Sunday, April 30, 2023

What is quantum radar?

Quantum radar is a tool that bases are in superpositioned and entangled electrons. The electrons might be in a horizontal or vertical position to aircraft or some other objects. If the electrons are vertical that makes them send extremely shortwave radiation. 

And the reflection of those things hacks the stealth aircraft. In that model, the radar sends radiation that wavelength is so short that it reflects from the surface. The wavelength of those radars is less than the atom size. 

If those entangled and superpositioned electrons travel horizontally that thing makes a situation where information travels between those electrons. When the aircraft travels through those electron pairs. That cuts the information flow between those electrons. 

And that thing makes it possible, that the system can uncover any stealth aircraft in the world but there are problems. The Quantum entanglement doesn't stand for a very long time. But the time is long enough to detect aircraft. 

One version of the quantum radar is a modified scanning tunneling microscope. The system can trap the particle pair under the detector pike. Then the system can make the quantum entanglement between those particles.  

If neutrinos can put in superposition and entanglement. That makes it possible to create the most powerful research and intelligence system that the world will see. 

In the case that superpositioned neutrinos are vertically against to targeted system. If the energy level of the neutrino, that is in the targeted system rises higher. And that thing makes it possible for those superpositioned and entangled neutrinos. 

That they can start information transportation from the targeted system. The system is a scanning tunneling microscope that uses an extended range. By using quantum entanglement. 

That kind of quantum radar can be like scanners or quantum yoyos that can detect material data from the targeted object. But the quantum yoyo also can read information that travels in the microprocessor. This is one version of why neutrinos are turning interesting. The neutrino can make the quantum entanglement with another neutrino that sends through Earth. 

Then the system can scan information from the targeted system. And the only requirement is that in the point where the targeted system must make a higher energy level than sending system. The system can make that thing by using the high power X- or Gamma-ray impulses that send to that point. The best thing would be the energy beam. 

That was created by using trapped neutrinos. If there is a possibility to stress those neutrinos by using some kind of radiation. They would create an artificial neutrino beam that is similar to neutron radiation. But that hypothetical system might have a problem. 

Neutrino is hard to put react to radiation. And it's very hard to capture. But if researchers will someday make that system. It will revolutionize neurology and intelligence. These kinds of antennas can transport information from nervous systems and the most secure systems in the world. 

Saturday, April 29, 2023

Guided lightning is advancing lightning research.

The first person who conducted lightning to the wanted point was Benjamin Franklin in 1752. In a classic lightning-capturing test Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790) in 1752 used a kite, that he put in the air during a thunderstorm. That kite made the rising point in the potential line and guided lightning to the ground. That test almost costs his life because in his lifetime nobody knew how high voltage the lightning has. 

Today balloons are used to conduct lightning to wanted points. They used balloons conducted to wires. That transfers lightning to the wanted point like sensors that measure the electric power. 

Today we know that lightning always hits the point that is closest to the cloud. And that's why we should not swim or be under alone trees during thunderstorms. 

Lightning causes problems with electronics. The electric load of those things is destroying electric components. And that's why somewhere is planned that the cities are equipped with a system that conducts flashes of lightning to the wanted points. 

And maybe in the future, the electric system stores lightning's electricity in batteries or capacitors. That kind of system is quite easy to make. The requirement is that. The capacitors are connected to the tallest building or highest position lightning conductor. 

Making artificial lightning in nature is quite an easy thing. The high-voltage radio waves will send to the cloud. And then the cloud stores electricity until it can conduct that thing to the ground. 

Image: Benjamin Franklin and his famous kite experiment that proved lightning was an electric phenomenon. "The BEP engraved the vignette Franklin and Electricity (c. 1860) which was used on the $10 National Bank Note from the 1860s to 1890s". (Wikipedia/ Kite experiment)

In some visions, the next-generation lighting conductor would be the saltwater beam, that shot, to the thundercloud. Or maybe the small airship will send in it, and then the system drops the electric wire to the wanted point. 

When lightning starts to strike. It forms the ion channel between the cloud and the most up-ground point. Then the electrons are starting to move in that channel. The eruption channel is quite easy to make by using a laser that ionizes the air. The problem is that the lightning can harm the laser system if there is nothing that transfers electricity to another route before it hits the laser. 

Researchers must put a laser in the Faraday cage that protects it against high-voltage electricity. The other version is that there is an antenna that conducts lightning away from the laser. The Faraday cage can be a box made by using chicken wire. And in some other models putting the chicken wire between the laser and thundercloud is enough to protect the laser against the lightning. 

In some other versions, the system uses the opposite version of Frankilin's experiment. The idea is this. Researchers could send an airship into the thundercloud, which shoots a laser ray to the wanted point on Earth. Otherwise, this kind of system can use the salt water shower that shoots to the ground. 

That thing can use to make the lighting hit a certain point. Or the simplest possibility is that. The rugby-ball size airship just drops the nylon wire to the ground when it flies into the thundercloud. And maybe rockets are used to transfer those airships to thunderclouds. 

Rocket-guided lightning is advancing lightning research. But someday in the future, that thing can make it possible to capture energy from the thunderclouds. There are many ways how to conduct lighting to a certain point. One of the things is just to make an artificial eruption channel between the thundercloud and the point where researchers want to conduct that lightning. 

One version is to use rockets, that are pulling carbon or some other dust trail. That dust trail acts like an artificial eruption channel. Or in some other versions, there would be thin nylon wire, covered with copper bites that conduct lightning to a certain point on the ground. 

In nature, things like campfires caused lightning strikes when the lightning travels down with that carbon channel that the smoke forms. So the rocket that shot in the thundercloud can act like smoke and make the carbon channel where the electricity can travel.

The new nanolattice metamaterials are game-changing in stealth technology.

The simplest way to make stealth technology is to create material that absorbs energy. Energy is wave movement, and the material should deny the reflection. But the problem with energy absorption is that material should move that energy somewhere. 

One thing that could help with that thing is the hole or channel that is in the middle of the craft. The system can use the thermal pump to create a situation where the energy travels inside the structure. There the airflow or laser ray will conduct it to wanted direction. 

Chinese scientists developed a new nanolattice material, that can absorb energy. The ability to absorb energy is one of the most important things in stealth technology. The nanolattice materials can store energy in themselves. 

And that thing makes it possible that energy doesn't reflect from the material. That means the material can conduct energy in the wanted direction. Or it can store energy in itself. Black color is one of the most well-known things that absorb light. The problem with the black color is that its temperature rises. 

