Sunday, August 15, 2021

The layers of robotics are the same as the humans.

The fact is that robots are not always physical. The ghost robots can be the computer algorithms that are used for searching data from the network. 

And the ghost robots can be used by the physical robot. The physical robot just connects itself to the network. Then the physical robot sends its algorithms to the system to collect the data from the net.  

1) The core of the robots are the servo-engines and other things that the physical robots use for interacting with their environment. Robots can use many things, that are not safe for humans. They can use jetpacks for flying and that kind of system can give them the modular operating capacity.  

The robots can use parachutes. They can jump from aircraft or operate in space very long time without cancer risk. The gloves of robots might have welding tools like laser and electron welding systems. Those systems can use to fix the holes on the walls of space stations but they can also be weapons. 

The same electron and laser rays that are melting metal can be used as the death rays. The physical systems are the power source and the hardware, which is controlled by the computers. 

2) The nervous system of the robot is the computer. The computer interacts with the servo engines and other things like pressure sensors and cameras. The robot is not ever as a human and that means in the gloves of robots can be miniature cameras or scanners.

 The robot might have things like gloves, which are used as modular sensor kits. When the robot is operating in narrow places there might need the CCD and other sensors. And when the robot operates in the dark or underwater places it might need sonar gloves. The hardware is needed for running the complicated artificial intelligence programs. 

3) The computer programs that are controlling the system are the "mind of the robot". If the mission scale of the robot is very large the needed artificial intelligence is very highly complicated. Those programs are extremely hard to drive, and that's why there is so big hype around quantum computers. The robot itself can be connected with the computer center.

But the problem is that if the computer system is stuck with the loop, that continues forever that thing can cause the risk situation on the streets. For avoiding the endless loop the system must have at least two different control computers. And the data to the system must be driven very carefully to the control system. 

Because if there is an error in the data line, that causes malfunction. The robot can also use the network-based technology where another robot that is participating in the robot group is rising the system back in order if it is not working properly. The problem with the robot groups and remote control is that if the data signal between robots is cut the one individual member of the group would be lost the largest part of its computing capacity. 

So the system must have a protocol that the robot moves backward until it finds the control signal again. The robot must record the movements that it does and then if the signal is lost, the system will make the same movements in the opposite order, and it can also have an inertial system for recording the route. 

There are two ways to make independently operating robots. 

1) Put the entire computer power in one core. The problem is that the robot would be very large. And if there are problems with computers and other operations there might be hard to cut the unwanted processes. 

2) The network-based solutions. In this version, the robot is connected with the data center or they are acting as the group or swarm. The network-based robot swarms are the most multi-use systems, and those systems can cover the entire Earth. 

The multiple different-looking robots can form the entirety that can follow every single order what their masters give. The network connection means that the robots can also program other robots. The VR-controlled robots make it possible for the human controller making computer programs for the robot itself. Or to the entire entirety. By using a robot as an external or remote-controlled body. 

The difference between the VR systems and supercomputer centers is in the last case the supercomputer is controlling the robot through the Internet. In the VR-controlled systems, the controller controls the robot by using game sets. 

In the swarm or network-based systems the robots are sharing their resources with other robots, and in this system are not needed so powerful computers. The members of the robot groups can also report about things that they are doing to controllers. 

Those controllers might be humans or artificial intelligence programs that are running by supercomputers or quantum computers. In the swarm, the individuals are not needed so powerful computers that the alone operating robots needs. And in that kind of system, the malfunction cases are easy to stop. So if the individual robot is working the wrong way the other robots or human operators can stop that action. 


The sensors, programming, and tools are determining the skills of drones.

Image: Pinterest

The new algorithm trains the drones to fly around obstacles and other targets with high speed. That system can use in drone swarms, which can drop from aircraft or satellites to the areas, and those systems can scan things like buildings and make 3D models of those things. 

Those drones might have either laser or radar scanners connected with the CCD cameras. Those drone swarms are also useful tools for reconnaissance and intelligence missions. The extremely small quadcopters can drop to the airbase, and they can scan structures and aircraft. The size of those drones is small as possible. And their systems are limited. 

But they are operating as an entirety the robot cloud, which travels across the land. Some of those drones might be equipped with small-size Geiger-meters and drone swarms can use those systems to smell things like nuclear material. Those drones can fly in the turbines of jet engines. And they can be harmful. 

