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Showing posts from April, 2023

What is quantum radar?

Quantum radar is a tool that bases are in superpositioned and entangled electrons. The electrons might be in a horizontal or vertical position to aircraft or some other objects. If the electrons are vertical that makes them send extremely shortwave radiation.  And the reflection of those things hacks the stealth aircraft. In that model, the radar sends radiation that wavelength is so short that it reflects from the surface. The wavelength of those radars is less than the atom size.  If those entangled and superpositioned electrons travel horizontally that thing makes a situation where information travels between those electrons. When the aircraft travels through those electron pairs. That cuts the information flow between those electrons.  And that thing makes it possible, that the system can uncover any stealth aircraft in the world but there are problems. The Quantum entanglement doesn't stand for a very long time. But the time is long enough to detect aircraft.  One version of t

Guided lightning is advancing lightning research.

The first person who conducted lightning to the wanted point was Benjamin Franklin in 1752. In a classic lightning-capturing test Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790) in 1752 used a kite, that he put in the air during a thunderstorm. That kite made the rising point in the potential line and guided lightning to the ground. That test almost costs his life because in his lifetime nobody knew how high voltage the lightning has.  Today balloons are used to conduct lightning to wanted points. They used balloons conducted to wires. That transfers lightning to the wanted point like sensors that measure the electric power.  Today we know that lightning always hits the point that is closest to the cloud. And that's why we should not swim or be under alone trees during thunderstorms.  Lightning causes problems with electronics. The electric load of those things is destroying electric components. And that's why somewhere is planned that the cities are equipped with a system that conducts flashes

The new nanolattice metamaterials are game-changing in stealth technology.

The simplest way to make stealth technology is to create material that absorbs energy. Energy is wave movement, and the material should deny the reflection. But the problem with energy absorption is that material should move that energy somewhere.  One thing that could help with that thing is the hole or channel that is in the middle of the craft. The system can use the thermal pump to create a situation where the energy travels inside the structure. There the airflow or laser ray will conduct it to wanted direction.  Chinese scientists developed a new nanolattice material, that can absorb energy. The ability to absorb energy is one of the most important things in stealth technology. The nanolattice materials can store energy in themselves.  And that thing makes it possible that energy doesn't reflect from the material. That means the material can conduct energy in the wanted direction. Or it can store energy in itself. Black color is one of the most well-known things that absorb l

Gravity batteries are one of the most promising energy storages for green energy. But they also can produce energy.

Gravitation or gravity batteries are systems that store energy in kinetic form. The idea is simple. A winch pulls the heavy weight up. And then it will drop the weight down. The wight is connected to the generator. When it drops the generator will rotate. The system can benefit sensitively rotating rotor.   Rotor is connected to the sensitive rotating generator. When the weight drops and its movement ends, the clutch will release the rotor, which gets a couple of extra rotations. The system can install in any tower or crane on the Earth. That kind of gravitational battery is one of the simplest and most effective ways to store energy.  The idea is that green energy like solar power will use to pull the weight up in the daytime. And when that energy is needed the system can simply drop weight. That rotates the induction generator which also acts as the electric engine.  The system also can create electricity by using the hydraulic effect of water.  People can pull those weights up by us

Chinese space station generates 100% of its oxygen at orbital trajectory.

Chinese space station uses very advanced technology in its life support. The life-support system generates 100 % of the needed oxygen and 95 % of the water recycled in that station. This kind of experiment with a closed carbon dioxide and oxygen cycle. Along with an almost closed water cycle is impressive.  Using that new life-support system, China can decrease the needed cargo payload to that space station every year by six tons. And that thing decreases the costs of that space station. But there is another thing that makes this kind of technology interesting. Resource recycling systems must use in the Mars flights.  "Stock photo: An illustration of Chinese Tiangong Space Station". ( claims its Space Station has achieved 100% oxygen regeneration in orbit) The technology tested in the Chinese Tiangong-station can use in Mars flights and Moon and Mars stations.  Long-term spaceflight to the red planet requires systems that can recycle at least ox

Photonic time crystals can enhance communication and laser technology.

