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The Dyatlov pass 2.February 1959

Illustration photo
Picture I

Kimmo Huosionmaa

The Dyatlov pass and the thing, what makes people suspect that there is something, what the Soviet authorities want to hide, is that one of the members of the Dyatlov team has lost teeth. Some personnel suspect that this would happen during the pressure strike, what probably killed those persons in 2.February 1959. This incident is the thing, what I have commented earlier, and then I wrote, that I suspected that some low altitude flying aircraft would cause the pressure strike, what caused the death of those persons.

But then I looked at one short document from YouTube about this case, and there were told the lost teeth and some strange capsules, what those persons had. I did start to think about the possibility that could those persons murdered. There is the high level of radiation in that area, and that made me think, that could those persons targeted by radioactive radiation, and then some military personnel would test their survivability in those extreme conditions.

Commonly the animals were used in those tests, but the legend of the horrifying human experiments is still living. The attitude of the Soviet Union authorities about the human experiments was that they were allowed if the benefit of the Soviet Union would need that information. The rumors tell that in some of those tests or experiments the fetuses, what was just in the cell level targeted the high level of radioactive radiation, and then they transferred to couples, who would not able to get children. The growing and advantaging those fetuses were followed.

So were they took part in some military research, where the effect of radioactive radiation was tested for those persons. In that kind of tests, the military personnel tests the behavior and ability to work in high nervous pressure. And did that military test or experiment include tests, where some kind of nerve agent would deliver to the air, and those persons must act independently in that kind of test?

And did something went wrong, and the persons have died? Sometimes I have thought that was in that test series used some kind of biological agent like macrophages. And then the reactions and ability to work was tested in the isolated conditions. When we are thinking about the removed teeth, that process could be done by covering the identity of that person but was it made during the life or after the death?

Picture II

There are some fictive stories, where those teeth have been changed, and the mouth of that person was opened extremely high angle. But there is no evidence of those changing. In some stories, local people would attack against those victims, but there was no evidence about it. Sometimes the attackers claimed to be the members of the Special Forces or KGB, but what could be the reason about that action?  Was this possible elimination made for hiding something? If the used weapon were some kind of FAE (Fuel Air Explosives),  the core of the bomb would probably found on that area.

There is another way to make an invincible bomb, what has only the pressure effect, and this weapon would not leave marks. The paper- or cellulose core bomb, what is loaded with RDX (Cyclonite) would destroy the target by using pressure-effect the same way as the FAE, but the solid explosive makes those bombs easier to handle, and the pressure effect area is smaller. If those weapons were used in Dyatlov-case, would that happen by accident or on purpose?

And why those persons died in the pressure in that day 1959? Were they targeted by some chemicals or electromagnetic radiation, what caused the avalanche? In some rumors, the Soviet Air Force would be tested the undercover bomber, what would look like the passenger plane. The reason for that story is that there is a strange window under the nose of some Tupolev-134 passenger plane (Picture II). That strange detail in their structure is claimed to be the window of the bomber's place, and the paper bombs would be used for covering the dropping of that kind of weapon.

The paper would not be seen by using radar, and that material could cover the dropping procedure, and would the Dyatlov-case happen because those weapons tested in some more open areas because the KGB wanted know, how far from that dropping place would that pressure strike could be detected. And in that case, those persons were just in the wrong place wrong time. The pressure would be killed those persons, but if they took part in the military investigations or experiments, we must ask, what was the thing, what made that thing so secret, that they were killed? So this is one of the horrifying cases in the history of the Soviet Union.

Picture II


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