Saturday, December 7, 2024

The Medusa: advanced nuclear pulse propulsion.

Basically. The Medusa system is based on a similar concept. With the famous project Orion. The attempt to create the nuclear pulse propulsion for the interplanetary flight. Project Orion planned to use small nuclear bombs to accelerate its speed to interplanetary missions. And basically. We can say that the Medusa is the modified  "Orion" that uses the solar sail for acceleration. 

The solar sail can be packed at the nose of the "Orion" and the system can use solar energy to accelerate its speed before it detonates nuclear bombs. Even if in that film the nuclear bomb is detonated at the front of the craft. It's possible to detonate them behind the craft and then the would be the Orion, which uses solar sail for accelerating its speed and the nuclear bombs will get into use when the caft is away from the sun. 

When sunlight is weak the Medusa system can continue its journey by using nuclear bombs like small hydrogen bombs. The craft can have two magnets away from its shell. Their mission would be to transfer ions like helium or alpha ions and beta particles like anions and electrons into those magnets. That protects the spacecraft shell and its crew or measurement tools against those particles. And if those nukes launch at the front of the craft those magnets minimize the force that pushes the craft backward. 

There are many ways to use nuclear bombs in acceleration. The craft can carry nuclear bombs inside it. The small neutron bombs will push the craft forward. But then we can think that large-size hydrogen bombs will shoot into space at certain points of the Medusa's trajectory. When Medusa passes those points the 50 mt. Hydrogen bombs will explode. And they will push the craft forward. But in some models, the system can use things like small antimatter bombs to give acceleration. 

In some lightweight systems, the large parabolic mirror will heat the hydrogen in the tank. Hydrogen can give energy to the solar generators. And if the system has a cooler that thing can make it possible to recycle hydrogen. 

Medusa as a weapon. 

There is the possibility to use the Medusa-type system as a weapon. In those systems, parabolic mirror collects sunlight for lasers. In lasers, those mirrors will aim the sunlight at the laser element which can be carbon dioxide laser. Those lasers give very high-energy pulses. The large mirror can also operate as an energy collector for nuclear lasers. 

In those systems, the nuclear weapon's flash will focus by using that mirror into the lasers that can be very powerful. In some other versions of the high-power X-ray lasers, the laser system gets its energy from the nuclear bomb that detonates around the laser element. That gives a very high power energy impulse to the target. 

Friday, December 6, 2024

The DNA-controlled nano-robots can be the next-generation tool for civil and military.

R&D work with tiny robots is work that requires high morale. The thing is that we want to make robots for good. But things like dictatorships are also interesting in the military and espionage applications of those systems. Those robots are extremely potential tools for the military. And the world is so a bad place, that we need weapon applications to defend ourselves. 

The nano-robots and nanorobot swarms are the new tools to fight against cancer. Those things can travel inside the human body, and then remove or inject medicine into cells that are targeted to them. Nanomachines can move artificial DNA to the targeted cells and those DNA bites can order the cell to die. 

The nanorobots can also clean blood vessels and make many things that were impossible a short time ago.  DNA can be used as a computer program in many ways. In simplest models. The DNA bites that travel through the reader and their length determines the value of the number one or zero. Another way is to transform those DNA bites into the bar code that the computer reads. 

The third version that can control miniature robots is the artificial DNA bites that involve some attribute of certain cells. The AI-based systems can search certain actions of the cell, and then locate the point of the DNA that activates that action. Then the artificial DNA will be collected from the wanted attributes of cells. 

The nanorobot swarms can also be used to transport and inject medicines and vaccines into humans and animals. The nanorobot swarms can collect samples from flora and fauna. But as we know there are dark sides also in that technology. The same robots that can inject medicines into people can inject deadly poisons. The same robots that can transport DNA into the targeted cells can leave those cells in the body. That causes death because of gangrene. In medical work, that thing is very important. 

But for military purposes that kind of system is suitable for many undercover operations. Biotechnology allows researchers to create snake- or spider poisons using cell cultures. And that means. There are many things. That makes nanotechnology dangerous in the wrong hands. The rotor-shaped nanorobot that slips into cells can turn the entire body into liquid. 

The nanorobots are tools that can observe bugs and animals. But they can also break human privacy. They can slip into rooms or touch their clothes and transmit information to the receiver. The nanorobot can be on the microprocessor. It can record and re-transmit all data that travels through that microchip. Nanotechnology is a fascinating but also terrifying tool. They can give cures for cancer. Or they can terminate any person in the world. 

The new systems are making it possible to create nano- and quantum materials.

"An artist’s representation of a scanning tunneling microscope probing a toluene molecule. Credit: Dr. Kristina Rusimova, Hannah Martin, and Pieter Keenan" (ScitechDaily, Breakthrough in Nanotechnology Unlocks Atomic Precision for Medicine and Energy)

The new observation tools like X-ray microscopes and scanning tunneling microscopes make it possible for researchers to see things that happen inside atoms. The limit of microscopes is the radiation wavelength that the microscope sees. And the microscope cannot see objects whose diameter is smaller than the observation radiation tool's wavelength. New microscopes see things like structures from individual protons and neutrons. 

The limit for observation tools like scanning tunneling microscopes (STM) is the size of the particle the system uses to scan objects. The STM hovers particles between the layer and the stylus. The changes in the quantum fields around that hovering object tell about the layer that the system scans. 

The particle that hovers between an object and a stylus is the limit of the resolution of the scanning tunneling microscope. And if the system can hover gluon or quark between it and its target. That thing forms the system that resolution is so high, that it can help to move single protons, neutrons, electrons, and other things like quarks. 

The quantum entanglement makes it possible to hover single photons above the target. Things like gamma-ray microscopes can give even more high-resolution images of atoms and their particles. But the problem is how to produce gamma rays and turn them into coherent radiation. 

The ability to see an object makes it possible to manipulate it. That thing is extremely important in nanotechnology. The nanomachines and nano-tools are systems that are based on atomic-size components. The system means precisely selected and positioned atomic structures in molecules. 

The system requires highly advanced manipulation systems. And highly advanced learning neural networks. That can collect and process data from multiple sources. Those things are important for building long-chain molecules and complex molecular structures. Those systems can make it possible to create a revolution in medicine, material research, and manufacturing. The nanomachines are tools that can make many things possible. 

"Data from past proton-electron collisions provide strong evidence of entanglement among the proton’s sea of quarks (spheres) and gluons (squiggles), which may play an important role in their strong-force interactions. Credit: Valerie Lentz/Brookhaven National Laboratory" (ScitechDaily, “Spooky Action” at Ultra-Short Distances: Unlocking the Quantum Core of Matter)

Quantum materials are even more impressive than nanotechnology. 

Nanotechnology can create materials that can fix themselves. Or they can create. Things like 2D neutron graphene. The neutron-graphene is a theoretical material that is like graphene but it's formed of neutrons. That material forms the neutron stars. 

