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Showing posts from December, 2023

Private space companies also make moon landers.

 Private space companies also make moon landers.  Private Peregrine moon lander stacked in ULA (United Launch Alliance) Vulcan rocket. And it's ready for lift-off on January 8.  Peregrine moon-lander looks like any other moon lander. The difference is that Peregrine is a private project. That is a good example of flexible innovations. A private corporation makes the moon-lander. That can take samples from the Moon's surface. Private space corporations are rising actors in space research in technical and scientific ways.  Private corporations offer flexible platforms that can operate with things like space stations and other similar things. Private space industries are not only communication satellites. The private space industry also wants to benefit from low- and zero-gravity conditions for laboratories.  And remote-controlled miniature shuttles can also operate as manufacturing platforms for complicated molecules and nanomechanics. This is one of the reasons why civilians are

Metamaterials: the key for making self-assembly layers and machines.

   Metamaterials: the key for making self-assembly layers and machines. Metamaterials especially metamaterials that can return to their original shape after damage are interesting and revolutionizing tools. Most of those materials are in the polymerase chain reactions. One version. How to make this type of self-assembling material is to connect the polymer with the metal bites. In the simplest model, the self-chaining polymer makes a platform.  The system puts the metal bites over that network. Then it melts metals over the polymer network. In some other models at the edge of the metal is the polymer. When those metal alloy plates. Or, as an example metal-silicone compounds will take close to each other. The polymers make touch with each other. In some visions, this kind of thing can made using DNA-controlled crystals. That thing can be an artificial silicone-based lifeform.  ************************************************************* "A 3D-printed Möbius strip (left) and odd-nu

Space X's Falcon Heavy carried a mysterious X37B shuttle to the orbiter.

 Space X's Falcon Heavy carried a mysterious X37B shuttle to the orbiter.  When we see the timing of this flight, we must ask one question. Does the X37B robot shuttle flight have a connection with the Chinese Shenlong Shuttle's flight? Both of those shuttles are quite similar. So that can mean that Shenlong and X37B might have similar missions.  The term "Shenlong" means "God dragon" or "Divine dragon" in Chinese mythology.  And that supports the theory that Shenlong's mission is also to collect antimatter from space. And Shenlong is also suitable for anti-satellite and anti-ballistic missile operations, as well as, military intelligence duties. Because X37B and Shenlong are both highly secretive, their main operator could be the military.  X37B The thing is this. Falcon Heavy rocket rises that X37B shuttle to a very high altitude, where it can take images and affect another satellite. Very good ability to change trajectory makes those systems

The groundbreaking advance in nanotechnology.

    The groundbreaking advance in nanotechnology.  Researchers connect nanoparticle quasicrystals using DNA. This kind of technology makes us rethink DNA and its ability to operate as a chemical computer program that controls nanomachine and other complex structure's self-assembly. The researchers took ideas for that kind of from hypothetical silicon-based lifeforms.  The AI that connects laboratories in its entirety will revolutionize chemistry and nanomachine research. The name of that system is "AI-based co-scientist". The idea is that AI makes practical work in the laboratory. That is usually left for ungraduated students. Those mechanical works offered unwanted people like industrial spies to slip into the laboratory.  ******************************************************************** "The simulation shows the decahedra packing together into a quasicrystalline structure on the left, with a diagram of the structure on the right. Credit: Glotzer group, Universit

Ultrasound systems can also revolutionize medical work.

     Ultrasound systems can also revolutionize medical work.  The ultrasound helmet can observe blood flow in the brain while a person operates in real-world situations. That kind of system can create images and help predict possible blood flow anomalies in the brain. If one system has multiple uses that makes it more effective.  3D scanning ultrasound sonar systems are tools. That can create 3D images of the inner organs. A functional ultrasound system (fUS) is used to operate as the BMI (Brain Machine Interface) sensor system. As I wrote in the last text.  The use of ultrasound-based systems in the BMI cuts unnecessary data away from the control system.  If the receiving system must filter no-relevant or unnecessary data away from data flow it requires a hard operating system. That makes the system The EEG-based systems input too much data to a computer, and too accurate data makes things like welding robots slow, and the fact is, that all robots must not have the ability to work as

Ultrasound-based Brain-Computer Interface is a breakthrough technology.

