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Showing posts from March, 2022

NASA launched the BOLT-II mission for researching hypersonic flight

The fact is that hypersonic systems are not always big. And they might seem very much about the normal rockets. Hypersonic aerial vehicles can also use conventional rocket engines for reaching hypersonic speed. The BOLT-II is hoped to collect information about the world. That is beyond the supersonic world.  Hypersonic aircraft need new ideas for making operations secure.  There is a small metal profile in the rocket. And that profile tests what shape is right for a larger hypersonic vehicle. In image 2 you can see how small the BOLT-II is. And there is also an image of that profile that is used as an aerodynamic test unit in that mission.  Image 2) The bolt II vehicle (Far right and far left) And the carrying rocket (Middle)  Hypersonic flight causes extreme stress on the aerodynamic control levels. And that's why the problem is how to turn the hypersonic vehicle during its flight in the atmosphere. The solution is how to change the course of the hypersonic vehicle can be the air

The models for the self-operating nanorobots are from nature.

Image 1) (Pinterst) Biotechnology allows the creation of artificial DNA. That allows making the artificial bacteria for certain purposes.  Bacteria are a good example of biorobots. DNA molecules control every single action of those things. But, there are not many operations that bacteria can do. The number of actions depends on the number of the DNA types of the bacteria. The things that are controlling bacteria are simple but effective. The size of the control code is not important. The important thing is how the system uses the code is important. There are not many base pairs in the DNA of bacteria. But those base-pairs are controlling their everyday actions very effectively.  When some chemical sensor of bacteria faces some problem like an antibody. That thing triggers bacteria to create slime for its safety. And the thing that triggers that action is the small bite of DNA or RNA that the sensor creates when it faces something that might affect the bacteria. And that causes the bact

The solar sail technology is multi-use.

The same technology is used to make kilometer-size solar sail can use also for making large-size solar panels that can send to the orbiter. And similar mylar layers can use to make large-size radar and electronic surveillance antennas that are orbiting the earth.  And the large-size mylar structures can also use for making the large radio telescopes that can send away from Kuiper Belt. Electricity to those systems can deliver by using lasers. And the core of those large sails can cover by using silicon atoms.  Researchers have created an idea to send large solar sails to Alpha Centauri by using powerful laser systems. In that project, the idea is to use extremely powerful lasers for accelerating the solar sail to journey to the Alpha Centauri system.  The same technology is used to make kilometer-size solar sail can use also for making large-size solar panels that can send to the orbiter. And similar mylar layers can use to make large-size radar and electronic surveillance antennas tha

The new piezoelectric fabric hears the sound of the heart.

  (An MIT team has designed an “acoustic fabric,” woven with a fiber that is designed from a “piezoelectric” material that produces an electrical signal when bent or mechanically deformed, providing a means for the fabric to convert sound vibrations into electrical signals. Credit: Greg Hren) (SciTechDaily/New “Acoustic Fabric” Hears Your Heart’s Sounds) Piezoelectric nanotechnology is not a new thing. There is made research with fabric and clothes that can recharge mobile telephones. The idea of those systems is that the body movements can change to electricity by using piezoelectric fabric. But the same style of piezoelectric fibers can use as the fabric that can hear the heart. Or it can use as a microphone that can transform the resonance of layers to electric impulse and sound.  The new acoustic fabric is made by using piezoelectric material. That material allows the fabric to hear the sound of the heart. And this thing makes it possible to create new intelligent clothes that are

The transforming network is the next-generation tool for artificial intelligence.

Convolutional algorithms are imitating life. Like living organisms connect genomes the convolutional algorithms connect their program code. Program code is the genome of the computer algorithm. And that makes the convolutional neural networks and algorithms interesting.  They are acting like living organisms. That means the convolutional computer programs are like virtual lifeforms where the organism is the computer code, that operates in the digital memory of the computer.  In mathematics, convolution is the operation that happens between two functions, and that operation forms a new function. In computer sciences and especially in programming convolution is the case. When neural networks, computer programs, or algorithms connect or change their code.  They form new neural networks, computer programs, or algorithms. The transforming networks are the most flexible versions of the convolution networks. The transforming method can use to interconnect two convolution networks.  In that me

Antiprotonic helium

Image 1: Model of antiprotonic helium.  The antiprotons are orbiting helium atoms in super cold helium. And that material is called antiprotonic helium. The antimatter physicists of CERN have created a new form of hybrid material. The antiprotons are put to orbit helium atoms in super cold helium liquid. These kinds of experiments are interesting. The energy level of antimatter is extremely high.  And the annihilation reaction could use for ignition in fusion reactors. There are other hybrid materials where the material particle is connected to an antimatter particle. The hybrid materials where the antimatter particles are connected with regular material make it possible to store antimatter very effectively.  The reason why antimatter experiments and storage must make at a temperature that is as near zero kelvin as possible is simple. The low temperature removes the oscillation of the material and antimatter. And that minimizes the possibility that mirror particles touch each other acc

The next-generation quantum computers can use silicon-photonics interaction.

