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The next dream of computing is photonic computers.

"An overview of the proposed system showing an input image layer placed amongst other layers which combine in different ways to perform logical operations when light is passed through the stack. Credit: ©2024 Mashiko et al. CC-BY-ND" (ScitechDaily, From Light Waves to Logic: The Cutting-Edge of Optical Computing)  Japanese researchers are working with fundamental optical gates that can revolutionize optical computing. The optical gates are the tools that can make it possible to create fully optical computers. In traditional versions, the optical system transmits information only between microchips.  Photonic computers use light for communication. In those systems, all wires between components are replaced using optical fiber or nanotubes. Binary photonic computers are easy to make. The shadow or cut in the light means zero. And full power light means one. In the easiest models, there are two optical wires. Wire A means 1, and wire B means 0. Those photonic beams will be sent

Researchers found a "pause" button that can stop the human embryo advance.

Researchers found a "pause" button that can stop the human embryo advance. And that thing can have many solutions. In the case of a mother's illness or injury, the medical team can save the embryo's life by stopping its advance. But that ability can make things like interstellar travel possible.  It's one theoretically, a very easy, way to transfer people to the other solar system if we don't want to get them back. The mission controllers can use the human embryos for the other solar system. Those colonists can have the robot controllers, and they can have the training material for the mission. That thing might not yet be possible. Because of our culture and moralistic-ethical thinking. Of course, technology sets limits to that kind of project.  "Research indicates that humans might harness a dormant diapause-like capability to optimize reproductive health and IVF success. (A dormant human blastoid.) Credit: © Heidar Heidari Khoei/IMBA" (ScitechDaily

Iron Dome is one of the most effective air defense systems.

The Iron Dome is a missile defense system whose missiles operate with highly sophisticated and effective artificial intelligence. The power of this missile defense base is in selective fire. The system calculates the incoming missile's trajectory. And it shoots only missiles that will hit the inhabited area. The system saves missiles and focuses defense on areas that mean something. The system shares the incoming missiles in, maybe two groups. Another is harmless and another is harmful.  Things like killer drones are also problematic because their trajectories are harder to calculate than ballistic missiles. The thing that makes drones dangerous is that they can make masks for ballistic missiles. And even if those drones are slow, all of them must be shot down.  The thing is that the cooperation between drone swarms and ballistic missiles is the next danger in conflict areas. In the film, you can see how drones make light images of the skies. The killer drones can also carry LED li

Nuclear bombs can turn asteroids.

"A plume erupts from Dimorphos as the DART mission impacts the asteroid moonlet in this artist’s concept. Such kinetic impacts are one way an asteroid might be deflected — but a new study suggests nuclear bombs could also be effective. Credit: ESA" ( /Nuclear bombs really could deflect asteroids, lab tests suggest) Sometimes people say that nuclear explosions will break the large asteroid into pieces. The fact is that the 500-meter asteroid causes less damage if it is in smaller pieces than in one large piece. But a large group of small asteroids can cause terrible damage in another way than some large asteroids, which can make large impact craters and megatsunamis. Asteroid debris can destroy large numbers of satellites. Large groups of small asteroids can raise the temperature in the planet's atmosphere.  In the worst scenarios, those asteroids or their impact energy turn the atmosphere glowing hot. That can be an extremely dangerous situation. The asteroid

New prostheses and robot vehicles are impressive.

"Experimental tests on robotic prosthesis: clothespin. Credit: © 2024 Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna" (ScitechDaily, “It Feels Like I’m Moving My Own Hand” – Science Fiction Comes to Life With Magnetic Prosthetic Hands) The new advances in AI and computing make it possible to create new advanced robots. Those robots can transmit their senses to their users.  New advances in robotics and AI are tools that are making new solutions that seem like SciFi possible.  By using those new tools researchers can make prostheses with touch and self or half -self-driving cars possible. The prosthesis with a sense of touch is a big thing. We all know that. But it can be even bigger than we ever imagined. That system allows to creation of new tools like external bodies. The external body, or exobody means remotely controlled robots that can transmit a sense of touch and all other senses to the user.  This thing makes those robots very good tools for things like high-risk missions in civil and mi

Researchers found the origin of the black hole X-ray emission.