Photonic time crystals offer nanotechnical breakthroughs in photonic communication and quantum technologies.  Photonic time crystals can be the next-generation tools for miniature maser systems. In those systems, the photonic time crystals are put around the miniature tube, and the leading crystal that sends wave movement through that energy field is at the bottom of the (nano)tube. This system looks and acts like a small-size acoustic hailing device but it acts like a small-size maser. If that system is used in large-scale systems that gives them more accuracy than is seen ever before.  These kinds of systems can use in the next-generation quantum computers to determine the state of the artificial neurons. This kind of photonic-nanotechnical hybrid brain can be the next step to highly advanced quantum systems. Like a nanotechnical brain that learns like the human brain. The photonic time crystals are the tools that will revolutionize technology.  They offer a good system for making th

Superconductor highways can carry people, energy, and cargo at 400 Miles per hour.

In superconductor highways, the cables and magnets are superconducting. The system uses magnetic levitation for transporting vehicles from one place to another. The highway can have solar panel-cover that decrease its energy use.  Superconductor highways that transport vehicles using magnetic levitation are not a new idea. Magnetic levitation (Maglev) is already in use in some railroads. The magnetic levitating highway moves cars by using magnetic levitation. So that type of superhighway can offer a more flexible solution than Maglev trains. The idea is that in long distances. The system transports cars by using magnetic levitation. And when cars will separate from that intelligent highway, they start to use their internal power sources. The idea of magnetic levitation systems is always the same. The idea is that the platform is the thing, that moves vehicles above it by using similar technology that is used in rail guns. The magnetic levitation superhighways also can transport energy

The pigeon and AI have similarities in their learning process.

The most important thing in the AI is the sensor that it uses. The similarity between the AI and the pigeon is that pigeon always finds its pigeonhole by following its senses. The thing is that AI might make many very complicated-looking things. But they are all made similar way as a pigeon finds its pigeonhole.  The AI or robot can record its route using inertia or GPS, and then walk back by using the same route. That thing makes the "self-driving car" travel back its route when it loses the control signal. If the remote control signal is cut. The car simply drives its route back until it notices the signal again.  Things like robot footballers are similar systems to regular robots. The sensor gets an image of the football, and then the robot can calculate its route to that ball. The robot can get more parameters like temperature, air pressure, and wind along with dampness and other things. The computer calculates the power of the kick and the point where that system must ai

The cyborg snake

Metal Snake could research the Enceladus moon's icy surface. But that system can also have many other missions. Exobiology Extant Life Surveyor (EELS) system is a robot snake that can operate the surface of an icy moon or that robot can have a microwave or some other system that can melt holes into the icy shell. There that robot can swim in the ocean under the ice of that moon.  The robot snakes can also operate on  Earth in many scientific and military missions. Robot snakes can research underwater structures and their flexible shape allows them to go in cramped places. So that kind of system can operate in the shipwrecks. If the robot is a multipurpose tool, that is suitable for many missions that guarantee funds for that project.  "Illustration of the Exobiology Extant Life Surveyor (EELS) concept - Credit NASA/JPL-CalTech" ( The robot snakes can be equipped with infrared or c

NASA and ESA are almost ready for the most difficult mission in spaceflight history: take samples from Mars to Earth.

Samples are ready to deliver from Mars o Earth. But before, no samples are taken to the laboratory. We must realize one thing. There is the rocket that must send to Mars. Then that sample must take to the rocket's cargo bay. After that, the rocket must launch its engines. And the rocket requires fuel and oxygen. There are two possible versions of the rocket that NASA and ESA can use in that mission.  The rocket can fill its tanks on Mars by benefiting water that is on that planet's surface. The system splits water molecules into hydrogen and oxygen by using electrolysis. And other rocket version uses fuel that is stored in the rocket. That system is in use for nuclear missiles.  "This illustration shows a concept for multiple robots that would team up to ferry to Earth samples collected from the Mars surface by NASA’s Mars Perseverance rover. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech". ( Impossible? NASA Calls in Expert Panel to Review Mars Sample Return Plans)

The new materials are making ultra-fast, sustainable computing possible.

