This text has been published also in my other social media platforms, like Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and Linkedin. The solar ring can someday solve our energy problems but it can also be the terrifying weapon in the wrong hands. This is the major problem in global energy solutions. They are always in somebody's hands and the support of those structures would be in hands of the nations, what have space programs and the ability to create heavy lifting rockets, what have the ability to send heavy cargo to the orbiter for supporting those things. The food would be a perfect way to control people, who are working in that structure, and if that group have no gardens, would they need food, what is sent from the Earth. But let's start to think, what kind of structure the solar ring would be because it's not introduced in many times at some meetings.
One of the most interesting ways to solve the energy problems of the earth is just built the “solar ring”, what means that around the Earth would build the artificial ring by using Silicon panels, what can be incredibly thin. In this case, the silicon panels would have the strength and only a couple of atoms, and the silicon can take from the asteroid belt or by using simply the dust, what is collected from the space. The dust would be melted by using microwaves, and then the solar panel would be stationed at the orbiter, and that thing can create electricity for the entire world, but there are a couple of things, what people would not usually know about this kind of solution.
The solar ring would be the perfect way to control the entire world. If that thing would be used in war, the thing can cause huge EMP-pulses on the atmosphere, and the other thing, what could happen is, that those radio waves can be used to create “artificial dreams” in the mind of the people. Those things are caused be caused because electromagnetic radiation would induct the electricity to the people nervous system, and this creates the perfect instrument for brainwashing the entire human population. This system can just turn off, and the radio transmitters what will deliver energy to the earth would cause many things, what we don't even predict.
One of them is the changing of the magnetic field of the Earth. The other would be, that the cloud layer would become stronger and the solar light on Earth will decrease, what can cause the ecocatastrophe. The solar ring can also increase the rotation speed of the nucleus of the planet Earth, what can cause very dramatic magnetic storms, what is ever happened on our planet. The magnetic field of our planet is so weak, that there would be no magnetic storms at all.
Those radio signals from the orbiting ring can also change the angle of the nucleus of the Earth, and the threats are also, that the system causes a huge electric arc in the nucleus of our planet, what would cause that the entire planet will be destroyed. There are also visions, that some super civilizations, what mankind can be in the future could be, would live in the toruses, what is orbiting some star, and those giant structures would look like hula-band, what orbits the star. In theory, someday humans would create this kind of structure by using material from the asteroid belt.
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