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Showing posts from December, 2018

It's the end of the rainbow

It's the end of the rainbow Kimmo Huosionmaa My dear readers, I have almost forgotten to write in these sites of the Blogger, and the reason is, that sometimes it's time to renew. I know that this might be feel or hear something, what I have written earlier. The blogger is a good platform and I would ever leave it. I have many feelings about this platform, and one is, that I published my first blog writing in here sometimes around ten years ago. That writing was caused very positive feedback, and I started to write things first once in the month, but then more often. There are many people, who don't like this kind of texts, but then I must say, that I don't either like every persons or text, what I see, and maybe somebody is interested about this way of seeing the things. I have also right to dislike some person or texts. First I was hiding my name for some reasons, what are only in my knowledge. But then I got more courage because of the positive feedback, what

Thoughts about the solar ring

Kimmo Huosionmaa This text has been published also in my other social media platforms, like Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and Linkedin.  The solar ring can someday solve our energy problems but it can also be the terrifying weapon in the wrong hands. This is the major problem in global energy solutions. They are always in somebody's hands and the support of those structures would be in hands of the nations, what have space programs and the ability to create heavy lifting rockets, what have the ability to send heavy cargo to the orbiter for supporting those things. The food would be a perfect way to control people, who are working in that structure, and if that group have no gardens, would they need food, what is sent from the Earth. But let's start to think, what kind of structure the solar ring would be because it's not introduced in many times at some meetings. One of the most interesting ways to solve the energy problems of the earth is just built the “solar ring”, what

Artificial intelligence and analytics Kimmo Huosionmaa First I must say that artificial intelligence doesn't make decisions and analyses. Those things must leave for people. The reason for that is, the artificial intelligence has connected the databases, what is given to it. They cannot create any new database or use any other media for collecting information, what the programmers would set in the program. That's why artificial intelligence has limits, and if the data must collect from the new source, must the programmer install parameters to access that media to the computer program. Artificial intelligence is a very powerful tool for handling very large scale of information. But when we are trying to find the average person or case in the world, we must collect a massive number of data. When we are trying to profile a typical person, who is making bad work, for eliminating that person from work marketing, we must handle millions of cases, where the worker or employee i

Worms can someday save our lives. Kimmo Huosionmaa Have you seen the movies, where some kind of magic mask gives a person the magic powers or causes some horror-effects, where some flesh-eating animals like worms are attacking people? This kind of masks are pure fiction, but it would be theoretically possible to build the mask or some other device, what could allow a person to communicate or give orders to some worms or such kind of animals. There have been no signs, that it is possible in real life, but we know that the worms are living in large groups, and if we would create the thing, what allows to communicate with those primitive animals, we would create the ultimate tool or the most horrifying instrument in the history. For controlling the worms is planned to use microchips, what will communicate with its primitive nervous system, and the operator can drive that worm-like robot inside the body. We know that the worms have a primitive nervous system, and they can comm

Could active carbon bring the solution to climate changing? Kimmo Huosionmaa Some ideas seem like they are made by maniacs, but one idea came in my mind, and that idea is stopping the climate changing, by covering large areas of the surface of the Earth with carbon plates, where are tubes under them. That allows that the gas or in this case air would go through the carbon layer, and that would separate carbon from the oxygen, and that would remove the carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. That carbon-filter system is made actually for the colonization of the planet Venus. In some theoretical plans large areas of the surface of planet Venus would be covered by casks, what are covered with canvas, where is a carbon layer. This carbon cleaner would help the micro-organisms work when they are cleaning the hostile atmosphere of that planet.  In that hypothetical plan the carbon would get from the vegetables, what are grown in the Venus, for this cleaning operation, and if those vegetables are burned, the

What is the fifth satellite in the Russian cargo? Kimmo Huosionmaa One satellite is missing in Russian space cargo and the reason is that there is a classified satellite in the cargo with normal communication satellites. It's a very easy thing to hide a secret payload with normal civilian satellites, or actually, the normal satellites might also have secret missions. A communication satellite can also work as the intelligence and reconnaissance role, and this would be the most effective intelligence satellite in the world. The thing is like making "a man in middle" attack by using satellite in that mission. The idea is to route the communication transmitting through the satellite, what also delivers that data also for the intelligence service like FAPSI or NSA. Also, the photo recon satellites can be load with the normal satellites. The thing is, that the secret cargo would be covered with the core, what seems like a normal satellite. And the thing, what the electronic surve