The new method that is created in the UNSW Sydney has made it possible to control thousands of qubits over the silicon layer. And that thing makes it possible to create compact-size quantum computers. The ability to control the spin of billions of qubits at the same time makes it possible to create a new type of quantum microprocessors.
That thing is one of the key elements for making a table-size quantum computer. And maybe the first commercial quantum computers are at the shops sooner than we ever imagine. The research of quantum computers is accelerating. The reason for that is quantum computers can use to calculate the calculations and create the algorithms.
Those are used for creating the more complicating models for the oscillations of atoms. And that thing is making it possible to create smaller and more accurate quantum computers. Let's take one example for that. The primitive quantum computers used stable temperatures for stabilizing qubit, which is adjusted by stressing it with the electromagnetic radiation.
In the future, the temperature of the qubit can adjust very accurately. And the "warming and cooling" the temperature of the qubit allows make the qubits which are oscillating with different powers. The temperature limit could be a maximum of 2 kelvin to zero kelvin. But that thing can make it possible to adjust the size and oscillation of the qubit. Infrared light can use for making this adjustment.
Quantum computers require a system that is delivering energy to them. So the combining the quantum and traditional systems are opening new roads for quantum computing. The traditional system can deliver power for the quantum systems, and the data can send to the quantum processors through the regular computer.
One interesting this is always missing. The quantum computer can be a cheat to the loop, which continues forever. That kind of never-ending loop is possible by giving the system order to calculate things like π. Because that number is the endless decimal number the quantum computer would create the decimal number forever.
Avoiding this kind of thing can be done by using the artificial intelligence-based operating system. That system can collect data from the net. For recognizing these kinds of things like π (3,14....). If the answer is an endless decimal number. The system can ask what number of decimal numbers gives accuracy that is high enough.
Quantum computers and especially the small-size quantum computers can use as a platform for new and powerful artificial intelligence programs. Those complicated programs are the key element for controlling new robots and collect data from the Internet and the network of sensors. They are required to automatize complicated processes. Like, raise the fallen servers in the new type of networks.
In the new networks, there are two layers. Custom data transportation layer. And the layer that controls the security of the data. In that layer, artificial intelligence is observing networks and connecting data from multiple places. The risk for data security is that the system falls. Because of electromagnetic impulses or something like the cooling system is breaking.
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