The 2D neutron graphene has one problem. The free neutron decay time is about 15 minutes. But it's possible to trap this neutron network between two layers that could be graphene. Then the system must press energy to those neutrons to deny their decay. But that thing is purely hypothetical material. The idea is that all materials and their parts can be put in 2D form if they are polar. 

 In the most futuristic visions. The quarks can form similar networks. As neutrons form in neutron stars. The ability to see single quarks makes that kind of material possible. However, theory is not a practical solution.  Locking those particles is very difficult. 

But if the system can lock particles like neutrons or quarks into the nanonet and inject energy into them. That makes it possible to create the maser system that sends radiation with the same wavelength as the size of the particles. So those systems can make it possible to create neutron-radiation masers. Or the masers that wavelength is the same as the quark's dimension. 

The superconductivity between quarks could be a useful thing. In nano-size systems. The quark superconductivity can form because quarks are in the same quantum field. If electricity travels in the quantum field that hovers above particles. There is no Hall effect or Hall field. The Hall effect or resistance forms in the standing waves between particles. 

When electricity tries to travel through those waves it must pack so much power that it can travel through those waves. Those waves pull part of that electricity into it. And if that standing potential field does not exist there is no resistance. The quantum field that continues over particles in a straight form makes that structure superconducting. 

But theoretically. the protons can also make similar networks. The problem is that. They require some kind of glue between them to keep protons in their form. 

Theoretically is possible to create things called 2D atoms. In those quantum materials, the protons and neutrons form the ring. Like carbon atoms are in graphene. The protons and neutrons are in turn at that ring. That kind of structure can be very strong.

Sunday, December 1, 2024

Walther engine: an interesting fuel experiment.

Injecting water and sulfur acid or hydrogen peroxide into diesel engine cylinders makes a new type of steam engine. And that is an interesting attempt to replace petroleum from cars. 

In the 1910's before service stations, some cars used steam engines. The steam engine cars were popular until the gas station network was comprehensive enough. Those petroleum stations left steam engine cars into history. But it's possible that if the engineers had put their time into "precisely operating steam engines" those steam cars would not be put into history. The precisely operating engine means that the system injects water and sulfur acid or hydrogen peroxide into the combustion cylinders. When hydrogen peroxide or sulfur acid is injected into those chambers it creates heat and steam.  

Sometimes, researchers introduced that the diesel engine could be turned into a steam engine. They could operate without fossil fuels by using peroxide or sulfur acid-water mixture as the tool that replaced the combustion. In that system, another line transports water into the cylinder. Then the fuel injector injects sulfur acid or hydrogen peroxide into the cylinder. That kind of system can make it possible to create a new type of steam engine that should not create pollution. The problem is that the sulfur acid itself is a very corrosive thing. But it's possible that if that kind of system were created in the 1910's those steam engine cars still exist. 

The Walther turbine is used in torpedoes. The system works with hydrogen peroxide that reacts with water. The 90+% hydrogen peroxide will conduct to the turbine along with water. The chemical reaction creates heat and water vapor. And then that pressurized steam rotates turbines. In some other versions, the system uses sulfur acid that reacts with water and creates heat and vapor as hydrogen peroxide. In those systems, the attempt to replace fossil fuel was because the fuel must be stored in torpedoes. In the 1940's during WWII. German researchers developed submarines that used hydrogen peroxide and water as tools that created the steam for turbines that the submarine could use in underwater drive. 

Those systems gave test submarines an impressive underwater speed of 20-29 knots, which was much more than the normal diesel-electric propulsion. During WWII Germans built 31 (12A and 19B models) XVII-type submarines. But after WWII the interest in that system ended. And the reason was that. The hydrogen peroxide was expensive. The system could use sulfur acid for the same purpose, but for some reason, those systems didn't too flame.

Wednesday, November 27, 2024

Can kamikaze drones endanger the entire state?

Kamikaze drones or loitering ammunition are tools that are proven effective against Russia. But can those loitering ammunition endanger the Western military? If security personnel are not prepared. Those things can destroy soft targets like jet fighters. The kamikaze drones are excellent tools for surprise attacks. The attacker can bring them near targets in plastic bags. 

Or those drones can look like briefcases or canning jars. And if those drones can travel to a target without nobody disturbing them, they can cause bad damage at least stealth fighters and electric supply. If we think about things like cases where small-size drones are used to attack those drones can threaten a person's safety. They are almost perfect assassination tools. And that makes those systems very dangerous. 

Above: Implet, or contact mine, used in "Frankton" operation

When we think about things like ships and especially submarines the underwater quadcopters can cause new threats to marine systems. The quadcopter can carry similar contact mines to those used by British commandoes in the "Frankton" operation in Bordeaux harbor in, 1942. 

Those commandoes used contact mines and today things like stealth fighters or agents can deliver those destructive systems to the harbour. And then. They can search for targets like submarines and ships and connect to them using suction cups or other low-pressure systems. 

The system can work with a low-pressure chamber. When ventilation opens the system touches the hull of the ship. 

The pressure system's mission is to make ammunition contact and stay on antimagnetic hulls.  The system can use the cavity charge or regular explosive. The system can use image-ID and acoustic target recognition. It can prowl targets at the bottom of the harbors. 

Those devices can damage submarines or surface ships very badly. So if we think that drones can give a solution to the war, we must realize that there are many counteractions against them. But the problem is if those counter actions do not exist or they are not used drones are effective. Small-size drones can dropped to operational areas or near targets from aircraft. They can search things like bunker's entrances or missile silos. And. Those systems can also be used to eavesdrop and image intelligence.

Sunday, November 24, 2024

The MIT sound-absorbing silk is a new and exciting innovation.

"MIT researchers developed a silk fabric, which is barely thicker than a human hair, that can suppress unwanted noise and reduce noise transmission in a large room. Credit: MIT News; iStock" (ScitechDaily, The Future of Silence Is Here: MIT’s Noise-Canceling Silk)

One of the newest practical innovations. Is sound-absorbing silk by MIT. Those kinds of materials are classified. The chemical compounds of them are not public. And they involve very interesting nanotechnology. The thing that makes this nanotechnology interesting is that the elastic and flexible structure can deny the noise. 

It is possible to make the 2D material structure like a non-linear graphene where the ball-shaped molecules jump between the walls of the nanotubes. That system's purpose is to pull energy out of the structure. The non-linear nanotubes conduct sound to the structure. The non-linear nanotubes mean that the graphene molecules are not in line. However, the MIT invention is elastic. And that means any structure can be covered by it. 

"MIT researchers have developed a silk fabric that suppresses sound using vibrations, offering two techniques: canceling noise through interference and preventing its transmission." (ScitechDaily, The Future of Silence Is Here: MIT’s Noise-Canceling Silk)

The nanotechnology behind the silk makes the structure the acoustic Faraday gage. In those models, the structure makes standing acoustic waves that travel into the fabric. It's possible. The structure in the fabric makes the acoustic fall that aims incoming waves at the strings. The side-coming waves pull energy out from incoming waves that attempt to travel through that silk. 