The drones can fly across the houses if they have a map of the rooms, and they know the beginning point without outcoming assistance like GPS. So if the operators have the map of the floor and the house, the drone can use the GPS for locating the entry point. And then it can use the digitalized map of the rooms for flying to the point where the system is operating. 

The drone can search things like doors. If artificial intelligence knows the details like the size of the doors. Or it recognizes the "exit" signs the drone can map those places. 

But if the drone doesn't know exactly the beginning point, the system might use sensors like laser scanners, radars, and sonar systems for making the map of its environment. In that case, the drone has a scanning system, that can scan the ball-looking area around it. That system tells the distance to the walls and barriers. Also, this system can make maps of the space. 

The abilities of the drone depending on the sensors and the data handling capacity. The laser scanners and CCD cameras are extremely small. And the individual drones can act as swarms. 

Or they can communicate with the computer centers through the internet. So the data handling capacity is not a problem in modern drones. There might be also tested microchips there are cloned neurons connected with the silicon layer. That system makes the drone independent. But in the case of the drones, the word "independent" means that the drone can act without human needs to take part in the actions. The skills of the drones are depending on systems like manipulators that are connected with them. 

The drone can also have a CCD camera and artificial intelligence that is connected to the image recognition system. That thing can involve images of the things like door handles. And the drone can know how to open doors. If the drone is big enough it can have a manipulator which it can use for turning door handles and lock knobs. The smaller drones can seek fans or something like that or they can wait until the door opens and then benefit from that moment. 


Saturday, August 14, 2021

The trapping problem does not affect the quantum computer. It must not halt for beginning the new task.

The trapping problem does not affect the quantum computer. It must not halt for beginning the new task. Halting one layer or state of the qubit is enough. 

The "trapping problem" means the computer must halt before it can start the new computing process. The regular computer has only a data handling layer with two states zero and one, and when it would need the entire layer or its capacity for making calculations. When some calculation or computing data will send to the system. The system's entire capacity is reserved for the single operand because all data travels like in the one electric wire. 

We can think the computers as factories. Their work is to intake data and process it to the new form. The regular computer has only one line, that handles data. If that system is stuck with some problem, there is no help. Because there is no chance to separate stopped computer from the working computer there is no outcoming help for that problem. 

The only way to tell that something is wrong is to program the computer for reporting to other systems that the work is doing fine. In that case, the program or problem that is driven to the system is segmented into pieces. And the control system will put the recognition mark between the data segments. Those control bites will send the serial number of the work and the individual number of the control segment of the data row to the control system. 

The control system sees that if the same row is running in the system too many times, the control system orders it to stop. In the regular 0/1 computer, the system can do only one mission at a time. Without a control algorithm, the system must search the time what the system uses for a certain operation. And if that time is too long, the system can turn the data row into the garbage. 

But the quantum computers have multiple layers and multiple lines for handling the data. Every single state of the qubit is like a floor in the factory.

And that means the system has multiple data handling lines. That denies the system to stuck in normal cases. The other layer will come for help if another is stuck with the problems like the accurate value of π (3,14.....). There is the possibility that the entire quantum computer can be stuck in this kind of thing like the accurate value of π is taken to every line, and there is no free layer or floor for helping the busy layers.

But the problem can solve by reserving one layer for the control layer, which will unpack the problem if other layers are busy. The quantum system can be stuck in the case that it has the order to increase the power in the data handling process if one layer is not enough. 

If the data travels around one layer and the answer is not satisfying the quantum computer will call another layer to assist with the problem until the entire capacity of the quantum computer is in use. This means that one layer must be kept free for this kind of over leak. 

The term "over-leak" means that the system uses more and more resources for handling some problems and no system has endless resources. Sooner or later that problem is filling the entire system. And that problem reserves all systems resources for a mission that might be endless. So the computer must recognize the endless problems avoiding the over-leak situation.

When we think about the model of the regular computer and intake of the mission. The system works like some factory. There is only one door for intake merchandise. And only one line for handling that merchandise. Before the new mission can take in the system must halt. And the previous mission must take out from the line. 

But when the quantum computer takes the job or the task it must not halt. The thing that is enough is that one layer or state in its qubit is ready. So if we are compiling quantum computers with a factory there are many floors and doors, where the merchandise can take in. So for starting the new mission the entire factory must not stop. The needed thing is that one floor or layer is ready for taking the mission. 

And that means quantum computers can take works more flexibly than regular computers. And if one data handling layer is stuck for working with the problems like π that would not reserve the entire capacity of the data handling system.

