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Reprogrammed cells can give a cure for cancer. But it can be a breakthrough in stem cell research.

 Reprogrammed cells can give a cure for cancer. But it can be a breakthrough in stem cell research. 

Cell reprogramming means that the cell gets the new DNA. The problem with that therapy is that there must be lots of DNA and the second problem is how to transfer those genomes with high enough accuracy. 

The key question in cell reprogramming is how to remove the DNA from the receiving cells. Another question is how to make enough DNA or RNA and transfer them to the cell group that researchers want to change.

When we want to create artificial DNA that cures cancer, we can create artificial DNA that involves the code that launches programmed cell death. That DNA sequence is in the last part of chromosomes. 

Researchers used cell reprogramming to transform cancer cells to normal. And that thing can make many other things. The cancer cells can live in all tissues. That makes those cells so dangerous. Using reprogramming. It's possible to transfer new cells to destroyed organs in the form of cancer cells. Then the cancer cells will reprogrammed to those organ cells. 

There are two ways to make that thing. The first method is to connect two DNA:s in the cancer cell. Then the operators must make the code that makes the descendant cell the organ cell. And during that process, the cancer cell can die. 

The other version is to transfer artificial RNA viruses to those cells, and those viruses can reprogram those cells. The key element in cell reprogramming is to remove the original DNA from the cell. Then the virus or nanomachine-like microchip-controlled macrophage can inject the new DNA into those cells. 

The reprogrammed cyborg macrophage can transfer the artificial DNA or RNA to wanted cells. 

The macrophage is the cell that can produce almost everything. The thing that the researchers must do is find the DNA sequences that control the enzyme production in that cell. Then the macrophage can produce wanted compounds like artificial DNA and RNA. 

A reprogrammed macrophage is a tool that can used to inject new DNA or RNA into the targeted cells. The molecule can be equipped by using an enzyme head that can destroy the DNA from the nucleus. And then the new DNA will take its place. Those macrophages can be microchip-controlled. 

The reprogrammed macrophage can act like a nano-size werewolf. By using genome transfer the cancer cells can turn the macrophages that are programmed to destroy the cancer cells. Then the DNA can order those cells to die. 

Reprogramming cells makes it possible to extend human life. 

Theoretically, cell preprogramming makes it possible to extend our lifetime. The system must only have a copy of the DNA that the crew took when people were born. When people get older the laboratory that uses PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) creates copies of that DNA. 

Then it reprograms macrophages or connects the nutrients to those DNA bites that drive them to the right cells. The problem with this kind of therapy is how to make enough viruses. And the other problem is how to make that transplant DNA go to the right cells. 

When we talk about ethics in cases like extending our life. We always face one thing. If people have money they can buy everything. When we talk about the genome reprogramming, we can create a new type of society. That kind of technology can remove many hereditary diseases. Things like genetic engineering make it possible to create new structures and medicals. 

The cell reprogramming can turn one species into another. 

The ability to change species into another brings our mind things like werevolves. Laboratories can use genome technology can create plants like corn, which is poisonous or even eats bugs. When the time to harvest comes, the plant turns to corn which is suitable for nutrients. Or it can be used to make humans. That is resistant to things like nerve gasses. Cell reprogramming also can fix errors in the central nervous system. 

The problem with artificial retroviruses is that if they are spread all over the body, they turn all cells into new cells. And that could be the new topic for some SciFi movies where good soldiers will turn to the trees by using cell reprogramming. 

Cell reprogramming also makes it possible to create werewolves. And maybe the modern version of the werewolf myth would be the mad scientist. Who transforms people into dogs and wolves using cell reprogramming.


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