The next-generation quantum computers might be electron-microscope-size systems. And maybe we see the table-size quantum computer systems sooner than we expect. The new algorithms that are used for calculating quantum energy and quantum gravitation are extremely complicated. They require quantum computers for working. And that's why the development of the new quantum computers is important.  The silicon carbide-based qubits or quantum computers can be the next-generation tools for quantum computing. Quantum computers are allowing to make AI-based solutions that are too heavy for binary computers.  The silicon carbide can stabilize by using a low temperature or high pressure. And the combination of the pressure and low temperature allows making the long-term quantum entanglements between those atoms.  Silicon carbide-based quantum computers could be fast and powerful systems. The problem with those so-called solid qubits is that they need adjusting and tuning for making the superpos

The Chinese DJI drones are in use on both sides in the Ukraine war.

The Chinese DJI drones are not meant for military use. But they are easy to modify for military purposes. Even without modifications, the quadcopters are suitable for lightweight reconnaissance missions. So they can deliver information for ground troops and aerial vehicles about things like snipers and vehicles hiding in bushes. Same way drones can observe the airfields and the same drones can use for both civil and military purposes.  But the fact is that drones can equip also with IR-camera and the laser ranger that can also point targets to missiles. The cheap price and easy to get make those systems suitable to search for things that are interesting criminals from the flats. Drones can fly outside the house and search for things like firearms. Or they can observe what people are doing with their computers.  Those things are, of course, disturbing privacy. But criminals do not follow the law.  Or two drones can use to take the triangular aiming from the target. That makes them excel

A suitable power solution for small-size devices is to connect the command codes to the remote-loading systems.

All electromagnetic radiation is information. Wireless power transmission to small-size devices is a very good choice. The small-size miniature devices require a small-size power supply, and the problem with those devices is the space. The body might be smaller than a mosquito.  But there must involve a computer, power device, and other electronics. That is needed for making those systems suitable to make something in extremely challenging conditions. The reason why miniature robots are created.  Is that they must operate in places where the human cannot operate. The objects of those robots are things like tumors in the brains of the patients. Or they can use to clean blood veins from plaque. The military wants to use those systems for many purposes in recon and strike missions. But the problem is how to deliver electricity to those devices. The answer is wireless electric transfer. The high-power radio waves can transmit energy to the miniature robots.  And there is the possibility to

The first time researchers created RNA molecules that replicate.

Self-replication of the RNA molecules is making it possible to create artificial organisms. Artificial organisms can use for many purposes. The genetically engineered bacteria can clean the human body from viruses. The idea is that artificial bacteria just eat viruses. And then they will close their ion pumps and die. And travel out of the body. The bacteria would just form the bag where the viruses are captured and then it stops its metabolism.  Because bacteria are dying it cannot create more viruses. The artificial bacteria can also transform to stem cells by using genome transfer. Also, the bacteria can modify to make artificial retroviruses that can make genome transplant for people who have some kind of genetic disorder.  But the artificial DNA and RNA molecules can also use for making the new type of nanomachines and artificial molecules. Genetic engineering can make it possible to increase the number of mitochondria in cells. And that thing makes them stronger.  But artificial

Researchers uncover the reason for cosmic bubbles near the Milky Way.

Image 1) The cosmic bubbles at both sides of the Milky Way The reason for cosmic bubbles near Milky Way galaxy is in the radiation of the Sagittarius A the supermassive black hole in the center of our galaxy. When that radiation impacts the gas atoms above and below the Milky Way galaxy that thing causes the emission radiation. The effect is similar to the thing that happens in neutron bombs.  The radiation effect will push the quantum fields of neutrons inside and load them with energy. When that energy transfer ends neutrons are sending radiation whose wavelength is the same as the diameter of the neutron.  When radiation hits atoms or their quantum fields they are sending wave movement. Which is similar to neutron radiation. When that reflection radiation hits other atoms. That radiation pushes them away from each other. And this thing forms the cosmic bubble, where are fewer atoms than in other places universe.

The 3D printer technology is used to make fully working electric jet engines.