   Ultrasound-based Brain-Computer Interface is a breakthrough technology.  Functional ultrasound (fUS) is the new way to make the functional BMI (Brain Machine Interface). The BMI is almost the same as BCI (Brain-Computer-Interface), where the controller uses a computer or machines using brain waves or some other details like brain area activation. The BCI can be BMI, but the main difference is in accuracy and methods of how the system detects the changes in brain activity.  The BMI is less sophisticated than BCI. The full-scale BCI allows to write to be created using EEG. The BMI must only move the hands or feet of robots. And that means BMI is easier to make because it requires less accurate information.  Normally, we can think that BCI is the keyboard. The operator is used by the EEG or some other method. If we want to control some machine, we can use it by using the keyboard. But that method is not very effective. For controlling machines, we have joysticks and VR gloves.  That al

Superconductors and LEDs play a vital role in next-generation computing.

    Superconductors and LEDs play a vital role in next-generation computing.  Optical or photonic computers are effective tools because they can act as a gate, between quantum and binary computers. The thing that makes them more effective than electric computers is their temperature is lower. That gives them the ability to operate longer at full power. The difference between photonic computers and regular electric computers is photonic computers can keep their maximum power at room temperature.  This is one reason why superconductors are under research. The superconductor or electricity without resistance will solve the temperature problems of high-power computers. In normal computers, resistance causes the temperature to rise. And that disturbs the computer's internal data transmission.  Materials like promising LK-99 shattered, and researchers think. That internal superconductivity at room temperature is impossible. However pressure-based superconductivity is under development or

Westinghouse Corporation's new "eVinci" microreactors don't need water.

   Westinghouse Corporation's new "eVinci" microreactors don't need water.  Microreactors or micro nuclear reactors are the next-generation tools for power supply. Many of those systems are planned to be portable, and portable nuclear reactors called "PoNu" can offer non-centralized power supply solutions for temporary or static use. The operators can connect microreactors into series or in lines. And that makes those small nuclear power plants give very high power.  Portable nuclear reactors can give very flexible solutions for many things. In some models, the portable nuclear reactor can give electricity to the truck that transports it to a ship or aircraft. Then that reactor can connect to the ship's or aircraft's electric systems. And it can give power to that. The same system can deliver energy to the area where it is transported.  TRISO (TRi-structural ISOtropic particle fuel). fuel pellets cannot melt even at high temperatures. That makes thos

The new era of computing is coming.

      The new era of computing is coming.  The next-generation AI-based tools are systems that can follow people's speech and make notes for a person. The AI can also dump all things that other people say to text. And the speech-to-text applications are very useful tools for making notes. Advanced AI is a tool that can make a person unable to think critically. It denies a student's need to participate in lessons and lectures and destroys a person's need to make notes and think.  We can say, that persons who let the AI make everything in the lecture will not follow the lecture anyway. The free will principle in studies means. That it's a person's own business. Would that person see some music videos from a computer screen during lectures or will they make the AI do all the work? The next step is the neuron-based creative AI. In that system, living neurons communicate with silicon-based microchips. Those systems can be as intelligent as humans. The idea is that lab-gr

DNA-based nanobots can make limitless copies of themselves.

 DNA-based nanobots can make limitless copies of themselves.  DNA is a molecule that can self-assemble itself. And DNA-based nanobots can make limitless copies of themselves. The self-replication of the DNA is an interesting tool. That allows researchers to nanobots with complicated actions. The DNA based nanotechnology is the tool, that can make everything. But safe use of those systems requires that their creators have complete knowledge of what the DNA makes. If there is wrong code in the DNA. The results can be devastating.  But if the researchers can observe and copy the self-assembly active points into other materials, that makes possible to create compilicated self-assembly non-organic structures like small silicone plates. In that process, the base pairs that play an active role in molecular self-assembly are put into different silicone plates.  At UNSW, researchers use DNA to build nanorobots. Pictured here are their PolyBricks. Credit: Jonathan Berengut ( nanobots

Methane ice hides environmental shock.

    Methane ice hides environmental shock.  Is methane hydrocarbon environmentally friendly fuel? This statement requires that the system must remove carbon atoms from hydrocarbon molecules, and success in that process means that this fuel will not leave carbon in the air. If we can remove carbon from methane, the result is hydrogen. Hydrogen itself is environmentally friendly. It can used in fuel cells, and if the fuel cell uses only hydrogen. That will not make carbon dioxide or soot on electrodes. The closed-cycle fuel cells are futuristic tools. Those fuel cells will recycle carbon dioxide, and separate carbon from it. And then. The system drives that cleaned oxygen and separated carbon back into the fuel cell.  There is a possibility that the high-pressure systems can turn the carbon into carbon crystals, called industrial diamonds. Then those things can transported to caves. The large crystal will not release carbon to the atmosphere. And it's easy to store. Artificial diamon

Does a giant void rip the universe into pieces?

