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Showing posts from August, 2018

Importance of cyber warfare. Kimmo Huosionmaa Cyber warfare and the importance of it are now understood in the western military.  The best way to make lethal damage to the computer system is to use the logical bomb. In this case, the computer virus would be activated in the middle of the combat situation, what would decrease the ability to use the weapons. Another version of this operation is to change some codes inside the fire control system and delete the electronic codes of the master keys. And in this case, the computer would not recognize those keys. That means that the key would not activate the fire control computers, and that will be the very bad thing for the warship, what is under attack. The question about cyber security is vital for military forces around the world, and in the worst scenario some person would paralyze a multi-million dollar warship by using a mobile telephone, and in the real world, that kind of threats would cause problems even for th

Why James Smithson gave his money to the United States by testament? Kimmo Huosionmaa When chemist and mineralogist James Smithson (1765-1829)  died in Genoa 1829 this man left all his property to the United States of America, and that's why there is a Smithsonian Institute in that country. That famous institute is behind many scientific theories and practical solutions. But the question is, why this man gave all his money to the United States is quite remarkable, thing, but the gift was accepted until 1835, and the institute was established in 1849. Smithson ever visited in the United States and the reason why this man gave the money to the United States was that the first man, who suppose to take the property died nine years before Smithson, and that's why the money went to the United States. The reason, why Congress didn't accept the testament is claimed to be, that the relationship between Great Britain and the United States were tight, and that's why that money was not able to take until 1

Thoughts about this bird-shaped cloud Kimmo Huosionmaa When we are thinking about the alien, what could change the shape from solid animal to fog-type creature, we are of course remember the stories about vampires, what could change their body as the fog. So I have not invented this theory. Sometimes I have thought, that maybe this kind of life form could exist. In some stories, what people have spoken and written about ghosts, they are described as the fog-shaped creatures, what could sometimes harm people. This kind of ghosts could be creatures, what lives on Earth, but as we see, nobody has made any kind of sure detection about them.  That kind of creatures, what consists of the fog shaped cells are very interesting and important part of many horror stories. Above this text is a cloud, what seems like the giant bird. Philosophers have always thought strange things, and this cloud made me think about the creature, what might not be possible. That thing makes me think about

The Winchester mansion Kimmo Huosionmaa The work mania after important people is dead is sometimes the reason for making very extraordinary things. This mania is a so-called feedback reaction for sad, and it's psychological protection reaction, what helps a person to forget the sadness. This reaction also gives a reason for staying away from home, what is a very sad and empty place, after the beloved person is missing. And during that mania, would be made many things, what are against reasonable thinking. One of the result, what is made during sadness is the house, called "Winchester mansion", what is structured by the widow of the firearms magnate William Wirt Winchester. Winchester mansion is very far away from my home, so I have not visited there. And every information, what I get about this building is taken from the Internet. But as I sometimes have written earlier, no form and shape would not create by itself. First, the brains should create t

Codex Gigas (The Devil's Bible) Kimmo Huosionmaa Codex Gigas is the book, what is located in Stockholm, and actually, it's in the National Library. The book is very big, and it was bought to Sweden during the 30-years war. It claimed to made by a single monk and the process took only one night, and sometimes that book claimed to written by the devil himself. There is, of course, one very good explanation for the short writing process, and that is, that every monk in Bohemia took a part in the writing process. If there were hundreds of writers, would the process take a very short time, and this might be a good explanation for that one night period. And in fact, the book might be written during the longer period and the head of the monks would only be accepted those texts before they put in that book. Then the book might be only bound in that night, but the texts, what are in it have remained secret. There is a picture of the devil in the crouch and somebody have claimed,

More about nano-size nuclear weapons Kimmo Huosionmaa There is another way to make very effective but small size detonators, and one of the most interesting ideas is for the small-scale version of the systems, what are used in fusion tests. Those systems would act like a small version of the Sci-Fi movie "Star Wars" "Death Star", where the lasers are the circular form around the pipe, what is also used for the lead laser, what would collect other laser-rays together, and carry them to the target. In this scenario, the weapon would shoot lithium batteries thru that pipe, and then the laser-ray would shoot in the same line, where this pellet would fly. That would cause the fusion detonation. But luckily the needed technology is still very far away from practical solutions. There is theoretically possible to miniaturize the systems, what are used in the laser-test facilities in the portable size. And then the extremely small size fusion weapon could be done. In

