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Showing posts from March, 2018

XB-70 Valkyrie and the strange things around this plane

North American XB-70 "Valkyrie" (Picture 1) Kimmo Huosionmaa In 1960’s United States Air Force and NASA tested new supersonic bomber, what had the capacity to flight in speed Mach 3. The planes were built two individuals, and one accident has ended this program. This program was the very expensive and only one existing "Valkyrie" is located in Air Force Museum, but legend remains, that the mystery plane code-named "Dark Star" was actually "Valkyrie" what was put together by pieces what left behind from original "Valkyrie" project. "Dark Star" was CIA project for sending small satellites to low Earth orbiter after "Challenger" incident. There might be many projects, what has this name, and here I don't mean Lockheed-Martin "Dark Star" drone. The purpose of "Dark Star" was to replace the shuttles with another kind of vehicles, because all shuttle launches were delayed because space

Strange clouds in the sky

Picture 1 Kimmo Huosionmaa Sometimes clouds seem like airplanes, and today I was walking around my home. There were strange clouds, and especially one of those clouds would let the imagination run. This particular cloud seems like X-47B drone, and it is very strange shape for the natural cloud. I sometimes have put the pictures of those clouds on my blog, so I will put also the photo of this cloud on this blog, and it might also be natural. At the beginning of this text, I would tell that also drones are equipped with systems, what would cause clouds to the skies, and those drones can use liquid gas for making those clouds. In this technology, the drones would equip with systems, what causes clouds, and after that those drones can draw those clouds to the skies. (Picture III) So in the two upper pictures (Picture 1, II) is the cloud and picture, what is below is a picture of X-47B (Picture III and IV) for compilation. When I will look those pictures, I must wonder, how

Writing about haunted cars

GAZ Volga (Picture 1) Kimmo Huosionmaa There are many stories about haunted cars, what are told to travel around the road alone. And those vehicles would cause accidents and even deaths. Here I must say that many of those stories are from the Eastern Europe, and there might be something true behind those stories. The thing what causes the stories of ”haunted cars” like ”Black Volga” or ”Ghost Tschaika” were born, because those vehicles were reserved for the official use of the secret police and the leaders of the state. When we are thinking about the situation, that some traffic police would stop the personal car of Joseph Stalin,  that would mean death for that police officer. And the same reason there is a story of ”Ghost Cadillac” in Finland. Here I must say, that this particular story doesn't involve mysterious deaths or anything like that. It tells the story of Black Cadillac, what has caused the traumatic situation for some policemen. And here I remember that the

The thoughts about M.Night Shyamalan film “Sixth sense” (1999)

Poster of the movie (Picture 1) Kimmo Huosionmaa There are not many so good movies about PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder) and flashbacks than the "Sixth Sense". When we are thinking about the classic so-called “softcore-horror” or supernatural movies, we cannot miss one particular masterpiece. And that is the fictional film, where Bruce Willis makes the very good role in one psychiatrist, who will be murdered. In the film is very strong feeling, that something would not be right, and the mean of that film is rise thoughts on the person’s head. Those thoughts are “how those very dramatic things could be found?”. One of the thoughts what I must ask during all the film is, “How the shooter knew that this particular man was a psychiatrist, who kept the receipts in his home?”. This movie is so-called “different horror movie”, where is not so dramatic effects than usually. But the movie is very good work and it will act after years. And I sometimes think that di

About Eastern day and one punishment over 2000 years ago

(Picture 1) Kimmo Huosionmaa Today is a Good Friday and we all remember the judgment, what was given to one man in Palestine or Judea, how Romans called that place. Nowadays we know, that the judgment for crucifixion was wrong, an innocent man was dead by the most horrific way, what Romans ever knew. And today we ask one question: why Romans choose that way to execute the man, who was very kind to other people? Why they made service for the people, who wanted to kill that man, who would become known as Jesus Christ? What was the action that Rabbi made, get that punishment? In the Roman way to act against the persons, who were harmful to them, was not so open, that every people in the world should see those political executions. The Roman way was that those persons who were harmful to it or emperor, just poisoned that they would not tell anything to other people. The killing orders for ordinary people were given the way, that they would not track to the emperor himself. Emper

What if “Roswell UFO” was a “Nazi-Bell” (Die Glocke)?

