Friday, October 27, 2023

What is the interest of genetic scientists in bats and parasites?

    What is the interest of genetic scientists in bats and parasites?

There is one very interesting combination of bats and vampire stories. Bat's tissues renew very fast. And that thing leads to the idea that maybe it's possible to combine bats' immune genomes and genomes that control the renewal of tissue with human genomes. Bats have no cancer, and that makes them interesting. How fast can renewing tissues avoid cancer? The reason why human neurons are not renewing very often is that by denying the renewing neurons, those cells avoid cancer.

Bats are animals that have the fastest-renewing tissues. The skin of their wings can renew very quickly. And that thing makes bats interesting. Their wing tissue's behavior is against the normal genetic model, where fast-renewing cells are the most vulnerable to cancer.

There is no cancer in a bat's tissue, and that thing makes those little flying mammals very interesting. Bats are also immune against many viruses. And that makes them interesting from the point of view of genetic engineering. By studying the bats' genetics and immune systems, researchers hope that they can find out how those abilities can transfer to the use of medical research.

"Bats, the only flying mammals, have an incredibly robust immune system that protects them from viruses harmful to humans and keeps them relatively cancer-free. Scientists from the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory have found that the answer to this immunity lies in the bats’ genes. Through genomic sequencing, they discovered that bats have undergone rapid evolution, enabling them to defend against infections and cancer more effectively than other mammals." ( to the Rescue: Unraveling Immunity Secrets Against Viruses and Cancer)

"Researchers discovered that horsehair worms manipulate their insect hosts using genes acquired from the hosts themselves, shedding light on the role of horizontal gene transfer in evolution." ( Thieves: New Research Reveals How Parasites Hijack Host Behavior With Stolen DNA)

Parasites can reprogram their cells to cheat the immune system.

Normally, reprogramming the cell happens by infecting it with RNA. The RNA molecule can be split into cells through ion pumps. Or some genetically engineered bacteria can input the wanted genome into the ion pumps of the cells.

There are many ways to do that. The RNA must destroy the existing DNA and then replace the genomes in the cells with new, fixed DNA. The RNA programs cell factories to make the new DNA. The problem with this technology is that there is a possibility that if the RNA retrovirus used in the reprogramming process escapes, that thing can transform all other cells into single-cell groups like liver cells.

The parasites can steal the DNA from their host. And that thing makes it possible that those things can cheat our immune defense. Because parasites can modify their cell's shell antigens, that has an effect that the immune system cannot recognize and fight against. This ability makes it possible to create artificial cells that will not activate the immune system.

China successfully made cracks in the hypersonic thermal barrier.


China successfully made cracks in the hypersonic thermal barrier. And that causes pressure on the USA. Hypersonic technology, and especially air-breathing hypersonic crafts and missiles, are things that must be taken seriously. The new ceramic materials are hard enough that they can resist the extremely high temperature at hypersonic speed. Hypersonic aircraft can be used to transport satellites and missiles into orbit. 

They can make a ballistic jump, and those systems reach every target in the world in less than an hour. Bing says that a flight around the world at the lowest possible speed in a hypersonic area, that is, a Mach 5+ flight, takes 1 hour and 25 minutes. The hypersonic drone can send small-size rockets like "Pegasus" and  its successors  into low orbit. There, they can carry cargo like small satellites.

Hypersonic cruise missiles can fly so low that the orbital systems cannot reach them. But it is too high for a regular anti-aircraft system. The hypersonic cruise missile can be installed in the nose of a ballistic missile. The missile can make a ballistic jump outside the atmosphere. Then the missile dives back, and the scramjet engine starts its operation.

Hypersonic air-breathing cruise missiles can have a longer operational range than regular cruise missiles. They can also leap from the atmosphere. And then dive back. That waving trajectory makes them hard targets for defenders. When a hypersonic craft jumps out of the atomosphere, it can shut down its engines. And when it dives back, the hydrogen injection will begin.

Things like rocket scramjets make it possible for the scramjet engine to start operating at low speeds. In rocket scramjets, the flap closes the front of the engine. And then oxygen and fuel will be injected into the combustion chamber. When that system's speed rises to high enough, the system opens the flap. Then the system closes internal oxygen, and the scramjet starts to use atmosheric air. This kind of technology allows for the creation of fast and powerful aircraft and space systems.

Thursday, October 26, 2023

The next big leap in communication is laser.

   The next big leap in communication is laser. 

Lasers can be used for communication and they can protect satellites against hostile actions. 

The next leap in communication technology is laser communication. The reason why NASA and other space organizations research things like laser communication is simple. Laser communication systems are immune to regular eavesdropping and jamming tools. Especially if the system uses a two-layer laser system where hollow laser rays protect data transmission ray is impossible to steal data from the data channel. The laser systems are more multi-use tools than just communication. 

 Lasers can also scan pollution from the high atmosphere. In recon satellites, the laser spectroscopes can search chemical compounds from aircraft and other vehicle exhaust gas. 

The laser systems can also make gravitational measurements. And the Lidar systems can scan the orbital trajectories to find space debris, that can danger satellites. The power of the laser rays determines its use. It's possible to transmit information even from other planets by using laser rays. The thing that makes laser communication suitable for communicating with interplanetary probes is that natural electromagnetic radiation cannot disturb laser rays so easily as they disturb radio transmissions. 

