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Showing posts from April, 2022

Ultrasonic waves and other soundwaves can use to charge nanotechnical tools. (And The futuristic self-organizing material can automatically create physical 3D holograms. )

"Schematic illustration of ​​wirelessly charging a body-implanted electronic device using an ultrasonic probe. Credit: Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST)"(ScitechDaily/Using Ultrasonic Waves To Charge Underwater and Body-Implanted Electronic Devices) The similar systems can use to charge underwater and even airborne devices.  Wirelessly Charging Body Implanted Electronic Device Nanotechnology allows making the of new types of chargers that are safe to use. The idea is to use sound waves for making electricity for the nanomachines or larger electric devices. The ultrasonic waves are one version of sound waves. The soundwaves and especially ultrasonic waves are pressure impulses. And pressure impulses can use to make electricity. The first version of this system bases the crystals. When nano-size quartz crystals are stressed by using pressure impulses.  That small crystal creates electricity. In another version, the small-size turbines are starting to rotate when

New drones are revolutionizing the battlefield.

Image 1) H-6N bomber with YJ-12 hypersonic (or ballistic) missile.  China tested its new hypersonic missile that can knock out the U.S supercarriers. The new hypersonic missiles with stealth technology are extremely dangerous in the wrong hands. The Chinese YJ-12 missile is at the H-6N bomber's centerline. And it can be very dangerous, especially for the ships.  There is the possibility that somebody is developing a drone-hybrid system where the hypersonic missiles can shoot from the unmanned patrolling aircraft. The stealth hypersonic missiles are the new and powerful systems that can knock out even the large-size ship or they can hit all targets.  But when we are thinking about the abilities of the new drones. They are all extremely dangerous. The small-size drones can be equipped with powerful anti-tank or high-explosive warheads.  2) Artist's impression of the "Phoenix Ghost UAV".  And the new "Phoenix ghost UAVs" are in test use in Ukraine. The Phoenix

NASA "holoported" a doctor to the international space station.

Holoportation is a less impressive thing than real teleportation. The idea is to send the 3D holographic model of a person or merchandise long distances. The object will be digitalized to a holographic form. In that process, the system uses a combination of laser scanners and CCD cameras that will render the object's surface. The laser scanners scan the shape of the object. And then the CCD cameras will photograph the entire object. The idea is similar to covering the statue using photographs.  And then the image will send to the receiver and turn into a hologram. The holoportation is a well-known thing in science fiction. That thing can use to send real-looking people to space stations. But it can also use for making fake targets for snipers in the security and military areas. The interactive holoportation means that the person whose image is sent to the space station sees what is going on by using 3D glasses.  And of course, virtual headsets are giving the feeling that person is

How do the DNA-based sensors work?

The DNA-based sensors use the DNA molecule as the sensor. The idea is that the DNA molecule or its head can hover around the layer and act like the stylus of an old-time LP player. In some versions of DNA sensors, there could be an iron bite at the end of the molecule. There is a possibility to use that iron bite to measure the magnetic field. There is the possibility that the radio waves are pointed to a certain target through that iron stylus.  The radio (maser) wave will shoot to the iron that drives those radio waves to a certain target. The system can observe the reflection. But if the iron bite slides above the magnetized or electrically stressed layer the system can measure the electricity in that stylus. Or the system can measure the position of the DNA relative to the level. That allows operators to see the differences in the shape of the layer.  When the layer goes farther the magnetic effect on DNA is turning weaker. And that affects the position of the DNA. The idea is simi

Maybe quite soon, the new systems will allow the digital transfer of memories between people.

  The new quantum memristors are making it possible to return the quantum and of course binary computer to the position where it was before the electricity was cut. The memristor or memory resistor is possible only at the quantum level. But there is the possibility that a large group of memristors can use, also the full- or nano-scale computers. There is the possibility to benefit memristors also in the full-scale computers.  That thing can be made by connecting those full-scale systems with miniature or nano-size computers. The idea is that the nano-size system will store the space of the computers all the time. And if the electricity is cut those settings remain in the memory of the nano-size computer. And when the system will turn back on. The settings will return by using that nano-size system. So the system can continue its operations where it is left when the electricity is cut off.  Theoretically, those miniature system returners can use also be in the memory chips that can inst

What is the difference between drones and missiles?

Russian Iskander missile (Wikipedia) Missiles are easier to use in war crimes. The missiles need only two coordinates the launching point. And the point where the target is. The missile crew will give the target coordinates to the missile. And then the GPS/GLONASS system tells the missile its location and the distance to the target. When the target is in range, the system simply tells, that it's time to shoot.  The problem with that kinds of missiles is. They need to update their target's position all the time if the missile wants to hit the moving targets. The CEP (Circular Error Probability) depends on the accuracy of the positioning system. Things like radar and image (or imaging infrared) homing missiles require the position of the target and then the GPS or inertial navigation system will drive the missile to the point, where its trajectory starts to turn to the ground.  Then the seeker must see the target. If the seeker doesn't see the target the AI must decide does i

GPS and artificial intelligence are the ultimate combinations.