Why this Newspaper claims that RAAF (Royal Australian Air Force) captured UFO near Roswell? Why they didn't use world USAF what means United States Air Force? (Picture 1) Kimmo Huosionmaa Above this text is an interesting article, where is claimed that the “Roswell UFO”, was “Nazi Bell”, the magnetic propulsion system, what was developed by Nazi-Scientists at the end of the World War II. There is also claims that “The Bell” was actually American program, what was used as an excuse, for hiring German scientists to develop new kind of weapons for the United States. When we are looking at the film of that machine, we must say, that “The Bell” is actually a motor, what can be installed in the normal rocket. If this kind of motor is used in the rocket, the needed electricity can get from turbopump, what is used to transfer oxidizer and propellant to the combustion chamber. “The Bell” is actually series

What is the difference between Fixed mindset and Growth mindset?

Kimmo Huosionmaa 30 years ago Dr. Carol Dweck and her students thought about the attitude of failure. And during this workshop, they created two kinds of mindsets, what will tell what is the attitude of failure. They created two ways or routes to handle situations, that some work or mission would be some kind failure. Those routes were fixed and growth mindset, what might first look like the same thing, but they are the totally different way to think. The fixed mindset is the way to think that every affection of the people is stable. When somebody is intelligent, this would continue end of this person’s life. Those persons who have fixed mindset think that when they are graduated from some university or another educational school, they would be like some statues or lighthouses in the sea. They think that they are only ones, who have those skills, and all the world stands on their shoulder. The problem of that attitude is that those persons think, that everybody is like th

About this “most clear and shocking video footage of a UFO, you will ever see” and UFO-hoax

(Picture 1) Kimmo Huosionmaa Above the text is a video, what is claimed hoax. And now I’m going to write about “UFO-hoaxes”. The thing about those “hoax-videos” is that sometimes the persons, who are photographed or recorded the video, didn’t actually notice, that they are taking pictures of hoax-target. Sometimes those “hoaxes” are made of purpose, that the people’s eyes would turn off from some really interesting target like B-2 bomber. In those hoaxes are used many different kinds of things like 3D-holograms, what are made by CAD-program and then projected to the sky by using hologram projectors. Sometimes there were used RPV:s, what is looking like saucers. Those RPV-helicopters are equipped with lights what mission is to point the people eye on them. And also make those targets visible to other air vehicles. They also have loudspeakers, what keeps screaming noise, and this planes mission is to work as an eyeball. Those imagi

The risks of ultra-clean nuclear weapons

Kimmo Huosionmaa Above the text is a mushroom-shaped cloud, what has been formed by the warm gas bubble, what has been raised from the water. The formation process of this cloud is similar to nuclear explosions. But temperature is lower. Normally nuclear explosives would be noticed by increasing level of radiation. And that would uncover the atmospheric nuclear tests. The nuclear test is prohibited in the atmosphere, undersea an Earth orbiter. The latest fusion weapons are problematic because they would not leave radioactive fallout behind them. Ignition process of those fusion devices would happen by heating lithium pieces by using high-power laser rays. The laser would raise the temperature high enough for starting fusion reaction in the piece of lithium. Those weapons are so clean, that they would not uncover by the radioactive fallout. The ignition of that system would happen by using carbon monoxide laser, what would power by acetylene light. Those systems are extremely p

Interesting theory that maybe we are alone in our galaxy

(Picture 1) Kimmo Huosionmaa When we are talking about the theory that maybe we are alone in our galaxy, we must say that maybe we are lucky. Because if there would be other technical civilizations around us,  our faith would be destroyed by the attack of aliens. Here I must say, that if I’m honest, I would win everybody in argumentation when we are talking about SETI-program and alien civilizations. I must choose only the distance, what is so huge, that the radio-impulses from the Earth would not reach that point in our lifetime. So I can say that maybe there is technical civilization in the distance of thousand light years. And that means the signal from Earth and that point would travel thousand years in one way. If the alien would answer immediately, the signal would travel 2000 years before we would get the answer. This means that none of us would live so

Paisley Abbey and it’s strange creatures

Paisley Abbey (Picture I) Kimmo Huosionmaa In Scotland is a church named Paisley Abbey (Picture I). This medieval church or cathedral is known for demonic creatures, what are very rare and some of them have given Ridley Scott the idea of the alien, what lurks in the ventilation system of starship “Nostromo”. There is a couple of pictures from the internet, where is very strange creatures, and at the second picture ( Picture II) is a creature, what seems like the lizard with scuba diving equipment. I mean that the creature might have the tube of breathing system on the column. What we can think about this creature. Somebody claims that this is a picture of the alien, who came from outer space, but if we think carefully, we can also infer that this might be the picture of ancient scuba diving system. When we are talking about modern scuba diving equipment, where is a ventilation system, it is invented by Jacques Cousteau during WW2, but there were used pressure bottles befor