"NASA’s ILLUMA-T payload communicating with LCRD over laser signals. Credit: NASA/Dave Ryan" ( Ahead: NASA’s Pioneering Leap Into Laser Data Transmission)

"NASA’s Deep Space Optical Communications (DSOC) experiment aims to pioneer the use of laser communications for transmitting data from deep space. Transitioning from traditional radio waves to optical communications can boost data transmission capacities by 10 to 100 times. The technology demonstration involves equipment in both space and Earth and is designed to address challenges posed by vast distances and the weakening of the laser photon signal. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech" (ScitechDaily/5 Fast Facts: NASA’s Deep Space Optical Communications (DSOC) Experiment)

"An illustration of the new concept’s experimental setup. Credit: Yen Strandqvist/Chalmers University of Technology" The term PSA means Phase-Sensitive Amplifiers. (ScitechDaily/The Most Sensitive Optical Receivers Yet for Laser-Beam Based Space Communications)


"Scheme of the architecture for the planned Deep Space Optical Communications (DSOC) prototype to be flown on the Psyche mission." (Wikipedia/Deep Space Optical Communications)

In space probes every single sensor requires space increases the weight of those probes. The communication laser can also used for spectroscopic experiments. During the spectroscopic experiments, laser rays vaporize asteroids and the spectroscope sees the elements from that vapor. 

The power of those interplanetary laser communication systems is very high. And if some satellite travels through the laser ray during data transmission, that laser can destroy the satellite. The difference between high-power laser transmission and ASAT weapons is that the last one's purpose is to destroy targets. 

The laser systems can communicate over the walls by using mirrors where laser rays are reflected in the desired direction. The reflecting mirrors can make it possible to aim the laser weapon's rays at to target over the barriers. In some cases, the UFOs:s or flying saucers are the mirrors that aim the laser rays at targets behind the barrier. 

The higher-power lasers can protect low-flying space systems against kinetic energy ASAT weapons. The high-power laser systems that are used for interplanetary communication are suitable for ASAT weapons. There are many ways to use lasers in those kinds of systems. The laser weapon looks like a little bit like an optical telescope. And it can used as a measurement tool. In those systems is the bottom laser and the same frequency auxiliary lasers that pump energy into that beam. This kind of system can turn multiple lasers into one target. 

When the laser turns to weapon mode, it just increases its power. The high-power laser system can be in satellites. The system can involve many satellites that focus their lasers on one target. Or the laser can be ground-based. The laser-based anti-aircraft systems are anti-aircraft guns that lasers replace. If the laser system is powerful enough it can destroy satellites from different trajectories. And also ground-based lasers can focus their rays on one target.

Sunday, October 22, 2023

Theoretical fusion and antimatter systems can allow developers to create crafts for travel around the solar system and beyond.

   Theoretical fusion and antimatter systems can allow developers to create crafts for travel around the solar system and beyond. 

There are many concepts about the interplanetary and interstellar spacecraft. The most promising systems are pulsed plasma fusion reactors and positron reactors. But stars are a little bit too far for those systems that allow them to travel around the solar system. 

"Florian Neukart, an Assistant Professor at the Leiden Institute, has proposed the Magnetic Fusion Plasma Drive (MFPD) as a novel space propulsion method. This concept combines fusion propulsion, ionic propulsion, and more, promising high energy density and fuel efficiency". ( Travel: Magnetic Fusion Plasma Engines Could Carry Us Across the Solar System and Beyond)

Let's start with the most futuristic model of those engines. 

1) Zero-point energy.

The Zero-point energy means the minimum energy level in the system. Energy always travels to the lower energy point. And if we would create the quantum system like a metal cube that is at the absolute zero kelvin temperature. Then we can put a high-temperature object behind that zero-energy particle. Energy starts to travel through that zero-energy object and pushes the craft forward. The engine system can inject zero-energy particles into the rocket's exhaust tube. When hot exhaust gas impacts those particles it expands them.  Causing expansion in those particles which should increase thrust and decrease temperature in exhaust gases. 

The pulsed plasma engine can connect with a point engine system. In that system is the extreme cold point in the pike. The fusion material will drive to that cold point and the laser ignites fusion. The idea of that liquid helium-based system is to stabilize the fuel before ignition. When the system impacts energy to the shell of that fuel ball the impact wave travels in the fusion material and reflects from there. The system can press that fuel from both sides. And that creates the fusion reaction. 

"What will it take before human beings can travel to the nearest star system within their own lifetimes? Credit: Shigemi Numazawa/ Project Daedalus" (( Travel: Magnetic Fusion Plasma Engines Could Carry Us Across the Solar System and Beyond)

2a) The Magnetic Fusion plasma drive. (MFPD)

The fusion reactor creates high-energy plasma in the chamber. Then the particle accelerators will send it backward. The system can use miniaturized particle accelerators. That can shoot anions and ions together. The engine drives that plasma backward. The speed that this system can give is enormous. 

2b) Pulsed plasma fusion. 

In pulsed plasma fusion, the reactor creates plasma bubbles. Then the magnetic field presses that plasma together. And the laser system will ignite fusion in that system. The simplest model is the machine gun that shoots plutonium-lithium pellets to laser ray. 

Sometimes pulsed plasma fusion is called a "linear fusion" system. In that model, two- or more particle accelerator lines drive plasma or anions and ions to the same point. Then the laser ray will ignite fusion in that plasma. The system can burn fusion behind the craft. And the plate behind it takes energy impacts into it. 

