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The models for the self-operating nanorobots are from nature.

Image 1) (Pinterst)

Biotechnology allows the creation of artificial DNA. That allows making the artificial bacteria for certain purposes. 

Bacteria are a good example of biorobots. DNA molecules control every single action of those things. But, there are not many operations that bacteria can do. The number of actions depends on the number of the DNA types of the bacteria. The things that are controlling bacteria are simple but effective. The size of the control code is not important. The important thing is how the system uses the code is important. There are not many base pairs in the DNA of bacteria. But those base-pairs are controlling their everyday actions very effectively. 

When some chemical sensor of bacteria faces some problem like an antibody. That thing triggers bacteria to create slime for its safety. And the thing that triggers that action is the small bite of DNA or RNA that the sensor creates when it faces something that might affect the bacteria. And that causes the bacteria can react to those things. 

The DNA plasmids are the brains of bacteria. They are chemical computer programs that are controlling the everyday actions of bacteria. Bacteria are a good example for the biorobots. They are controlled by the DNA molecules. And they can operate quite independently. 

The main problem with the small-size nanorobots is their small size. There should put the microprocessor the power source and the hard disk where is the data that the system uses. But the fact is that the smallest possible nanomachines are molecule-size systems that are using enzymes for the programs how to operate. 

To the surface of molecular nanomachine are the enzymes or nutrients that are making things like immune cells carry those nanomachines to the wanted target. 

Chemical programming like the series of certain enzymes can use to carry the molecular-size machines to the right point.  The idea is that certain chemicals are causing an effect that the enzyme is starting to move the molecule. And each enzyme or chemical on the core of the molecular machine is reacting with a certain counter chemical. That means the molecular machine can make certain series of operations. 

But the thing is that the nanomachine should have the ability to make more complicated operations there is the possibility to equip the bacteria with synthetic DNA plasmids. That DNA plasmid is like a chemical computer program that allows synthetic bacteria to make complicated operations. The genetically engineered bacteria can reprogram by chancing the DNA plasmid inside its core. 

The new AI-generated protein can wake silenced genes. And that thing makes it possible to create artificial bacteria that can make many things. The DNA inside those bacteria is like a computer program. And another genome can be for normal use. And another could be for special missions. Like searching and destroying harmful cells. That genome can be silenced. But when the researchers find harmful cells. That protein can activate the silenced genome. 

Image 2) 

The nano-size microprocessors and hybridization between robots and cloned neurons are making nanorobots more multi-use than ever before. If the robot uses cloned neurons as the biocomputers that means the robot needs nutrients. 

And that machine can take nutrients can be the blood cells where the nutrients are loaded. If the nanomachine swims in blood veins. That system can use the same nutrient as people.

Image two (Image 2) is  "the artistic depiction of DNA nanomachine with protein cargo, surrounded by other protein subunits in solution". ( nanomachines inspired by nature). 

But it could portray a nanomachine loader that uses a small generator. For delivering electricity to those machines. 

When we are thinking the autonomous nanomachines the problem is how to make the needed microprocessors and power source fit in the robot? There is the possibility that the nanorobot can be a small cyborg. The artificial structure can involve the cloned neuron that gives electricity to the small engines and computers in that small-size system. That system can be the hybridization between the neuron and the small-size machine. 

And nanotechnology makes it possible to create energy for extremely small-size systems. There is the possibility to use the hemoglobin and small gold plates to make electricity for the nano-size robots. The nano-size microprocessors can use similar technology. That the regular drone swarms are using. 

Drone swarms use decentralized data processing. Where microprocessors share their capacity. That makes it possible to create independently operating nano-robot swarms. For power supply is introduced the electric cells of the electric eel. Or there is the possibility that the energy delivery units are landing on the surface of neurons.

And those systems can also communicate between the neurons and transmit the control code to nanomachines. Or the nanomachine androids can use living neurons for delivering control signals and electricity for the robot. The possibilities of the nanomachines are limitless.

Image 2)


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