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Showing posts from October, 2023

What is the interest of genetic scientists in bats and parasites?

     What is the interest of genetic scientists in bats and parasites? There is one very interesting combination of bats and vampire stories. Bat's tissues renew very fast. And that thing leads to the idea that maybe it's possible to combine bats' immune genomes and genomes that control the renewal of tissue with human genomes. Bats have no cancer, and that makes them interesting. How fast can renewing tissues avoid cancer? The reason why human neurons are not renewing very often is that by denying the renewing neurons, those cells avoid cancer. Bats are animals that have the fastest-renewing tissues. The skin of their wings can renew very quickly. And that thing makes bats interesting. Their wing tissue's behavior is against the normal genetic model, where fast-renewing cells are the most vulnerable to cancer. There is no cancer in a bat's tissue, and that thing makes those little flying mammals very interesting. Bats are also immune against many viruses. And that

China successfully made cracks in the hypersonic thermal barrier.

   China successfully made cracks in the hypersonic thermal barrier. And that causes pressure on the USA. Hypersonic technology, and especially air-breathing hypersonic crafts and missiles, are things that must be taken seriously. The new ceramic materials are hard enough that they can resist the extremely high temperature at hypersonic speed. Hypersonic aircraft can be used to transport satellites and missiles into orbit.  They can make a ballistic jump, and those systems reach every target in the world in less than an hour. Bing says that a flight around the world at the lowest possible speed in a hypersonic area, that is, a Mach 5+ flight, takes 1 hour and 25 minutes. The hypersonic drone can send small-size rockets like "Pegasus" and  its successors  into low orbit. There, they can carry cargo like small satellites. Hypersonic cruise missiles can fly so low that the orbital systems cannot reach them. But it is too high for a regular anti-aircraft system. The hypersonic cr

The next big leap in communication is laser.

   The next big leap in communication is laser.  Lasers can be used for communication and they can protect satellites against hostile actions.  The next leap in communication technology is laser communication. The reason why NASA and other space organizations research things like laser communication is simple. Laser communication systems are immune to regular eavesdropping and jamming tools. Especially if the system uses a two-layer laser system where hollow laser rays protect data transmission ray is impossible to steal data from the data channel. The laser systems are more multi-use tools than just communication.   Lasers can also scan pollution from the high atmosphere. In recon satellites, the laser spectroscopes can search chemical compounds from aircraft and other vehicle exhaust gas.  The laser systems can also make gravitational measurements. And the Lidar systems can scan the orbital trajectories to find space debris, that can danger satellites. The power of the laser rays det

Theoretical fusion and antimatter systems can allow developers to create crafts for travel around the solar system and beyond.

    Theoretical fusion and antimatter systems can allow developers to create crafts for travel around the solar system and beyond.  There are many concepts about the interplanetary and interstellar spacecraft. The most promising systems are pulsed plasma fusion reactors and positron reactors. But stars are a little bit too far for those systems that allow them to travel around the solar system.  "Florian Neukart, an Assistant Professor at the Leiden Institute, has proposed the Magnetic Fusion Plasma Drive (MFPD) as a novel space propulsion method. This concept combines fusion propulsion, ionic propulsion, and more, promising high energy density and fuel efficiency". ( Travel: Magnetic Fusion Plasma Engines Could Carry Us Across the Solar System and Beyond) Let's start with the most futuristic model of those engines.  1) Zero-point energy. The Zero-point energy means the minimum energy level in the system. Energy always travels to the lower ene

Reprogrammed cells can give a cure for cancer. But it can be a breakthrough in stem cell research.

 Reprogrammed cells can give a cure for cancer. But it can be a breakthrough in stem cell research.  Cell reprogramming means that the cell gets the new DNA. The problem with that therapy is that there must be lots of DNA and the second problem is how to transfer those genomes with high enough accuracy.  The key question in cell reprogramming is how to remove the DNA from the receiving cells. Another question is how to make enough DNA or RNA and transfer them to the cell group that researchers want to change. When we want to create artificial DNA that cures cancer, we can create artificial DNA that involves the code that launches programmed cell death. That DNA sequence is in the last part of chromosomes.  Researchers used cell reprogramming to transform cancer cells to normal. And that thing can make many other things. The cancer cells can live in all tissues. That makes those cells so dangerous. Using reprogramming. It's possible to transfer new cells to destroyed organs in the f

Demons and machines.

    Demons and machines.  Computer hardware and quantum demons are the tools that make the next generation of hardware possible.  Complicated code requires powerful systems. And the AI is useless without powerful computers.  Jevon's paradox: the AI can use as much electricity as the entire state. The nanotechnical processors use 100X less energy than the regular microchips.  The problem with AI is that the system requires complicated code, where is used multiple programming languages and multiple layers. Complicated code requires a complicated and high-power microchip structure. That structure with billions of microchips requires powerful coolers. And all of those systems require lots of power.  There is the possibility that also AI-based complicated malware can drive electricity out from the electric net on purpose. The AI just transfers electricity to the ground to keep the electric network low voltage. And that is one threat that the weaponized AI can cause itself.  The supercon

Finnish LDR-50 SMR (Small Modular Reactor)-nuclear reactor produces only district heating. But it's possible to connect energy production units to those reactors.

