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Writing about why human race might be alone?

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 (Why in this kind of question the only allowed way to think is the militant way?)

Kimmo Huosionmaa

Above this text is the link to one theory, what might be true. The intelligent and complex life form needs the combination of two cells, another cell gives the food for another cell to produce energy for this combination. That might be a reason, why there would be no intelligent life forms in Universum. This is one very good reason to talk about alien life. The term “alien” doesn’t mean that the thing comes from outer space. Some scientists define also the artificial intelligence as an alien.

And also genetic engineering would be used to create man-made aliens. In some definition, Europeans were aliens when they were to Africa to make colonies. Also, we can create an alien by growing the person in closed space without contact with the real world and teach that person artificial language like Esperanto. If in that place all communication would happen by using Esperanto, that isolated person starts to think that this language is very common. And when this person goes shopping first time, would the result very dramatic. Also in those closed societies might have own culture when persons meet together. If it is wont to put the hat on inside or the person is not allowed to talk with another person, if there would be a hat on, that would make this person real alien in the real world.

In the real life, there have been made terrible experiments in the military test facilities, what are mean for making military personnel, who don’t have moral or ethic limits to take orders from their superiorities. One of those experiments would be lobotomy, what would be done at the very young age. This surgery would kill the feelings of the person.  And that kind of persons is real aliens for normal people. In this kind of training is the primary objective to create the behavior, what is called as “controlled sociopathy”.  That kind of person doesn’t feel anything when this operator would get orders to kill somebody.

In the mythology is the creature called “Werewolf” the beast what is the mixture of the man and wolf. In the daytime werewolf is an ordinary person, who lives and works like everybody else, but in the night time, those persons would start to kill other people. In the world of the military, this term means the undercover agent-saboteur, who lives like normal people, but when the order is given, that person starts the operation.

So by looking against this background, this term means a military person, who lives undercover in society, and that kind of werewolf would be true. Also, genetic experiments are made for creating the perfect soldiers. This kind of experiments was against the humanity, but when we are talking about the extraterrestrial intelligence, we are facing very often some kind if the militant way of thinking about this kind of things. All talking about this kind of things are culminating the phrase, that “there will not be intelligent life in the universe”.

This is the only allowed truth, and then another part would bring the own argument to the table, where the intelligent life in the universe is connected with UFOs and of course those civilizations would visit us very often. This is very often the method, how the people talk about extraterrestrial intelligence. The intelligent life form and UFO:s are not actually the same thing. Also, aliens are not actually come necessarily from space. They would probably come from some mad scientists test tubes. That “alien” might also be a robot what has artificial intelligence in its operating system. That kind of machine, what would operate independently would be also defined as “aliens”.


Picture 1.


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