These kinds of innovations are tools that can revolutionize airports. The acoustic silk can deny or make the jet engine noise lower. The lightweight sound insulators can also in vehicles to make their noise lower. If that kind of acoustic silk is around the engines like turbines it can decrease the sound of the engine. That kind of silk can also used in face masks that allow the users to talk into the microphones and radios. But those systems deny outsiders to hear what those people say without technical devices. 

 Another thing is that this kind of effective, lightweight, transportable system can decrease the noise of the building sites. Make meetings more secure because people cannot hear things that meeting participants say. And that acoustic silk can protect places like band rooms so that neighbors don't hear the noise. 

Saturday, November 23, 2024

Ions and metasurfaces are the new tools for robotics.

"Schematics of multiplexing metadevices based on coherent wave interferences. Credit: OEA" (ScitechDaily, Pushing Optical Limits: Metasurfaces Achieve Near Infinite Light Control in a Single Device)

The new metasurfaces and ion channels turn information technology and nanomechanics forever. The photonic or photon-reacting and interacting metasurfaces make it possible to create devices that can operate independently in complex situations. 

Those photonic-controlled devices can make things like highly advanced morphing systems possible. In nanotechnology, it's essential to control systems. That is smaller than some molecules. And the metasurfaces are one thing that makes that system possible. When we think about systems like cars and robots that can change their shape, we must realize one thing. 

Those morphing surfaces will be created by nanomachines that act as the morphing neural network. Those small robots can take any form that they ordered. The system can interact with outsider observers like small drones that can tell that small, soundbite size nanorobot swarm how they should move to take a certain form. That thing means that the AI-controlled system can take any shape that it sees. The drone can make the 3D scanned image, and then order those nanorobots to take it. 

In some futuristic visions of the future, the data travels in the organic network. Those systems can be neurons or some hybrid cells. The long threads transport information like neurons. Those systems can transport information between those neurons by using the lion channels. Those ion channels make it possible for information to travel most of the time in chemical form. When that neurotransmitter reaches that neurotransmitter, it sends an electric impulse to the microchip that decodes the message. 

Ion channels are interesting. Those channels can form the ion superhighways that can make new ultra-secured data transmission possible. In those nanorobots, the system can have a small tube that transfers those ions from one place to another. The ion can transport information as well as electrons or photons.  There are multiple ways to make that data transportation. 

"Record ion speeds are achieved in organic conductors where local molecules can attract or repel ions from nanochannels that act as ion superhighways. Credit: Second Bay Studios" (ScitechDaily, Ion Superhighways: The Nanotech Breakthrough Powering Tomorrow’s Tech)

One is to use two ion channels and shoot ions through them. The ion channel one is the one in the binary system. And the ion channel two is the zero in the binary system. Those ion channels can be thousands of kilometers long. And that allows the system to transport ions over long distances. 

In some Sci-fi-Books that kind of system can also transport antimatter like positrons and anti-protons into the wanted point. This kind of system can installed in the robot bug. The robot bug transports those antimatter particles to the wanted point in the magnetic chamber, that puts them to flow. 

That denies antimatter contact with the walls of that chamber. Then the robot injects antiparticles through that ion accelerator or ion proboscis. That kind of weapon would be extremely horrible. And one of them can destroy even warships. The antimatter energy level is so high, that a gram of that matter turns the entire Earth into a molecular cloud. 

The ion-based information transport system is one of the versions of ultra-secured data transmission. The idea is that. The system can deny the outsider observer. To see ion. If the outsider harms the ion channel that thing is seen in control rooms. The receiving system must require the energy level and speed of ions to be at a certain level. Those things tell that ion is part of the message. 

The ion channel is also a vacuum, and if somebody wants to steal information, that launches the pressure sensor and denies the ion flow. The ion systems might not look as effective and wonderful as photonic systems. But they can interact between living neurons or organic microchips and regular, non-organic systems. In that system, the microchip transports information to the neuron cell's ion channel using the ions.

Tuesday, November 5, 2024

Solar wind research. And the use of diamonds to cool the atmosphere.


"In this animation, the CODEX instrument can be seen mounted on the exterior of the International Space Station. Credit: CODEX Team/NASA" (ScitechDaily, NASA’s CODEX Ready To Unlock Solar Wind Mysteries From the ISS)

NASA will send a CODEX instrument to the ISS to observe solar wind. 

"NASA’s Coronal Diagnostic Experiment (CODEX) is set to launch to the International Space Station to explore new details about the solar wind, including its origins and evolution."  (ScitechDaily, NASA’s CODEX Ready To Unlock Solar Wind Mysteries From the ISS)

The solar wind is well-known as an entirety. The solar wind is the particle flow that the source is in the sun. The mystery thing is how deep the solar wind forms. And the second question is how much the sun's magnetic field will accelerate those particles. And what role things like photons and impacting opposite and same polar particles play in that flow. 

So how much photons accelerate those ions and electrons? That information can help to build next-generation ion engines that have magnetic acceleration but things like laser beams can give extra punch to ions. 

Also, things like solar sails require information on the solar wind. That information can use to protect those system's electric components. And one thing is that the particles that form solar wind have very high energy levels. That makes it possible to use those things as energy sources. An interesting thing is how many of those particles can turn into antimatter when they fall into the atmosphere. The antimatter engines can create antimatter straight from the solar wind. 

Another interesting thing is the role of the solar wind in weather. The solar wind includes many interesting things. It drives small dust particles into Earth's atmosphere. And if it impacts satellites it can cause malfunction. This is one of the reasons why the solar wind is under research. 

"Globally averaged quantities resulting from 5 Mt/yr injections of the corresponding material (a) and (c) and quantities normalized by globally averaged net all sky top of the atmosphere (ToA) radiative forcing (RF) (b) and (d). Credit: Geophysical Research Letters (2024). DOI: 10.1029/2024GL110575" (Phys,org, Could injecting diamond dust into the atmosphere help cool the planet?)

The use of diamonds is one of the most expensive solutions for atmosphere cooling. Or is it? And other versions of that idea. 

Researchers think that injected diamond dust can decrease the temperature of the planet. The injected very cold nanodiamonds can act as the cooler beam, that can absorb heat from the air. Diamonds can form Bose-Einstein condensate that can absorb very much thermal energy. 

If researchers can send any material to space at the shadow side of Earth they can cool the atmosphere. Even if the air tank is sent to the orbiter and then somebody opens that tank can decrease the temperature on the ground. But there is a need for a large mass of that cooled gas. So that means that this is one of the most expensive ways to cool Earth's atmosphere. 

The use of diamond rain to cool the atmosphere is one of the most expensive ideas in the world. The idea is that the system will transport diamonds outside the atmosphere. Then it drops from the sky to the ground. And that means diamonds would bind thermal energy into themselves. That thing is very expensive. But what if somebody collects those diamonds or other particles back? 

The idea is that the system drops so-called nanodiamonds or "diamond sand" into the artificial lake. There can be the mylar tarpaulin on the bottom of the lake, and that thing can help to recycle those diamonds. The system must not use diamonds for that thing. The sand or water is the thing that can make this thing real as well as diamonds. 

