The fact is that robots are not always physical. The ghost robots can be the computer algorithms that are used for searching data from the network.
And the ghost robots can be used by the physical robot. The physical robot just connects itself to the network. Then the physical robot sends its algorithms to the system to collect the data from the net.
1) The core of the robots are the servo-engines and other things that the physical robots use for interacting with their environment. Robots can use many things, that are not safe for humans. They can use jetpacks for flying and that kind of system can give them the modular operating capacity.
The robots can use parachutes. They can jump from aircraft or operate in space very long time without cancer risk. The gloves of robots might have welding tools like laser and electron welding systems. Those systems can use to fix the holes on the walls of space stations but they can also be weapons.
The same electron and laser rays that are melting metal can be used as the death rays. The physical systems are the power source and the hardware, which is controlled by the computers.
2) The nervous system of the robot is the computer. The computer interacts with the servo engines and other things like pressure sensors and cameras. The robot is not ever as a human and that means in the gloves of robots can be miniature cameras or scanners.
The robot might have things like gloves, which are used as modular sensor kits. When the robot is operating in narrow places there might need the CCD and other sensors. And when the robot operates in the dark or underwater places it might need sonar gloves. The hardware is needed for running the complicated artificial intelligence programs.
3) The computer programs that are controlling the system are the "mind of the robot". If the mission scale of the robot is very large the needed artificial intelligence is very highly complicated. Those programs are extremely hard to drive, and that's why there is so big hype around quantum computers. The robot itself can be connected with the computer center.
But the problem is that if the computer system is stuck with the loop, that continues forever that thing can cause the risk situation on the streets. For avoiding the endless loop the system must have at least two different control computers. And the data to the system must be driven very carefully to the control system.
Because if there is an error in the data line, that causes malfunction. The robot can also use the network-based technology where another robot that is participating in the robot group is rising the system back in order if it is not working properly. The problem with the robot groups and remote control is that if the data signal between robots is cut the one individual member of the group would be lost the largest part of its computing capacity.
So the system must have a protocol that the robot moves backward until it finds the control signal again. The robot must record the movements that it does and then if the signal is lost, the system will make the same movements in the opposite order, and it can also have an inertial system for recording the route.
There are two ways to make independently operating robots.
1) Put the entire computer power in one core. The problem is that the robot would be very large. And if there are problems with computers and other operations there might be hard to cut the unwanted processes.
2) The network-based solutions. In this version, the robot is connected with the data center or they are acting as the group or swarm. The network-based robot swarms are the most multi-use systems, and those systems can cover the entire Earth.
The multiple different-looking robots can form the entirety that can follow every single order what their masters give. The network connection means that the robots can also program other robots. The VR-controlled robots make it possible for the human controller making computer programs for the robot itself. Or to the entire entirety. By using a robot as an external or remote-controlled body.
The difference between the VR systems and supercomputer centers is in the last case the supercomputer is controlling the robot through the Internet. In the VR-controlled systems, the controller controls the robot by using game sets.
In the swarm or network-based systems the robots are sharing their resources with other robots, and in this system are not needed so powerful computers. The members of the robot groups can also report about things that they are doing to controllers.
Those controllers might be humans or artificial intelligence programs that are running by supercomputers or quantum computers. In the swarm, the individuals are not needed so powerful computers that the alone operating robots needs. And in that kind of system, the malfunction cases are easy to stop. So if the individual robot is working the wrong way the other robots or human operators can stop that action.
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