There was a theoretical saucer-shaped concept craft there were particle accelerators below the craft. Those particle accelerators shot anions and ions into the middle of it. And then the laser system ignites fusion in those impacting particles. 

2c) Tokamak type fusion system. 

The tokamak reactor can also act as a fusion engine. In that case, the craft has this reactor in it. There is a hatch in that donut-shaped reactor that allows to aim of particles in the right direction. And that causes thrust for the craft. 

The tokamak or torus fusion reactors can be like belts around the O'Neill cylinders. That thing makes those systems act like Tipler-cylinder or Tipler time machines. The fast-orbiting plasma will make time dilation in those systems. 

In some models, the tokamak-type fusion engine is installed in a saucer-shaped craft. That reactor would be the outer edge of the saucer. The accelerator system transports particles in the middle of that saucer, where they create fusion or annihilation. 

The tokamak reactor could cause time dilation in the spacecraft, which makes it the Tipler cylinder. And that allows the crew to make interstellar travels. But people who send that saucer to journey will never meet those people again, because time dilation happens only in the craft. 

The tokamak system can connect with a pulsed plasma engine that is middle of the craft. The engine pulls ions through it. And then lasers will ignite the fusion. 

"Artist’s depiction of the IKAROS space probe ( the first spacecraft to successfully demonstrate solar sail technology in interplanetary space) in flight. Credit: Andrzej Mirecki" ( Travel: Magnetic Fusion Plasma Engines Could Carry Us Across the Solar System and Beyond)

3) Solar sails

Solar sails use solar wind or particle flow from the Sun to give thrust. The solar sail is the system that can use its sail or plate as the communication tool. But there are so-called active solar sail models. The base idea for those active solar sails is the same as in "Project Orion". "Project Orion" was a concept to plan a spacecraft that uses nuclear bombs to give thrust. 

In some models, researchers tie many solar sails to the front of the spacecraft. That thing can accelerate the craft's speed. And when the craft leaves the area where those systems can give thrust. The sails disconnect. And the craft continues by using some other propulsion systems. 

In some visions, solar sails would fly away from the solar system by using a trajectory where there is a hydrogen bomb at certain points in that trajectory. Those hydrogen bombs will detonate. And then they will give more thrust to those solar sails. In some other visions, giant lasers that orbit gas giants will shoot more energy for those solar sails. And maybe those kinds of systems travel to other solar systems.

"A spacecraft powered by a positron reactor would resemble this artist’s concept of the Mars Reference Mission spacecraft. Credit: NASA" ( Travel: Magnetic Fusion Plasma Engines Could Carry Us Across the Solar System and Beyond)


4) Positron reactors. 

In positron reactors cathode tubes shoot positrons and electrons to the impact course. The system shoots particles together in the rocket chamber. The remarkable thing is that this kind of system can make positrons get electricity to particle accelerators from the Sun. In this system, the solar panels can give electricity to particle accelerators that create positrons. 

Positron reactor spacecraft can look like a solar sail. The solar panels give electricity to cathode accelerators. That plate also acts as a solar sail, and the positron reactor gives thrust at a longer distance from the sun. And the solar sail structure helps to keep the temperature low. 

"Artist’s concept of a Bimodal Nuclear Thermal Rocket in Low Earth Orbit. Credit: NASA" ( Travel: Magnetic Fusion Plasma Engines Could Carry Us Across the Solar System and Beyond)

And finally. How to brake the rocket? 

The speed of those futuristic rockets is enormous. And those systems require brake rockets. In traditional systems, the probe uses an air brake. The probe flies through the planet's atmosphere. But in asteroid missions or missions to planets. Where there is no atmosphere the airbrake is useless. The craft requires brake rockets that slow its speed. There are two ways to make this bake. The first is simply to put the plate in exhaust gas.

Because the plate is connected to the craft, that engine's exhaust gas pushes the craft backward and slows its speed. The other version is to use forward-aimed rockets. 

Above: The NASA concept of a thermal nuclear rocket in low orbital might have two engine packs. The forward-aimed engines are for braking. The idea of brake rockets is to slow the speed of spacecraft so that it can put itself to a planet's or star's orbiter. The brake rockets are necessary tools in interstellar and interplanetary systems. For braking the spacecraft needs as much energy as it used for acceleration. So spacecraft can use half of its fuel for acceleration and half for slowing speed.

Thursday, October 19, 2023

Reprogrammed cells can give a cure for cancer. But it can be a breakthrough in stem cell research.

 Reprogrammed cells can give a cure for cancer. But it can be a breakthrough in stem cell research. 

Cell reprogramming means that the cell gets the new DNA. The problem with that therapy is that there must be lots of DNA and the second problem is how to transfer those genomes with high enough accuracy. 

The key question in cell reprogramming is how to remove the DNA from the receiving cells. Another question is how to make enough DNA or RNA and transfer them to the cell group that researchers want to change.

When we want to create artificial DNA that cures cancer, we can create artificial DNA that involves the code that launches programmed cell death. That DNA sequence is in the last part of chromosomes. 

Researchers used cell reprogramming to transform cancer cells to normal. And that thing can make many other things. The cancer cells can live in all tissues. That makes those cells so dangerous. Using reprogramming. It's possible to transfer new cells to destroyed organs in the form of cancer cells. Then the cancer cells will reprogrammed to those organ cells. 

There are two ways to make that thing. The first method is to connect two DNA:s in the cancer cell. Then the operators must make the code that makes the descendant cell the organ cell. And during that process, the cancer cell can die. 