"The SEM image of a FIB-milled quasi-BCC beam nanolattice. Credit: Image from IMP". ( Energy Absorption Breakthrough: Chinese Researchers Unveil Game-Changing Nanolattice Metamaterials)

The new nanolattice material is based on the idea that the material is made of fibers. That thing maximizes the complexity of the structure. That material has a maximum possible surface area in multiple layers that causes a situation where reflection from the fibers of that material jumps inside that structure. 

Every time the radiation reflects from those fibers it hits another fiber. And that fiber pulls a little part of reflection in itself. The idea is that echo cannot continue forever. Sooner or later, the structure pulls all wave movement in itself. 

If material stores energy in it, that rises the free energy level in the system.  Free energy is the thing that destroys the material structure.  Free energy makes the destruction because it starts resonance in all atoms in the molecule. The resonance means that atoms are sending radiation that pushes other atoms away. 

And also standing waves between atoms are pushing wave movement to those atoms. And finally, that thing destroys material structures. That is the problem with material that suppose to absorb energy. If energy waves hit it, that increases the energy level of those atoms. 

When somebody makes material that should absorb energy, the only thing that can make the thing is to dump that energy somewhere. If the energy-absorbing material cannot put its energy load somewhere that causes destruction. 

No material can stand limitless energy increase. Sooner or later, the material starts, to transmit energy overload to its environment. And in that process, the energy that travels outside forms empty holes between atoms. That is the situation where energy from outside gets access between those atoms. And that thing rips those structures in pieces.

Thursday, April 27, 2023

Gravity batteries are one of the most promising energy storages for green energy. But they also can produce energy.

Gravitation or gravity batteries are systems that store energy in kinetic form. The idea is simple. A winch pulls the heavy weight up. And then it will drop the weight down. The wight is connected to the generator. When it drops the generator will rotate. The system can benefit sensitively rotating rotor.  

Rotor is connected to the sensitive rotating generator. When the weight drops and its movement ends, the clutch will release the rotor, which gets a couple of extra rotations. The system can install in any tower or crane on the Earth. That kind of gravitational battery is one of the simplest and most effective ways to store energy. 

The idea is that green energy like solar power will use to pull the weight up in the daytime. And when that energy is needed the system can simply drop weight. That rotates the induction generator which also acts as the electric engine. 

The system also can create electricity by using the hydraulic effect of water. 

People can pull those weights up by using muscle forces. Or they can push up by using water pressure. These kinds of gravitational batteries can also offer the energy supply for people who live on coasts. Or the system also can deliver water to people. 

In that kind of system, the water pushes the piston up. Then the ventilation closed. And water will conduct out from the tube. Then the system releases a piston that rotates the generator. And that thing offers a good way to create energy by using the hydraulic principle. The thing is that the piston must not be big. Many small pistons can offer the same abilities as one large weight. 

Futuristic ideas about gravity batteries. 

I don't know how practical these kinds of ideas are. But in some ideas, the yoyo is equipped with a generator. And that yoyo generator could load the mobile telephones. 

There is an idea that this kind of gravitational battery can use for making electricity for small-scale solar power drones and drone boats. The idea is that the balloon that is connected to the dynamo pulls the weight up. And then the weight will drop. Or the weight that rotates the small dynamo in the small drone will drop below the drone. Very long nylon wire will put the generator rotate. 

In some wild ideas, the tunnel will drill through the moon, and then, the weight will drop into that tunnel. That system will start to travel back and forth. And of course, there is a small power loss in the generator. The system can replace that power loss by using small solar panels that help the electric engine pull the weight back to the most up positions.

Chinese space station generates 100% of its oxygen at orbital trajectory.

Chinese space station uses very advanced technology in its life support. The life-support system generates 100 % of the needed oxygen and 95 % of the water recycled in that station. This kind of experiment with a closed carbon dioxide and oxygen cycle. Along with an almost closed water cycle is impressive. 

Using that new life-support system, China can decrease the needed cargo payload to that space station every year by six tons. And that thing decreases the costs of that space station. But there is another thing that makes this kind of technology interesting. Resource recycling systems must use in the Mars flights. 

"Stock photo: An illustration of Chinese Tiangong Space Station". ( claims its Space Station has achieved 100% oxygen regeneration in orbit)

The technology tested in the Chinese Tiangong-station can use in Mars flights and Moon and Mars stations. 

Long-term spaceflight to the red planet requires systems that can recycle at least oxygen and water. The same systems, that are in use in the Chinese Tiangong-station can use on Moon and other more futuristic space stations. The Moon station can use to test technology that will use in space flights to other planets like Mars and the asteroid belt. 

The problem is that the Moon requires a magnetic field that protects the space stations. Moon would also be an excellent place for hunting the Helium 3 from the Moon's rocks. That moon station will separate Helium on Moon and then send it to Earth by using the magnetic railgun. The fact is that the Moon itself must not be mine. 

In some visions, the Moon's nucleus will put a generator that creates an artificial magnetic field around the Moon. 

Because if the moon turns too light. That affects tidal water on Earth. Moon stations may use to generate antimatter. Antimatter can be created in tanks covered by using a thin gold layer. When electrons hit the gold layer, that gold layer turns them into anti-electrons. And the magnetic field will keep those antimatter particles away from the walls of that tank. So if there is an artificial magnetic field the colonists must just open that magnetic field so that solar wind will affect the surface of the moon. 

In some futuristic models, the Moon's nucleus will put the generator that is rotating by using electric engines. Those electric engines will get their energy from solar panels. And that generator will create the artificial magnetic field for the moon. The purpose of that magnetic field is to push solar wind out from the Moon's surface. That kind of system can protect crews from cosmic radiation.

Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Photonic time crystals can enhance communication and laser technology.

Photonic time crystals offer nanotechnical breakthroughs in photonic communication and quantum technologies. 

Photonic time crystals can be the next-generation tools for miniature maser systems. In those systems, the photonic time crystals are put around the miniature tube, and the leading crystal that sends wave movement through that energy field is at the bottom of the (nano)tube. This system looks and acts like a small-size acoustic hailing device but it acts like a small-size maser. If that system is used in large-scale systems that gives them more accuracy than is seen ever before. 

These kinds of systems can use in the next-generation quantum computers to determine the state of the artificial neurons. This kind of photonic-nanotechnical hybrid brain can be the next step to highly advanced quantum systems. Like a nanotechnical brain that learns like the human brain. The photonic time crystals are the tools that will revolutionize technology. 