Visualization shows how the turbulent plasma moves in the magnetized accretion disk corona. Credit: Jani Närhi (ScitechDaily, Solving the Puzzle of X-Ray Radiation From Black Holes) University of Helsinki researchers made a model that explains the black hole's X-ray emission. The thing is that the researchers looked too much about the gravity of the black hole. The black hole itself pulls a magnetic field inside it at the point of the event horizon. But the plasma that surrounds the black hole can form a magnetic field.  This magnetic field makes the relativistic jet possible. The magnetic field that forms when material orbits the event horizon is the thing that forms the conditions where those X-rays can come. When particles in the magnetic field jump out from the black hole's orbiter at the point of relativistic jet impact with plasma whirling around it.  That forms a very high temperature. There are also differences in the speed of gas in the material disk. And that forms th

Uncertainty principle.

"Today, the Universe has evolved into the complex, life-friendly place we know it to be because we were able to form neutral atoms early on in the Universe. Yet without just the right quantum properties, the formation of stable, neutral atoms would have been delayed significantly, or might not have even occurred at all." (BigThink, What is the origin of quantum uncertainty?) "The uncertainty principle, also known as Heisenberg's indeterminacy principle, is a fundamental concept in quantum mechanics. It states that there is a limit to the precision with which certain pairs of physical properties, such as position and momentum, can be simultaneously known. In other words, the more accurately one property is measured, the less accurately the other property can be known." (Wikipedia, Uncertainty principle) The uncertainty principle means: that if we focus on one quantity. We cannot keep focus with the same accuracy on other quantities. In simpler saying, if we focus

Slime mold cyborgs are interesting opportunities for material or medical research.

"A photo of the slime mold Physarum polycephalum growing in a petri dish. Credit: Nirosha Murugan, Levin lab, Tufts University and Wyss Institute at Harvard University" (ScitechDaily, Slimy Action at a Distance: Thinking Without a Brain) Researchers created a hydrogel brain that shows the ability to deep learning. Theoretically, the simple hydrogel can learn to play ping-pong. Or simple computer games. The problem with learning hydrogel is how to transfer information into and out of it. If that thing can be done that is a great breakthrough in robotics.  These kinds of advances are things. That makes it possible to create robot amoebas. Those soft-shell robot amoebas are tools that can carry things like medicines or observation tools to places. Those are hard to reach. The cyborg-slime molds can use the hydrogel to control their behavior. In some interesting possibilities, the system can combine this hydrogel with slime molds. That kind of hydrogel can control the actions of

The waving light over kagome metals

' "A diagram of the Kagome metal cesium vanadium antimonide showing plasmon waves moving through the material. Credit: Guangxin Ni" (ScitechDaily, Weaving Light: Unraveling the Quantum Lattice of Kagome Metals) Graphene is not the only interesting 2D material in the world. The metal combinations called Kagome metals can also create the 2D metal structure. Kagome metals have a triangular 2D shape. That shape is like Kagome. The optical Kagome lattices are always interesting, but modern technology can make it possible to create Kagome nanostructures. The plasmons that travel through that structure make it possible to manipulate the nano-scale optical abilities of that material.  The Kagome metals can used to aim electric impulses to the target. The Kagome structure can collect electromagnetic waves from the air. And then aim it at one point. That thing requires that Kagome. Which collects radiation and has a triangular shape. This thing allows us to transmit information and

Researchers made the banana fly young again.

