The large-scale mylar structure can cover by using a metal and silicone layer. That allows the creation of large-scale solar panels and radars that can use in mapping systems. Those high power systems can use as power satellites. But the large-size and powerful radar systems can also use for mapping purposes. If those radars have the ELF frequency. They can search undersea objects and map the bottom of the ocean.
They can also search underwater submarines from the orbital trajectory. Those systems can also search underground facilities. And the thing is that those powerful radars can also use to jam the drone swarms and satellite location systems. The high-power radio signals can disturb the internal communication of the drone swarm and cover the GPS signal. But the problem is that the system must know the frequency of the system.
This thing makes cyber security extremely important for national security. If the GPS or radar uses jumping frequencies that cover them against jamming. The hackers can find out those frequencies. And that thing helps to jam those signals. There is the possibility that the radio system uses the one changing radiofrequency. Or the system can use multiple frequencies at the same time.
The large-size structure can launch into orbital trajectory by using a single rocket launch. The purpose of those kilometer-size structures can be to demonstrate artificial gravitation. The thing is that even the weak artificial gravitation is a useful effect because it anchors things like laboratory equipment on the table.
That means the strength of artificial gravitation is not necessarily as it's on Earth. The benefit of artificial gravitation is that gravitation is neutral. That means, also other than metal dishes can be put on the tables at the space station.
Werhner von Braun created the first ideas of artificial gravitation. His idea was based on a wheel-shaped space station. Somehow that idea was useless in the 1960s when it was introduced.
The space station would create artificial gravitation by using rotating movement. The problem with that kind of space station was that rotation speed should be so fast that it brakes the structure. The thing is that the material and other technology is advanced very much after the days of von Braun.
There are made ideas to make large-scale structures by using modular technology. The modular structure means that the space station is formed by using separate elements. Those elements are like satellites that can dock together. In that technology, the satellites have a docking system and they must only know their place in the entirety. Practically those parts of the station must know only what are the next components to it. And those components can launch by using separate rockets. '
When the structure is ready the system can weld it to fixed structures if those bites wound not want to change. If those docked systems will not connect by using fixed connections they are easy to change. The system can use the magnets that are pulling it together for making the structure stronger. And that kind of thing makes it possible to create large-scale space structures quite easily.
By way, the system called "Rods of God" can be created by using conventional-looking satellites.
The massive rail gun or killer laser can launch to the orbiter very easily by using a modular structure. The system would be a series of conventional-looking satellites that have a particle accelerator in the middle of them. Those satellites stay at the orbiter separately.
And when that extremely powerful system is needed they can connect. Each satellite can have solar panels. And that modular structure can make it possible to create even kilometers long structures by using small-size satellites.
See also
Echo satellite
Power satellites
Radio frequencies
Rods of god
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