They offer a good system for making the next-generation stealth systems. In those systems the photonic time crystals are conducting photons that impact them sideways. And that thing decreases the ability to see that object also in visible light. 

"An illustration of how a 2D photonic time crystal can boost light waves. Credit: Xuchen Wang / Aalto University" ( Time Crystals Amplify Light for Enhanced Communication and Lasers)

Spectrum: every color in the spectrum formed, when elements send radiation with their unique frequency. That thing can also use for making the difference between Qubit's states. (

This thing allows the creation of artificial neurons. 

For the first time, researchers connected two quantum digits. The system used a vacuum chamber there is the microsurface fabricated trap. That ability makes it possible to transport information between two complicated quantum systems. 

In some theoretical versions, the data transportation between two complicated systems happens by using graphene layers there are different element atoms in the graphene network. Then those atoms act like the transmitter-receiver pairs in the human neurons. The reason for that is. Every single element has its oscillating frequency that benefits spectroscopy. 

In science, astronomers use those frequencies use determining the relations of the elements in stars. But they can also use for determining or separate different states of qubits.  

And that system bases technology where those atoms are resonating with each other. The problem with data transportation between complicated quantum systems is how to separate the oscillation of certain states of qubits. The system can use miniature maser systems to oscillate certain atoms. 

That hangs in the graphene network. And then that oscillation transfers information to similar atoms in the receiver. So when the system stresses the Crypton atom, it causes resonance at the receiver's Crypton atom. And that thing can make the new type of quantum computers possible.

Superconductor highways can carry people, energy, and cargo at 400 Miles per hour.

In superconductor highways, the cables and magnets are superconducting. The system uses magnetic levitation for transporting vehicles from one place to another. The highway can have solar panel-cover that decrease its energy use. 

Superconductor highways that transport vehicles using magnetic levitation are not a new idea. Magnetic levitation (Maglev) is already in use in some railroads. The magnetic levitating highway moves cars by using magnetic levitation. So that type of superhighway can offer a more flexible solution than Maglev trains. The idea is that in long distances. The system transports cars by using magnetic levitation. And when cars will separate from that intelligent highway, they start to use their internal power sources.

The idea of magnetic levitation systems is always the same. The idea is that the platform is the thing, that moves vehicles above it by using similar technology that is used in rail guns. The magnetic levitation superhighways also can transport energy and information. The idea is that the same network that levitates objects can carry electricity and information. And turning the electric network to superconducting decreases the power loss due to resistance. That decreases the use of fuel in power plants. 

"Schematic illustration of the superconducting highway for energy transport and storage and superconductor levitation for the transport of people and goods. Credit: Vakaliuk et al". ( Superhighways: Moving Energy, People and Cargo at 400 Miles per Hour)

The magnet-loop will be the most interesting idea in transportation. 

The system where the magnetic levitation highway plays the main role can connect with magnetic trains that travel in vacuum tubes. In that system, the superconductor highways are used for medium-range transportation. And long-distance transportation made by using super- or hypersonic trains. Those futuristic trains travel in a vacuum tube that can be used even for intercontinental travel.  In those models, the tubes are pulled underwater through the ocean. 

Those hyper-fast train systems travel in a vacuum. And there, they can easily reach super-or hypersonic speed. 

Magnetic levitation can use in futuristic trains. The Hyperloop is the system where low pressure pulls the train forward. The train will levitate in the tube by using magnetic levitation. But the magnet-loop is the most futuristic version of the hyperloop. In the magnet loop, the magnetic field transports the train in the vacuum tunnel. And actually, that system is similar to particle accelerators. The fact is that this kind of system can be faster than any aircraft in the world. 

There is no resistance in the vacuum, and the magnetic system can transport the train at a speed unable to reach other places. The magnetic train can accelerate vehicles to so high speed that they can travel to Earth orbiter if they are shot in the right angle. So that thing can make it possible to create the train that transports people to the moon. 

And of course, the futuristic thought for the day...

Or actually, the train that travels in a particle accelerator can make time travel possible. That train's speed could be so high that it makes the time dilation possible. 

When we think about the motivation for making megastructures like Ringworld, Alderson disks and Dyson's spheres the futuristic civilization can use those things as particle accelerators or even time machines. 

The time machine would be a series of solar-powered particle accelerators that get energy from their star. The system might be the tool that the hypothetical civilization uses for supercomputing. The computer will be put in the capsule, and then the accelerator starts to dilate time in that capsule by moving it extremely fast. 

That thing gives computers more time to make their process. And that thing could be one motivation for making the superstructures that take all energy from the civilization. .

Friday, April 21, 2023

The pigeon and AI have similarities in their learning process.

The most important thing in the AI is the sensor that it uses. The similarity between the AI and the pigeon is that pigeon always finds its pigeonhole by following its senses. The thing is that AI might make many very complicated-looking things. But they are all made similar way as a pigeon finds its pigeonhole. 

The AI or robot can record its route using inertia or GPS, and then walk back by using the same route. That thing makes the "self-driving car" travel back its route when it loses the control signal. If the remote control signal is cut. The car simply drives its route back until it notices the signal again. 

Things like robot footballers are similar systems to regular robots. The sensor gets an image of the football, and then the robot can calculate its route to that ball. The robot can get more parameters like temperature, air pressure, and wind along with dampness and other things. The computer calculates the power of the kick and the point where that system must aim the kick. 

The humanoid robot that kicks the ball is claimed better than Messi says UCLA developed the footballer-robot. The robot can play football. And I don't know, does it use the outside calculation units? In that model, the robot can cooperate with calculation centers.

In a study conducted by the University of Iowa, researchers found that pigeons share similarities with artificial intelligence in their learning process. By subjecting pigeons to complex categorization tests, the birds were able to reach nearly 70% accuracy through repetitive, trial-and-error learning. This form of associative learning, where connections are made between objects or patterns, is also utilized by AI systems. Despite being considered a lower-level thinking technique, associative learning allows both pigeons and AI to excel at certain tasks, challenging the perception that it is rigid and unsophisticated.(ScitechDaily/Bird-Brained AI: Pigeons and Artificial Intelligence Share Surprising Learning Techniques)

"UCLA claims its humanoid robot footballer is ‘better than Messi’ ( claims its humanoid robot footballer is ‘better than Messi)

But things, like drone swarms can share their calculating capacity with that kind of robot. Maybe that kind of robot does not seem very impressive. UCLA created Footballer-robots to give data to other robotics projects. There are billions of things that can cause a fault in the AI. And the key element in AI-based robotics is this: AI gets all information that it needs from sensors. Then it must decide what to do when it gets a certain type of information. 