"Researchers track the intestinal health of fruit flies with a blue dye, hence the name Smurf. Fruit fly intestines damaged by aging leak the blue dye, this image shows an HRJD-modified fly on the left and an unmodified fly of the same age on the right. Credit: ©2024 Hiroki Nagai CC-BY-ND" (ScitechDaily, Anti-Aging Treatment Breakthrough: Japanese Scientists’ Regenerative Gene Transfer Success) Japanese researchers made banana flies younger using gene transfer. The ability to transfer genomes between young and old individuals and make elder individuals younger is an interesting thing. The gene transfer that made older banana flies younger is the first step in the process which end can be immortality. The ability to turn the individual younger is theoretically a very simple process.  The system must just change the DNA in the cells, and then the individual can turn younger. The problem is this: how to get fresh DNA. The thing that causes aging is the damage to the DNA.  Outsid

Don't say "metaverse". Say "Internet".

Maybe "metaverse" is a new way to say "Internet". It's the future of digital interaction. The AI-based chatbots can connect with data glasses, and the user can give spoken commands to the system. The data glasses can be connected to a mobile telephone, and the user can give spoken commands to it.  In those systems, the calculation and other operations are outsourced to central computers, that are in data centers. That makes the carried devices lighter. But batteries are the main problem with those systems.  Things like virtual keyboards can help the user in a noisy environment.  In the ultimate versions of the metaverse, the user can use data glasses, with the integrated brain-computer interface, or,  BCI user interface. In those systems, the user can communicate with computers using BCI.  The BCI operates like systems that compile voice in police stations. The BCI records the EEG and then it connects those curves with curves that are stored in its memories. The

Researchers can use holograms to teach the AI. Or they can use holograms to fix architectural errors.

"In the quest to train robots for real-world tasks, researchers have created “Holodeck,” an AI system capable of generating detailed, customizable 3D environments on demand, inspired by Star Trek’s holodeck technology. This system uses large language models to interpret user requests and generate a vast array of indoor scenarios, helping robots learn to navigate new spaces more effectively. (Artist’s concept.) Credit:" (ScitechDaily, Not Science Fiction: Researchers Recreate Star Trek’s Holodeck Using AI) The interacting hologram room doesn't require extra technology. That it can interact with humans. The camera systems can locate the person's position and hand movements etc. make possible to copy those movements to the hologram. Then the hologram can be used to make sure, that the robot makes things right. Then computer can drive those movements to the physical robots.  The user of this kind of holo chamber can use VR glasses or the hologram system c

Morphing neural networks: modern Frankenstein.

"Researchers at Georgia Tech are advancing neural networks to mimic human decision-making by training them to exhibit variability and confidence in their choices, similar to how humans operate, as demonstrated in their study published in Nature Human Behaviour. Their model, RTNet, not only matches human performance in recognizing noisy digits but also applies human-like traits such as confidence and evidence accumulation, enhancing both accuracy and reliability. Credit:" (ScitechDaily, AI Learns To Think Like Humans: A Game-Changer in Machine Learning) The AI learns to think like a human. That is a breakthrough in machine learning. And those systems are important for controlling robots. The machine, which thinks like a human is the tool, that can control quantum computers. AI-based operating systems can also make morphing neural networks more powerful than before.  The main thing in morphing neural networks is that there is always a gate open when the system

Light can control superconductivity.

"Mid-infrared laser pulses coherently drive atomic modes in YBa2Cu3O6.48 and stabilize superconducting fluctuations at high temperature. This quantum coherence leads to the ultrafast expulsion of a static magnetic field. Credit: S. Fava / J. Harms, MPSD" (ScitechDaily, Light-Induced Superconductivity: A New Frontier in Quantum Physics) "This light-induced superconductivity has been shown to replicate crucial features like zero electrical resistance and expulsion of magnetic fields, suggesting potential applications in high-speed devices and extending superconductivity to ambient temperatures." (ScitechDaily, Light-Induced Superconductivity: A New Frontier in Quantum Physics) Many materials reach superconductivity in very low temperatures. Things like UV- or IR  lasers can adjust the temperature in the superconducting structures. That is one way to control the electricity in the superconducting 2- or 3D structures. The laser can switch superconductivity on and off. T

Remarkable possibilities of hypersonic technology.