The other version is to transfer artificial RNA viruses to those cells, and those viruses can reprogram those cells. The key element in cell reprogramming is to remove the original DNA from the cell. Then the virus or nanomachine-like microchip-controlled macrophage can inject the new DNA into those cells. 

The reprogrammed cyborg macrophage can transfer the artificial DNA or RNA to wanted cells. 

The macrophage is the cell that can produce almost everything. The thing that the researchers must do is find the DNA sequences that control the enzyme production in that cell. Then the macrophage can produce wanted compounds like artificial DNA and RNA. 

A reprogrammed macrophage is a tool that can used to inject new DNA or RNA into the targeted cells. The molecule can be equipped by using an enzyme head that can destroy the DNA from the nucleus. And then the new DNA will take its place. Those macrophages can be microchip-controlled. 

The reprogrammed macrophage can act like a nano-size werewolf. By using genome transfer the cancer cells can turn the macrophages that are programmed to destroy the cancer cells. Then the DNA can order those cells to die. 

Reprogramming cells makes it possible to extend human life. 

Theoretically, cell preprogramming makes it possible to extend our lifetime. The system must only have a copy of the DNA that the crew took when people were born. When people get older the laboratory that uses PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) creates copies of that DNA. 

Then it reprograms macrophages or connects the nutrients to those DNA bites that drive them to the right cells. The problem with this kind of therapy is how to make enough viruses. And the other problem is how to make that transplant DNA go to the right cells. 

When we talk about ethics in cases like extending our life. We always face one thing. If people have money they can buy everything. When we talk about the genome reprogramming, we can create a new type of society. That kind of technology can remove many hereditary diseases. Things like genetic engineering make it possible to create new structures and medicals. 

The cell reprogramming can turn one species into another. 

The ability to change species into another brings our mind things like werevolves. Laboratories can use genome technology can create plants like corn, which is poisonous or even eats bugs. When the time to harvest comes, the plant turns to corn which is suitable for nutrients. Or it can be used to make humans. That is resistant to things like nerve gasses. Cell reprogramming also can fix errors in the central nervous system. 

The problem with artificial retroviruses is that if they are spread all over the body, they turn all cells into new cells. And that could be the new topic for some SciFi movies where good soldiers will turn to the trees by using cell reprogramming. 

Cell reprogramming also makes it possible to create werewolves. And maybe the modern version of the werewolf myth would be the mad scientist. Who transforms people into dogs and wolves using cell reprogramming.

Thursday, October 12, 2023

Demons and machines.

    Demons and machines. 

Computer hardware and quantum demons are the tools that make the next generation of hardware possible. 

Complicated code requires powerful systems. And the AI is useless without powerful computers. 

Jevon's paradox: the AI can use as much electricity as the entire state. The nanotechnical processors use 100X less energy than the regular microchips.  The problem with AI is that the system requires complicated code, where is used multiple programming languages and multiple layers. Complicated code requires a complicated and high-power microchip structure. That structure with billions of microchips requires powerful coolers. And all of those systems require lots of power. 

There is the possibility that also AI-based complicated malware can drive electricity out from the electric net on purpose. The AI just transfers electricity to the ground to keep the electric network low voltage. And that is one threat that the weaponized AI can cause itself. 

The superconducting nanotechnology requires new tools to handle components. 

The nanotechnical microchips can control small-size robots. And they can form larger entireties. Nano-size microchips can operate as the platform that drives the AI. The nano-size processors can operate in their entirety, or they can operate separately. The main problem with the nano-size microprocessors is temperature. Superconductivity is the thing that could solve the problem, but the problem with superconducting microchips is that the electricity can jump over those switches and gates. 

The AI-based operating system makes it possible to separate microprocessors from their entirety to operate with individual problems. Or the operating system can put those microchips operate as a virtual quantum computer with one solution. The problem with those nano-size microprocessors is that they require a new type of superconductivity and the ability to control that phenomenon. Things like Pine's demon can used to erase magnetism from the mass memories of those microchips. 

Pine's demon and superconductivity. 

Pine's demon is the electron wave that travels in the material. That thing means electron behavior that neutralizes the electron's electricity. In quantum mechanics, the demon is the thing that is invisible to the light. The Pine's demon is the wave that acts like a particle. And it makes objects non-electric. 

One possible solution that could use Pine's demon is nanotechnical solutions. Those solutions can use that phenomenon to remove electricity from extremely small components, but controlling that phenomenon is extremely difficult. This phenomenon is possible only in odd superconductors and very low temperatures. 

Pine's demon and stealth technology. 

Theoretically, Pine's demon is useful in the quantum stealth system. The radar's principle is that it loads extra energy to the target. Then the target removes that extra energy as a radio impulse.  The radar sends a radio signal to the target. Then, that electric load jumps back to the radar. 

Or if we are sharp, we must say that the first radar keeps breaking in its transmission. And in that moment the structure removes its extra energy as the radar echoes. Energy always travels to lower energy space. And if the energy level of the aircraft is lower than the environment. That thing means that it will not send an echo with that frequency until its energy level is higher than its environment. 

In that kind of system, the demon pulls the electric load into itself. And that thing makes it possible to deny the radar echo. But as I just wrote Pine's demon is hard to control and visible only in odd superconductors.

Finnish LDR-50 SMR (Small Modular Reactor)-nuclear reactor produces only district heating. But it's possible to connect energy production units to those reactors.

