Sunday, March 20, 2022

Antiprotonic helium

Image 1: Model of antiprotonic helium. 

The antiprotons are orbiting helium atoms in super cold helium. And that material is called antiprotonic helium.

The antimatter physicists of CERN have created a new form of hybrid material. The antiprotons are put to orbit helium atoms in super cold helium liquid. These kinds of experiments are interesting. The energy level of antimatter is extremely high. 

And the annihilation reaction could use for ignition in fusion reactors. There are other hybrid materials where the material particle is connected to an antimatter particle. The hybrid materials where the antimatter particles are connected with regular material make it possible to store antimatter very effectively. 

The reason why antimatter experiments and storage must make at a temperature that is as near zero kelvin as possible is simple. The low temperature removes the oscillation of the material and antimatter. And that minimizes the possibility that mirror particles touch each other accidentally. 

The most common of those particle pairs are positronium (electron-positron pair) and protonium or antiprotonic hydrogen (proton-antiproton pair). The protonium is quite similar to positronium. Except for one thing. In protonium proton and antiproton replace electrons and positrons. Protons and antiprotons are much heavier than electrons and positrons. And that makes protonium more high-energetic than positronium. 

In that particle pair positron and electron are orbiting each other. There is the possibility to conduct electricity to one point by using those particle pairs. And they can uncover things like the existence of superstrings. The idea is that the electron and positron are enough lightweights and small particles that can resend energy to possible superstring. 

And then that energy load can make superstring visible. The idea is that. The energy load that is sent through positronium increases energy in hypothetical superstring. That means the interaction between superstring and that particle pair will turn stronger. 

The positronium is sometimes introduced to use as data storage. In that data storage information is loaded in the positron and electron. And that thing transforms them into qubits. Then the magnet will pull electrons in the quantum computer and the positron can collect or let annihilate. If the data storage will open unauthorized. The positronium will collapse. Then annihilation destroys entire information.


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