Sunday, December 3, 2023

Photonic materials and photonic rockets

    Photonic materials and photonic rockets

Let's start with photonic rockets. 

Do you remember NASA's electromagnetic thruster? The system would be a so-called microwave-hybrid system, where microwaves boil propellants like water, liquid hydrogen, or water. That causes expansion in the rocket chamber and pushes the craft forward. 

The microwave engine can also be used as a weapon. If microwaves hit some satellite that causes destruction immediately. In those systems, lasers can replace microwaves. And those systems can be a very powerful tool. Lasers and microwaves can heat the air above the craft. And that thing can be used to levitate the craft. There is a possibility that the forward-aimed lasers and microwaves can open the route to the futuristic spacecraft. 

In a hypothetical Daedalus project the spacecraft that uses fusion reactors forward aimed electromagnetic radiation can make a route to that craft by pushing material out from its route. The idea is that the EM. radiation stresses gas and dust with energy. And the reflection from those particles removes them from the route of the craft. 

Photonic rockets may have no thrust, but the photon hybrid rockets can have extremely high energy punch. 

Photons are the only known particles that can reach the speed of light. That's why light itself can be a useful tool for thrust. But the problem is that a photon rocket's thrust is very weak if the system uses pure photons. So for using photon rockets, the system must use some other drive system to accelerate the rocket as near the speed of light as possible. And after that, the system can start to use photons for thrust. 

But it's possible to use photons to kick particles backward. In that kind of system, the laser beam shoots electrons or ions backward to make a more powerful thrust. Those systems can give more punch to those rockets. In some systems photons or laser beams will shoot into the plutonium-lithium pellets. The photon-hybrid rockets can create a very high-energy punch. 

In photon hybrid rockets lasers vaporize the propellant. That kind of system can make very high-energy punches. I wrote at the beginning of the text. The laser beam can point to water or some hydrocarbon. And it expands that material for making thrust. 

The hypothetical fusion rocket "Daedalus" uses a laser to ignite the fusion. The system can have a laser-microwave hybrid radiation booster. that makes sure that those pellets will start to burn. The backward-coming laser beam makes the speed of those fusion particles faster. The system adjusts the shape of the fusion reaction. That increases the system's power. 

Photons allow them to make complicated, nano-size structures. 

Researchers make complicated structures using photons. In those nano-size systems, photons kick other particles into the right position. The ability to create single photons and adjust their energy level makes a new type of engineering possible. When researchers can move one particle like a proton or adjust a single electron's energy level, that means the system can make incredible things. Using single photons the system can create Rydberg's atoms. And then it can create quantum entanglement between those electrons. 

That allows them to create atom-size quantum computers. High-accurate systems that base is in superpositioned and entangled photons can make quantum computers that are smaller than neutrons and protons. In those systems quarks inside protons and neutrons will be put into the quantum entanglement and superposition. The system's accuracy determines the particle's size, which it can control. And the ability to control systems required for making quantum computers. 

Single and entangled photons can be used to create the photonic scanning tunneling microscope. Those systems can observe subatomic structures in atoms and other things like cells. Scanning photonic microscopes can use halted photon pairs. The system can transfer energy into a stopped photon, and then below it is another photon, put in the superposition and entangled with that hovering photon. And that allows the system to observe and control qubits on a subatomic scale.

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