   Finnish LDR-50 SMR (Small Modular Reactor)-nuclear reactor produces only district heating. But it's possible to connect energy production units to those reactors. 

Finnish LDR-50 SMR (Small Modular Reactor)-nuclear reactor produces only district heating. That reactor is called LDR-50. And its mission is being stripped from turbines and other things. The cooling of the reactor base is in the water's natural water cycle. At this moment, I must say that the turbines can also installed in the water cycle. Or the district heat water cycle. When we talk about energy, we must realize that the difference in temperatures and vapor pressure are things. That makes energy.

If there is a thing like a closed cycle turbine that uses liquid helium or liquid nitrogen to rotate the turbine wheel, that system can also produce electricity. The difference in temperatures is an interesting thing. If we lived on  Pluto our bodies would give us enough energy. It vaporizes liquid helium to pressure, which can rotate turbogenerators. Those SMR-reactors can have many possibilities. Advanced turbines can installed anyway in the reactor's water cycle. 

The nuclear waste also can give temperature for turbogenerators. That uses liquid helium or nitrogen. And nuclear waste's temperature will vaporize those liquid gases. 

In some visions, the nuclear waste disposal site can also be used as a power plant. The system benefits liquid helium or nitrogen that rotates in a closed cycle. The nuclear waste's heat will vaporize that liquid gas that rotates the turbogenerator. The systems that use nuclear waste as a power source are not very common. 

"Illustration of a nuclear district heating plant comprised of two LDR-50 reactor units constructed on an industrial site © VTT" (

"TRISO particles can withstand extreme temperatures well beyond the threshold of current nuclear fuels". (TRISO Particles: The Most Robust Nuclear Fuel on Earth)

The nuclear fuel called TRISO (Tristuctural-isotropic fuel)

The TRISO means the balls where there are three layers. Those layers are ceramic, graphite, and nuclear fuel isotopes. The graphite layers can include two layers. Regular graphite and the outer layer would be carbonite crystals. Or the structure can be in the artificial diamond. 

The most out layer would be a strong ceramic structure. If there are some problems. The reactor simply removes part of the TRISO balls. That should stop the nuclear reaction because the lack of half of the fuel turns the reactor into a subcritical condition. And when the problem is handled, the system returns those TRISO balls to the reactor. 

The Subcritical nuclear reactors require a laser or some other electromagnetic heater. So they are a little bit like thorium reactors. The laser or microwave beams keep the nuclear reaction on. If those electromagnetic systems will shut down that thing stops the entire reaction.

Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Many companies are working to develop portable nuclear reactors (PoNu) to replace diesel generators.

Many companies are working to develop portable nuclear reactors (PoNu) to replace diesel generators. 

Work with compact and powerful nuclear reactors continues. The reactor's purpose is to replace diesel generators fit in trucks. That means they can be used in multiple systems, from fixed power plants to ultimate power sources for ships, trains, and aircraft. And even trucks and tanks. The reason why those small-size nuclear reactors are under development is that. 

These kinds of systems decrease carbon emissions. Another reason why those systems are under development is that modern weapon systems like direct energy weapons, which means microwaves and lasers require electric power. Also, coherent high-power radio waves that are used to deliver electricity to drones remotely through air require a trusted and powerful power source. The portable nuclear reactors can changed same way as batteries. 

And if some ship or aircraft uses portable nuclear reactors. Operators can just put it in its place and connect with electronics and electric systems using fast connection. The operators must just connect electric wires to the reactor. And then that system delivers electricity to the vehicle. That kind of system can be on the deck and deliver electricity to the ships and aircraft. The liquid helium can keep those system's temperatures lower. 

Highly radioactive, superheavy isotopes as fuel make it possible to create man-portable nuclear reactors. 

If the system can use an extremely small nuclear reactor as a power source. It can make it possible to create even nuclear-powered helicopters that can fly for years. The crew is the limit in the flight time of that nuclear-powered helicopter. In automatic mode, the helicopter like a nuclear-powered aircraft can fly even for years.  

In the 1950s and 1960s, U.S. Army and Air Force tested nuclear-powered tanks and aircraft. The nuclear-powered Convair NB-36H and Chrysler TV-8 tanks were interesting projects. Also, the Soviets tested nuclear-powered aircraft like the nuclear-powered Tu-95 Bear-class nuclear bomber during the Cold War. And today Russians are working with nuclear-powered "Skyfall" missiles. The plasma-electric jet engines also make it possible to create super, and hypersonic nuclear-powered aircraft. 

A portable nuclear reactor. In the artist's vision. Those modular systems can connect to series. And that means portable reactors that work as the entirety can deliver electricity to a large area. 



TU95 LAL (Nuclear-powered Tu-95) 

Ford Nucleon

Hypothetical "Aurora"


Could the mysterious "Aurora" be a nuclear-powered aircraft? That can use antimatter "afterburner"? 

So could the legendary "Aurora"-system the small-size nuclear reactor that uses the arc-jet engine. The arc-jet engine is an engine system that uses electric arcs to expand propellant. 

That small nuclear reactor can make antimatter "afterburner" possible. The idea is that the small reactor pushes particles against a thin gold layer. And that thing can turn those particles into antimatter. That can give an extremely powerful punch to aircraft. 


Ford also created the Ford Nucleon the family car with a nuclear reactor. And maybe the new nuclear technology makes those things a reality. If developers want to aim tanks with high-power laser, and microwave mixture weapons they need a power source. And a nuclear reactor will be a good solution. 