The system can use so-called stratospheric satellites to transport particles to the high stratosphere. Then the system can wait until it releases its thermal energy to the high atmosphere. And then they can drop them to the ground. There are many versions of this thing. In some versions, the stratospheric satellite comes to the ground, pulls water into a tank, and then rises to the edge of the space. The system keeps water in motion, and then it will not turn into large ice bites. Then the system drops that artificial snow to the ground. 

There are suggested things like ultra-cold ions that the satellite shoots to the higher atmosphere to decrease the temperature on the ground. In some suggestions, people will create stratospheric towers that conduct air through the heat exchanger. Then that cooled air will drop to the ground.

Things like centrifugal launch systems that allow low-cost applications to shoot satellites to orbiters can make that kind of system possible. The system just shoots miniature satellites through the suborbital trajectory. Those satellites carry the particles like diamonds, snow, or sand that should cool on that trip. When they return to the atmosphere they release those particles to air.

Monday, November 4, 2024

Bacteriophages can take the form of sunflowers.

"McMaster University researchers found that bacteriophages treated under specific conditions form flower-like structures that are highly efficient in targeting bacteria, opening new possibilities for the treatment and detection of diseases." (ScitechDaily, Nature-Inspired Viruses Form Living “Sunflowers” To Combat Disease)

Complicated DNA-controlled structures can revolutionize medicine development. But it can make also many more things. 

Bacteriophages can make forms that look like sunflowers. Their ability to combine their bodies makes phages more effective against targeted bacteria. Sunflower-form virus structures can be a tool for researchers to use against infections. However, those virus structures are also interesting tools for people who create nanomachines and nanostructures. 

As you see, viruses can make complicated structures. And that makes it possible to use them to create structures for nanomechanics. The DNA-controlled crystal formation is the tool that developers can use to create the nanomachines. The nanomaterial means material that looks the same as normal material. But there are nanometer-sized internal structures. That gives those materials new abilities. If we think about things like nanotechnical wires. 

The ability to create complicated structures. Can make it possible to create medicines and structures that can make many things possible from medicine to nanomachines and DNA-based data storage. 

The nanotechnical wire can have structures that look like plates. There can be a pike on the other side of the plate. And hole at another side. That thing makes it possible to increase the length of the wire. Or if something cuts the wire. It's possible to create a structure that can fix itself. The only need is to put those gripping surfaces together. The nanowires can form structures like nano-canvas that can fix their damages without needing help. 

Nanotechnology is an impressive tool. The viruses that can take any form are the things that can make many things for nanotechnology. When the virus is made the structure the UV-radiation can destroy the DNA. And that helps to create a complicated crystal structure that is suitable for nanotechnology. 

The data can be stored in genetically engineered cells to create the wanted forms. (ScitechDaily, Nature-Inspired Viruses Form Living “Sunflowers” To Combat Disease)

"Colorized groups of phages compared to flowers. Credit: McMaster University"

The form of the cell can mean zero or one. The third form can mean. That the system must wait for the new cell. 

In DNA-based data storage, the system can use the forms that genetically engineered cells can take to transmit data to an AI-based operating system. 

If we think of the possibility of creating DNA-based data storage. There is one simple way to create that thing without the need to read the DNA. DNA-controlled viruses or cells can take a series of certain forms. There is a need for two or three forms if the DNA-based data storage uses binary data storage. 

Those forms like "star" can mean one, and "square" can mean zero. And ring might mean that the DNA ends and the system must wait for the next cell or virus group. There can be two groups of cells. The other is dark and another has a genome for bioluminance. The system shares the data in two cell lines and it can use the luminance to see that the system has changed the cell. 

The other forms have let's say pink and red colors. And the other is green and yellow. In those systems, the data is stored in two lines. The system feeds the reading system. By using those lines one after one. A change of color or shine tells that the cell or virus group is changed. And that makes the reader collect data together. 

Or red sunflower can mean one and yellow sunflower can mean zero. The green sunflower can mean the end of the DNA. The system requires a microscope with a machine view to observe those structures. The operating system follows those images. That the cells or viruses can make. And then it can use the DNA as data storage in an easy way.

Thursday, October 31, 2024

The polaritons are the tools for nano-size photonics.

"Schematic illustration of the electrical spectroscopy on the polaritonic-based graphene photodetector. Credit: ICFO/ David Alcaraz Iranzo" (ScitechDaily, Tiny Polaritons Unleash a New Era in Nanophotonics)

"Photonics is a branch of optics that involves the application of generation, detection, and manipulation of light in the form of photons through emission, transmission, modulation, signal processing, switching, amplification, and sensing. Photonics is closely related to quantum electronics, where quantum electronics deals with the theoretical part of it while photonics deal with its engineering applications. " (Wikipedia, Photonics) 

Though covering all light's technical applications over the whole spectrum, most photonic applications are in the range of visible and near-infrared light. The term photonics developed as an outgrowth of the first practical semiconductor light emitters invented in the early 1960s and optical fibers developed in the 1970s." (Wikipedia, Photonics) 

The first solution that used photonics was an optical data cable. Those cables are still one of the most secure data transmission systems. It's possible that the system can use outside optical fibers to send so-called empty signals. If somebody changes the form fiber or cuts it the system detects it. Then it can report that anomaly in wavelength to the system supervisors. 

In that system, data travels in an inner optical fiber. That makes outsiders hard to see the data flow.  If somebody wants to eavesdrop on that data. The spy must damage or turn the outside optical fibers. 

And the system notices that. Similar systems can detect things like earthquakes. The movements on the ground stretch and change the route of the light. And that allows observers to see if something or somebody moves the optical cable.

Modern photonics is the tool that makes much more than just transport data.  The high-power computers make it possible to manipulate nano-optical layers. Those layers can transfer photons into wanted directions. The ability to remove reflection from layers is the ultimate tool for stealth technology. And the same thing can make quantum computers more effective. Without reflection, there are not-so-strong artifact effects that disturb the quantum entanglement. 

The ability to create quasiparticles is a great advance in photonics. The quasiparticles can create energy potholes or energy dumps that allow energy and photons to travel in them. The energy potholes in material pull it in together. The quasiparticle can aim photons in the desired direction. And that can make it possible to create the switches and routers for the photonic microchips. 

"In physics, polaritons are bosonic quasiparticles resulting from strong coupling of electromagnetic waves (photon) with an electric or magnetic dipole-carrying excitation (state) of solid or liquid matter (such as a phonon, plasmon, or an exciton).[example needed] Polaritons describe the crossing of the dispersion of light with any interacting resonance." (Wikipedia, polariton)

Sunday, October 27, 2024

Thermophotovoltaic cells can make energy production more effective.

"Researchers are exploring thermophotovoltaic systems that generate electricity from heat, highlighting their potential in sustainable energy." (ScitechDaily, Harnessing Heat for Clean Energy: The Future of Thermophotovoltaic Technology)

"Researchers are advancing thermophotovoltaic (TPV) systems, which convert heat into electricity using photovoltaic cells, presenting a silent and low-maintenance energy solution." (ScitechDaily, Harnessing Heat for Clean Energy: The Future of Thermophotovoltaic Technology)

Thermophotovoltaic cells allow to use of laser beams to transport electricity to drones and other electric components. Thermophotovoltaic cells are applications that can increase the energy efficiency of the engines and electric supply systems.  