If there is happening something unexpected like describe the needed accuracy for the endless decimal numbers. The other layer can ask for help. It can ask other computers do they have a description of how many decimal numbers they are using with endless decimal numbers. Or it can inform the users that they must tell the machine the length of the endless decimal numbers. 

Critical advance in quantum computers is now in the hands of researchers.

The new method that is created in the UNSW Sydney has made it possible to control thousands of qubits over the silicon layer. And that thing makes it possible to create compact-size quantum computers. The ability to control the spin of billions of qubits at the same time makes it possible to create a new type of quantum microprocessors. 

That thing is one of the key elements for making a table-size quantum computer. And maybe the first commercial quantum computers are at the shops sooner than we ever imagine. The research of quantum computers is accelerating. The reason for that is quantum computers can use to calculate the calculations and create the algorithms. 

Those are used for creating the more complicating models for the oscillations of atoms. And that thing is making it possible to create smaller and more accurate quantum computers. Let's take one example for that. The primitive quantum computers used stable temperatures for stabilizing qubit, which is adjusted by stressing it with the electromagnetic radiation. 

In the future, the temperature of the qubit can adjust very accurately. And the "warming and cooling" the temperature of the qubit allows make the qubits which are oscillating with different powers. The temperature limit could be a maximum of 2 kelvin to zero kelvin. But that thing can make it possible to adjust the size and oscillation of the qubit. Infrared light can use for making this adjustment.

Quantum computers require a system that is delivering energy to them. So the combining the quantum and traditional systems are opening new roads for quantum computing. The traditional system can deliver power for the quantum systems, and the data can send to the quantum processors through the regular computer. 

One interesting this is always missing. The quantum computer can be a cheat to the loop, which continues forever. That kind of never-ending loop is possible by giving the system order to calculate things like π. Because that number is the endless decimal number the quantum computer would create the decimal number forever. 

Avoiding this kind of thing can be done by using the artificial intelligence-based operating system. That system can collect data from the net. For recognizing these kinds of things like π (3,14....). If the answer is an endless decimal number. The system can ask what number of decimal numbers gives accuracy that is high enough. 

Quantum computers and especially the small-size quantum computers can use as a platform for new and powerful artificial intelligence programs. Those complicated programs are the key element for controlling new robots and collect data from the Internet and the network of sensors. They are required to automatize complicated processes. Like, raise the fallen servers in the new type of networks. 

In the new networks, there are two layers. Custom data transportation layer. And the layer that controls the security of the data. In that layer, artificial intelligence is observing networks and connecting data from multiple places. The risk for data security is that the system falls. Because of electromagnetic impulses or something like the cooling system is breaking. 



Friday, August 13, 2021

Making the quantum power sources by using Wigner crystal made by electrons

Pauli's exclusion principle is simply that there cannot be two fully identical fermions in one quantum space. This principle makes it possible that fermions can connect in one structure by using the differences in the electromagnetic and quantum fields of the fermions. 

That thing makes an interesting possibility for the quantum structure. Normally, Wigner crystal is made inside the solid atomic structure. So the Wigner crystal is acting as the substructure in the solid material. But the new method makes it possible to make the Wigner crystal by using pure electrons. 

Pauli's exclusion principle makes it possible that the researchers are made the Wigner crystal using only electrons. That thing is one of the most fundamental structures in the world because if it is connected with another Wigner crystal. 

If that structure is made by using protons. That thing makes it possible to create a new type of quantum battery. But for making a quantum battery is needed only two electron groups that have different energy layers, and the energy is traveling to lower energetic electron groups.

The quantum version of Volta's statues might be only the electron clouds. Those clouds can be part of the solid structure, but they can also be free-electron clouds.  

If we are thinking of that power source as the battery, what can keep its capacity forever we might use two-electron groups, and in this system, the higher energetic side of those quantum versions of the Volta's statues are alternating. 

When the electrons are traveling to another electron group its power can increase also with outcoming energy. If the electron crystals are in the superconducting that means there is no lack of electrons and the system can deliver its energy theoretically forever. 

So there is the possibility to use two electron groups where the energy layers of those electron groups are different. And the energy is traveling from the higher energetic electron group to the lower energetic electron group. 

The Wigner crystal can from the heart of next-generation quantum computers, and it can also be used to store data in the form of photons. The use of Wigner crystals is one of the most fundamental things in modern computing. 

But the Wigner crystal can use also as a photonic crystal. If the laser light would aim at the Wigner crystal, that wave movement would take the structure with it. And the electrons are starting to moving as they would be in the ocean. The energy level of the electrons is changing with the wave movement. And that thing is one of the most interesting things in history. 