The man-portable nuclear reactor can act as a weapon. If the radiation protection is removed from a certain part of the system. That system sends highly radioactive radiation and ionized particles in the desired direction. 

The new TRISO fuel makes that system safe. The highly radioactive elements make those reactors small. 

The new type of nuclear fuel is called TRISO, where nuclear material is closed in graphite and silicon carbide. That thing makes those reactors safer than traditional reactors. The fuel in TRISO balls or capsules can be uranium, but it can also use higher radioactive synthetic elements like plutonium, neptunium, or even einsteinium. 

The super-heavy elements require a system that is near zero-kelvin degrees temperature. And the liquid helium is the answer to that problem. The system adjusts the fission speed by adjusting the temperature. If the reactor uses weapon enrichment in plutonium or some even heavier and more radioactive elements. That means the reactor's size would be so small, that one man can carry it.

Tuesday, October 10, 2023

The ability to decode neurons can connect a person straight with the net.

  The ability to decode neurons can connect a person straight with the net. 

The AI itself is an impressive tool. If the office uses general-AI-based technology. That means the director can simply give a "to-do" list to AI in the morning. And then the AI makes those things, like sending business letters to customers, and following that payments are made. 

But the AI allows us to create things like BCI (Brain-computer interfaces). Those interfaces link people straight with computers. The fully working BCI system allows people to make connections using brainwaves. And the BCI system makes technical telepathy possible. In those systems person can control robots using the brainwaves. 

The BCI means that the computers can decode thoughts. Then system can transmit those thoughts on the computer screen. The ability to control robots using brain waves is possible only when the system knows what a person thinks. The problem is this. If we control robots by using brainwaves most thoughts are not meant to control robots. We might accidentally think something that we don't dare to say. And then robots will do something that we don't mean. The AI should filter those dangerous things away from systems, meant for civilian use. 

New simulations can simulate neuron's work very effectively. And we can say that the laboratories are decoded neurons. This thing makes a very big advance in many technologies. The complete knowledge of the system is required for full control of it. Things like BCI (Brain-computer interfaces) and neuron-microchip hybrid systems control things like nanomachine swarms. 

The ability to transfer information directly between computers and neurons makes it possible to create new types of interfaces. In those interfaces, people control computers straight with their brainwaves. If we think that people use BCI interfaces when they operate with robots, that means the robot is like another body for a person. The person will not make a difference between the robot body and themselves. 

The BCI systems allow to creation of ultimate augmented reality. That connects a person straight to the internet. In some visions, the neural link-type of systems can interact with the Internet through mobile telephones. And when we are talking about augmented reality, we mean multilayer systems. In those systems, people can use robots as exobodies, but they can also operate in fully synthetic simulation. 

And that thing can revolutionize everything from surgery to military, games, and adult entertainment. In some dystopic visions, some game addicts can use so many BCI-based augmented reality levels that they lost in that virtual world. In the worst case, those people die of hunger and thirst, because they simply forget. That they are in virtual reality. But making those things and visions functional, the creators of those systems must know how neurons interact. 

When we think of half-organic microchips those microchips interact with neurons. If engineers can program neurons. That allows them to transfer complicated programs to small microchips that interact with the machines straight through their kernel. 

Same way, programmed neurons can control nano- or mini-machines. The problem with nanotechnology is that the nanomachines are too small to carry effective computers. There are two ways to handle that problem. The nanomachines can make WLAN-based swarms. Another version is that the nanomachines can use living neurons for handling their operations.

Monday, October 9, 2023

Soundwaves can control light.

 Soundwaves can control light.

Soundwaves can control light. And that makes them new tools for making photonic computers. Soundwave is the denser point in the air. All changes in gas and other materials' density form a border layer. And that kind of border layers are changing the light's direction. 

Same way, the atmosphere around planets changes the direction of photons. If researchers make a chamber where there is gas and then aim the extremely sharp loudspeakers at that gas those soundwaves can aim laser rays in the desired direction. And that thing makes it possible to create a router. That aims laser rays into the wanted route. 

"A laser light beam passes between a loudspeaker-reflector array that creates a grating of air. The laser beam interacts with this grating and is deflected without contact. Credit: Science Communication Lab for DESY" ( Controls Light: Deflecting Laser Beams Using Air)

But laser light interacts oppositely way. When laser light hits medium it pumps energy to it. That energy makes atoms oscillate, and then that oscillation will travel all over the system. So when laser ray hits liquid like water it expands it. That expansion is the soundwave that can be used as sonar or even as a weapon. 

The laser can make a loudspeaker that uses liquids. When a laser ray hits liquid between membranes it expands that material. And that expansion is heard as soundwaves. 

When a laser satellite sends a laser ray to water or any other medium that thing sends sound waves. And other laser points around that center laser can observe that soundwave and its reflections. That thing makes it possible to search underwater and underground objects.  If the laser ray is strong enough it forms a similar situation with depth charge. 

"An intense laser pulse (in red) hits a flow of water molecules, inducing an ultrafast dynamics of the electrons in the liquid. Credit: Joerg M. Harms / MPSD" ( Lasers Illuminate the Hidden World of Electron Dynamics in Liquids)

Laser engine. 

The laser engine uses a liquid that is in the chamber. When a laser ray hits that liquid it expands it. And that expansion can push the piston down. In this case, the system can cool the liquid in the piston chamber if it is cooler with enough power. 

