and military environments require flexibility and effective tools. The purpose of studies is to give a person the capacity to operate in real-life business and technical environments. Nobody sits in school forever.  We know that some students are cheating. But those students cheat anyway. That means the Chat GPT is a system that requires an honest attitude. Students are cheated throughout history. The most common way to cheat in studies is to hire some other person to do their work. And that means the AI just gives that possibil

Terahertz radiation and acoustic beams can offer fundamental communication tools.

  Terahertz radiation and acoustic beams can offer fundamental communication tools.  Terahertz radiation is key to fundamental communication.  Things like ECM (Electronic Counter-Measure)-systems can be used to disturb. And even deny radio frequency-based communication. This is the reason why researchers are investigating replacements for radio-based communication. Also, things like solar wind affect high-speed radio communication.  Also, the plasma field can deny entire radio communication. This is the reason why researchers are seeking a replacement for radio waves. The optical and acoustic systems are less vulnerable to plasma-based countermeasures.  The is two different type of systems that can transmit data through air with very high accuracy. The first system uses terahertz lasers for data transmission. The terahertz-laser communication base technology connects terahertz sensors and terahertz lasers. The terahertz laser can send information through walls.  We know that terahertz

The gravitational engines and the technology of the future

 The gravitational engines and the technology of the future Ion and gravitational engines are the technologies of the future. The esoteric ion engine is the system that creates things like anion clouds near the craft. That anion cloud pulls the craft to them. That thing requires a situation where the craft, which can be some kind of airship, is equipped with a stick magnet. The system shoots anions or ions near that craft. And then the magnet turns its N or S pole toward those ions. The idea is that those ions pull the craft to them. In some visions, things like extremely low-energy particles can be used to make crafts to travel to them. The idea is that the low-energy particles make the gas and energy flow to them. And that movement pulls the craft toward those low-energy particles. The gravitational engine The weaker point in the Earth's gravitational field at the Indian Ocean is interesting because the same phenomenon that is behind that weaker gravitational area can exist stron

Smart rust can clean water, but researchers can use it to oxidize blood.

 Smart rust can clean water, but researchers can use it to oxidize blood. The smart rust is one version of nanotechnical systems that can clean up water. The smart rust uses iron oxide's ability to trap many pollutants inside its structure. Iron oxide is magnetic, which makes it possible to pull toxic chemicals into its structure. There is a possibility that iron oxide (Fe2O3) can also be used to release lots of oxygen in water or any other liquid. The idea is that chemical or electrochemical nanotechnology breaks the chemical compound between iron and oxygen. In that case, that chemical reaction releases pure oxygen into the liquid. Small iron oxide particles in water can release oxygen into the water. And that thing makes it possible to increase oxygen levels in water. An even more powerful tool would be rustbite, which is connected with fullerene. In that case, the fullerene will break down carbon compounds. The fullerene will just reduce carbon, and then it breaks chemical comp

Plasma pulses and aircraft survivability

 Plasma pulses and aircraft survivability Ions engine as cosmic heat air balloon When we talk about things like plasma-ion engines, we forget that plasma-ion engines are ion cannons. The ion cloud's density is what determines if the engine is an ion- or plasma-ion engine. Low-density ion flow is an ion engine. High-density ion flow is a plasma-ion engine. The principle of those systems is that the ions will shoot through the particle accelerator. And the problem is weak thrust in electrostatic thrusters. The weak thrust is the reason for the weak push against the front wall of the engine chamber. The answer to that thing would be the system that shoots ions into the middle of the engine from the sides, or the ion cannon, which can shoot ions at very dense metal plates. In that system, the ion engine pushes against the metal sail. The system functions similarly to a heat-air balloon, with the ion system operating in the opposite direction as usual. The idea for that system is taken

Scientists injected young mice's blood into old mice, and that blood rejuvenated them.