Fission bullets, the most lethal projectiles in the world

Kimmo Huosionmaa We all know, how effective depleted uranium ammunition is against armor and this ammunition is used by NATO in various conflicts. There are rumors, that there might be more effective and terrifying bullets existed in Russia, but as we might know, some of the projects, what are claimed to made by Soviet scientists might have the origin in other lands.  Nuclear weapons are a politically sensitive thing. But they are very effective and in theory is possible to make the radioactive bullet, what will destroy an entire building with one shot. And that's why some nuclear weapon projects are outsourced to Russia. In this case would be the thing, what is called "fission bullet", and if it exists, the thing would be the smallest nuclear weapon in the world. This would be made of Californium or some other synthetic highly radioactive element. The idea of those weapons is that they are subcritical, and that makes them harmless, but those materials must be store

Autumn is time for mushrooms Kimmo Huosionmaa Here is one very interesting photograph, what portraits mushrooms. Those mushrooms are looking like goblets, and the reason is that this form is collecting water, where the germs would waft. When some bug would drink that water, those germs will transfer in its body. Mushroom uses bugs for suffusing, and those germs would start to grow inside that animal, what would die. Or they start to grow just after that bug dies. They don't usually live very long time, and that is the thing, what we must always remember when we are thinking about the relationship between mushroom and other species in forests. There is one very interesting thing in those mushrooms, the formation is growing linearly, but normally the mushrooms make the circles, and this makes those mushrooms interesting. The mushrooms are growing over the roots of the trees, and maybe the tree is delivering some sugars to those mushrooms, what would grow in lines. Bu

The natural friendly way to produce biofuel Kimmo Huosionmaa There are thoughts to replace oil palms genetically engineered leavens or other organisms, what could produce biofuel without the environmental problems. Production of oil palms and their threat to the natural environment is the very important thing when we are thinking about our relationship with the biological production of motor oils. This kind of arguments causes every time demonstrations against palm plantation. Also, oil palm is a plant, what grows very slowly. Growing one palm would take 50 years, and that time is very long if we think about the effective production of the biological oils for combustion motors. One answer to that problem is to use genetic engineering, where the genome, what makes the oil palm produce the oil would transfer in another organism. The nanotechnology allows that the genome could transfer to the certain place of the organism. One of the most fascinating ways to make biological fuels is simply

Censorship and the rescue for the political career Kimmo Huosionmaa There are many politicians on the Earth, who don't ever make their own speeches. Why they should make them because there are many good writers on the Earth, who would make texts against little payment. And this is the thing, what makes life easy. But the problem with that kind of things is that those politicians don't want their voters to get that information. They don't want to tell people, that their speeches and texts are made by somebody else. When we are thinking about the things, what many times rescue those politicians, we are facing the thing, that many times politicians say, that they are not experts in some things. And of course, media would support that kind of things, because many journalists or the owners of newspapers have political destination and connections to political movements. And those persons offer many times their services to political candidates, who want to be parliamentarians. The th

Why are isolated tribes so interested in scientists? Kimmo Huosionmaa Isolated tribes are very interesting, from a scientific point of view. And the reason, why those groups of people, what lives in primitive conditions is so fascinating is their medical and another survivor skills. The reason, why those things are very interesting, is how those people avoid the diseases like cancer or infections? Those things are cured in the western world in hospitals and in the cure is needed the very complicated systems, but the main questions are, how those tribes, what lives in the forests without electricity and other equipment can give right medicals for the members of the group without x-ray machines and other medical indicators? How they can give the cure for infections, or how they can take care of their teeth and other condition? And the things that are very interesting are, how those people can survive in the jungle, what is full of snakes and spiders, what can cause very bad injuries or even kill w

The risks of Virtual Reality Kimmo Huosionmaa There is not only the positive things about virtual reality. The worst case this kind of systems can be used for torture. Virtual reality torture is purely psychological, and it would not leave any physical marks. But many people think that they can resist these modern systems, and I think that they are wrong. If the virtual reality system would connect to the systems, what observe the function of the nervous system, the resistance would be impossible, In this case, the system uses effects, that causes fear for most people. The idea of psychological torture would be, that the persons fear and other feelings are used in this kind of actions. The system shows the picture, and then smells the fear, and then it would increase the number of those effects, and in the real life, this kind of extortion is very nasty. In fact, the virtual reality would also cause PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder), if the player plays too

The giant accelerator would allow interstellar traveling

Kimmo Huosionmaa The power source for interstellar traveling is the major problem in those futuristic spacecraft. If we are thinking about Warp-drive, what can travel faster than light, we must realize, that we would need the brand new technology, in the very giant scale. The spacecraft that would travel faster than light must be base the technology, what is ever created in the real life, and making this technology really is the very complicated process. The shape of the spacecraft would be like some science fiction spacecraft, what uses antimatter or WARP-propulsion for increasing the speed of 80-90 percent of the speed of light. And in this spacecraft would be particle accelerator, what could be like the linear version of "Hedron", what is located in CERN. That accelerator would be like some extreme long tube at the nose of the spacecraft, what might be quite similar, what is planned to use in "Project Thor". The difference would be that the device is equipp