Or it can drive liquid or vapor from one chamber to another and rotate the turbine wheel in the channel between those chambers. Then that liquid can be cooled. And recycle in the system. 

The liquid can be liquid helium or nitrogen and the laser ray can interact with that liquid indirectly. In the non-direct version laser rays (or microwaves and electric arcs) are aimed into the expansion chamber. That warms the chamber's wall. 

That makes it possible to create the cold steam engine. This kind of system can operate without electricity if it has liquid nitrogen or helium. When that gas is in an expansion chamber there is no heat insulation. When it's at room temperature, the gas starts to expand. 

Lasers can increase the temperatures of some other objects like metal powder. Then that metal powder will drop into the chamber there is that ultra-cold liquid. 

That causes the expansion that can be used in turbine or piston engines. After that, the system can pull those metal bites with magnets to re-use.

Sunday, October 8, 2023

Does the brain in a dish have moral rights?

 Does the brain in a dish have moral rights? 

Can we someday make the brain in a jar in real life? Genetic engineering and cloning. Along with cell re-programming gives us the ability to create artificial brains. And in the wildest visions, the artificial brains can live in a dish in the laboratory and interact with computers using the EEG and Brain-computer interface. Those artificial brains make it possible to create robots, computers, and other tools with similar intelligence levels, as we have. 

And even if those things have not yet been made, they can be the next step for some researchers. That means we must start to think about the rights of those brains. We might face that thing sometime in the future. If we create brains or computers that have the same IQ as we have, we must think about the rights that creature has. 

"Bio-computing is now a reality, prompting experts to call for its responsible application. The creators of DishBrain, in collaboration with bioethicists, address its ethical implications, potential medical benefits, and environmental advantages in a recent paper".(ScitechDaily/From Sci-Fi to Reality: Does a Brain in a Dish Have Moral Rights?)

If the artificial brain interacts with robots. It's possible. That hypothetical brain does not even know that it's in a dish. And everything that it sees and feels, is some kind of simulation. So should our hypothetical brain in a dish know that it lives in a dish? That dish is equipped with systems that deliver nutrients to the brain. And of course, the life support must handle the blood flow to the brain and back from it. And the system must remove garbage. 

Maybe quite soon we can make brains that can live in the dish. Those brains are made using living neurons, so they are living creatures. And other ways, those brains in a dish have intelligence. So they have the status of intelligent living organisms. We think that the human rights base is in intelligence. 

Brains in dishes have similar abilities as we have if they are cloned from human cells. That means the brain in the dish should have similar rights as humans. The brain in a dis can control robots using the EEG connection. And that means those brains should have similar duties as humans. In visions. 

The robots that those brains operate give them the ability to see things that robots send them as they would be in that place. And in some visions, the brain in a dish doesn't even realize that it's in some dish. Those brains communicate with computers by using the brain-computer interface. That thing makes it possible for those brains can interact with robots and computers.

Friday, October 6, 2023

The first signs of superdiffusion and Oppenheimer approximation are detected.

   The first signs of superdiffusion and Oppenheimer approximation are detected. 

First-time physicist simulated superdiffusion and broke Oppenheimer approximation. At this point, somebody might ask what someone would do with super diffusion and Oppenheimer approximation. When we research something, we must realize one thing. When researchers created some theories and models, nobody made anything with those things. But when technology advances those things become more and more important. 

The Oppenheimer approximation means that the observer can separate the electron shell's wave function from the atom's core wave function. Or otherwise saying: electron shell wave function can separated from the atom's core wave function. And if we continue this thing, and make an induction conclusion, we can separate the wave function of all atomic and subatomic particles from each other. 

As an example, we can separate a quark's wave function from an electron's wave function. The wave function is the tool that creates interaction between objects. So when laser ray interacts with atoms as an entirety it interacts directly only with its electron shells. 

Then those electrons send the radiation to the atom's core. So electrons act as transmitters in this process. A laser ray hits electrons. Then, they convey that radiation to the atom's core. 

The Oppenheimer approximation means that researchers can affect all atomic and subatomic particles separately. That means we can, in theory, push single quarks in the atom's core if we find a beam, that is tight enough. 

Oppositely, the Oppenheimer approximation means that we cannot affect all atom's particles at the same time. All parts of atoms are affected separately because electron's places are moving and their distance from the power source is different. 

"A molecule with two platinum atoms absorbs a photon and starts to vibrate. The vibration enables the molecule’s electron spin to flip, allowing the system to simultaneously change electronic states in a phenomenon called inter-system crossing. Credit: Argonne National Laboratory." ( Quantum Leap: Physicists Successfully Simulate Super Diffusion)

"Some particles are dissolved in a glass of water. At first, the particles are all near one top corner of the glass. If the particles randomly move around ("diffuse") in the water, they eventually become distributed randomly and uniformly from an area of high concentration to an area of low, and organized (diffusion continues, but with no net flux). (Wikipedia/Diffusion)

In diffusion engines, particles like salt liquid are in a chamber. Then the hatch will open, and that strong mixture travels to the weak mixture. The diffusion engine uses aimed diffusion. Sometimes, this system is called the osmosis engine. Some people say that the terms osmosis and diffusion engines are the same thing. 

"The process of osmosis over a semi-permeable membrane. The blue dots represent particles driving the osmotic gradient". (Wikipedia/Osmosis/

The osmosis system, where the membrane is full of tiny generators, can deliver energy for large entireties. Aiming the flow happens by covering the chamber where the nano-membrane is by using a shell that the liquid cannot pass. And moving the shells and holes. That made it possible to change the direction where atoms are moving. 