   Scientists injected young mice's blood into old mice, and that blood rejuvenated them. That thing causes interesting visions about the possibility of creating something that slows aging. Before that test, researchers injected young mice with brain fluid. Normally, we think that this kind of thing is hard to make. Our immune system destroys that blood immediately. But then we can think about the possibility of creating artificial or cloned bone marrow cells, and we can say that this kind of thing removes immune reactions. Groundbreaking research where researchers can reprogram cells into stem cells can make it possible for scientists to rejuvenate an individual's bone marrow cells, making those observations even more fundamental than we think. The ability to create stem cells and turn them into bone marrow cells makes it possible to make bone marrow transfers to individuals by using their cells. And the ability to use the receiver's cells makes this thing fundamental. Res

The terahertz technology paves the way for quantum sensing. But it can have medical and weapon solutions.

The terahertz technology paves the way for quantum sensing. But it can have medical and weapon solutions.  Terahertz technology is a new tool for quantum sensing. Terahertz technology is known from airports where terahertz scanners are searching for weapons hidden under clothes. But quantum sensors can also see people and other objects even through the wall. Unlike traditional infrared and radar sensors, quantum sensors see changes in quantum fields. A quantum field surrounds every single object in the universe. Quantum fields are not stable or frozen. They are like radiation impulses that travel outside the object. The reason for that radiation is the expansion of the universe. That means every object emits radiation that can be seen even through the wall. And when that quantum field faces other quantum fields, those quantum fields disturb each other. When radiation hits a quantum field, it increases its energy and causes radiation impulses from that field. And also, radiation is a qu

Wormholes and theoretical antigravity

Wormholes and theoretical antigravity This is writing about hypothetical technology.  Artist's impression of the saucer-shaped craft. That hovers above the swamp. There is a possibility that this kind of craft uses cathode tubes to shoot electrons and positrons into the engine of that craft. Those cathode rays are making it possible to create energy and make the craft hover unseen above the ground. There is also the possibility that those cathode rays will hit protons that are shot from the middle of the craft. But in the wildest visions, the saucer-shaped craft acts as a frame for the wormhole that makes it the teleportation machine. Maybe these kinds of systems will become a reality in the future. This kind of system requires the existence of wormholes. In the case of electromagnetic wormholes, the craft can travel in an electromagnetic channel. The low electromagnetic pressure at the front of the craft pulls it through the channel. And things like pulsed plasma systems that form

The new advances in bioengineering are game-changing.

 The new advances in bioengineering are game-changing. There are no limits to biotechnology. Things like cloned stem cells are making it possible to create any kind of tissue. The system requires the DNA from the stem cells, and then a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) will copy that DNA. The system must just make the necessary number of DNA bites. And then it must just remove DNA from some other cell's nucleus and inject the multiplied DNA into those cells. When we think about therapy where so-called zombie cells can be removed to prevent cancer, there is a possibility that the system simply removes old DNA from those old cells and replaces it with non-damaged or young DNA. That should bring the zombie cell back in line. The biocomputer is one of the wildest visions of biotechnology.  In a bio-computer, the system has three layers. The neurons that are connected with microchips Those microchips are used to deliver information to neurons, and then those neurons deliver the solution f

Megastructures vs. real planets. Should interstellar travelers live onboard giant megastructures or land on the planets?

When we think about the space colonies we are facing an interesting problem. That problem is:  should we colonize planets or use megastructures for making those colonies? There are many good things on both of those roads.  The planets already exist. And they don't require so much work as artificial megastructures. But megastructures are fully controlled things. Their gravitational fields can adjust by adjusting rotation speed. Another good thing that supports megastructures is that they are sterile.  There is no hiding micro-organisms in those artificial worlds and that means there are no so big risks in those artificial worlds. In some visions, the people who live in those artificial worlds can control advanced robots on the planets that they see during their journey. And that thing decreases the risk. That is the interplanetary and interstellar missions.  The fact is that when we think about the interstellar- and interplanetary spacecraft's size differences we can say that in

News from the hypersonic missile race is not promising good for détente.