The problem with previous ultra-fast operating computers is that they are not stable. That thing means the system must re-adjust itself after a certain time. That means there is a cut in the most powerful operating capacity. During that break, the system must store data somewhere. Or it must transfer it to another system.  And during that process, data travels outside the system's surveillance. When the data package is outside the system some outside effect can change the form of data. And that means the system will make the wrong answer.  The computing system eliminates errors simply by using two lines where data travels. If those lines get different answers. There is a possibility that the system has a wrong answer.  The system eliminates the possibility that some outside effect affects information by using asynchronous asymmetrical data transport protocols. That means that two lines are sending information at different times. When another data package follows the first one the s

The 3D-printed robot hand can grasp objects.

"Researchers have designed a low-cost, energy-efficient robotic hand that can grasp a range of objects – and not drop them – using just the movement of its wrist and the feeling in its ‘skin’. Credit: University of Cambridge" ( Have Designed a 3D-Printed Robotic Hand That Can Grasp a Range of Objects) There are many ways in which robot hands can touch objects. The simplest way is to fill the elastic surface of that hand by using tiny cylinders which are small pistons. When those pistons are moving backward, they transform the elastic surface into a sucker. Another way is to keep the piston's other side open. Tnd the rubber sealant will close air in that piston.  The accuracy of that pressure-based system depends on the size and how many cylinders and pistons the system uses. There is also a possibility that the elastic surface will equip with independently operating ventilates that allow using one pressure chamber. And then that system can adjus

The new material can be manipulated very fast by light.

“The discovery of new material properties usually depends on our ability to control the chemical composition of the material,” says Ulrich Höfer, professor of experimental physics at Philipps-Universität Marburg and visiting professor at the University of Regensburg". ( Fast Material Discovery: Unleashing the Power of Optical Manipulation) “The purely optical manipulation of material properties, on the other hand, could take physics into a new era by enabling new functions on demand.” ( Fast Material Discovery: Unleashing the Power of Optical Manipulation) The new material can be manipulated very fast by light. The system shoots electrons to the layer with very high accuracy. Then that layer is created by molecules. That looks like soap acting as antennas that transport radiowaves and even photons against that incoming energy waves.  This kind of optical system can create standing waves, that deny the radiation from reaching the

Spin launchers and rail guns can be next-generation launching systems for satellites. But these systems can also use as weapons.

The spin launch is the kinetic launching system that can shoot a 200-kilogram satellite to a suborbital trajectory. The spin launch is a sling that shoots a satellite to a high altitude without gunpowder or fuel. And that system can make a revolution in satellite launching. The spin-launching system can also offer cheap and useful technology to shoot minerals from the moon and asteroid belt. The diameter of the spin launcher is about 33 m. But. that is a 1/3 scale model of the full-scale system that size is about 100m.  The spin launching system can also use to send small cargo capsules between the moon and the Earth orbiter. The thing is that spin launch systems can make the super cannon that shoots GPS-guided grenades to the targets at extremely long distances. That kind of system can use to replace regular cannons. And there is a possibility that this kind of system will connect with electromagnetic rail guns.   That thing can make very powerful launching systems possible that can s

What would you do with ultra-realistic holograms?

Holograms are things that most people connect with entertainment. But ultra-realistic holograms can use to jam even human eyes on the battlefield. The hologram can jam the new types of missiles IID (Imaging Infrared) or image recognition-based homing systems.  The aircraft can also use holograms to aim the AA flak in the wrong position. The infrared hologram can also cheat things like IR-seekers. This type of use can make the military give funds for the research of that kind of system.  The thing is that holograms can use in architecture to see what some solutions look like. That thing is one of the reasons why architects and engineers are interested in this kind of technology. When some developers are making something by using the CAD-programs, they can use holographic projectors to make sure, that the thing that the object they created fits the place.  "Researchers have developed a new way to achieve dynamic projection of 3D objects onto ultrahigh-density successive planes. By p

The BCI (Brain-Computer Interface) makes the mind-controlled robots real.

The mind-controlled robots are turning sci-fi into reality. The graphene-based sensors allow the person can control robots limitlessly by using the BCI (Brain-Computer Interface). The new graphene sensor is different than other sensors because it doesn't need any kinds of surgical operations. So that interface-controller can be installed on the helmets or bandanna, which allows the person can control robots and connect senses with the robots or another animal's senses.  And that thing opens a brand new world for civil and military personnel. The BCI-controlled animals can be the next-generation tools for surveillance and research missions. The idea is that in the animal's brain are installed microchips that allow the human brain can change information with animals. The BCI systems are also excellent tools for controlling miniature robots like cyborg cells and of course, drone swarms and combat aircraft can use the next-generation BCI interfaces.  The BCI system also can mak

Artificial DNA and RNA are the workhorses of tomorrow's medicals.

