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The second "sun" has been discovered, but can we find another civilization?

Kimmo Huosionmaa

The second "sun" has been founded, and then we are thinking about the possibility to find the life from planets, what might orbit this star. And here we are facing the thing, what is the problem of life hunting in the world. The thing is, that life doesn't mean the necessarily same thing, as the intelligent life. The intelligent life at the universe is the thing, what is fascinated us during the history.

The reason, why we are thinking about the change to find another civilization from the universe would be that we would not be alone if there would be some other civilization. But this scenario would also be the most terrifying thing, what we can think. One reason for the SETI program is that somewhere in our subconscious want to find out we would like to find out, who was a god, the mysterious and powerful creature in holy books in many religions. This thing is very fascinating and also fearing question, what mankind has ever faced.

Intelligent life is different from the term "life". Even if the founded star would have a solar system, and there would be a planet in similar trajectory with Earth, that doesn't necessarily mean that there would be animals. The vegetables don't need animals for growing and making the seeds. Also, those vegetables can be actually bacteria or cells, what lives in oceans.

But if there would be some kind of intelligent life form, that would not mean, that those hypothetical intelligent humanoids would have a reason or will to answer our messages. The intelligent lifeforms are an interesting and tricky question. If we would find another intelligent species from the universe, there would be the situation, what we have hoped and at the same time, we would face the thing, what is the most feared in the history of mankind.

The thing, what we are hoping is that those humanoids would not be similar to us. If they act like Europeans in America, it would make a very bad thing for mankind. Here we are thinking about the situation, that it would take Earth to control and force us to act like slaves. In some speculations, humanoids would park the giant Dyson's sphere to orbiter of Earth, and threaten us with antimaterial weapons. Those weapons could destroy entire Earth in second. And those giant spheres would be camouflaged as the small planets.

But then somebody has asked, why humanoids would not contact us? There could be two very interesting reasons for that. Maybe they are afraid some other aliens, what is hostile to them. And that's why they are silent because of the aliens afraid that this another alien would shoot them away with their Death Star.  Another reason for being silent is offered that humanoids would like to observe us and how we would increase our civilization.

As you see, this kind of things is only speculations until we find another civilization. And in that case, another civilization can be at the same technical level as we are. Or they can be far more advanced than we can ever imagine. If we would find some UFO:s or alien bodies, and we could isolate the cells from that craft or body, we could imagine, what kind of solar system would their home. But in fact, there are many questions about this thing. one of the major questions is, could this kind of spacecraft only taken to the AREA-51 or some other military base, and then hidden in some secretive room.

 Sometimes I have thought that maybe those rooms are sterilized for covering the existence of human being. This is only speculation. And in fact if military forces have taken UFO in custody, they would not tell that thing to the great public. If we would want to find UFO:s we must notice that most of the Earth is covered by water, and that would be the great idea to look for the hypothetical humanoid spacecraft from the deep oceans. But this things are only thoughts or imaginational speculations, where could be found some extraterrestrial objects if they have existed. And maybe those crashed alien crafts have been taken in hands of the military from the Roswell incident. But there is no proof that the objects what have been taking from Roswell have been extraterrestrial.


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