That decision is made by selecting the database which has the most similarities with the situation, that its sensors deliver. The system must select the database by following some variables. There must be some kind of identifier that the AI can use for selecting the database.

The database that has the most details of the situation, that it sees will be selected. That kind of system is a little bit slow. That's why there must be some kind of ranking system for the most used databases. 

And, of course, there must be databases that allow common reactions. In that system, the system might have a database that orders the robot to stop if it must compare multiple databases.

Thursday, April 20, 2023

The cyborg snake

Metal Snake could research the Enceladus moon's icy surface. But that system can also have many other missions. Exobiology Extant Life Surveyor (EELS) system is a robot snake that can operate the surface of an icy moon or that robot can have a microwave or some other system that can melt holes into the icy shell. There that robot can swim in the ocean under the ice of that moon. 

The robot snakes can also operate on  Earth in many scientific and military missions. Robot snakes can research underwater structures and their flexible shape allows them to go in cramped places. So that kind of system can operate in the shipwrecks. If the robot is a multipurpose tool, that is suitable for many missions that guarantee funds for that project. 

"Illustration of the Exobiology Extant Life Surveyor (EELS) concept - Credit NASA/JPL-CalTech" (

The robot snakes can be equipped with infrared or chemical sensors. So they can search for chemicals and humans. The Geiger meter allows those robot snakes to search the radioactive material. When the system where segmented radiation detectors see the target, that control system aims the snake in the direction where radiation comes. 

If the robot snake is masked as a sea snake. That system can observe sea animals without disturbing them. Other animals are avoiding highly poisonous sea snakes. And that camouflage gives the robot snake the ability to observe animals. The system can have active chameleon camouflage. In that case, the invisibility cloak covers the cyborg snake, which makes it invisible. 

Above: Paradise tree snake or Flying Snake. Singapore Zoo. (Wikipedia/Chrysopelea paradisi)

Those robot snakes can deliver from aircraft they might act like paradise tree snakes. When a cyborg snake falls from the aerial vehicle. It will turn into a helicopter- or "S" shape. And that rotating movement slows its speed. 

If the robot snake looks like a real snake it can deliver information about the behavior of animals. The same cyborg snakes can also operate as recon and intelligence tools. The robot snake can slip inside highly secured military bases. 

And then, it can record discussions and take images of the systems. The reconnaissance cyborg snakes also can have laser microphones and other things that make them very good observation tools. But the robot snakes can have cutters that make them cut wires and make holes in barriers. Those robot snakes can also carry explosives. 

Those snakes can operate as kamikaze drones. Or they can leave explosives at the right points. The cyborg snake can slip into the computer center and explode computers. Or they can have tanks with snake poison, which makes them excellent strike tools.

Saturday, April 15, 2023

NASA and ESA are almost ready for the most difficult mission in spaceflight history: take samples from Mars to Earth.

Samples are ready to deliver from Mars o Earth. But before, no samples are taken to the laboratory. We must realize one thing. There is the rocket that must send to Mars. Then that sample must take to the rocket's cargo bay. After that, the rocket must launch its engines. And the rocket requires fuel and oxygen. There are two possible versions of the rocket that NASA and ESA can use in that mission. 

The rocket can fill its tanks on Mars by benefiting water that is on that planet's surface. The system splits water molecules into hydrogen and oxygen by using electrolysis. And other rocket version uses fuel that is stored in the rocket. That system is in use for nuclear missiles. 

"This illustration shows a concept for multiple robots that would team up to ferry to Earth samples collected from the Mars surface by NASA’s Mars Perseverance rover. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech". ( Impossible? NASA Calls in Expert Panel to Review Mars Sample Return Plans)

NASA calls an expert panel to discuss and review the return plans of Mars samples. Theoretically, there is knowledge about how to handle rockets that should bring samples from the red planet. And how to take samples from the planet Mars to Earth? The problem is that if something goes wrong with the rocket that mission must start again. The rocket can use water on Mars's surface as an energy source. The electrolytic system can break water molecules into oxygen and hydrogen. 

That system requires that there is enough water on the planet, that the system can send a rocket back to Earth. Another possibility is to send the rocket, where oxygen and fuel are stored in the stages into Mars, as I wrote before. And that thing doesn't require fuel and oxygen production on Mars. The system can use similar technology to Space X's multi-use rockets that can launch and land vertically. 

So could an unmanned version of Space X's Starship shuttle be the first craft that pics samples from Mars and brings them to Earth?  In that case, the samples can position two rockets to minimize the effects of the spacecraft's destruction. Then we must realize one thing. If the chamber where those samples are stored will be damaged. That means those samples will be polluted. 

To eliminate the possibility that all samples will be polluted the system might analyze part of those samples in orbiting trajectory or on the Moon. In that case, the laboratory can install on board the Starship spacecraft. If some organic material affects those samples before they are in the laboratory. That thing destroys the mission to find Martian bacteria fossils from those stones.

The new materials are making ultra-fast, sustainable computing possible.

The problem with previous ultra-fast operating computers is that they are not stable. That thing means the system must re-adjust itself after a certain time. That means there is a cut in the most powerful operating capacity. During that break, the system must store data somewhere. Or it must transfer it to another system. 

And during that process, data travels outside the system's surveillance. When the data package is outside the system some outside effect can change the form of data. And that means the system will make the wrong answer. 

The computing system eliminates errors simply by using two lines where data travels. If those lines get different answers. There is a possibility that the system has a wrong answer. 

The system eliminates the possibility that some outside effect affects information by using asynchronous asymmetrical data transport protocols. That means that two lines are sending information at different times. When another data package follows the first one the system can detect differences. 

The problem with long-term calculations is what if there is an error? The solution is the AI-based system that copies data from the main way to the backup hard disks. There the AI detects if there are differences. So the system must not make entire calculation series again, which could take even months. 

"The researchers have for the first time succeeded in demonstrating a device, based on a 2D magnetic material, at room temperature. The 2D magnetic crystal is shown as blue, yellow, and white balls and is a mix of Iron, Tellurium, and Germanium atoms. The big turquoise arrow indicates the magnetization direction of the 2D magnet." ( Quantum Leap Unleashes Ultra-Fast Sustainable Computers)

"The crystal with gray color is the carbon atoms of the graphene channel. The smaller turquoise arrows indicate the spin-polarized electrons injected from the 2D magnet into the graphene channel. Here, the 2D magnet act as a source for spin-polarized electrons and the graphene channel for spin transport and communication. Credit: Chalmers/Bing Zhao". ( Quantum Leap Unleashes Ultra-Fast Sustainable Computers)

The system can use a restored backup copy for retake calculation from the point where the error is detected. The backup copies don't require the system must stop. The router must just double the data package and then it can copy to the backup hard disk. And if the system uses two lines the AI can compare differences between data packages that it stores in two backup hard disks. 