There are always people, who say that genetic engineering is not allowed. Because the person has those things when that person is born. And those things must not be fixed, because of religious reasons. But the other thing is that those people might not be blind. Or they might not have other genetic disorders. Those things might cause very bad social and other problems for people who have heritable disorders.  Cyborg macrophages can remove non-wanted organisms and other things from the human body. Those cyborgs also can fix things like DNA molecules. This type of system requires very highly accurate technology. The artificial DNA and RNA can order wanted cells to die.  Artificial DNA and mRNA are the workhorses of future medicals. Genetically engineered cells can collect viruses from the blood. The idea is that the genetically engineered macrophage just pulls those viruses in its tentacles and closes them inside them. If those cells can find an infected cell they can close it to the sli

The breakthrough to cook plasma with microwaves is taking fusion power closer to commercial solutions and fusion rockets.

The microwaves that are cooking plasma are making the possibility that we see a fully functioning fusion reactor quite soon. The microwave system boils plasma or ions and anions to extremely high temperatures. Then the system just smashes those particles together and makes the fusion possible. The problem with fusion reactors is that they require extremely high temperatures. And then the system should keep the plasma away from the reactor walls.   The system can make that thing by using very powerful magnetic fields. Then the system must create more energy than it uses. Energy production must not continue non-stop. There is a possibility that reactors give the energy pulses. And then. The system will store that energy in the capacitors.  Then that system will make deliver energy through those capacitors. And that keeps energy delivery stable. The fusion impulse can create extremely high energy levels. And the system can store that energy the fusion reactor must not operate the time wit

Could a super civilization harvest energy from black holes by using Dyson's spheres?

If a hypothetical civilization wants to create a system that just collects energy from space, we must understand one thing. The energy collector could be a very thin iron wire that is orbiting stars or black holes. In this version, the iron wire acts as the antenna that collects energy from plasma that is around every star.  Or the civilization can use a large number of satellites that makes the virtual Dyson's sphere. Those satellites can collect energy from the star or black hole's transition disk by using solar panels. But when we think about the possibility to use black holes as an energy source, we must realize that a super civilization can put those black holes in a ball-shaped structure.  Artists impression Dyson's sphere. That collects energy from black holes. In that model, the black holes are accelerating particles through the particle accelerators. There is a possibility that those black holes must not be so-called real black holes. Electromagnetic objects with p

Space X Starship is ready for launch.

Space X Starship is a new and powerful shuttle type. It's more powerful than NASA's rockets. And that large-scale reusable shuttle will be the model of the next-generation large-scale VTOL shuttles. Those shuttles will launch from the regular airfields. The regular shuttle can rise to a high atmosphere by using turbojets. And there the rocket boosters will launch. The shuttle can use vertically aimed jet engines for rising it airborne, and then it can fly like regular aircraft until it reaches the very thin air layers. The system can use air-breathing rockets or flap scramjets. The system closes the air inlet of the scramjet by using a flap.  Then it uses that engine as a rocket. When the speed rises high enough, that system can start breathing air. And then, it rises out from the atmosphere and closes the flap again. In rocket mode, the rocket scramjet uses an oxygen and fuel mixture. When the flap is open the system breathes the air into the scramjet engine.  Images from the

The solar sail and travel inside the solar system

Solar sails are the sails of space. They use the particle flow from the sun as moving. Solar sails are the things that provide a cheap and safe way to travel in the solar system or outer into the universe. In some theoretical missions profiles, there are laser- or ion cannons at the route of that solar sail that gives energy for it. That kind of system can someday travel to the Alpha Centauri.  The solar sail will accelerate by using the laser rays or even the hydrogen bomb can give power to those extremely lightweight probes. In that system, the solar sail acts like the "Orion" spacecraft. But in that kind of plan, there are hydrogen bombs at the outer edge of our solar system. When those solar sails travel near those hydrogen bombs they are detonated.  The pyramid-looking structure can use to focus energy on one point. The idea is that energy will send to the larger side of the pyramid. And then the smaller side of it concentrates it to the one point. That system can be the