   Artificial intelligence along with the GPS can make many things more effective. Artificial intelligence can observe warehouses, and if storages are low the AI can order replacements. The AI can also observe where the cargo is traveling and locate each point of thing by using the GPS. The GPS can install on the computers like laptops. And that allows the authorities to know all the time where their stuff is.  The GPS can install in cars and car keys and the GPS can help to locate almost everything that flies or travels by railroads and what is at the offroad conditions. The GPS can help things like robots and drones take their places in the entireties like drone swarms. The GPS allows the robots to navigate freely in their operational area.  The GPS is one of the central components in modern military systems. The GPS can deny the attempts to steal the grenades. But the same GPS can be integrated into the guidance systems of those grenades. The GPS-guided grenades and bombs are extrem

A key element in one of the simplest anti-stealth systems is cooperation between satellites and aircraft.

Image: F-22 Raptor (Eurasian times/Shadowing F-22 Raptor – China Plans To Turn Its Low-Cost Satellites Into Spy Platforms That Can Even Track Fighter Jets) The satellites and high-flying platforms that are communicating with combat aircraft and surface-to-air missiles can be a deadly surprise for stealth aircraft. Or at least those systems that are transmitting optical-area data to jet fighters and surface-to-air systems can make stealth systems more vulnerable. Even if the EM-jamming systems can affect the data links of those systems.  The idea of the use of the optical satellites in the anti-stealth role is simple. There is a large group of satellites whose observation area covers the entire operational area. The other way is to use extremely high-altitude flying aircraft or blips. That is using optical seekers and radars along with laser radars or lidars.  The combination of the sensors is making possible to see the stealth fighter by using optical imaging. The radar-based system ca

Good and bad AI.

  The thing, that makes AI so powerful is that it's the computer program. That system can operate on any suitable platform. So it can interconnect multiple devices together.  That means if the AI software is ready. That thing can download to any computer in the world. AI plays a very important role in the world of tomorrow. Those algorithms are controlling the use of electricity, the more and less autonomic cars and new types of weapons can program by any person who knows how to make the computer program.  AI is making society also vulnerable to cyber-attacks. And in the AI-driven world, the computer virus or malicious code can be dangerous because the AI can affect multiple things. The AI can observe large areas, and it can connect all devices that are operating in the same network segment to an entirety that can share information without limits. And that makes those things so powerful. The AI can operate the entirety of the traffic. And that makes driving more economic and comfor

The new knowledge of genetics is making a new kind of cure possible.

Mapping of the human genomes is completed. And that thing, along with new nanotechnology opens huge visions in the medical and other things for modifying genomes of the living organisms. Nanotechnology can make the vaccination process simpler and more effective.  By using specially designed DNA and RNA there is the possibility to create empty viruses. That means protein core without genetic material. And also synthetic DNA can use to transfer genomes to humans allowing the blood cells to produce some medical themselves. Nanotechnology can use to remove damaged parts of the DNA and then replace that thing by using the non-damaged DNA. Also, genetic engineering allows to create the cloned stem cells and maybe artificial organs. When we want to create a 3D-printed organ there is needed only knowledge. Of how many cell types are forming that organ. Then those cells will be put in the tank.  And the bioprinter can make that organ in a very short time. In the nozzle of the printer is a chann

Cryogenics and interstellar travel are things that might be true someday in the future.

The image above this text is from the movie "Aliens". That thing shows the artist's vision of the cryostatic capsules that allow interstellar flight. There are made many visions about the systems that could make the hypothetical interstellar flight possible. When we are thinking about the possibility to use cloned crews that are dying during the mission.  We must remember the cultural aspect of that thing. For us, the cloned bodies and the transfer of the mind between those bodies is a strange idea. There is the possibility that the culture of tomorrow is making that kind of immortality possible. When the crew members would die. Computers will transfer memories to the brains of the next body. Advanced biotechnology is making that kind of thing possible.  When we are thinking about the interstellar flight with the cryogenically frozen crew that mission will not be "quite so difficult", as we might think. The idea of cryogenics is to stabilize the DNA of the crew

Today the USA successfully tested its hypersonic HAWC missile.