In long-term calculations, the system must make the intermediate data backups as soon as possible. When those intermediate solutions are made often enough. That allows the AI can search for the differences between data packages stored in the hard disks. And if there are differences the system must not start the entire calculation from the beginning. 

The new nanomaterial is making it possible to create the stable quantum leap, which makes it possible to create a stable form of the state where the system can operate with maximum power. The long-term use of maximum power eliminates the possibility that something will destroy the information. The system can use routers that send a copy of the data that travels in the main line. Then the AI-based control system will just compare differences in that data.

Friday, April 14, 2023

The 3D-printed robot hand can grasp objects.

"Researchers have designed a low-cost, energy-efficient robotic hand that can grasp a range of objects – and not drop them – using just the movement of its wrist and the feeling in its ‘skin’. Credit: University of Cambridge" ( Have Designed a 3D-Printed Robotic Hand That Can Grasp a Range of Objects)

There are many ways in which robot hands can touch objects. The simplest way is to fill the elastic surface of that hand by using tiny cylinders which are small pistons. When those pistons are moving backward, they transform the elastic surface into a sucker. Another way is to keep the piston's other side open. Tnd the rubber sealant will close air in that piston. 

The accuracy of that pressure-based system depends on the size and how many cylinders and pistons the system uses. There is also a possibility that the elastic surface will equip with independently operating ventilates that allow using one pressure chamber. And then that system can adjust the pulling effect by opening and closing those ventilates. 

When a robot touches something, it requires information about the distance of the object and the shape of the object. It can take that information from the sensors like the sonar system or laser-scanner that is in its hand. That thing allows the robot to estimate how it can touch objects. If the robot has moving fingers. It might have a piezo-electric system. That measures how strong the robot's hand compression is. In the most complicated version the robot can have a tiny X-ray machine in its fingers that measure that robot would not destroy the target that it touches.

Robots that have similar hands to humans are interesting tools. If the robot hand acts similar way as the human hand. That allows the robot to use similar tools that human uses. If the worker uses a long manipulator hand with similar touch to a human that allows the worker to operate in cramped places. The hand can be the manipulator with multiple joints. And that allows the operator can put it in complicated places. That kind of manipulator can use the same tools as humans. And that makes it more flexible. 

In space technology 3D printed robots and robot hands are making it possible to send probes outside the solar systems. Those robots can fix problems in probes. And 3D printing technology allows the system to recycle that robot. That means when the robot has done its mission. The system melts it again. And that allows the system to use those materials for other purposes. The 3D-printing technology makes systems more flexible and that opens new paths for space technology.

The new material can be manipulated very fast by light.

“The discovery of new material properties usually depends on our ability to control the chemical composition of the material,” says Ulrich Höfer, professor of experimental physics at Philipps-Universität Marburg and visiting professor at the University of Regensburg". ( Fast Material Discovery: Unleashing the Power of Optical Manipulation)

“The purely optical manipulation of material properties, on the other hand, could take physics into a new era by enabling new functions on demand.” ( Fast Material Discovery: Unleashing the Power of Optical Manipulation)

The new material can be manipulated very fast by light. The system shoots electrons to the layer with very high accuracy. Then that layer is created by molecules. That looks like soap acting as antennas that transport radiowaves and even photons against that incoming energy waves.  This kind of optical system can create standing waves, that deny the radiation from reaching the material's surface. This thing can use in high-powerful particle accelerators, where radiowaves and photons kick electrons forward. 

"When electrons (spheres) in the surface of a topological insulator are accelerated by strong light waves according to their band structure (lowest cone), Floquet-Bloch replicas (higher cones) of the original band structure are formed. Videos of the band structure with sub-cycle time resolution reveal for the first time the formation dynamics (cones in the background). Credit: Brad Baxley ( ( Fast Material Discovery: Unleashing the Power of Optical Manipulation)

Optical manipulation opens new roads to energy production and nanotechnology. Light-base molecular manipulation or so-called "dry manipulation" means that the system pushes particles like atoms by using laser light. 

That thing makes it possible to create a chemical environment with very high accuracy. These kinds of production technologies are suitable to use in space. The photon-based optical systems can manipulate atoms and molecules in vacuum and zero-gravitational conditions if that system is mounted in satellites. The small-size satellites can turn into remote-control laboratories. The system makes the product and then the return capsule brings it to the Earth. 

Regular chemical manipulators require a medium like water where those atoms and molecules hover. But optical systems can manipulate atoms and molecules without any mediums. So the system can inject only atoms that the system needs for products that could be ultra-complicated molecules in the vacuum chamber. The system can follow the process by using remotely-controlled microscopes. 

And it can drive those atoms together. The system can manipulate those atoms in vacuum and zero-gravitational conditions with ultra-high accuracy. There is no danger that atoms or molecules touch something that the system cannot control. 

Another thing is this kind of system can use in high-power. And highly accurate maser technology. The system stresses material by using electric impulses. And, then that new nanomaterial sends the photons to the laser element highly accurately around that stick. The system can operate with very high accuracy. 

If the system reacts to light and electromagnetic radiation like a membrane it creates sound waves or pressure waves. This thing can make new types of flying robots possible. The pressure waves make those systems to flight by using the pressure waves. Or the robot can move underwater by using oscillating membranes. 

New lightning-fast nanomaterial can revolutionize sound reproduction, but there are many more targets where that system can use. The new material that looks a little bit like soap-lipide molecules can give a very sharp pressure signal to the selected object. This allows for the manipulation of extremely small-size objects. That kind of ultra-fast material can also make new types of tweezers. The system can use those things for the assembly of the nanomachines. 

The ultra-fast reacting material can form a membrane that moves with very high accuracy. And that thing can use in loudspeakers and intelligent counter-wave-based noise-deleting systems. The highly accurate moving membrane also can create counter noise, that denies the sonar signals to reflect from the surface. This is the power of acoustic versions of the very rapidly manipulating material.

Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Spin launchers and rail guns can be next-generation launching systems for satellites. But these systems can also use as weapons.