The photonic crystals can act as the engines of the interstellar spacecraft.  When the electrons or ions are stressed with laser rays, the wave movement of that structure is causing that the photons are moving backward. Or outwards from that quantum bow. The photonic crystals can also push the electrons, ions, and photons backward. And that thing increases thrust. 





Thursday, August 12, 2021

The "Trapping problem". A Turing machine must eventually halt.

When Alan Turing noted in 1934 that the "Trapping problem" is the thing that slows Turing's machine, he made one of the most interesting findings in history. The Quanta magazine describes this problem like thins "As Turing noted in 1936, to compute something, a Turing machine must eventually halt — it can’t get trapped in an infinite loop. But he also proved that there’s no reliable, repeatable method for distinguishing machines that halt from machines that simply run forever — a fact known as the halting problem". (Quanta Magazine, How the Slowest Computer Programs Illuminate Math’s Fundamental Limits). 

"The trapping problem" has two ways to make computers slower. The first thing is as in the "Quanta Magazine" has been described," there is no way to distinguish machines, that halt from machines that work forever". How to avoid the case that the machine is stuck in the loop, that continues forever? 

The computer program must program the end code. And there must be a protocol for the case, that the data handling unit or server gets a higher priority code for handling. For the cases that some higher-level operators send data to the server, and the computer must cut the operation there must be points where the data is routed to storage. That thing guarantees that the computer can save processed data in the case of errors, and the data handling unit will not make unnecessary work. 

The problem is that only the halted machines are ready for taking new missions. The second is when the program is done the system halts for waiting for the new command. And the system must tell others that the work is done. 

So what this means? If the router sends the work to do for a group of Turing machines. There is the possibility that the router sends the data to the machine. Which is already working with some other problem. 

For avoiding the problem and making sure that the work is done, the router can send the problem to many units at one time. That guarantees the work is done, but if the busy computer takes the job to the middle of its work, that new data can cause a terrible mess in the computer programs. If that thing is made many times, there are the expanding error-areas in the system, because more and more data handling units are getting error code in the system. 

So how to avoid that thing? There must be a hierarchy in the data handling process. But there must also be a protocol for cases the higher priority of data is sent to the system. In the most urgent cases, the system must have a chance to stop the process and clean its memory before it will start the new process. 

But that kind of data should anyway send for free servers or data handling units. That means the system should know if the server is done its work that the router would not cut routines or processes unnecessarily. The routine processes like updates and other kinds of things are the same way important as special duties. And in the worst case, the high-priority data is sent in the middle of the updating process, which causes a terrible mess. 

As I just wrote, the data handling unit should tell the system, when it is done its work. That thing tells the router that the data handling unit is ready, to begin with, its new mission. And then what to do with fallen servers? There must be a protocol that the other servers would have a chance to clean the memory of some server if it is stuck with the loop, which continues forever. 

The system must also have values like the description of the endless decimal numbers. So that means the computer would not try to calculate the ratio of the circle ring length to the diameter which is π, the endless decimal number. In those cases, the system must recognize this kind of case and there should be a limited value like 15 decimal numbers that are acceptable accuracy. Or the computer continues with that thing forever, because computers cannot end their mission automatically. 


The hypersonic missile can use rocket engines.

MiG-31K carrying Kh-47M2 Kinzhal ALBM (Air-Launched Ballistic Missile) missile (Wikipedia, Kh-47M2 Kinzhal)

Connecting normal jet engines to rocket aircraft is not often mentioned as the way to increase the capacity of the aircraft. That thing can turn into hypersonic aircraft or cruise missiles. So the rocket aircraft will equip with jet engines. The rocket-based hypersonic missiles are maybe already in operational use. Those missiles are using rocket engines for accelerating their speed to highly super- or hypersonic. 

The rocket aircraft can work as a hypersonic missile. The most conventional version of hypersonic aircraft has been missing from the great public. The system would have jet engines that it can use for slow-speed flight. When the system requires the maximum speed it just turns to use the rocket engine. The air-launched systems might be regular missiles, which have different flight profiles than usually. The hypersonic missiles don't require a scramjet engine. And the simplest way is to use solid rocket engines. 

When we are thinking of the word hypersonic missile, we must understand that this kind of weapon can use traditional rocket engines. And that means the hypersonic missile and especially the HCS (Hypersonic Cruise System) can be the small-size rocket aircraft or something like Pegasus-rocket that is aimed at the target. 

