Sunday, December 11, 2022

Is AI safe?

That is a good question. We can same way ask: is your car safe? The thing that makes AI safe or not is the purpose or ability to make things. If the AI runs on computers. That not connected to the internet, that thing cannot make anything wrong. But the thing is that the physical robot makes the AI dangerous. 

Above this text, we can see robots reading the novel. The AI can use a robot body to collect information from places to that it would not otherwise have access. The robot can read the book for the AI. And then, that data will send to central memory by using WLAN. 

The thing is that we might underestimate the abilities of man-shaped robots. Those robots can turn all jet fighters into robot drones. The man-shaped robot pilot can use the same interfaces as humans. So robot pilots can fly even the most primitive aircraft.

But we don't usually remember that a man-shaped robot is not the same thing as a human. Man-shaped robots are tools that are more complicated than we even thought. They learn very fast because the robot needs only a new program for learning new skills. So operators can transform any robot from a jet pilot to a building worker or fireman in seconds. 

The AI is not afraid, it would not stress, and it would not have feelings. That thing makes AI the perfect thing in many things. When people are calculating how many errors the AI makes. The problem is that AI is not compiled with humans. 

People see from statistics only things that they want to see. When AI will accidentally makes a driving error causing death. It is a  big thing in the news. When ten drunk drivers are killing ten people, nobody mentioned those things in the news. 

When Serbian air defense shot down one F-117 stealth fighter. That was the biggest news in the world. When that plane type made 2000 successful missions, that thing ever mentioned. 

When one Bayraktar drone destroys hundreds of vehicles in Ukraine, that means nothing. But when Russians shot down one Bayraktar over Ukraine. That thing caused lots of news. Shooting down that thing was the biggest failure in the history of drones. And that thing made them useless if we believe in articles, that are published. 

Same way, when the AI searches thieves from the streets. By combining data. That is taken from the CCTV of the shops and streets that thing causes criticism because most of the recognized thieves were black. There was no information did those people carry stolen property. Or did they have some kind of arrest warrant for some other crimes? 

When people say that robots are taking their jobs, we must ask what kind of jobs robots are taking. Of course, AI is a competitor for humans. In job applications, the human must confess to the companies that they are better than the AI. But in job applications, the applicant must confess to the company being the best choice. 

We believe that AI is our worst competitor. But we are wrong. The worst competitors in the business world are other humans. The competition in working life is so tough that sometimes applicants are harming even other humans to get the job that they need. 

Saturday, December 10, 2022

The AI as an artist.

What is special about the painting above this text? The thing, that makes it so special is that the "painter" behind the image is the AI. AI is one of the most interesting and fastest-advancing tools in the world. The next-generation AI can be productive. 

It can have virtual imagination. Which means it can interconnect existing datasets. AI is not as versatile as humans. But the AI can play chess better than humans or operate more effectively than humans in a certain area where the system needs a limited number of datasets. 

The new area of AI is the new creative AI applications. AI as a painter is not a bad thing if the person wants to win things art like competitions. The AI can search for information on what kind of paintings people are willing to see. AI can use many tools for that purpose. 

And the most effective is the wall where are images of famous or free paintings. Then the AI observes what images people will click larger. And then, the system can calculate how long people spend with some images. After that, the system can connect the components of the most liked paintings, and then make its version of that thing. 

How accurate results the AI can get depends on the data sources. If the system has access to the user's web camera and it can make them use microphones. And make them comment on those images so the AI can search for the changes in the voice. And especially where the person looks for see where the person looks at. And then the system can interconnect those most pleasing objects into one work.

AI can make better work applications than humans. In this case, the system must only see what kind of things please the consultant. 

Creative AI is an effective tool. It can make paintings and drawings by using a certain limited dataset. And that kind of tool can make it possible to cheat people who elect people to the workplace. Labor consultants are people who are reading many job applications in a day. So if the AI has access to the computer of the employment service the AI can search what kind of applications those consultants are open to most, and how much time they spend with the application. 

And then how many of those job applications are bringing interviews? Then the AI can search for components that please the consultant. And after that. The AI can render the image to please the consultant and then collect the components for an application. That should bring the interview. The applicant must just give parameters for the AI like what are the strengths and skills that the applicant has. And the AI modified those things and photographs into nice-looking applications. 


The new fundamental material adapts to its history.

"A new material has been developed that changes its electrical behavior based on previous experience. This effectively gives it a basic form of adaptive memory". (Artist’s concept of electrically adaptive material.)( by Living Systems – Next Generation Material Adapts to Its History)

Material that remembers its form is an amazing thing.  The new material developed at Aalto University, Finland, got inspiration from living organisms. The idea of the new intelligent material is that their electric behavior depends on experience. 

"Inspired by living systems, a new material has been developed that changes its electrical behavior based on previous experience, effectively giving it a basic form of adaptive memory. Such adaptive materials could play a vital role in the next generation of medical and environmental sensors, as well as in soft robots or active surfaces" 

( by Living Systems – Next Generation Material Adapts to Its History)

"The shape and conductivity of the pillars formed by magnetic beads in a magnetic field depend on the fields’ strength and history. Credit: Olli Ikkala / Aalto University"( by Living Systems – Next Generation Material Adapts to Its History)

The ability to remember electric fields and their strength means that the researchers can put material in a certain form in certain physical conditions. That thing can be called a base condition. Then if something affects the material the operators need only make those base conditions. And the material is returning to its original form. That kind of material has limitless usage. 

Researchers can use responsive materials in nano-size switches. Those switches can have different base-energy levels. And that makes it possible to route the electricity into different wires in different physical conditions. That means the small-size robot can activate different pre-programmed microchips in different situations that connect with certain radiation or temperature. 