Thermophotovoltaic cells convert heat to electricity. Those systems can operate independently. 

Thermophotovoltaic cells can operate with regular energy sources using their heat to make electricity.  

They can harness energy from boiling water from the water supply system. And the small robots. Observe the system conditions can use those tools for energy supply. 

The thermoelectric photovoltaic technology can collect energy from the engine of the hybrid cars. That system can harness energy from the combustion engine's heat. And it can boost the engine efficiency. It also loads batteries faster. 

The fact is that thermophotovoltaic technology can increase the energy efficiency of all power plants. Engineers can use this kind of system to make new points where they collect energy. And if thermophotovoltaic cells can someday turn to large-scale use those systems can harness energy from geothermal holes. 

Also, dark layers can give energy to thermophotovoltaic cells.  That can used together with regular solar panels. The thermophotovoltaic cells can collect energy from blast furnaces which decreases the need to buy electricity.  

Thermophotovoltaic cells can also be used in next-generation Venus landers. Those systems can also give energy to robots that operate in high-temperature environments. There are many potential useful things for that technology. The ability to turn heat or IR radiation into electricity can be useful in military applications that require low-observable energy sources that don't operate in radio frequency. 

That means. The IR-laser system can deliver electricity to small drones or other electric equipment. Those drones can operate in caves and places where they cannot land. The ability to use laser beams to load electricity to the small quadcopters is one of the most fundamental ideas in robotics. Those lasers can also be used to transport information to drones. The system can have multiple useful applications. From the scientific to the military world.

Friday, October 25, 2024

The new sandwich-type material can offer a breakthrough in superconducting technology.

"Four layers of a surface-conducting material (Bi2Te3) between two single layers of a magnetic insulator (MnBi2Te4). This structure creates the conditions to align the manganese spins (red arrows) and support a zero-resistance, spin-polarized current. Credit: Australian Research Council" (ScitechDaily, Zero Resistance Breakthrough: Meet the Quantum Sandwich Powering the Future)

The new fundamental sandwich-type material can revolutionize superconducting. The anomaly in the quantum hall effect makes electrons travel in that material without resistance. The Hall effect or resistance is the group of standing waves between electrons. The new material can remove those standing waves. It can create a homogenous power field around the wire. Image 2 shows that the Hall effect is like a wall between electric conductors. The quantum-level version is the wall between electrons. If that wall is removed, there is no resistance. 

"Researchers have developed a new “sandwich” structure material that exhibits the quantum anomalous Hall effect, enabling electrons to travel with almost no resistance at higher temperatures." (ScitechDaily, Zero Resistance Breakthrough: Meet the Quantum Sandwich Powering the Future)

"This breakthrough could significantly enhance computing power while dramatically reducing energy consumption. The structure is based on a layered approach with bismuth telluride and manganese bismuth telluride, promising faster and more efficient future electronic devices." (ScitechDaily, Zero Resistance Breakthrough: Meet the Quantum Sandwich Powering the Future)

Image 2.  (Wikipedia, Hall effect)

It's possible to create almost room-temperature superconducting conditions using 200 GPa pressure. 

Superconducting has been possible at room temperature, or in -23 C degrees. But that requires 200 GPa pressure. Leak in that kind of pressure system. Is always devastating. How to replace the pressure system? The new material can be an answer to that question.

We can think about things like making superconducting using high-pressure tools. The nanotechnology allows to creation of a small-size high-pressure chamber. The problem is: how to make that system safe?  If there is a small leak in the pressure system releases 200 GPa pressure. One of the answers could be artificial diamonds. They are used to close those high-pressure chambers inside them. 

One of the solutions can be a hollow wire. That wire is put in the channels that lasers drill into industrial diamonds. The system can press pressure in and outside the wire. And that can raise the pressure to a high enough level that the wire turns superconducting. 

In the dry-pressure superconductors, researchers will put a wire lattice between the hydraulic press. Then the system presses the lattice from both sides. Then the system can put and tie the artificial diamond over that structure. Those diamonds can keep the pressure on the wire. 

We can think of an extremely thin material that is used to press the lattice wire and stabilize its structure. The problem is how to stabilize the inner structure. One of the answers to that is the diamond. The system can press the structure into high-pressure conditions and then it can put a diamond or carbonite crystal structure around it. The diamond structure locks pressure into the wire, and that can be the tool for making dry high-pressure superconducting. The system must keep the pressure on the wire or the system fails.

Thursday, October 24, 2024

Solar sails are promising tools for space research.

"This artist’s concept shows the Advanced Composite Solar Sail System spacecraft sailing in space using the energy of the Sun. Credit: NASA/Aero Animation/Ben Schweighart" (ScitechDaily, Tumbling in Orbit: NASA’s Test of Advanced Solar Sail Technology Encounters Early Challenges)

NASA's solar sail technology faced early challenges, but it seems promising. Solar sail technology is an interesting tool for traveling inside the asteroid belt and between Earth and Mars. If the spacecraft can use solar sail technology at least during the early journey to Mars. That technology saves energy and fuel. 

When the craft starts to travel back to Earth the solar sail can brake the nuclear thermal rocket. There are two ways to use giant mylar structures for that purpose. One simply opens the sail behind the craft. 

Then the solar wind pushes the craft backward. And that slows its speed. Or the nuclear thermal engine can use the sail as a break chute. The system can aim the thrust to that sail, slowing the speed. The nuclear rocket can change the exhaust gas line which minimizes thrust. This makes it possible to use solar sails for braking systems. 

In some versions of the hypothetical interstellar probes, they slow their speed using solar sails. When those, still hypothetical probes will close the Alpha- and Proxima Centauri systems they can use the solar sails to slow its speed. 

Artist's impression of Daedalus, the interstellar probe concept. 

The nuclear thermal rockets can also use solar sails to travel to Mars and that gives them the ability to maneuver at trajectory. The fact is that the solar sails have limited operational area in the solar system. 

However, researchers can use that technology in the systems that might someday take samples from the Sun to Earth. Those next-generation versions of the Parker probe can dive into the Sun's atmosphere and capture ions from there. Then the solar sail will transport those ions to Earth. 

The solar wind gives thrust to the craft. And when it travels to Earth. When that probe travels near Earth the laser or ion beams that shoot against the solar sail will slow its speed and those ions from the Sun can carried to the laboratory. 

The technology that allows to creation of solar sails can be used to create giant radar antennas that can packed into small spaces. The solar sail or space probe can travel to Jupiter and its icy Moons. Or the Martian orbiter. Map the surface and subsurface areas of the red planet. The radars that use long wavelengths can see things from underground. 

Those systems can search underground ice and caves. Advanced radar systems can see things, like underground nuclear laboratories. The solar sail can also equipped with an iron net, that acts as a radio telescope. The large radio telescope that will travel outside the Solar system makes that thing possible. 