The Russian Kh-47 Kinzhal ("dagger") ALBM (Air-Launched Ballistic Missile) missile that is seen under the MiG-31K interceptor is this type of weapon. Wikipedia tells that Kinzhal uses a solid rocket engine. Officially Kinzhal is an air-launched ballistic missile, but it can have different flight profiles. 

When that system hits the target, that thing can destroy all kinds of things like ships and hardened bunkers. The HGS (Hypersonic Glide System) is the warhead that looks like a small glider or the spearhead, that can hit the target from different angles than the regular ballistic missile warhead. 

One of the versions of the HGS is the aircraft with regular jet engines. And when the system needs maximum speed it just activates the rocket engines. That rocket engine can be the aerospike engine between the jet engines. The aerospike would have troubles in high-altitudes, but at the altitudes, from 1000 to 10 000 meters that thing can work very fine in that kind of mission. 

The aerospike engine would work in the low altitudes, and the HGS will cruise to the strike distance from the target, and then it will activate the aerospike system. That thing will give the maximum speed to the target. This is only one version of the hypersonic system. 

The system bases the existent technology. And it can be a powerful and dangerous system. For making strikes to the enemy territory. That kind of system is not very hard to make. They are basing normal conventional technology. 







Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Space X is one of the most unusual and innovative companies in the world. But it is not the only private operator in the space industry.

Space X is one of the most unusual and innovative companies in the world. But it is not the only private operator in the space industry.

When Elon Musk started his Space X company he thought big things. The reason investors are other kinds of important people interested in that corporation is that thing was a serious attempt to make the dream true. Which is the private space launch company is that there was something different in that company.

If we are trying to compile that company with other similar companies the question that should bring to the mind of people is that Space X was and still is a company. And the other thing is that the question about the elder attempts to privatizing space is that there was an engineering background in that start-up. The question about the earlier attempt was to establish the private space corporations was that were there working any engineers in those corporations. 

There is a lot of information about rocketry itself. But are there any engineers or innovative engineers in those processes? The pilots are not making spacecraft. They are flying it. But before nobody can fly anything, there must be spacecraft to fly. The engineers are making those systems and deliver them to customers. 

The capabilities of the Space X corporation and other similar corporations are without limits. The benefit of those corporations is that their research and development processes are more flexible than in governmental organizations. But the requirement for those things is that people must dare to introduce their ideas and dare to believe in extraordinary people. 

The new innovative private space industry is a great opportunity. 

Space X is not the only private space corporation. There are also other innovative operators in that new industrial sector like Virgin Galactic. And the success of those corporations might bring new operators to that area. 

What if the Space X Starship connects with the miniature shuttle that can assist its cargo handling? The miniature shuttles can also equip with manipulators and they can fix the satellites at the orbiter. 

The Space X Starship, the heavyweight VTOL space shuttle is an impressive system. The system shows its capacity, and many civilian and military operators are willing to benefit from that system for many purposes. The Starship can carry payloads and astronauts to orbit, but it is possible to make it even more capable. If that system is connected to another company, Virgin Galactic product. The miniature space shuttle. 

That kind of thing can connect with Space X Starship, and equip with the manipulator's arms. Those are coming from the side of the shuttle. This kind of system can cooperate with the large-size space shuttle and assists the handling the cargo. The remote-control or manned miniature shuttles can fix satellites and change their destroyed parts. They can refill the tanks of the satellites. And return the destroyed satellites to the cargo bay of the bigger shuttles. That thing is necessary in the case that secretive satellites are starting to fall to hostile areas.

Do we need alien technology? And how to describe that term?

Do we need alien technology? And how to describe that term?

You might think that I'm crazy, but when we are thinking about the rumors that some nations might use "alien technology" we must describe the term "alien technology". Is it something uncontrollable, unpredictable and something, that emerges without warning? When we are thinking of the form of "man-made alien technology", that thing might mean the research and development process, what are self-controlled. Or they are controlled somewhere else than the top of the system. 

That kind of technology can create at the lowest levels of the hierarchical systems. That means the leaders of the system would not even know the existence of those things before they are introduced to people. 

So if we are thinking that way, systems like combat drones and weaponized quadcopters are the thing, that is filling the description. The "alien technology" probably doesn't mean it is from other planets. Its technology is coming without warning and is hard to detect before it affects its environment. Things like moon cars. And Mars rovers are also things, what we can call the "alien technology".  