The response materials have multiple usages from the mass memories, and windows that are turning darker while the sun shines brighter. If that kind of window uses crystals that are turning their certain side to the sun, that thing allows covering that side by using silicone. That makes the window able to collect energy from sunlight. 

That thing could extend the lifetime of electric cars. Or it can be useful to use with intelligent glasses. 

Intelligent glasses might be the systems that can communicate with mobile telephones by using BlueTooth communication. In the most advanced visions, those glasses can record EEG from the Wernicke areas in the brain that are forming speech. Or those glasses can also communicate with microchips that implant in the human brain. 

The mobile telephone can send the data to the HUD screen. And then that system can send information to the mobile telephone. So the operator can use a mobile telephone by using EEG that is taken from the brain area that is producing speech. As I wrote earlier in this chapter, the glasses can also transmit the signal from the brain-implanted microchips that are developed by Neuralink corporation.

Friday, December 9, 2022

Can the simulated black hole turn into a real black hole?

The simulated 2D black holes can also make quantum stealth possible. 

Researchers are forming simulated black holes by making a hole in the 2D atomic structure. That thing happens by returning the electron or the nucleus of that 2D atom, at minimum energy level to a 3D dimensional form. In that case, the 2D structure loses its ability to interact with that part of it that returned to 3D form, and that means the simulated black hole is 2D-area where is a lower energy level. 

Another version of the simulated black hole could be the system that pulls electrons away from the orbiters of the atom. Or shaper saying the system would pull electrons to a maximum distance from the nucleus of the atom. The thing is that graphene can make that kind of thing possible. There is the possibility that graphene can use to pull electrons to the maximum distance from the core of the atom. That thing can make energy travel to that structure. 

But can 2D holes turn into 3D structures and form black holes? The thing is that if there is forming lots of simulated quantum rings in the material that could be the key to quantum stealth. Quantum stealth means material that will not reflect in any kind of electromagnetic wavelength. 

The idea of the 3D simulated black hole is simple. The quantum ring that forms the 2D simulated black hole would put to rotate like the coin that stands on its corner or upright position rotates on the table. That thing means that the standing ring that rotates upright position like a whisk harvests energy inside that structure. The electromagnetic vacuum inside the rotating quantum circle pulls wave motion inside it. And because the energy impacts the middle of that structure. 

There is forming an energy ray that comes out from that ring. So could the real black hole be similar to way rotating 2D structure that is rotating upright position around the magnetic axle? In that model, the black hole is the 4D object. The energy level of the black hole would be so high that the interaction between the material around it and the black hole itself is happening by gravitation. 

The negative energy model that is created from black holes means that black holes are the quantum pillars of spacetime. The reason why everything drops in the black hole is that the black hole interacts from the future to the point in spacetime where it formed. That thing means that energy flows through that pillar from the past to the point where the black hole cannot get any new "food". When black holes will not get any material anymore they will be vaporized.

The simulated black holes can make a new way to make energy possible. 

The simulated black holes which are holes in 2D atomic structures can harvest energy from their environment. In that model, the energy rings are made around the nanotube and launch in the same direction. When those quantum rings are traveling around that pillar they can form a situation where a small part of the energy is trapped in that structure. The system can put those holes in  2D atoms in a line or row.

Then electrons will shoot through them. So that thing makes it possible to create a new type of quantum accelerator that can rise the speed of particles even closer to the speed of light than the Large Hadron Collider does. 


Snowflakes and nanotechnology

Researchers who are working with nanotechnology are interested in snowflakes. Snowflakes are complicated, and their form is unique. By using information about conditions that are making a certain type of snowflake. Researchers can create complicated structures where the same form repeats time after time.

That allows them to create a large mass of complicated molecular structures by using molecules. That have similar magnetic abilities to water. Or those molecules must have polarity. The idea of benefiting snowflakes for creating complicated-shaped nanotechnical structures works best with flat 2D structures. The nanotechnical systems can make many things. Which are impossible by using regular technology. 

When we are thinking about simple nanorobots that have two square-looking structures that are rotating in opposite ways. That system can make it possible to create so-called micro- or nanobubbles. The idea is that this type of small nanomachine just makes supercavitation. The speed of those opposite rotating plates can make the liquid vaporize. 

That kind of nanomachines can use to close the veins that are transporting nutrients to tumors. In that case, the system can simply fill those veins by using nanobubbles. That is created by using supercavitation nanomachines. Those nanomachines can also slip into the cells and then fill them with bubbles. 

Image 2) 2D-nanomachine

The nanomachines slip into the veins. And then some outcoming effects like radiowaves are making those small rotors rotate. The system can get its power from intelligent plaster. 

The plaster can have an antenna that delivers radio waves to those nanomotors. That system can use solar panels. But if the system can be implanted in the user's body that thing makes it safer. The user would not lose that technology. In the implanted model. The control chip is implanted in the user's body. And intelligent tattoos are delivering electricity for the nanotechnical microchips. The intelligent tattoo is the entirety of miniature photovoltaic cells that are looking like a tattoo. 

And there is a microchip that controls the number of those bubbles. The microchip just controls how fast those rotors are rotating. The system can also use intelligent tattoos that are nano-size solar panels or hybrid systems that are using radio waves or sunlight to deliver energy to the microchip that controls the nanosystems. 

The user can adjust the speed of those rotors by using a mobile application and the controlling microchip can be surgically implanted under that intelligent tattoo. The system requires an adjustment tool because if there is forming gangrene in the tumor that thing causes terrible danger. There is a horrifying vision that somebody uses that kind of system as an assassination or blackmailing tool.  


New systems allow researchers to follow cellular communication wirelessly.

"To improve biosensing techniques that can aid in diagnosis and treatment, MIT researchers developed tiny, wireless antennas that use l...