The space trains would transfer the man to the Mars in two days if they would work

(Picture 1) Kimmo Huosionmaa train-concept-could-get- humans-to-mars-in-two-days-if- only-it-would-work/ Above this text is the link for the article, what is written about space trains. The space trains are the fictional spacecraft, what may someday travel in our solar system, and they would not ever stop to the planets orbiter. The needed power of the trip, what would take mankind to Mars in two days those spaceships would get from gravity sling for accelerating their speed. In this scenario, the spaceship would send to the solar system by using conventional rockets. And when it would obtain planets like Mars, then the planet’s gravity would increase the speed of that spacecraft. When the spacecraft would turn to the Sun, the gravity field of the Sun would be used to increase the speed, and then the trajectory would target to the Jupiter and Saturn. The good thing of that vehicle is that it would use only the gravity field of the planets to

About the response of Russian government. (Why the mystery poisonings happen in the United Kingdom?)

Kimmo Huosionmaa There will be back reaction for the deportation of Russian diplomats, and the reaction would be similar, what is made for Russians. They would deportation some diplomats, and this is the similar action, what happened in the time of Cold War. The talking with Russia must keep going because nobody wants new Cold War. When we are talking about the use of chemical weapons in Europe after the World War II, we must say that poisons are used a couple of times in covert operations inside Europe. The most well-known incident of the use of poisons in covert operations, was the ricin poisoning of Georgi Markov in London at 1978, when the ricin was shot in the body of the victim by using the special gun, what was masked as the umbrella. The second time was the polonium poisoning of Alexander Litvinenko, and the third one was this nerve-agent poisoning, what is targeted to Russian ex-spy. The thing, what is remarkable in those three cases were, that they all happened in

Writing about the deportation of the Russian diplomat and international politics.

(Picture 1) Kimmo Huosionmaa The deportation of Russian diplomats from EU is meant for the signal that the nerve-gas attacks and cyber warfare against other nations are not the acceptable way to work in international politics. The reason for deportation is that its mission is to give pressure against Russian leaders, that they must do something, that this kind of actions doesn’t continue. That is the same thing if the orders for those actions have given by official leaders of Russia, and that is the same thing, are the strikes made by official Russian intelligence. Russia is a state with powerful nuclear weapons, and that’s why the international community is very tolerated with it. Same way the United States is dealt in United Nations, and this is the reason, why many other nations have got their own nuclear weapons. Nuclear weapons would grow the respect for the state and its citizens, and this would please many leaders in the world. Nuclear weapons would increase the tole

The story of 50 megatons nuclear bomb

(Picture 1) Kimmo Huosionmaa In 1961 The Soviet Union exploded the most powerful nuclear weapon ever. Its code name was “Tsar” (RDS 220) and the power of that weapon was 50-60 megaton. The explosion happened at Novaja-Zemlja and the power of that detonation was the size of all explosives what was used in the Second World war multiplied by ten. The unit was massive FFF-(Fission Fusion-Fission) bomb, what structure was like the onion, with layers of lithium and natural uranium. Nowadays the scientists think that the reason to build and detonate this monstrous weapon was that the Soviet Air Force didn’t expect that their bombers and missiles were getting close enough to their targets, and that’s why they build the most powerful nuclear detonator ever built. In that time nuclear weapons were more powerful than today because the guidance systems of missiles and bombers were not enough advanced. That was the reason, why those weapons needed to be very powerful. Also, detonation s

The “chemtrails” and the secrets about them

Kimmo Huosionmaa “Chemtrails” are the mythical element of aviation. Somebody claims, that those strange cloud formations are made on purpose, by delivering the aerosols like CFC-molecules in the atmosphere for causing the warming of our planet. There are many myths around those objects, and some other persons claim, that the strange wire shaped clouds are formatting because some airplanes would deliver tiny RFID (Radio Frequency ID)-sensors to the atmosphere. Those tiny sensors are like dust, and if some person would breed those sensors, would he be tracked by same sensors, what are used in shopping centers. This technology helps to track the people, who are in war area without permission. The newest RFID-sensors use nanotechnology, and they are made as small as possible. Those sensors would get the needed electricity by radar, and they can put anywhere. The newest technology allows using those RFID-sensors to mark some fuels of the aircraft. If those fuels are delivered

Why is the defense against hypersonic cruise missile so difficult?

