In superconductor highways, the cables and magnets are superconducting. The system uses magnetic levitation for transporting vehicles from one place to another. The highway can have solar panel-cover that decrease its energy use.
Superconductor highways that transport vehicles using magnetic levitation are not a new idea. Magnetic levitation (Maglev) is already in use in some railroads. The magnetic levitating highway moves cars by using magnetic levitation. So that type of superhighway can offer a more flexible solution than Maglev trains. The idea is that in long distances. The system transports cars by using magnetic levitation. And when cars will separate from that intelligent highway, they start to use their internal power sources.
The idea of magnetic levitation systems is always the same. The idea is that the platform is the thing, that moves vehicles above it by using similar technology that is used in rail guns. The magnetic levitation superhighways also can transport energy and information. The idea is that the same network that levitates objects can carry electricity and information. And turning the electric network to superconducting decreases the power loss due to resistance. That decreases the use of fuel in power plants.
"Schematic illustration of the superconducting highway for energy transport and storage and superconductor levitation for the transport of people and goods. Credit: Vakaliuk et al". ( Superhighways: Moving Energy, People and Cargo at 400 Miles per Hour)
The magnet-loop will be the most interesting idea in transportation.
The system where the magnetic levitation highway plays the main role can connect with magnetic trains that travel in vacuum tubes. In that system, the superconductor highways are used for medium-range transportation. And long-distance transportation made by using super- or hypersonic trains. Those futuristic trains travel in a vacuum tube that can be used even for intercontinental travel. In those models, the tubes are pulled underwater through the ocean.
Those hyper-fast train systems travel in a vacuum. And there, they can easily reach super-or hypersonic speed.
Magnetic levitation can use in futuristic trains. The Hyperloop is the system where low pressure pulls the train forward. The train will levitate in the tube by using magnetic levitation. But the magnet-loop is the most futuristic version of the hyperloop. In the magnet loop, the magnetic field transports the train in the vacuum tunnel. And actually, that system is similar to particle accelerators. The fact is that this kind of system can be faster than any aircraft in the world.
There is no resistance in the vacuum, and the magnetic system can transport the train at a speed unable to reach other places. The magnetic train can accelerate vehicles to so high speed that they can travel to Earth orbiter if they are shot in the right angle. So that thing can make it possible to create the train that transports people to the moon.
And of course, the futuristic thought for the day...
Or actually, the train that travels in a particle accelerator can make time travel possible. That train's speed could be so high that it makes the time dilation possible.
When we think about the motivation for making megastructures like Ringworld, Alderson disks and Dyson's spheres the futuristic civilization can use those things as particle accelerators or even time machines.
The time machine would be a series of solar-powered particle accelerators that get energy from their star. The system might be the tool that the hypothetical civilization uses for supercomputing. The computer will be put in the capsule, and then the accelerator starts to dilate time in that capsule by moving it extremely fast.
That thing gives computers more time to make their process. And that thing could be one motivation for making the superstructures that take all energy from the civilization. .
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