Why humanoids seem to be naked? Kimmo Huosionmaa Have you seen the most modern bioprotective suits, what are invented at MIT (Massachusetts Institution of Technology)? Those protective suits are very thin, and they seem like latex. The mission of the thin structure is to pressure the body of the user, and that would give the user a limited space walk capacity. Only the holes of the body must be protected from the emptiness, and the structure must keep empty space outside of the body, and that suit could be used in an emergency situation if the spacecraft would get the leak. Of course, those astronauts must use normal space suits because of radiation and cold, but that suit can give them a couple of seconds or minutes more time to get in the better space suits. And those protective suits are giving protection against biological threats, or they can also decrease the evaporation when those persons would not have to drink so much. They can also protect the skin from abrasions a

Agent provocateurs and their relationship with the mafia. Kimmo Huosionmaa Agent provocateurs are suitable actors when somebody wants to justify the use of force against some groups. Those provocateurs are professional rioters, who are throwing the rocks and Molotov cocktails against the police, and after that, the riot control team has free hands to use the power against those demonstrators. In some cases, those provocateurs are claimed to burn cars or broke windows during demonstrations, and that would justify the police actions against the people. In some cases, the journalists, who have written books about mafia and some other criminal organizations have faced the things, that their cars have been pushed by other vehicles or their garbage have not taken away. In those cases that a person has faced the psychic violence, where each work, what is ordered have been done only after the reclamations. And that thing causes very bad stress for people, who are facing that kind of things. In Italy, those

CRPS (Complex Regional Pain Syndrome) Kimmo Huosionmaa CRPS is mentioned as being one of the most painful syndromes in the world.  This syndrome is coming after the injury, and that pain is so-called unexplained. There are many symptoms in this syndrome, and it is connected to the injury, what is following the patient a long time after the injury has been heal. The pain is not ending, and that would cause that the patient must eat medicals in a long time. There are some explanations for this mysterious syndrome, what would cause the total isolation for the patient. In the case of CRPS, the nervous system would create the pain spontaneously. And that would cause many thoughts about the syndrome connection with the old injuries. Those injuries would destroy part of the nervous system, and that makes the situation, where the nervous system cannot control the pain. Somebody claims that if the nerves would be left in the pressure, and the area, what is connected to that nerve line,

The thoughts about phantom time Kimmo Huosionmaa When we are thinking of calendars, we will face the thing, that we are not living even in the same year on Earth. Muslims time would become from the year 622, and that means they are now living in the different year than we are living.  In Islamic calendar is now the year 1439, and that makes the world very interesting. That thing bought my head the thought that maybe some secret societies are using wrong years because they want to secure their communal messages. Maybe those societies are created for the inner circle stock trading. So they are not always want to get the power in the government. They might only want to make money. The different year is the one thing, how to recognize Muslim in real life, and when we are thinking about the born of Islam, that has begun as the protester's movement. In Islamic calendar is also leap days, and that's why we cannot calculate the year of Islamic world straight. There are also s

New recon robots look like garbage Kimmo Huosionmaa Below the text is a link to the video, where strange creature moves on the floor.  That thing might be some kind of robot, what looks like garbage. Modern intelligence robots are covered from the human eye, and they have the form of garbage. Those robots can slip in the houses, and observe any movement, what the targeted person does. Their mission is to replace conventional eavesdrop systems and hidden cameras. Those robots can also load themselves autonomously from wall plugs. New recon robots can also taste the food and other things in the room, and they see immediately does somebody in the apartment use drugs. Those robots see also if in the targeted flat would find explosives of guns. Recon robots have very sophisticated sensors, and they can even take blood samples when their target is sleeping. That information tells about does the person use drugs or how much alcohol the target would drink. From the samples can look f

The funny coincidence between forms.