Above: X-43 thermal image.  The hypersonic aircraft can travel over the Atlantic Ocean in 30 minutes. That means the entire world in three or at least 5 hours range from the base, where that kind of aircraft stays. Hypersonic aircraft that use hydrogen as fuel don't leave pollution behind them.  That means the hypersonic aircraft can be excellent tools for cargo and passenger flights. But the problem is that. Hypersonic aircraft are also weapons. The hypersonic aircraft can turn into a powerful kamikaze drone even if it cannot drop bombs.  Diagram of a typical gas turbine jet engine.  Connecting rocket applications with turbojets is possible to create spacecraft, that can operate from regular runways. In rocket turbojet, the hatch closes the air inlet and engine compressor face. The reason for that is this.  By closing the air inlet the system denies the gas flow to the front of the engine. Then the system starts to inject oxygen with propellant to the turbo-engine.  New technology

The metasurface tractor beam.

"Researchers at the ARC Centre of Excellence for Transformative Meta-Optical Systems, TMOS have developed a metasurface-enabled solenoid beam that can pull particles towards it, potentially revolutionizing non-invasive medical procedures like biopsies. This technology, which uses a thin layer of nanopatterned silicon, offers a lightweight, portable alternative to the bulky equipment previously required for such beams. Credit: University of Melbourne" (ScitechDaily, Not Science Fiction: Researchers Have Developed Metasurface Tractor Beams) The acoustic tractor beam is like a tornado. The system must have a hole in the plate and the phonons or some other acoustic systems. Those are on rotating plates and must make the whirl.  The whirl closes the space inside it. The whirl denies the air channel fill from inside it, and then it forms the chimney where the air flows upwards. That kind of system requires, that there is a lower pressure area on the other side of the system.  Multi

Quantum materials and AI can turn the object invisible.

The new materials and AI are the ultimate pair.                                               "Researchers have introduced a novel method that integrates computational analysis with precision fabrication to accelerate the identification of quantum defects, enhancing potential applications in computing and telecommunications. Their work has led to significant advancements and the establishment of a publicly accessible quantum defect database. Credit:" (ScitechDaily, Unlocking the Power of Quantum Materials With Breakthrough Technology) The thing that can make this kind of material invisible to at least radars is the possibility of creating a structure where energy travels in only one direction. The idea is that there is an energy pothole in the material. And energy can travel in those potholes. The material can involve quantum sping or so-called quantum trapezium. The quantum trapezium could form a standing wave. That can affect the reflecting radio wave frequ

Terahertz systems have a new capacity to manipulate light.

"Researchers have created a new method to generate structured terahertz light beams using programmable spintronic emitters, marking a significant advancement in terahertz technology. This innovation allows for the generation and precise manipulation of light with both spin and orbital angular momentum."(ScitechDaily, Terahertz Breakthrough: New Technique Offers Unprecedented Control Over Light) "The technology has potential applications in security, medical imaging, and communication. This development overcomes previous challenges in generating and controlling terahertz light, paving the way for novel devices with enhanced capabilities. Credit:" (ScitechDaily, Terahertz Breakthrough: New Technique Offers Unprecedented Control Over Light) New terahertz systems use spintronics to create radiation. The system uses spintronic-based programmable spintronics. And those spintronics have an important role in the new terahertz systems that can open paths to

The photonic neural networks make messages safer.

"Researchers at the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light have developed a simpler and potentially more sustainable method for implementing neural networks using optical systems." (ScitechDaily, Neural Networks Made of Light: Photon Power Drives the Next AI Revolution) The AI requires a very secure data transmission. The purpose of ultra-secured data transmission is that the outside effects don't harm information.  When data travels in a complex structure high-level encryption guarantees that only receivers of the data can receive it. Because the entire network will not handle the same data, that leaves reserve in that network.  That guarantees that neural networks cannot be stuck. If there are some kind of problems with the photonic or electric routers the system can put information to travel in other routes.  This structure where the system follows the minimum force principle saves energy. But it allows the system to handle multiple missions at the same time. If