Solar sails are systems that are promising for near-Earth journeys outside of the Sun. Because the system is based on existing technology there are radio telescopes and radars that can also connect to that structure. 

The solar sail can be a suitable tool for long-term missions inside the asteroid belt. And the fact is that one system must not be suitable for everything. 

The solar sail can give thrust and speed for things like Jupiter probes. The solar sail can open in the last stage of gravity acceleration. And that can make the flight time to Jupiter shorter.

Monday, October 14, 2024

The new types of rockets and fuels can revolutionize space travel

Above: X-51 Waverider

The ramjet engine can also burn things like metal powders. 

The X-51 Waverider reaches the Mach 5,1. That speed is low enough that the ramjet can operate. And the ramjet engine can use almost any fuel that the system can inject into it. 

The only thing that developers must do to remove carbon from exhaust gas is to use some fuel that doesn't involve carbon. And modern nanotechnology makes it possible to create things like nano-metal powders that can be used as fuel. 

When we think about inventions like the carbon-burning ramjet-driven P.13 experimental project, we must realize that those inventions can drive aviation to a new level. P.13 used carbon dust that it injected into the ramjet engine. The plane was too radical to operate even in Nazi Germany. That radical ramjet design can turn aviation closer to carbon-free time. Modern nanotechnology allows developers to create things like metallic powders. 

The ramjet engine can use fuels like aluminum-magnesium-combination particles. The system drives those nanoparticles into the ramjet engine. That powder can give very high temperatures. Water injection into the chamber might needed to keep the temperature lower.  The system can use a low-pressure tube to pull air through the engine. The system can ignite metal by using the hydrogen. 

Convair NB-36H

The nuclear age. 

In some futuristic models, the nuclear-powered shuttles can transport people even to Mars. In history, one nuclear-powered NB-36 H experimental bomber flew research missions to test how nuclear reactors for aviation. Those nuclear-powered aircraft never went to service, because of public opinion.  If a nuclear-powered aircraft falls, that can cause heavy radioactive pollution in large areas. 

The Nuclear-powered aircraft or shuttle can use electric jet engines there the electric arcs or electromagnetic radiation makes the expansion of the air. In some models the system can use phonon there it injects energy. The phonon will send pressure impulses that make pressure into the ramjet or turbojet. 

The engine system can turn to use nuclear chemical rockets in space. These types of shuttles are possible, but there are also safety options that make them hard to make

Return of Orion.

The use of nuclear bombs as the propellant for interplanetary spacecraft is not a new idea. In the 1950's the USAF made a study project called "Orion". The idea was to make a spacecraft that used nuclear bombs to accelerate spacecraft. The system would detonate nuclear bombs behind it. There is introduced a plan to create the airfield operating shuttle that uses a series of neutron bombs to make the project Orion real. The system can use the collapsible shield that protects craft against the nuclear detonators radiation. 

The large-size nuclear-powered aircraft can travel even to Mars if they have suitable engines and enough fuel. The nuclear reactors can hide in the winds of those planes. That gives them lots of surface area to keep the temperature low. In space large structures developed for solar sails can also operate as the cooling system. That conducts thermal radiation into space. The developers can use solar-sail technology to make shields that the craft can open in space. 

Those systems can be used to protect the craft against solar storms. And they are useful to use with neutron bombs. In some scenarios, the shuttle that travels to Mars can use nuclear bombs to send it to the Mars trajectory. The system can send a nuclear bomb behind it. And detonate it behind the craft. This kind of shuttle can carry those bombs in its cargo bay. It can travel to an orbiter where it opens the shield and detonates the bomb. 

The nuclear rockets. 

The Success of Space X's Starship is one of the milestones in space flight. Things like nuclear rockets need a high-capable, heavy-weight launching system. The nuclear rockets might not lift off from Earth using nuclear power. In many scenarios, the rocket lifts off from Earth using conventional rockets. Then at the orbiter, the system starts to use nuclear power. Or maybe the system looks a little bit different than we even thought. 

In many scenarios, the interplanetary shuttles that use nuclear power wait at the Moon orbiter. In the case of accidents, the nuclear debris falls to the Moon. The crew will be transported from the Earth to the Moon orbiter using conventional rockets. Then there the crew will change its craft. To the nuclear-powered rockets that use liquid hydrogen as propellant. 

The nuclear-powered chemical rockets require small and effective nuclear reactors. The small, portable nuclear reactors, PoNus are tools that can make this kind of system possible. But in all cases, there must be a trusted launching system. That transports the reactor into the orbiter. Then the crew must transport nuclear fuel into those rockets. The problem is that if there is an accident, the radioactive fuel will spread all around. The developers must transport that fuel to the orbiter as a small lot as possible. 

The chemical nuclear rocket can drive liquid hydrogen straight through the reactor. That model was used in "Project NERVA". The Nuclear Engine for Rocket Vehicle Application, NERVA was the primitive chemical nuclear engine. Developers can use things like microwaves lasers and electric arcs to expand the fuel. In those cases, the system takes electricity from the nuclear reactor's cooling cycle. The system can use things like molten salt that it drives through the generator.

Sunday, October 13, 2024

AI and genetics are the ultimate pair.


AI Virus Discovery Art Concept

"Over 161,000 RNA viruses have been discovered through AI, showcasing vast, unexplored viral diversity and setting the stage for further scientific breakthroughs. Credit:" (ScitechDaily, Revolutionizing Virology: AI Discovers Over 160,000 New RNA Viruses)

The AI found 10,000 new mRNA viruses. That tells about the power of the AI. The complete knowledge of RNA and DNA gives new abilities to create complex and powerful solutions for civil and military purposes. The ability to manipulate cells allows to create of vaccines and countervenoms very fast. The ability to connect certain DNA sequences to certain abilities makes it possible to select the right staff for the right missions. 

Cells use mRNA as text messages. They share information. And that can be the new tool against viruses, bacteria, and maybe cancer. Some cancer events may be caused. Because, those mRNA particles wrote themselves over the programmed cell death, or they disturb the DNA molecule in the cell. If the cell loses its programmed cell death it causes cancer. And maybe things like disturbing the immune system are things behind allergies and rheumatic diseases. 

Maybe the cell will not send the chemical messages to the immune system as it should before it dies. If those messages where the cell tells that it will die start too late, the immune system overreacts. One dead cell in the body can cause death because it makes cell membranes of surrounding cells low voltage. That closes the ion pumps. That makes gangrenes so deadly. If the immune system doesn't have time to select the right tissues. That causes the situation where immune cells start to destroy healthy tissue. 

The mRNA molecule is the text message between cells. We develop artificial viruses. When we develop things like mRNA vaccines that reprogram our immune system. The mRNA and DNA are like computer code, that stores data into the chemical form. The AI makes it possible to read the mRNA by using microscopes and plasma spectrometers. This allows the use of DNA and RNA as data storage. 