The spin launch is the kinetic launching system that can shoot a 200-kilogram satellite to a suborbital trajectory. The spin launch is a sling that shoots a satellite to a high altitude without gunpowder or fuel. And that system can make a revolution in satellite launching. The spin-launching system can also offer cheap and useful technology to shoot minerals from the moon and asteroid belt. The diameter of the spin launcher is about 33 m. But. that is a 1/3 scale model of the full-scale system that size is about 100m. 

The spin launching system can also use to send small cargo capsules between the moon and the Earth orbiter. The thing is that spin launch systems can make the super cannon that shoots GPS-guided grenades to the targets at extremely long distances. That kind of system can use to replace regular cannons. And there is a possibility that this kind of system will connect with electromagnetic rail guns.


That thing can make very powerful launching systems possible that can shoot small satellites and ammunition in very long range. 

Ships also can operate spin launchers. And in some models, a spin launcher would be the sling. That installed on some high-flying airships. The sling can be the wire that spins a satellite or some other object that sends it to trajectory. 

If somebody wants to use that system as a weapon that kind of system might not need the same power as satellite launchers. But the system can install on ships. And full-scale spin launchers can shoot things like GPS-guided grenades and SDB (Small-Diameter Bombs) to intercontinental range. 

The Chinese claim that their electromagnetic rail guns can send ammunition to a trajectory with a speed of Mach 27. That means those railguns or "monster versions of GAU-8 "Avengers".  The famous cannons of the Fairchild Republic A-10 "Thunderbolt II". Those railguns can destroy incoming missiles, aircraft ground bunkers, and even satellites. 

At least if those systems are installed in killer satellites. But the Mach 27 capable railgun can install on the high mountains, and there those systems can be dangerous for satellites. That kind of system can send ammunition very high. Even if it's at sea level.

Saturday, April 8, 2023

What would you do with ultra-realistic holograms?

Holograms are things that most people connect with entertainment. But ultra-realistic holograms can use to jam even human eyes on the battlefield. The hologram can jam the new types of missiles IID (Imaging Infrared) or image recognition-based homing systems. 

The aircraft can also use holograms to aim the AA flak in the wrong position. The infrared hologram can also cheat things like IR-seekers. This type of use can make the military give funds for the research of that kind of system. 

The thing is that holograms can use in architecture to see what some solutions look like. That thing is one of the reasons why architects and engineers are interested in this kind of technology. When some developers are making something by using the CAD-programs, they can use holographic projectors to make sure, that the thing that the object they created fits the place. 

"Researchers have developed a new way to achieve dynamic projection of 3D objects onto ultrahigh-density successive planes. By packing more details into a 3D image, this approach could enable realistic representations for use in virtual reality and other applications. Credit: Lei Gong, University of Science and Technology of China." ( Two Long-Standing Bottlenecks: New Advance Paves Way to More Realistic 3D Holograms)

"The new 3D scattering-assisted dynamic holography approach creates a digital hologram by projecting high-resolution images onto planes spaced closely together (a), achieving a more realistic representation than conventional holography techniques (b). Credit: Lei Gong, University of Science and Technology of China"( Two Long-Standing Bottlenecks: New Advance Paves Way to More Realistic 3D Holograms)

"The researchers used their new method to simulate a holographic representation of a rocket [drawing shown in (a), point-cloud model in (b)]. A volume-rendered image of the 3D rocket projected by the random vector-based computer-generated holography (RV-CGH) method is shown in (c), using a single 1000×1000-pixel hologram. The 3D projection is represented by 32 images with a depth interval of 3.75 mm. Volume-rendered image of the object projected by 3D-SDH is shown in (d). 125 image planes with a uniform distance of 0.96 mm are simultaneously projected from a single 1000×1000-pixel hologram. Volume-rendered images of the simulated 3D rocket with varying perspective views are pictured in (e–g). Credit: Lei Gong, University of Science and Technology of China". ( Two Long-Standing Bottlenecks: New Advance Paves Way to More Realistic 3D Holograms)

The use of holographs is important in nanotechnology. The creators of those systems can use interactive holograms and data gloves for moving single structures in their entirety. Creating an interactive hologram system is not as difficult as people think. The system only must use the precisely pointed to the certain point. The system must define the precise point of the hand. 

And then move the virtual object. In the case of nanotechnology, the object can have the same parameters as its pair in the real world. Then the system simulates the energy transfer and other things and makes the hologram act like a real thing and if the operation is accepted the system can move the real structure in the reaction chamber. 

The hologram can use to adjust energy levels in the reaction chambers very accurately. And that allows researchers to make more complicated nanostructures. 

Holograms can make the power fields possible. 

The most futuristic way to use a hologram is to use a high-energy hologram as the protective field. The high-energy hologram melts incoming ammunition. And then the pressure impulse will break that ammunition's structure. 

Then the pressure throws the droplets of ammunition away. The high-energy hologram can also create a plasma shield. If the fast-rotating plasma impacts the ammunition it breaks its structure or even vaporizes it. That thing means that holograms can be the new ground-breaking actor in many areas.

Thursday, April 6, 2023

The BCI (Brain-Computer Interface) makes the mind-controlled robots real.

The mind-controlled robots are turning sci-fi into reality. The graphene-based sensors allow the person can control robots limitlessly by using the BCI (Brain-Computer Interface). The new graphene sensor is different than other sensors because it doesn't need any kinds of surgical operations. So that interface-controller can be installed on the helmets or bandanna, which allows the person can control robots and connect senses with the robots or another animal's senses. 

And that thing opens a brand new world for civil and military personnel. The BCI-controlled animals can be the next-generation tools for surveillance and research missions. The idea is that in the animal's brain are installed microchips that allow the human brain can change information with animals. The BCI systems are also excellent tools for controlling miniature robots like cyborg cells and of course, drone swarms and combat aircraft can use the next-generation BCI interfaces. 

The BCI system also can make it possible to control things like human-looking robots in dangerous situations. The problem with things like neural link chips is that they need surgical operations. The new sensors require that person wears them. Like a hat or something. This kind of interface can advance robotics and other kinds of things very fast. The next step could be the systems that can read thoughts and then focus them on the computer screens. 

"A new sensor design integrated into a blue headband was used to wirelessly control a robot using only brain waves. Credit: Adapted from ACS Applied Nano Materials, 2023, DOI: 10.1021/acsanm.2c05546" ( Mind-Controlled Robots: New Graphene Sensors Are Turning Science Fiction Into Reality)

The thing is that when we are thinking about the user interfaces that are connecting robots straight with the brain, we must realize that these kinds of systems can use as remote extortion. In the worst cases, the person would wear that kind of system under narcosis. And then the bad people kick the robot where that person is connected. That thing would not be nice. 