(Picture 1) Kimmo Huosionmaa Hypersonic missile or cruise missile (HCM) is the new type of weapon, what uses technology that allows the weapon glide to the ground with the extremely high speed with gentle incoming trajectory. This would give the very big challenge for the defense, what must react this threat only in a couple of seconds. The launching of those extremely fast weapons may be done by submarines, surface warships or by aircraft. This weapon is the new type of solution for first strike missions. Hypersonic cruise missiles are developed in many nations. The limitations of this kind of weapon are very difficult because they don't need warheads. And the kinetic energy what is boosted with microwaves is the devastating combination for aircraft carriers. The microwave-transmitter can installed to the nose of those missiles, and it can be got the necessary electric power from windmill turbogenerators. The extremely high speed would give very powerful microwaves.

The speed of the supercomputer is not alone made ultimate computing.

(Picture 1) Kimmo Huosionmaa Problem with the quantum computer is not only in building the new kind of microchip. Another problem is to create the program or operating system, what can use all power of the supercomputer. And one solution would be used multi-layer kernel, where the top layer is normal Windows or Linux layer, and that layer communicates with processor thru the lower layer, what is specially designed for those ultimate processors. The speed of microprocessors is not the only thing, what makes the ultimate computing and ability to make the sharp and powerful simulation. Another important thing is that the programs can communicate and control that electric equipment. In the production of microchips might use nanotechnology, what allows to make the three-atom size of transistors. In those transistors, the foot, collector, and emitter are made of the single atom. And the super fast computers can also cool to the temperature where it turns to superconducting. I

Quantum computers and their use as the instrument of destruction

(Picture 1) Kimmo Huosionmaa Quantum computers are mentioned as the threat of international security, and here we must say, that the problem with those extreme fast computers is that they can be used as the tool for simulating nuclear detonations, and those computers would increase the developing new kind of nuclear warheads and chemical agents, what are invincible in detectors. Also, the new type of biological weapons can be created, and some of those new types of viruses are made by using the latest technology of human DNA. Those viruses might be harmless for other people, but when it genomes are connecting with targeted person DNA, that virus transfers to the lethal organism. Those viruses are like “Chimera”-virus, but it can be harmful to one single individual person of all mankind. Those selective viruses are the terrifying weapons, what the person ever can get in hands. But when we are talking to produce those weapons, we must have nanotechnological methods to bu

NASA:s Kepler-telescope is near end of the fuel, and it can be pointed to some specific solar system for collecting specific data from the specific exoplanet system

(Picture 1) Kimmo Huosionmaa NASA:s Kepler mission is coming near its end, because fuel of the telescope is running low, and this means, that this telescope cannot be turned to the targets anymore. Kepler has been found new exoplanets, and it has given information, that maybe there is a habitable planet somewhere in the Universe. Some people think, that maybe this telescope can be pointed at some point in the universe, where are known exoplanets. This system could be Gliese-581, or some other system, what can be observed from Earth, and this telescope can collect the information of this particular system. Maybe it should be Alpha Centauri, where we're at least founded exoplanets. James Webb telescope (Picture 2) But this is only speculation. Kepler telescope has been used to demonstrate low-cost space telescope technology, and it has given very much for science and engineering, and the data what this telescope have been collected, would be analyzed years after

Artificial birds would make many things more complicated than ever before

(Picture 1) Kimmo Huosionmaa Artificial birds can help natural scientists to investigate the behavior of animals. Those robot birds can look like natural animals, and they might be covered by artificial feathers, what makes them look like their paragons. And this would make the revolution for intelligence and attack drones because their shape would make those machines invincible. The artificial birds can equip with laser microphones, what allows them to observe some offices and other places like that. The laser microphones can installed to the mouth of those robots, and they can record any discussion, what targeted person makes. Those artificial birds can use fuel cells to create the needed electric power, but also microwaves and masers can be used to deliver electricity to those robots. They can work very independently, and even if their own computer system has limited computing capacity, they can call assistance from supercomputers, by using satellite transmission. Thi