Japan wants to mount missiles into their C-5 Cargo planes. That tells that there is coming something big. That big thing could be the LRHM (Long-Range Hypersonic Missile) that supplanted the ARRW (Air-Lauched Rapid Reaction Weapon). So ARRW is history and the world belongs to LRHM which has more capacity than ARRW.  The ARRW was delayed. And that tells that there was come something that officials not mentioned to the media. The thing that makes the LRHM more powerful than ARRW. Is that it can raise from any platform and reach hypersonic speed. So that LRHM missiles can mount to any platform. If we think that ÁTACMS missiles and their air-launched variants are deadly. We can just imagine what those new LRHM missiles can do for attackers.  B-1B The thing is that air-breathing hypersonic missiles would be very powerful weapons. Russia and China, and even India have their hypersonic missiles. Those weapons are under development or in service in many countries.  And the world waits that the

Space X's Starship and Draco nuclear engines would be the ultimate tools for solar system research.

The Draco nuclear thermal- or nuclear plasma propulsion system is the tool of the next generation. The Draco system will have more capacity than the old-time Centaur stage that transferred most of the deep space probes to their target planets.  It's possible to install The nuclear-powered Draco rocket in the super-Centaur stage and can transfer large spacecraft to long-distance missions in our solar system. The Draco stage can dock with Space X's Starship. And those systems are the ultimate combination for deep space missions to other planets. The Draco system can be even more powerful than any other spacecraft. When we think that the Draco would be a so-called improved NERVA (Nuclear Engine for Rocket Vehicle Application), the Draco might use antimatter as the booster. In that kind of special system, the antimatter is positrons. The Draco could create those positrons from the beta radiation that comes from the nuclear reactor.  Or the cathode tube sends electrons through a thi

The eye of the tiger: LiDAR.

The LiDAR or laser radars can be the next-generation system in AI and communication. LiDAR is a radar that works in optical areas. LiDAR can turn into a laser weapon simply by adjusting its power and the area of the laser beam. So the next-generation radar stations can use radar and LiDAR combination for detecting and intercepting hostile targets.  Laser communication and quantum computing offer ultra-secured data transmission ability, the LiDAR can send information as qubits.  If information travels in the laser ray, that travels inside the hollow laser ray stealing it is very hard or impossible. If somebody wants to steal information that affects the energy level of the outer laser ray. The long-range qubit-based communication can base on the CCD camera or compound eye. This kind of system requires extreme accuracy that they can operate.  The idea is that the laser illuminates a certain number of squares in the receiver. The number of those illuminated squares is part of the key, the

The nanotechnology with LK-99 is the ultimate combination for power supply.

The chemical method to benefit rain is to put zink and copper electrodes in the salt. Then that saucer filled with water. Electrons start to travel from zink to copper. This system's voltage depends on the positions of metals in the voltage series used in that battery. Zink and gold give more electricity than zink and iron. The reason for that is simple. Zink delivers electrons stronger if the cathode is gold.  Maybe that kind of electric battery is not very powerful. But if the salt water will conduct between two layers, connected with the superconductor. That makes the revolution in the research of non-nuclear submarines. The zink and gold layers can be internally in the hull of those submarines. And the LK-99 can minimize the loss of electricity.  In some visions, the laser ray that jumps between 100 % reflecting mirrors can be the next-generation power supply system. The laser ray that jumps between mirrors harvests energy from wave movement that impacts it. Then the system tha

The main problem in nanotechnology is this. How to adjust the moved particles' energy level?

The main problem with nanotechnology is that those systems require an extremely accurate ability to manipulate materials. The systems can play billiards with those particles like single atoms. The problem is how to stop the particle in the right position. And the second problem is how to remove that extra energy from it. If a high-energy particle will transfer to quantum- or nanostructure it transfers energy to those other particles. And that energy breaks that structure.  The laser rays can push the particle. In that system, lasers push and pull material like a light tweezer. But then the problem is that energy must be removed from that particle. In some versions, the system uses superpositioned and extremely low-temperature particles to remove that energy. The entangled particles also can use for pulling each other in one direction. The idea is that lower-energy participant in quantum entanglement pulls higher-energy participant into it.  In some theoretical models, the tractor beam