The AI is the ultimate tool for genetics. Genomes are straight and well-prepared objects, that the AI can share between multiple genome analyzation systems. That means the neural networks can share even a long DNA between millions of analyzers that can use spectroscopes or scanning laser microscopes to unveil the genome and its secrets. 

That thing allows researchers to create models of the complex DNA. The system can compare the DNA sequences that it analyzes with billions of samples in a very short time. This allows researchers to map genetic disorders and find new viruses. The new manufacturing tools like nano printers make it possible to create artificial DNA and RNA molecules. 

The ability to create artificial DNA makes it possible to create new types of medicines. Artificial DNA also allows researchers to fix the genetic errors in the cells. In those cases, the makes a copy of the DNA. Then it removes non-wanted sequences and replaces damaged DNA from the fertilized egg. That is one of the possibilities to give the genome therapy. 

In some scenarios, artificial DNA makes it possible to use the DNA as a computer program. The artificial DNA can be used to create artificial cells, that give electric impulses to the computer. And those cells can make it possible to create a system that transports data between living and non-organic systems. The AI-controlled system can use a nano-printer to create artificial DNA that it transfers to the bacteria. Then those bacteria give electric pulses to the computer. 

The ability to make the artificial DNA makes it possible to create new types of weapons. Those weapons can be the mRNA bites that can order cells to die. There are multiple things that genetics can make in the wrong hands.

Thursday, October 10, 2024

The biomimetic robot that emulates polyps is a new tool for robotics.

"Researchers from Tampere University in Finland and Anhui Jianzhu University in China have made a significant breakthrough in soft robotics. Their groundbreaking study introduces the first toroidal, light-driven micro-robot that can move autonomously in viscous liquids, such as mucus. This innovation marks a major step forward in developing micro-robots capable of navigating complex environments, with promising applications in fields such as medicine and environmental monitoring." ( in soft robotics: First toroidal micro-robot to swim autonomously in viscous liquids)

The University of Tampere, Finland along with Anhui Jianzhu University in China. Made the new donut-shaped robot that emulates polyp. The thing with that robot is that it can operate independently. 

This robot uses light to swim in viscose liquid. The ring-shaped robot can operate in liquids like blood or polluted water. And that ability makes it suitable for mapping things like harmful bacteria. The donut robot can also take samples from suspicious tissues and bacteria formation. 

The robot can also close things like blood vessels which makes it suitable to help surgeons. Closing the blood vessels makes it possible to limit blood flow into the tumors. And that is one of the most fundamental cures for cancer. The surgeon can put cathedra that deliver light into the blood vessel, and then give control signals to that robot. 

The thing is that this kind of robot is suitable for many missions. The deep-sea systems can send them to research caves in the ocean bottom. The larger submarines and underwater drones can give control signals to those robots using laser light. The larger donut robots can also involve microchips that allow them to operate independently. 

When we think about miniature robots there are lots of uses for those systems. Those systems can operate in the deep sea, sewers, wastewater treatment plants, the human body, and even on other planets. Maybe in the future. A swarm of those miniature robots will operate in  Titan moon hydrocarbon oceans or Jupiter's atmosphere. 

But those systems are excellent tools for military intelligence. They can travel in the water supply, and slip in closed areas. Then they can record everything that people say. Or those robots can take samples of the water around ships. To uncover the chemical compounds of the fuels and other things. Autonomous miniature robots are things. That can operate in many fields from science to the military.

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Diamond-based quantum computers can be a reality quite soon.

"Precision control of diamond qubits is an important step in the development of quantum computers. Credit: Ioannis Karapatzakis, KIT" (ScitechDaily, Unlocking Quantum Communication: The Power of Diamond-Based Qubits)

Diamonds are tools that can make new and portable quantum computers possible. The researchers can control a thing called tin vacancy centers, SnV in a diamond. That makes it possible to create static qubits. There is also the possibility to use other impurities like noble gas atoms as qubits. Those atoms can be in precise positions in very clean diamonds. When a laser beam impacts those atoms it affects them as a group. 

"Where, for example, laser pulses in a glass fiber transport information from A to B in classical digital communication, quantum mechanics uses individual photons. In principle, this makes it impossible to intercept the transmitted data. Qubits that are optically addressable (can be controlled or read out with light) are suitable for storing the photons’ information and processing it in quantum computers. The qubits can store and process quantum states, and absorb and emit them in the form of photons." (ScitechDaily, Unlocking Quantum Communication: The Power of Diamond-Based Qubits)

The big difference between quantum and classical laser communication is that in quantum communication information is stored in particles. Normally those particles are photons. The quantum data transportation base is in the photon's superposition. When data is stored in photons using a certain energy level or state, that thing means when the receiver wants to read that data, the receiver must know the state, where the data is stored. When the receiver reads data, it will transported to the receiver, and the empty state is left. So, if somebody steals data from qubit receiver sees that thing. The number of qubit states is important because that makes qubit more secure. 

Phononic qubits can be the new tool for quantum computing.

The idea for quantum computers is a diamond-based technology. The diamonds and electrons in them can make classical qubits. But, there is a possibility that researchers can use diamonds as phononic qubits. The phononic qubit means that the system can use sound lasers to make oscillate atoms in the sound amplification by stimulated emission of radiation, SASER beam. This is the thing that makes the thing, called tractor beam useful for that kind of system. 

The idea is that the nano-diamond pair hangs in an acoustic tractor beam or acoustic tweezers between two diamonds. Then those diamonds send the phonon or acoustic laser beam that makes those diamonds oscillate. And that system makes the acoustic qubits possible. Of course, it's possible to make the acoustic qubits between two cone-shaped diamonds. But that thing is quite difficult to create. The idea in the acoustic qubits is that they create the acoustic pressure field around some monoatomic object. Then system can put those standing waves into superposition.

The new observations tell that the thunderstorms form gamma-rays. That could make gamma-ray lasers possible.


"An illustration of NASA’s research plane ER-2 flying over thunderstorms. Credit: University of Bergen / Mount Visual (CC BY 4.0), edited" (ScitechDaily, Surprising Discovery: NASA’s Retrofitted U2 Spy Plane Reveals Tropical Lightning Storms Are Radioactive)

The new observations tell that the thunderstorms form gamma-rays. That could make gamma-ray lasers possible. The process has been observed by the NASA (Lockheed) ER-2 research plane, which is a modified U-2 spy plane. The gamma-ray formation in thunderstorms. Where lightning and electric fields release electrons that impact the air molecules and water droplets is an interesting thing. That thing opens the route to solving many mysteries. 

"The general physics behind how thunderstorms create high-energy flashes of gamma radiation is not a mystery. As thunderstorms develop, swirling drafts drive water droplets, hail, and ice into a mixture that creates an electric charge much like rubbing a balloon on your shirt. Positively charged particles end up at the top of the storm while negatively charged particles drop to the bottom, creating an enormous electric field that can be as strong as 100 million AA batteries stacked end-to-end." (ScitechDaily, Surprising Discovery: NASA’s Retrofitted U2 Spy Plane Reveals Tropical Lightning Storms Are Radioactive)


"The researchers were equally excited to see numerous examples of short duration and intense gamma radiation bursts coming from the same thunderstorms. Some of these were precisely like those that were originally detected by the NASA satellites. These almost always occurred in conjunction with an active lightning discharge. This suggests that the large electric field created by lightning is likely supercharging the already high-energy electrons, enabling them to create high-energy nuclear reactions." (ScitechDaily, Surprising Discovery: NASA’s Retrofitted U2 Spy Plane Reveals Tropical Lightning Storms Are Radioactive)

The gamma rays in thunderstorms can make the gamma-ray lasers possible. 

