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The strange tale of S/S "Edmund Fritzgerald"

Kimmo Huosionmaa

S/S "Edmund Fritzgerald" is a very well known accident in the Great Lakes, and there are many writings and even a song, what is written about it. That ship sunk in 1975 and the bodies are missing. The place of that wreck is very well known and in 1976 United States Navy investigated that wreck with CURV (Controlled Underwater Recovery Vehicle) in 1976, and the thing, what makes that case very interesting is that every 29 crewmen were lost in that accident. There is only one thing, what makes this ship interesting, is that all its crew have been lost, and somebody is claiming, that the wreck is changed because the real one was melted by small yield nuclear fission or neutron bomb.

Here I mention a couple of names, what is unusual, or have namesakes with some famous people. But I don't blame them about anything. Those names are very interesting, and the similar names have been famous men of the United States. In some stories, the "Weathermen" -named terrorist group thought that in that ship were Senators Eugene McCarthy and Loyd Bentsen, who was senator and secretary of treasure in Clinton's government in 1990's, and put the bomb in it, and that's why the sinking was very fast.

The ship was quite big, 222 meters and it carried the iron ore in the last trip. There are some interesting names in the crew list, and one Thomas D. Bentsen, who has the same family name with famous politician Lloyd Bentsen, Nolan Church, what seems something faked name, John Pratt, who have similar name with company Pratt and Whitley, John H. McCarthy, the family name was similar with famous senator of Wisconsin Joseph McCarthy, who died in 1957, but there is another McCarthy, Eugene McCarthy was very well known resistant for Vietnam war, and if some Weathermen-group or Ku Klux Klan thought that those famous persons, senators Bentsen and McCarthy were in the ship would they put the bomb in it, if that is true, the reason for sinking would be attentate,  David Weiss, who has the same last name with Walther Weiss one of German army General in the Second World War.

Also, Thomas Edwards has namesake with Edwards air force base, and the last name of the list is very interesting because Wilhelm is German First name and the name Wilhelm is actually same as the German emperor Wilhelm I and II. That makes this ship very interesting. The cargo was iron ore, and that material is normally not dangerous. But if the ship was cut and sunk, why the crew didn't send the emergency calls, and why their bodies were not found. There is one very interesting theory about that ship and lost bodies.

The theory sounds quite interesting and that would be only imagination. But I will tell that at this time. There are stories that in that ship were actually uranium ore, what would be harmless, but when the water was getting in the cargo hold, that would cause the slowing the neutrons and spontaneous fission, what would be destroyed the ship immediately. If the uranium ore would be too much or it would be too enriched, would that ore become hot, and if the ventilation would open, the fission would destroy the entire ship.

That spontaneous fission could be about 0,1 to 1 kiloton size, and the explosion would be steamed the ship immediately. Or maybe those persons would try to steal nuclear material, and that ship was destroyed with the neutron bomb, what has very small destructive power, but the explosion would transfer that ship to steam. The neutron bomb or officially ERW (Enhanced Radiation Weapon) is actually the small size hydrogen bomb, what is very clean. Normally this type of weapon is used as the trigger for higher yield nuclear weapons, but it can be used independently.  And after that, the Atomic Energy Commission would change the ship. But that is only one explanation of this mysterious case.  Below this text links to the Wikipedia pages about the case, and at the first one, what is written in Finnish is the crew list at the bottom of the page.


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