In nanomachines, diffusion (osmosis) engines are like control rockets in spacecrafts. 

Superdiffusion is the diffusion where atoms are moving very fast. In diffusion liquid mixtures like salt and water move from the stronger to the dilute. And superdiffusion is the case where liquids are moving faster. Sometimes in history, inventors planned to use diffusion as a power source for engines. But those machines were useless until researchers created nanotechnology. 

Nanomachines can use diffusion engines in very sharp control. Those systems operate in the same role as control rockets operate in spacecraft.  The atoms or salt mixture that travels through the membrane can make it possible to control nanorobots very accurately. 

The nanomachine uses tiny hatches and semipermeable membranes to control its movements. The hatch closes and opens the membrane and that makes it possible to use diffusion engines as accurate nanomachines that require this extreme accuracy for surgery and other similar cases. 

Nanomachines can use diffusion to release the medicines or genomes in the right position. In those nanomachines, the diffusion engines operate as control rockets. 

Maybe future medicine can be made in reprogrammed cells that the system injects in the right place.  Or nanomachines can inject things like RNA molecules into the cells. When those cells create medicines and do their duty, they will die by preprogrammed cell death. 

But there is the possibility to create diffusion systems that deliver energy to larger entireties. It is possible to create nano nets like graphene there are many nano-size turbogenerators. When atoms are traveling through that wall they rotate those small propellers. And then those nanosystems give electricity. The idea of nanotechnology is that a large number of those machines can act as an entirety.

Tuesday, October 3, 2023

AI-controlled self-replicating machines are coming.

     AI-controlled self-replicating machines are coming.

 AI-controlled self-replicating machines are coming. And that gives the drone swarms the ultimate abilities. In the simplest versions, robot factories make the drones. Then that system loads the operating system in those drones. Those drones can have "iron-based" AI, which means the AI software installed in the kernels. The same system that creates microchips can install AI-based kernels in those microchips. 

Wandering a drone swarm can be like moving a supercomputer. The drone swarms can act as giant neural networks. And that makes them effective tools for research and military work. Drone swarms that reseaches distant planets can cover large areas. And if that swarm loses one member, that thing has no effect for its entirety. 

But what if those drones can make copies of their physical body? That can cause a situation in which drones can cover the entire planet. The name of the self-replicating machine is the "Von Neumann" machine. The Von Neumann machine can be virtual. And the best example of those machines is computer viruses that can make copies of themselves. But also physical, AI-controlled machines can make copies of themselves. 

The Von Neumann machine and AI-based neural network are the tools that might investigate another solar system. In some visions, the craft that travels to other solar systems is the shell which is a man-looking robot. Those robots might be the brains of the Von Neumann machine, the AI-controlled, self-replicating machines. The Von Neumann machine or self-replicating machines are robots that can make copies of themselves. 

The self-replicating robot controlled by AI is a tool that can lose control. The robot that is AI-controlled is a server and software in physical form. That system can have sensors that allow it to find minerals to make microchips and machine parts straight from ore. The robots can cut those minerals by using lasers and then make needed stuff in the high-tech reactors and they might have integrated 3D printers. 

Those systems are more multipurpose than some casts. Robots can operate in a vacuum chamber which makes their work good. So those robots that form the "brain of the system" might have integrated 3D printer that allows them to fix themselves. And they might have the ability to replicate themselves. 

 If robots can communicate with each other, they can form an extremely large neural network that acts like a peripatetic supercomputer. But there is a difference between Von Neumann machines and regular computers. Von Neumann's machine can make copies of itself. And that spontaneously increases the power and the size of the neural network and its actors. The perfect tool can be a perfect threat. 

The Von Neumann machine can be physical or virtual. Computer viruses are the example of the non-physical Von Neumann machines. When we connect things like Chat GPT or any other AI with robots there is the possibility that there happens something "unpredictable" in the program code of the systems. When the AI develops itself it can search data about the abilities that it wants. 

Self-developing AI that is connected with computer games can search the tactics and strategies that give it the best abilities. So if we transfer that model to robotics the AI can select the individuals that give the best results and then connect those abilities with another robot. The robots might made of different materials. And they might have different codes in computers. 

That gives the AI the ability, to search for the best combination for each situation. And if AI faces another AI it can ask needed code for that other AI. And then it can offer some of its code to another AI. 

When we think about AI and its abilities there is a possibility that AI can also exchange program codes with each other. That allows the autonomous R&D process. And that kind of process is dangerous. The AI itself is dangerous because it can accidentally or on purpose create computer viruses that can damage ICT infrastructure. 

The AI can make only things that we allow it to make. Programmers remove dangerous components from public AIs. But the difference between public, or civil AI, and militarized AI is that militarized AI is made for military purposes. Militarized AI is created to make viruses and make service denial attacks against the enemy command infrastructure and drone swarms. 

The thing is that AI is not intelligent. It just connects code from different sources. Things like commercial AI equipped with a system that denies the system to make computer viruses or malicious software. But militarized AI might have abilities to make those viruses. The purpose of those viruses is to deny drone swarms and computer-based command systems to operate. The hackers can steal that code from destroyed drones. 


New systems allow researchers to follow cellular communication wirelessly.

"To improve biosensing techniques that can aid in diagnosis and treatment, MIT researchers developed tiny, wireless antennas that use l...