The BCI systems require very high data security because if somebody hacks that thing, there is a possibility to send fake memories to the person. So misuse of those systems is a big risk. 

Some futurologists believe the BCI (Brain-Computer Interface) is the next step to consciousness singularity. In that model, every single human will be connected to a computer. By using the BCI and the internet. So computers and human brains are forming the great entirety like in fictional Matrix movies. This system forms the collective mind. The BCI systems were introduced to be solutions for the violence of human violence.

The idea is that when somebody who is part of the entirety punches another that thing hurts also the active participant of violence. The collective mind of the singularity of consciousness will destroy individualism.

And that thing is one of the best arguments against that advancing. So if we create consciousness singularity, we must realize that consciousness singularity will be the last thing. That humans will ever make. That thing will turn our species different. 

We know that someday we might face the thing that we must solve our internal problems by using some other methods than just weapons. We know that society will not yet be ready for that kind of radical idea. But culture and our values are changing.

Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Artificial DNA and RNA are the workhorses of tomorrow's medicals.

There are always people, who say that genetic engineering is not allowed. Because the person has those things when that person is born. And those things must not be fixed, because of religious reasons. But the other thing is that those people might not be blind. Or they might not have other genetic disorders. Those things might cause very bad social and other problems for people who have heritable disorders. 

Cyborg macrophages can remove non-wanted organisms and other things from the human body. Those cyborgs also can fix things like DNA molecules. This type of system requires very highly accurate technology. The artificial DNA and RNA can order wanted cells to die. 

Artificial DNA and mRNA are the workhorses of future medicals. Genetically engineered cells can collect viruses from the blood. The idea is that the genetically engineered macrophage just pulls those viruses in its tentacles and closes them inside them. If those cells can find an infected cell they can close it to the slime ball and transfer it out from the body. The microchips that turn those cells into cyborgs can increase their abilities to fight against infections and things like cancer. 

Genetically engineered cyborg cells can create artificial genomes like mRNA or DNA bites that are giving orders to target cells that they must die. This type of technology requires very highly accurate robotics. And maybe medical doctors of tomorrow use the BCI (Brain Computer Interfaces) to control extremely small machines like cyborg macrophages. 

Reversing biological aging with nutrients and lifestyle is not possible. The non-toxic food and wealthy habits can help to slow the DNA's damage. And that slows the effects of aging. But the real reversing of time requires that the DNA can be fixed. That thing has not been possible yet, but things like robotics and nanotechnology can make it possible to create cyborg cells that can inject the mRNA or replace the DNA molecule from the cell's nucleus by using the new genomes. 

The problem with this technology is that the system must make those genome transfers to the cells on a very large scale because that process must make all human cells. The system must remove the damaged genomes and then inject the new genome into the targeted cell. The microchip-controlled genetically manipulated macrophage can make that thing. 

The DNA taken from the just born person can store in liquid nitrogen. Then the polymerase chain reaction multiplies that DNA. This thing means, that there is always a copy of that DNA in store. And then it will inject into macrophages that are microchip-controlled. The macrophage will destroy the DNA of the targeted cell and then inject the new DNA into it. 

The thing that this cell must do is to create the DNA in its cell organs for injecting it into the targets. There is a possibility that in the future, the DNA is stored in digital form on the computer's hard disks, and then nanotechnology can make the new DNA by using those digital models. And maybe that kind of technology can someday use in interstellar spaceflights.

The breakthrough to cook plasma with microwaves is taking fusion power closer to commercial solutions and fusion rockets.

The microwaves that are cooking plasma are making the possibility that we see a fully functioning fusion reactor quite soon. The microwave system boils plasma or ions and anions to extremely high temperatures. Then the system just smashes those particles together and makes the fusion possible. The problem with fusion reactors is that they require extremely high temperatures. And then the system should keep the plasma away from the reactor walls.  

The system can make that thing by using very powerful magnetic fields. Then the system must create more energy than it uses. Energy production must not continue non-stop. There is a possibility that reactors give the energy pulses. And then. The system will store that energy in the capacitors. 

Then that system will make deliver energy through those capacitors. And that keeps energy delivery stable. The fusion impulse can create extremely high energy levels. And the system can store that energy the fusion reactor must not operate the time with full power. That keeps its temperature better under control. 

Above: ) Heliotron: Japanese experimental fusion reactor's model. 

The fusion rocket. 

The same systems can ignite and collect energy from fusion. The second image could portray the system where the main fusion happens in the torus-type reactor structure. In that system, the radiation or particles that the fusion sends will be captured, by using those toruses. Those smaller toruses can also use to ignite the main fusion. The system could be a hybrid engine that uses antimatter and fusion at the same time. 

There is a possibility that the anions and ions will impact those tubes or the system can use the antimatter for making a powerful energy impulse that ignites the fusion. So the system uses antimatter starting the main fusion, and while the fusion is stable. It can collect particles and turn part of them into antimatter. 

The fusion material will inject into the artificial sun through the net-looking structure. The system can use graphene as the structure where the fusion will happen. Originally that image portrayed Dyson's sphere that some hypothetical civilization can use to harvest energy from stars. But the same and smaller-scale system can make energy for spacecraft. 

If the system pushes the particles through rotating magnetic fields that are in the middle of the torus. Their energy level can turn very high. And they can give the craft an extremely high speed. 

More conventional models. 

There are two ways to make a fusion rocket. In the most common vision, the fusion rocket is the regular rocket that uses fusion as the combustion replacer. The simplest way is to use lithium pellets that are covered with a plutonium core. 

Those lithium pellets that could look like lithium batteries will ignite by using laser systems. In some more advanced models, the fuel system pumps the Helium 3 and some other gas that can be ionized to the ignition chamber. And then lasers and microwaves. Along with magnetic fields will make the fusion reaction and thrust the rocket. 

Then in the last scenario, the torus-type or tokamak reactor will use as the power source for the electric rocket engine. The ions and anions will shoot into the magnetic field. That is in the middle of that torus. The ion system will accelerate those particles. And that system can create a specific impulse that is higher than any other ion engine. The anions that are jumping upward from that magnetic field are pushing against the front wall of the fusion engine. 

The fusion system also can use to create the WARP bubble. The system sends the powerful energy impact outside the craft, and then it can push the electromagnetic fields away from the craft's shell.

Monday, April 3, 2023

Could a super civilization harvest energy from black holes by using Dyson's spheres?

