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Complex political triangle in the international politics, authoritarian governments, great natural resources and nuclear weapons

Kimmo Huosionmaa

Most of the wars are reasons the economic conditions.The war of natural resources was also Hitler excuse for Barbarossa. And before that for the attack to Poland. "Lebensraum" was the excuse for the attack to Poland. But real reasons were the oil of Bessarabia. For that object must German army open the door to the Soviet Union. And the German people were told that those attacks are caused by the need to connect those areas, where was living German people in Germany. If the oil fields would be attacked by nuclear weapons, what would use against troops what are fighting in that area, would the destruction be very total, the troops that are serving in that area would be eliminated, but the infrastructure would also be destroyed. That would because many problems when the oil production would be restarted. Those problems would be that this area is polluted by radioactive material, and also the oil production systems what have been in that area should rebuild.

Those nations that are targeted to strike have many times dictatorship or the authoritarian way to control the people in their model of leading the state. The situation of the political leadership, the model of leading the nation is not so simple as people normally thinks. Many people ask why those governments would not be fallen by military forces, but those actions would make many deaths in those areas. And of course the western pilots and other military personnel, who operates in that are are always in danger. If the nuclear weapons are used in those countries, would those weapons sweep the opposing military forces out of the area, but those weapons would also destroy the oil refineries from those areas.

Dictatorship is the model of the state in many nations, what have very much natural resources. And that makes them perfect target for military actions, but also we must remember that those countries are independent nations, and the great natural resources of their area are always causing the problems because those national leaders can choose their own supporters. The problem of those authoritarian leaders of the nation is that those governments are actually confessed in United Nations.

And this makes the situation very difficult and complex. Those nations the social and economic differences are very strong. And some cases normal person, who lives in those countries cannot even write their own name. And the only book, what they have ever kept in their hands is Koran. That makes those people very good target for provocateurs, who would promise them the place in paradise if they would join terrorist groups.

The problem with dictatorship is that those nations have no opposite force for their leaders, who would not get information of the consequence of their orders. Or they would get information, what involves only positive things about their decisions. They would not see the other side of their orders, what could cause something, what they won't even think. If the maker for decision would not see every side of the thing, the decision would be someway unthinkable.

Every leader of the nation needs the opposition, that those leaders see another part of the problem, what might be more complex than the rulers ever thought. Then we are thinking of the situation when the Soviet Union was a collapse, the world was tuned right. There was not socialism anymore, and workers were lost their supporter, was the message, what was told to people. When we are starting to think the opinions of the working people, they would not get support from the Soviet Union as much as people thought. The reason for turning right was that the fear of the Soviet Union was dammed many things in the society to the left wing, and in rumors, every mayday parade was caused by the Soviet Union.

The laws changed to right, and the society works like some kind of water. When people would transfer the water to another side of the pool,  there would be a giant wave. The collapse of the Soviet Union released the wave, what fell to the right side of society. In that time the socialism was fallen, and this thing caused the social room, where the only real ideology was marketing economy. That thing caused the situation, where nobody had power in parliament to say nothing against the right wing laws, what was not very well organized.

Because opposition was weak, there would be no reason to listen to their opinions. Many persons believe, that left-wing opposition presenter were protected by Soviet nuclear weapons.Why the government should ever hear other opinions of the laws, what it has right to adjust? In that situation, many people saw, that opposition was led by the Soviet Union, and when that supporter was left, there were no reasons to listen to opposition arguments. Now we can see the results of that kind of politics. In that time the Soviet Union was gone in history. There was not the boogeyman for media, what would use as the silencer. There was an intuition, that nothing was allowed to say against the Soviet Union, because if the leaders of that country would start nuclear attack immediately if some writings don’t support it.

This is left the very bad thing in our political commonwealth. The fear of nuclear strike has given us the journals, where is sometimes glamorize the Russian nuclear arsenal. That arsenal is of course very large, but in those writings the only thing, what is mentioned is that Russia has the world's largest Nuclear weapons, and that’s it. If the leaders of that nation would not like the writings, it would use its nukes immediately. And this is very short-term way of thinking. The war is the cause of the economic situation or attempts to get economic advantages of those areas.

And if somebody would use nuclear weapons against the targeted country, the results would be, that all infrastructure of that nation would be destroyed. In this case, the nuclear weapons would cause the situation, that all cities of the opponent are rumbled to dust. Also, large land areas would be polluted, and that causes that the nuclear weapons make those land areas dangerous to use. The cleaning of those areas would take very long period, and the economy of that area would be the break. So the financial advantages could be very small from those areas where nuclear weapons have been used. So this limits sometimes the will of using those ultimate weapons against some nations.


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