The new uses for 3D printing technology are jet engines and aircraft parts. The thing that makes material sometimes weak in 3D printing is that the air is making bubbles in structure. Metal-based 3D printing is a similar thing to other metal castings. In that process, the system operators must avoid oxygen slips in the 3D printing. Normally air is the thing that makes bubbles and oxides in the layer.  So that's why the 3D printer should operate in the vacuum chamber that is removing the air from the system and denies oxidation. When the 3D printer is making merchandise. that system is making things by welding them layer by layer. So the product looks like a croissant that is made by using metals or carbon fiber.  The problem is that when the gasses like air or oxygen slips between those layers it causes bubbles and oxidation. That slag material is making the discontinuity in the merchandise. And this is the reason why the gas must remove around the working area. The metal-based 3D

The BCI (Brain-Computer Interface) is the next-generation user interface.

The technical remote view makes it possible to create BCI (Brain-Computer Interface) without any visible things like implanted microchips or electrode hats. The idea is that the radio wave is acting as a carrier wave.  That carrier wave transmits the EEG to the antenna in a computer. The transmitter will be behind the head. And when the computer sends the receiving it will send the synthetic EEG to the receiver that is behind the user.  The technical remote-view normally means that the radio wave is shot through the human brain. That radio wave acts as the carrier wave that carries the EEG to the computer. That system can use to make the next generation BCI systems that interact directly with the computers.  That thing makes it possible to create a new type of simulated reality. Where the person can control virtual things in the memory of the computer. But there is possible to connect these kinds of systems with physical robots. When a person controls a physical robot by using the BCI

Hypersonic flight requires new types of materials.

   Image 1) Image of what is believed to be a Chinese hypersonic aircraft. (CCTV screenshot)( Nanotechnology is one of the most interesting things in aviation. The Chinese claim that they have hypersonic aircraft that are using plasma-ion thrusters. Plasma-ion thruster or electric jet engine is one of the most powerful engine types in the world. The idea of the system is that the air will ionize at the front of the engine.  And then the magnetic accelerator drives it through the engine. The heat stress is very high at hypersonic flight. Friction is a very big problem in the speed of Mach 8+. There is the possibility that the aircraft's core is covered with nanotechnical rolls. Those rolls can make friction lower. But they can also be used to collect energy for electric jet engines.  Synthetic dimensions and quantum technology can be far bigger steps for aviation than quantum technology.  Those

Most of the androids look like something else than humans.

The newest models of robot insects are looking like water striders. The robot water striders can patrol on water and collect data from chemicals and things that happen near them. The new robot insects can go anywhere and that means they are effective tools for many missions from natural research to intelligence and recon missions.  The robot insects can use the electric eel's electric cells for making their electricity. The new type of android insects can look like normal bugs or spiders. But they can communicate even with the supercomputer centers by using the internet. When we are thinking the insect robots those systems can also be used as drone swarms.  They can communicate with satellites by using other drones as the data link. But even if some robot looks like an insect, it might not be like its model. The feet of the robot water strider can connect with the fly-looking bug. And those robots can slip into houses by using the smallest possible holes. If the energy production o

The fire ants can give ideas for swarming robots.

The ants and other swarm operating bugs are used as models for swarming robots. When we think of the independently operating drone swarms controlled by artificial intelligence. Those systems did not exist 10 years ago. Even the small-size quadcopters and other drones can operate as a swarm.  The nuclear-powered drone swarms can operate in the atmosphere of other planets. They can operate underwater conditions in the Marianna Trench. And the icy oceans in the Jupiter and Saturn icy moons. But they can also be new and powerful tools on the battlefields.  The thing that makes this thing possible is the network-based system called "distributed calculation". Developers created this system for making animations for computers. The idea is that the computers can share their capacity and resources with other computers.  The network-based system allows making the drone swarm. That can connect data that their sensors are delivering. The drones can stay on their operational area as the p

The new scaling quantum computers are coming.

Image 1) The quantum entanglement in quantum computers must protect against outcoming effects. Quantum entanglement plays a key role in quantum computers. And the time that the entanglement stays determines the speed of the quantum computers.  Photonic entanglement is one of the most promising things in quantum computers. There is the possibility to use two- or more layers of graphene. And then, between those layers, the system will create the quantum entanglement by using photons.  That makes it possible to create quantum processors.  The data would input those quantum systems by using lasers. Lasers can give the energy stress in the superpositioned and entangled photon pairs. And those photons can affect electromagnetic fields between graphene layers.  Image 2) Diagram of QubiC prototype showing room-temperature electronics hardware. Credit: Gang Huang and Yilun/Berkeley Lab (Phys.Org/Open sourced control hardware for quantum computers) The system senses those fields. One version is