    Finnish LDR-50 SMR (Small Modular Reactor)-nuclear reactor produces only district heating. But it's possible to connect energy production units to those reactors.  Finnish LDR-50 SMR (Small Modular Reactor)-nuclear reactor produces only district heating. That reactor is called LDR-50. And its mission is being stripped from turbines and other things. The cooling of the reactor base is in the water's natural water cycle. At this moment, I must say that the turbines can also installed in the water cycle. Or the district heat water cycle. When we talk about energy, we must realize that the difference in temperatures and vapor pressure are things. That makes energy. If there is a thing like a closed cycle turbine that uses liquid helium or liquid nitrogen to rotate the turbine wheel, that system can also produce electricity. The difference in temperatures is an interesting thing. If we lived on  Pluto our bodies would give us enough energy. It vaporizes liquid helium to pressure

Many companies are working to develop portable nuclear reactors (PoNu) to replace diesel generators.

Many companies are working to develop portable nuclear reactors (PoNu) to replace diesel generators.  Work with compact and powerful nuclear reactors continues. The reactor's purpose is to replace diesel generators fit in trucks. That means they can be used in multiple systems, from fixed power plants to ultimate power sources for ships, trains, and aircraft. And even trucks and tanks. The reason why those small-size nuclear reactors are under development is that.  These kinds of systems decrease carbon emissions. Another reason why those systems are under development is that modern weapon systems like direct energy weapons, which means microwaves and lasers require electric power. Also, coherent high-power radio waves that are used to deliver electricity to drones remotely through air require a trusted and powerful power source. The portable nuclear reactors can changed same way as batteries.  And if some ship or aircraft uses portable nuclear reactors. Operators can just put it i

The ability to decode neurons can connect a person straight with the net.

   The ability to decode neurons can connect a person straight with the net.  The AI itself is an impressive tool. If the office uses general-AI-based technology. That means the director can simply give a "to-do" list to AI in the morning. And then the AI makes those things, like sending business letters to customers, and following that payments are made.  But the AI allows us to create things like BCI (Brain-computer interfaces). Those interfaces link people straight with computers. The fully working BCI system allows people to make connections using brainwaves. And the BCI system makes technical telepathy possible. In those systems person can control robots using the brainwaves.  The BCI means that the computers can decode thoughts. Then system can transmit those thoughts on the computer screen. The ability to control robots using brain waves is possible only when the system knows what a person thinks. The problem is this. If we control robots by using brainwaves most thoug

Soundwaves can control light.

  Soundwaves can control light. Soundwaves can control light. And that makes them new tools for making photonic computers. Soundwave is the denser point in the air. All changes in gas and other materials' density form a border layer. And that kind of border layers are changing the light's direction.  Same way, the atmosphere around planets changes the direction of photons. If researchers make a chamber where there is gas and then aim the extremely sharp loudspeakers at that gas those soundwaves can aim laser rays in the desired direction. And that thing makes it possible to create a router. That aims laser rays into the wanted route.  "A laser light beam passes between a loudspeaker-reflector array that creates a grating of air. The laser beam interacts with this grating and is deflected without contact. Credit: Science Communication Lab for DESY" ( Controls Light: Deflecting Laser Beams Using Air) But laser light interacts oppositely way. When l

Does the brain in a dish have moral rights?

  Does the brain in a dish have moral rights?  Can we someday make the brain in a jar in real life? Genetic engineering and cloning. Along with cell re-programming gives us the ability to create artificial brains. And in the wildest visions, the artificial brains can live in a dish in the laboratory and interact with computers using the EEG and Brain-computer interface. Those artificial brains make it possible to create robots, computers, and other tools with similar intelligence levels, as we have.  And even if those things have not yet been made, they can be the next step for some researchers. That means we must start to think about the rights of those brains. We might face that thing sometime in the future. If we create brains or computers that have the same IQ as we have, we must think about the rights that creature has.  "Bio-computing is now a reality, prompting experts to call for its responsible application. The creators of DishBrain, in collaboration with bioethicists, ad

The first signs of superdiffusion and Oppenheimer approximation are detected.

    The first signs of superdiffusion and Oppenheimer approximation are detected.  First-time physicist simulated superdiffusion and broke Oppenheimer approximation. At this point, somebody might ask what someone would do with super diffusion and Oppenheimer approximation. When we research something, we must realize one thing. When researchers created some theories and models, nobody made anything with those things. But when technology advances those things become more and more important.  The Oppenheimer approximation means that the observer can separate the electron shell's wave function from the atom's core wave function. Or otherwise saying: electron shell wave function can separated from the atom's core wave function. And if we continue this thing, and make an induction conclusion, we can separate the wave function of all atomic and subatomic particles from each other.  As an example, we can separate a quark's wave function from an electron's wave function. The

AI-controlled self-replicating machines are coming.

      AI-controlled self-replicating machines are coming.  AI-controlled self-replicating machines are coming. And that gives the drone swarms the ultimate abilities. In the simplest versions, robot factories make the drones. Then that system loads the operating system in those drones. Those drones can have "iron-based" AI, which means the AI software installed in the kernels. The same system that creates microchips can install AI-based kernels in those microchips.  Wandering a drone swarm can be like moving a supercomputer. The drone swarms can act as giant neural networks. And that makes them effective tools for research and military work. Drone swarms that reseaches distant planets can cover large areas. And if that swarm loses one member, that thing has no effect for its entirety.  But what if those drones can make copies of their physical body? That can cause a situation in which drones can cover the entire planet. The name of the self-replicating machine is the "Vo