"Since the 1960s, advancements in laser technology have aimed to enhance peak power and produce light at shorter wavelengths, with significant progress marked by the development of chirped pulse amplification in the 1980s. Current research focuses on overcoming challenges in generating coherent gamma rays, a critical step toward revolutionary applications in imaging and material studies. (Artist’s concept.) Credit:" (ScitechDaily, Is a Gamma-Ray Laser Possible)

1) Gamma-ray tube around the eruption channel

2) Gamma-ray source at the bottom of the tube

3) Gamma-ray beam. 

As you see, the gamma-ray laser is rather a maser than a laser. The reason for that is this: the reflection of gamma rays is impossible. There are no mirrors that can put gamma rays between them like in lasers. In regular lasers, light jumps between mirrors in regular lasers side-coming radiation emission increases that light power. That reflection is impossible in gamma-ray frequency because they are so penetrating. And there is no known material that can reflect the gamma-ray. 


Components of a typical laser:

1) Gain medium

2) Laser pumping energy

3) High reflector

4) Output coupler

5) Laser beam

The problem with making the gamma-ray laser has been to produce the artificial gamma-rays. The thing that gamma-ray bursts form in thunderstorms may make it possible to create the gamma-ray laser. The idea of this kind of system is quite simple. There is an artificial cloud in the low-pressure tube that simulates the thundercloud. 

Then the high-power electric systems will inject electricity into that thing. Those systems are similar to those used in particle accelerators. The idea is that the system acts like a maser which is the gamma source at the bottom of the tube. The system injects gamma rays into the tube around the eruption channel, and the gamma-ray source in the bottom makes those gamma rays move. 

The side-coming gamma rays push those gamma rays that are coming from the gamma chamber at the bottom into coherent mode. The system acts like a maser. The side-coming gamma rays increase the power of the gamma rays that travel through the field. 

The system is more like a maser than a laser. The problem is that making gamma-ray reflection is not possible. In maser, the microwave (or magnetic) field increases the microwave power. In a gamma-ray maser or laser, the system uses a gamma-ray field to increase gamma-ray power.

Plasmonic systems are tools for new types of computing and communication.


"ETH Zurich’s breakthrough in using plasmonic modulators has achieved speeds up to 424Gbit/s, offering new possibilities for space communication and global internet access with potential speeds up to 1.4 Tbit/s. Credit:" (ScitechDaily, Revolutionizing Space Communication: 424Gbit/S Achieved With Cutting-Edge Plasmonic Tech)

New space missions require new types of communication. Plasmonic technology can make it possible to make more effective, and more secure data transportation protocols. The other tools are spinning micro- and radio waves. Or the system can use plasmoid channels and spintronics to create high-accurate thin-band data transmission that is protected from outside effects. 

High-speed data transportation requires systems that can protect data against outside, purpose, and non-purpose effects. In some models, the system can transport data using highly accurate maser technology and coherent radio waves that travel in radio wave vortexes or channels. The data can travel in spinning radio- or microwaves. 

Or in data transmission, the system can use (as an example) radiowaves to transmit 1 and microwaves to transmit 0. The laser rays that travel in another laser ray are also promising things. The outside channel denies outsides to see the data, that travels in the data transmission. 

"In physics, a plasmon is a quantum of plasma oscillation. Just as light (an optical oscillation) consists of photons, the plasma oscillation consists of plasmons. The plasmon can be considered as a quasiparticle since it arises from the quantization of plasma oscillations, just like phonons are quantizations of mechanical vibrations. Thus, plasmons are collective (a discrete number) oscillations of the free electron gas density. For example, at optical frequencies, plasmons can couple with a photon to create another quasiparticle called a plasmon polariton." (Wikipedia, Plasmon) 

"Experimental setup of the FSO outdoor experiments. Tunable laser source (TLS), driving amplifier (DA), arbitrary waveform generator (AWG), transmitter digital signal processing (Tx-DSP), erbium-doped fiber amplifier (EDFA), bandpass filter (BPF), optical spectrum analyzer (OSA), polarization division multiplexing emulator (PDM), high power optical amplifier (HPOA), real time controller (RTC), deformable mirror (DFM), wavefront sensor (WFS), optical power meter (OPM), local oscillator (LO), balanced photodetector (BPD), digital storage oscilloscope (DSO), receiver digital signal processing (Rx-DSP). Credit: Laurenz Kulmer, ETH Zurich" (ScitechDaily, Revolutionizing Space Communication: 424Gbit/S Achieved With Cutting-Edge Plasmonic Tech)

"An overview of the proposed system showing an input image layer placed amongst other layers which combine in different ways to perform logical operations when light is passed through the stack. Credit: ©2024 Mashiko et al. CC-BY-ND" (ScitechDaily, From Light Waves to Logic: The Cutting-Edge of Optical Computing)

The system transforms plasma oscillation into the data that the laser wave transports. The idea is that the laser ray travels over oscillating plasma. That oscillation can make a similar image that is made in light-based computing (Above). In plasmonic systems, the plasma replaces that image. 

"Think of it like layers in an image editing application such as Adobe Photoshop: You have an input layer — source image — which can have layers placed on top, that obscure, manipulate or transmit something from the layer beneath. The output — top layer — is essentially processed by the combination of these layers. In this case, these layers will have light passed through them casting an image (hence the “casting” in diffraction casting) on a sensor, which will then become digital data for storage or presentation to the user." (ScitechDaily, From Light Waves to Logic: The Cutting-Edge of Optical Computing)

"Scientists have achieved data rates as high as 424Gbit/s across a 53-km (33-mile) turbulent free-space optical link using plasmonic modulators—devices that use special light waves called surface plasmon polaritons to control and modify optical signals. This new research establishes the foundation for high-speed optical communication links that transmit data through open air or space." (ScitechDaily, Revolutionizing Space Communication: 424Gbit/S Achieved With Cutting-Edge Plasmonic Tech)

"In physics, polaritons are quasiparticles resulting from the strong coupling of electromagnetic waves with an electric or magnetic dipole-carrying excitation." (Wikipedia, polariton)

As you see from the diagram above the plasmonic communication system looks like axons. So, plasmonic communication makes it possible to create new tools for hardware-based artificial intelligence. The plasmonic systems can emulate human axons. The ion and anion particles can act as neurotransmitters. And that thing makes the plasmonic communication more effective than we ever thought.

New systems allow researchers to follow cellular communication wirelessly.

"To improve biosensing techniques that can aid in diagnosis and treatment, MIT researchers developed tiny, wireless antennas that use l...