Picture I Kimmo Huosionmaa There is some strange coincidence in the world, what is stimulated the imagination of the humans. Here is the couple of them. In the upper picture (Picture I), the wet tiles forming the thing, what seems like the message, what is sent from Arecibo radio telescope during Ozma-project (Picture II). I know that those forms on the wall are only a coincidence, but that would cause many thoughts in the mind of the people. Picture II And the picture at the below brings in the mind the barcodes (Picture III). Those scratches are at the side of the smoke pipe have formed when that thing has been transferred (Picture IV) But in the mind of people would be brought that this thing has been marked with barcodes for some reason. That kind of coincidence is, of course, creepy, but they are caused by accident. Nobody can deny the addict of those kinds of things, and maybe some writer would get new ideas from those pictur

About plants and intelligence part II Kimmo Huosionmaa We are all seen the phenomenon, there are two plants, where another makes flowers and another not, would the explanation very simple. Maybe the other plant has been in the shadow, or it would not get enough carbon dioxide, and that's why it would not make flowers. But there is another natural explanation, and that is the pheromones, what is traveling across the air. Pheromones are an interesting thing because they can create feelings of fear or love in the people mind. Maybe those pheromones are telling, that another plant is making flowers, and that's why the other one would not have to do those things because the genome transfer to next generation is protected. Old people sometimes say that the other plant would mope. There are rumors, that there have been attempts to create intelligent flowers or trees by transferring the genomes of the neurons to the plants for making intelligent plants. In the most interesting

About conflicts in Middle-East and use of under-age combatants Kimmo Huosionmaa One very traumatic thing in the Middle-East conflict is using children as soldiers in those conflicts. When ISIS or some other terrorist organization would deliver their propaganda, they introduce under-age persons, who are armed with assault rifles. And that version is probably in use at another side. The sultan's personal soldiers, Janissary have chosen in very young age, in Ottoman's Empire, and those warriors tradition have been transferred to modern Emir's special forces in Oman and other Middle-East countries. There is one very interesting transformation about the Janissary training. The Sultan of Turkey claimed to those persons, that their parents were Christians, who have delivered their children as slaves to Sultan. That guaranteed the loyalty and hate against Christianity of those troops, what was known as their fanaticism and brave in the battle. The modern version of that political training could be

The information what is given about gangs might be different from the truth. Kimmo Huosionmaa On YouTube have been some very interesting videos, where persons are using violence or try to escape from the police. There have been discussions about those films because those persons have been quite easy to identify.  When police or some other organization delivers information, the purpose of that is sometimes so innocent as people believe. In the cases, when information delivered as an example about robberies, the information about pillages might be wrong, because that is meant to cause argumentation in the gang. So the pillage is sometimes told to be bigger, what it really is because in the mind of criminals want to put the idea, that somebody of them has stolen from that pillage.  When some state would underline the violence and influence of gangs, we must remember, that this kind of information could be delivered because violent groups wanted to show them existence more openly, and that helps police and other organiza

Could somebody activate "ARTICHOKE"-programming by accident? Kimmo Huosionmaa In the movie "Manchurian candidate" the psychological specialists program the soldier to make assassinations by using simultaneous repeating infrasound, the medicines, and hypnosis. In the elder version, the trigger was the heart queen, and that launched the effect, what caused the assassination. Or it causes the "dance effect", what makes the human, who is targeted for the brainwashing take the gun and shoot the targeted person. And that process is called as "brainwashing". The "dance effect" causes because the trainer teaches the victim the "katas", series of movements, what can be very dangerous. That kind of things are learned in the martial arts like karate, and that makes those self-defense skills so effective. In the most advanced method would the brainwasher can use also Virtual Reality for making anger in the person's mind. The anger reaction is called as &q

IBM has created the coffee drone, what could be dangerous in wrong hands Kimmo Huosionmaa Coffee drones are created to make life easier, but this kind of drones can be extremely dangerous because they can also be used in eavesdrop operations. In that case, the nano helicopter would hang the microphone under it. Or somebody can put the small eavesdrop machine called "bug" in that drone if that would fly from the unsecured area. Those drones can also be used in the many kinds of intelligence operations, and one of the most interesting methods is, that drone would carry the "honey-pot" or rogue WLAN-devices to near the targeted office. Those rogue stations would replace the normal WLAN support stations, and those stations would be pulled out from the wall plug. Those drones could carry those devices unseen on the cover of the night, and then the operator must only connect those devices to the electric circuit simply putting the plug to socket, and because those operators must not carry anything,

Nuclear powered aircraft can use RTG-generators

Picture I Kimmo Huosionmaa "White knight" launch vehicle and its modification to the nuclear power aircraft could revolutionize many things in aviation. New forms of nuclear-powered aircraft would be already in production. Those things are unseen, and the technology, what is used is actually basing the RTG (Radio Thermal Generator), what is the so-called nuclear battery, what has given power to the spacecraft like Voyager-probes and other deep space exploration vehicles. Those nuclear-powered drones could be quite similar, with  Rutan's "White Knight" launch vehicle, what have been operated with X-37B. This unmanned space launch system can be easy to modify the nuclear-powered vehicle, by installing the RTG:s and electric motors with propels to that vehicle. Those vehicles could fly extremely high altitude, and they can also carry cruise missiles under their fuselage. Those high flying unmanned platforms can operate