    Does a giant void rip the universe into pieces?  Zero-point energy and cosmic void, Zero-point energy means minimum energy level in the system. In some models, the system can use extremely cold particles like liquid helium to form that zero-point. The zero-point energy systems can collect energy that flows to that zero point. On Earth, this system requires so much energy to make liquid helium or Bose-Einstein condensate, that this system cannot produce more energy than it used for making its energy source.  The system requires only material that is near zero Kelvin degrees. That material can be water ice, and some gas like liquid helium or iced nitrogen. Or even carbon powder that is in a Bose-Einstein state can act as the zero-point in zero-point energy systems. But the problem is that decreasing the energy level of those things requires very much energy. Maybe the zero-point energy doesn't work in interstellar space. But that system can work near the sun. The idea is that. Th

Underwater and flying drones making "flying submarines" real.

     Underwater and flying drones making "flying submarines" real.  The Anduril's AI-controlled drone planned to hunt down other drones. Those VTOL (Vertical Take-Off and Land) drones get their inspiration from Convair XFY-1 Pogo and Ryan X-13 Vertijet tail-sitting VTOL concepts. These kinds of drones will turn more usual. Operators can use them against drones, drone swarms, and manned aircraft. If those drones are waterproof. The VTOL drone can wait at dryland or near the coast in an underwater position. When it sees a drone or some hostile aircraft, it can start an attack against those targets using microwaves or some detonators.  Anduril Industries' Roadrunner M. Convair XFY1 Pogo Ryan X-13 Vertijet Underwater drones are the next step in drone technology. Those drones can use stealth technology, that allows them to operate underwater without disturbing animals. Researchers can use underwater drones to go to very risky places. Underwater robots can calculate fishes

Photonic materials and photonic rockets

    Photonic materials and photonic rockets Let's start with photonic rockets.  Do you remember NASA's electromagnetic thruster? The system would be a so-called microwave-hybrid system, where microwaves boil propellants like water, liquid hydrogen, or water. That causes expansion in the rocket chamber and pushes the craft forward.  The microwave engine can also be used as a weapon. If microwaves hit some satellite that causes destruction immediately. In those systems, lasers can replace microwaves. And those systems can be a very powerful tool. Lasers and microwaves can heat the air above the craft. And that thing can be used to levitate the craft. There is a possibility that the forward-aimed lasers and microwaves can open the route to the futuristic spacecraft.  In a hypothetical Daedalus project the spacecraft that uses fusion reactors forward aimed electromagnetic radiation can make a route to that craft by pushing material out from its route. The idea is that the EM. radia

New Antarctic airships can open paths for Titan and Venus missions.

     New Antarctic airships can open paths for Titan and Venus missions.  "NASA’s annual Antarctic Long Duration Balloon Campaign, beginning around December 1, will launch three scientific balloons from McMurdo Station, Antarctica. These balloons will support five missions, including the GUSTO mission to map parts of the Milky Way." (’s Antarctic Airships: Scientific Voyages Above the Ice) NASA's new Antarctic airships are quite similar to the Chinese spy balloon. Those scientific balloons can equipped using radars, laser measurement systems, and other things like microphones, IR cameras, and cosmic radiation measurement systems. The radar system can see through the Antarctic ice cap. Those systems can search volcanoes and measure pollution from the air. The lighter-than-air system that uses solar power or isotope battery can travel even years in the atmosphere and non-manned systems can use hydrogen as levitation gas.  The radar system can see throug

A medical marvel. Researchers turn human cells into robots.

     A medical marvel. Researchers turn human cells into robots.  Biorobot means cells or organisms that are programmed for some missions that are not natural. Those biorobots can be hybrid systems that can microchips can control through cloned neurons. Those microchips can order neuron-glandular-cell hybrid to produce enzymes or anything that nanotechnology.  Researchers made hybrid cells using multiple human cells that were grown in the laboratory. Those cells can act like small robots. And that thing makes them a super force of the new type of biomedicines. Researchers can use those tiny robots to transport medicals to the precise right point in the human body. Biorobots can also terminate hospital bacteria and non-wanted cells from the body. "An Anthrobot is shown, depth colored, with a corona of cilia that provides locomotion for the bot. Credit: Gizem Gumuskaya, Tufts University" ((Medical Marvel: Human Cells Transformed Into Tiny Biological Robots) "Human tracheal