The fact is that "alien technology" might mean an extraordinary way to use some well-known systems. Normally people are not thinking that the use of a combustion engine on the Moon is possible. The thing that that engine need is the bottled oxygen, and the filters that are removing the carbon monoxide. 

The closed cycle exhaust gas recycling and cleaning system create for diesel-electric submarines. If the closed-cycle system cleans the exhaust gases it can also use to give power to the Moon stations. But those systems are not so streamlined as the modern nuclear and solar-power systems. The solar panels can fold up like a blind, and that allows the transport of large-size solar panels to the moon, and that thing makes that kind of system old-fashion. 

If the combustion engine like piston engine or turbine can burn oxygen and hydrogen. That thing makes it possible to use them also for making water to the space station. The system can split water molecules into hydrogen and oxygen during the daytime. And when the night comes the system can turn to use fuel cells, but the "steampunk" solutions like using that oxygen and hydrogen in piston engines are also working the same way. So this kind of system can use for making electricity for the space stations. But maybe those solutions are using the fuel cells as the power source rather than some piston engines. 

Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Quantum cryptology and use the gravitational waves in the highly secured quantum systems.


What if we can someday in the future create synthetic gravitational waves? Can we use them as the qubits in futuristic quantum computers? 

What term quantum cryptology means?

In normal encryption, the message or the ASCII numbers forming the information sent to the receiver is multiplicated by using prime numbers. That thing offers the PGP (Pretty Good Privacy). But the quantum computers are causing that those regular encryption processes are leaving history. 

Quantum decimal numbers that are consisting billions of numbers are making the encryption secure. But the problem is that quantum computers will calculate those decimal numbers very fast.  And that thing makes it necessary to use quantum encryption. 

The quantum encryption bases the qubit. The idea is to make a real or virtual qubit, and the system operates by using a similar process with real qubits or quantum computers. The system bases the idea that the electricity will send through the voltage meter. And the graduation of the meter is acting as the key. Every single change in voltage of the system is acting like the tread depth of the key. In this kind of system, the receiver must get the right series of electric impulses wich length and power are right. And that thing is the extra key for securing the data. 

In some other systems that secure code is sent to the router. Not straight to the entire system that receives the data. The router sends the information to a certain data line. There is a processor at the end of each data line, and the code that allows opening the message is only in one or two processors. In that kind of system, before the message, the sender will send the message to the receiver to confirm the receiving ability. 

When the receiver sees the message and confirms the identity, the system reserve the data handling unit and route to the message. If the sender would send the wrong key, the system will route it to the wrong data handling unit. And the message cannot be open. 

Gravity waves and quantum-size black holes can be the key element in futuristic quantum computers. 

Quantum computers are advancing. Technology that is behind them is more advanced than ever before. But maybe in the future, we can use extremely powerful quantum annealing systems for making quantum computers more effective than before. 

Theoretically, the black hole or the group of quantum black holes can acting as qubits. If the system uses quantum size black holes as the qubits. That kind of system requires energy pumping for maintaining the black holes. Without outcoming energy, the quantum-size black hole is vaporizing immediately. 

So the energy to the black hole can adjust by using laser rays. And when the energy pumping is ending, the existence of a black hole is also ending. The same way the brightness of the normal and quantum-size black holes can adjust by using laser rays. 

And if the quantum-size black holes are stressed with laser rays, that thing can make the gravitational waves in the system. The gravitational waves can interact with superpositioned and entangled photons. And if they can be created synthetically, that thing makes it possible to use gravitational waves in the qubits.  

In some futuristic versions of quantum encryption, the quantum systems might use technology. That we even haven't imagined. One of the most futuristic ideas is to use synthetic gravitational waves for transporting data in quantum computers. 

The LIGO (Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory) has proven that gravitational waves can interact with laser rays, so there is a possibility that in the future the synthetic gravitational waves will target the superpositioned and entangled photon pairs. The laser rays are sending the synthetic gravitational wave to those extremely accurate receivers. And that can make it possible to create a qubit, which is extremely secured.

The synthetic gravitational waves and quantum annealing systems are also giving interesting visions that the data can send through dark matter. In that model, the quantum system transfers the data to dark matter. And then return it to regular material by using two laser rays. Which are interacting together by using the gravitational waves. 

New systems allow researchers to follow cellular communication wirelessly.

"To improve biosensing techniques that can aid in diagnosis and treatment, MIT researchers developed tiny, wireless antennas that use l...