Saturday, December 10, 2022

The new fundamental material adapts to its history.

"A new material has been developed that changes its electrical behavior based on previous experience. This effectively gives it a basic form of adaptive memory". (Artist’s concept of electrically adaptive material.)( by Living Systems – Next Generation Material Adapts to Its History)

Material that remembers its form is an amazing thing.  The new material developed at Aalto University, Finland, got inspiration from living organisms. The idea of the new intelligent material is that their electric behavior depends on experience. 

"Inspired by living systems, a new material has been developed that changes its electrical behavior based on previous experience, effectively giving it a basic form of adaptive memory. Such adaptive materials could play a vital role in the next generation of medical and environmental sensors, as well as in soft robots or active surfaces" 

( by Living Systems – Next Generation Material Adapts to Its History)

"The shape and conductivity of the pillars formed by magnetic beads in a magnetic field depend on the fields’ strength and history. Credit: Olli Ikkala / Aalto University"( by Living Systems – Next Generation Material Adapts to Its History)

The ability to remember electric fields and their strength means that the researchers can put material in a certain form in certain physical conditions. That thing can be called a base condition. Then if something affects the material the operators need only make those base conditions. And the material is returning to its original form. That kind of material has limitless usage. 

Researchers can use responsive materials in nano-size switches. Those switches can have different base-energy levels. And that makes it possible to route the electricity into different wires in different physical conditions. That means the small-size robot can activate different pre-programmed microchips in different situations that connect with certain radiation or temperature. 

The response materials have multiple usages from the mass memories, and windows that are turning darker while the sun shines brighter. If that kind of window uses crystals that are turning their certain side to the sun, that thing allows covering that side by using silicone. That makes the window able to collect energy from sunlight. 

That thing could extend the lifetime of electric cars. Or it can be useful to use with intelligent glasses. 

Intelligent glasses might be the systems that can communicate with mobile telephones by using BlueTooth communication. In the most advanced visions, those glasses can record EEG from the Wernicke areas in the brain that are forming speech. Or those glasses can also communicate with microchips that implant in the human brain. 

The mobile telephone can send the data to the HUD screen. And then that system can send information to the mobile telephone. So the operator can use a mobile telephone by using EEG that is taken from the brain area that is producing speech. As I wrote earlier in this chapter, the glasses can also transmit the signal from the brain-implanted microchips that are developed by Neuralink corporation.

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