The nuclear-powered cruise missile is not a new idea. Kimmo Huosionmaa The idea of the nuclear-powered missiles and rockets is not new and during the Cold War, the United States military created the idea of using the nuclear reactor in the high-speed cruise missile. A benefit for that missile was that it could fly even years with extremely high speed, but the problem was pollution, what denied the testing of that weapon. That missile could fly across the earth by using the nuclear reactor, but the project canceled because the pollution was the problem. That attempt was called as "PROJECT PLUTO". This nuclear-powered ramjet engine was very simple. The burning fuel was replaced with the nuclear reactor, what would give an extremely powerful punch for that weapon, and the idea was to make supersonic cruise missile, what was full of sub-warheads, and what was capable to destroy multiple targets in the Soviet Union. The pollution of that engine was extremely high, and the radioactive fallout

More worlds about censorship and moderation. Kimmo Huosionmaa In the world is two kinds of censorship. Another is governmental, and it has one benefit for the other censorship. That thing is this kind of censorship exists, and the line of that kind of authority is always similar. The use of that thing is crushing the opposition. That thing denies the publications of the opposition. And everybody who would not please the censors would be deleted in the public media. But another censorship is the private censor, what is known as "moderator". The moderation has always explained the need of denying aggressive and illegal writings and other kind publications from the Internet. The moderation can also use for the advantage of the political or financial objectives. In the worst case, the political or financial actor would bribe the moderators of some social network for removing the competitor's websites and publications. That kind of thing could cause very big losses f

Differences with the United States and Soviet military. Kimmo Huosionmaa Cold war armies were many differences in the comparison to modern armies or military forces. The Soviet military believed the ordinary man's skills and ability to make military maneuvers. And the production of the Soviet army was the so-called general soldier, who had the ability to operate any kind of systems. Bad rumors say that the Soviet Union used the military forces also for threat, that if somebody said something against the political system, would that person called to military refreshing, where that person would be informed, that it would be wrong to criticize the political system of the Soviet Union and other communist countries. I sometimes write about communist block armies, because they are made with the same format with Soviet military forces. The United States military forces believed in professional military force, and that have caused critics against that institution. There is claimed, that those professi

About the line of censorship in Facebook Kimmo Huosionmaa Do you know that the last writing was against Facebook's group policy, and that would not help to make that thing safer place for people, who are hanging in there? So I'm wondering about the line of that discussion forum because there is allowed to operate some kind of nazi- and racist groups, This feels very interesting, because not other my texts or links have not been removed because they seem like garbage. Some of them are actually garbage, but as I have written before, I don't make those believing in my mind. But there is the night of the art today, and id the censorship so high by this reason? Strange thing, that publishing the autopsy films, Nazi stuff, conspiracy theories, UFO:s  and the things that are against morality are not causing that reaction. But the writing about political control over the party limits caused the reaction, that the writing seemed like garbage. Interesting line in that organisatio

Writing about political "Illuminati" and the power across the party limits Kimmo Huosionmaa The term political "Illuminati" is normally meaning the political power across the party borders. Behind that group of politicians is claimed to be some economic groups, what supports politicians across the political field, for creating comfortable laws. Those politicians normally ride with some international conflicts, but those conflicts cover the tax-laws and customs, and who wants to talk about taxes and money when our boy is dying. But those laws are in the political control of senates and parliaments. And those laws are more important for economic life than some war. The internet is full of stories about political corruption and "Illuminati", what means high-class politicians, whose families have been members of the parliaments and senates in generations. Those families have "brandy" how to get votes, and they would get very much political power inside the governments. There are reasons, w

The strange tale of S/S "Edmund Fritzgerald" Kimmo Huosionmaa S/S "Edmund Fritzgerald" is a very well known accident in the Great Lakes, and there are many writings and even a song, what is written about it. That ship sunk in 1975 and the bodies are missing. The place of that wreck is very well known and in 1976 United States Navy investigated that wreck with CURV (Controlled Underwater Recovery Vehicle) in 1976, and the thing, what makes that case very interesting is that every 29 crewmen were lost in that accident. There is only one thing, what makes this ship interesting, is that all its crew have been lost, and somebody is claiming, that the wreck is changed because the real one was melted by small yield nuclear fission or neutron bomb. Here I mention a couple of names, what is unusual, or have namesakes with some famous people. But I don't blame them about anything. Those names are very interesting, and the similar names have been famous men of the United States.