If a hypothetical civilization wants to create a system that just collects energy from space, we must understand one thing. The energy collector could be a very thin iron wire that is orbiting stars or black holes. In this version, the iron wire acts as the antenna that collects energy from plasma that is around every star. 

Or the civilization can use a large number of satellites that makes the virtual Dyson's sphere. Those satellites can collect energy from the star or black hole's transition disk by using solar panels. But when we think about the possibility to use black holes as an energy source, we must realize that a super civilization can put those black holes in a ball-shaped structure. 

Artists impression Dyson's sphere. That collects energy from black holes. In that model, the black holes are accelerating particles through the particle accelerators. There is a possibility that those black holes must not be so-called real black holes. Electromagnetic objects with powerful magnetic fields could virtualize that effect. When particles are accelerating in the particle accelerators they pump energy to the star in the middle of the structure. And then solar panels can collect that energy from the small star. But there is a possibility that a black hole is in the ball-shaped structure and it pulls particles to the shell of that ball. So the ball collects energy from its shell or inside it is the silicone layer that collects energy from the material that falls into the black hole. 

The Death Star is one version of Dyson's spheres. 

When a black hole pulls material inside that ball, it collects energy from the black hole and its transition disk. If the super civilization wants to use things like gravitational energy, they can create a situation where electrons are traveling close to the black hole by using the parabolic trajectory. The black hole loads kinetic energy to those particles that send to the receiver. In some theoretical models, black holes can use as a gravitational lens that focuses energy to a certain point.

But in some visions, Dyson's sphere uses a similar structure as Death Star can use to deliver energy through the entire galaxy. The idea is that the small black hole will be closed in that structure. Then the system uses its lasers and radio telescope-looking structure by pressing the small balls into the miniature black holes. Then those black holes will be superpositioned and entangled. 

So there are wormholes between those black holes, and then the civilization can send energy and information through that artificial web. This type of cosmic web will make it possible to send information to every point in the galaxy in seconds. And that thing makes these kinds of cosmic internet the most powerful control system in the universe. Sending the electrons or data through those wormholes doesn't necessarily require the existence of white holes. 

When a laser ray sends energy through the wormhole the black hole will oscillate. But if a white hole exists that hypothetical system makes it possible to send things like antimatter through those wormholes. If we use Star wars language the Death Star could send antimatter particles through the hyperspace or fourth dimension through the hyperspace to its target. 

The laser system of that futuristic station could use laser-accelerated electrons or protons that could turn into small black holes to eliminate the targets. There is a possibility that the hypothetical super-civilization has Death Stars. Those planet killers are important tools for destroying the rogue planets that could threaten solar systems.

Space X Starship is ready for launch.

Space X Starship is a new and powerful shuttle type. It's more powerful than NASA's rockets. And that large-scale reusable shuttle will be the model of the next-generation large-scale VTOL shuttles. Those shuttles will launch from the regular airfields. The regular shuttle can rise to a high atmosphere by using turbojets. And there the rocket boosters will launch.

The shuttle can use vertically aimed jet engines for rising it airborne, and then it can fly like regular aircraft until it reaches the very thin air layers. The system can use air-breathing rockets or flap scramjets. The system closes the air inlet of the scramjet by using a flap. 

Then it uses that engine as a rocket. When the speed rises high enough, that system can start breathing air. And then, it rises out from the atmosphere and closes the flap again. In rocket mode, the rocket scramjet uses an oxygen and fuel mixture. When the flap is open the system breathes the air into the scramjet engine. 

Images from the Top








1)The SpaceX's Starship

2)Starship on rocket's nose

3) X-15 rocket plane

4) Space shuttle

5) Skylon-shuttle-concept. 

6) Imaginational, multi-use spacecraft introduced in Tintin comics

7) NASA's 1970s plan for a multi-use space shuttle. The first aircraft rises the second one to the edge of the atmosphere. And then the second shuttle will rise to an orbital trajectory. (NAR A)

Those shuttles will not need special bases. The thing is that those next-generation shuttles don't need special runways either. They can launch from any launchpad like a parking lot if there is a portable fuel supply unit. That separates oxygen from the air. And those shuttles can use ethanol or hydrogen along with chlorine as fuel. 

If those shuttles use oxygen and hydrogen as fuel, those rockets will not pollute at all.  Electrolytic systems can make hose hydrogen and chorine along with oxygen from seawater. So one version of the launch site for those very powerful rockets from the sea areas. That thing solves the noise problems. 

There is a possibility to use counter-noise to keep sound waves in the launching areas. And that decreases the noise problem near launching sites.  But the systems can also use things like sonic tornadoes or LRAD systems that close the soundwaves behind the noise wall. 

Electrolytic systems can use electricity that is from the ships. Or the system can use green electricity like floating solar cells. There is also a possibility that the shell of those rockets will put the tube, where water flows through the turbogenerator. That system can deliver electricity for the electrolysis system.  The large-size multi-use space systems are the next-generation tools for civil and military applications.

Sunday, April 2, 2023

The solar sail and travel inside the solar system

Solar sails are the sails of space. They use the particle flow from the sun as moving. Solar sails are the things that provide a cheap and safe way to travel in the solar system or outer into the universe. In some theoretical missions profiles, there are laser- or ion cannons at the route of that solar sail that gives energy for it. That kind of system can someday travel to the Alpha Centauri. 

The solar sail will accelerate by using the laser rays or even the hydrogen bomb can give power to those extremely lightweight probes. In that system, the solar sail acts like the "Orion" spacecraft. But in that kind of plan, there are hydrogen bombs at the outer edge of our solar system. When those solar sails travel near those hydrogen bombs they are detonated. 

The pyramid-looking structure can use to focus energy on one point. The idea is that energy will send to the larger side of the pyramid. And then the smaller side of it concentrates it to the one point. That system can be the shape of the solar sail. 

In some plans the solar sails are forming a pyramid-shaped structure. The larger side of the pyramid harvests energy. And then there is a small cold point on the smaller side of that "flying pyramid". The system travels the larger side ahead, and then it will harvest energy, that can transfer to the smaller side of the pyramid. The system can be more effective than we even can imagine. 

Those pyramid-shaped solar sails can operate only in extremely weak gravitation. The energy can transfer to that pyramid by using the larger side of it. And then the maser rays or ion field can make those pyramids move faster. These kinds of systems can use also outside the solar system. In that case in the middle of the funnel is the reactor that sends radiation to the structure.

New systems allow researchers to follow cellular communication wirelessly.

"To improve biosensing techniques that can aid in diagnosis and treatment, MIT researchers developed tiny, wireless antennas that use l...