The Hypersonic Air-Breathing Concept (HAWC) missile has been tested a second time. By the USAF. The biggest difference between HAWC and Russian Kinzhal-missile is that the HAWC uses an air-breathing Scramjet-engine that will give the HAWC system a longer range.  The dropping aircraft was a B-52, and the capacity of this kind of system is huge. The HAWC missile can use as a multi-role weapon, but the most effective is against ships and heavily armed bunkers. The HAWC missile can fly inside the submarine bunkers' doors.  HAWC (AGM-183 ARRW  ("Air-Launched Rapid Response Weapon")) -missile under the B-52 bomber But the thing is that this kind of scramjet-driven system can also use to shoot down enemy aircraft. There is the possibility that the successor of the F-35 has the hypersonic capacity that allows it to fly to the operational area very fast.  And then that system can slow down for a normal dogfight. Or the hypersonic attack plane can drop normal smart bombs on the tar

Artificial intelligence beats humans on the bridge.

Artificial intelligence advances all the time. Things like chess programs that can answer the movements of the buttons on a limited area are impressive. But modern artificial intelligence programs can play cards with people. Those programs can detect the images of the cards. And compare them with the database where is their values. That means modern robots that are equipped with AI can play a card like a poker and now bridge with real living people.  The Guardian tells that eight world-class bridge champions are lost to artificial intelligence in the bridge. The game was a simplified version and there was removed the "offering part" where players are trying to cheat other players. But the fact is that artificial intelligence can notice if the person is telling lies. When people are telling lies.  They are using certain gestures like a touch nose. Those gestures can program to the AI, which can detect them from the film or real-time image. Also, the infrared systems can search

Even kilometer-size space structures can create by using modular technology and mylar structures.

The large-scale mylar structure can cover by using a metal and silicone layer. That allows the creation of large-scale solar panels and radars that can use in mapping systems. Those high power systems can use as power satellites. But the large-size and powerful radar systems can also use for mapping purposes. If those radars have the ELF frequency. They can search undersea objects and map the bottom of the ocean.  They can also search underwater submarines from the orbital trajectory. Those systems can also search underground facilities. And the thing is that those powerful radars can also use to jam the drone swarms and satellite location systems. The high-power radio signals can disturb the internal communication of the drone swarm and cover the GPS signal. But the problem is that the system must know the frequency of the system.  This thing makes cyber security extremely important for national security. If the GPS or radar uses jumping frequencies that cover them against jamming. Th

Could non-thermal fusion be the solution to energy problems?

Cold fusion or so-called ion fusion is one the most powerful and promising ways to make nuclear fusion. The idea of the ion-fusion is simple. Opposite polar ions will shoot together by using ion cannons. When the polarity of the ions is opposite. The electromagnetic force will pull those ions together. And if the energy level of the impact is high enough. That thing will begin the fusion.  In the 1970s there were plans to use lasers for creating nuclear fusion. If particle accelerators boost that energy effect that thing can make new, compact and powerful fusion systems possible. The most effective way is to drive ions together in a particle accelerator and points laser and maser rays to that point.  The accelerating system can stress the ions with extra electromagnetic radiation while it travels in the particle accelerator. That maximizes the energy level.  In normal scenarios, the used ions are chloride and sodium ions. But also all other plus and minus mark ions can use. The thing i

Nanomachine can look like an artificial virus. And in the wrong hands, it can be dangerous.

  Image: Pinterest The nanomachines can be impressive but in the wrong hands, they are the most deadly tool in the world. In this text under observation is the nanomachine that can look like a bacteriophage. The DNA controls the operations of that small robot.  And if that system accidentally transfers too long DNA in some cell. That thing can cause the DNA fills the cell. And that extremely long DNA causes a similar effect to ricin which is one of the most poisonous chemicals in the world. The deadly effect of ricin is that its molecular structure is like may Day Hustle. That molecule fills the mitochondria or cell and denies its metabolism.  There another way, how the molecule can make that action is that. It starts to travel between the structure of the mitochondria. That denies the power production in mitochondria. So the thing is that kinds of molecules are called Ribosome Inactivating Proteins or RIP proteins. in this text, all those proteins are under the title "ricin"

The next-generation nanomachines can use DNA as their program.

Nanotechnology is giving huge opportunities almost for everything. Nanomachines can replace many medicals. And improve the effectiveness of other medicals. The next-generation nanomachines can inject into people's bloodstream.  They can remove plaque from the blood vessels and they can carry medicals precisely in the right cells. And those nanomachines can also close the bloodstream to tumors. The opportunities of that technology are impressive. There is the possibility that there are different DNA pieces in small tubes inside the nanomachine. And that thing makes it possible to change the actions of the nanorobots simply by changing the DNA inside them.  But the problem is how to control those nanomachines? The answer could be that there are tanks in the nanomachines where is a certain DNA code. A certain DNA code can control a certain part of the operation. So the operator can give the order "Use DNA number 1" and then the system opens the tank where is the first DNA. T