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The gravity energy and its use in power supply

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Kimmo Huosionmaa

We are using gravity energy currently in the form of water power, but when we are thinking about the use of the pure gravitation as an energy supply, there are three possibilities to make that thing real. They might look simple, but there are many technical problems with their practical solutions.

The motive for this kind of operation would be, that the And some of those solutions are extreme unpractical, and they would ever take in use. Those things need so large-scale technology or traveling to other planets, that they are not nowadays technology at all, but in theory, the gravitation engines can give the civilization opportunity to continue it live without their sun after it has been detonated as the supernova.

So this writing is purely hypothetical and its purpose is to think about the technology, what would be used in that kind of power supply. One motive for large-scale projects would be that the central star of the solar system would start to become unstable. And this would make the civilization to build the gravity power. And here are those three ways to use the power of gravitation. Here I'm not going to write about water power, because this writing is meant for hypothetical thinking about the gravity energy.

1. Tunnel thru the planet

There is a possibility to drill the tunnel thru some planet, what have not the liquid nucleus. In that theoretical operation would be used the laser-drill, what allows to make the extremely deep hole.   If the planet would have solid lithosphere and it would have the possibility to drill the tunnel thru the planet, and then install the generator in that structure. The drill would look like the cylinder, and it could land to the surface of that planet, and then it must just begin to use its laser.

After that in this tunnel would be dropped to the particle or particles, what would rotate the juniper and generator. This particle would travel inside this tunnel like Jojo, and it can rotate the generator by using the wire or another way would drop those particles on layers, what would cause the rotating of the generator. This might seem very simple, but there are many practical problems to make that kind of system.

2. Using the heat of dropping particles as an energy

The second one is so unpractical way to use gravity power, that it would be ever take in the real use. The technology is that thru the atmosphere would be dropped the particles, what would be getting heat in the process. Then those particles would drive to the boiler, what creates steam, that would conduct to the turbines.

This way to make gravity power system is very unpractical, and the power, that it can be made is so expensive, that even in theory it would not be used even in small-scale systems. Here we are seen, how in theory we can make something, what would work, but what is so unpractical, that it will make us laugh. There is a version of this kind of system, what would actually be used in some drones.

Those drones would be dropped into the atmosphere of some planet and the propels would start to create the electricity of the drones electric motors. The system would be used to explore the atmospheres of other planets like gas giants and Venus. Drones would not be larger than some toys, but their mission will be collecting the information from the planet's atmosphere. And they might also be used for the reconnaissance missions, where the satellite drops them to hurricanes or near military bases if their mission would be military intelligence.

3. Use the radiation, what is forming near Black Holes as an energy supply

The most fascinating way to use gravity energy will be using the transfer disc of the black holes as the energy supply. Those areas around the supermassive particles in the universe are the brightest thing, what astronomers have seen. And the energy would be collected with normal solar panels. But the problem is, that we have no black holes in our own solar system, and traveling to them is taking an extremely long time. That makes this version of the gravity power also theoretical.

But we could use gravity power if we could make the artificial black hole. The hypothetical gravity power plant would be the system, where the artificial black hole would be set in the ball-shaped chamber. This chamber could be covered with the silicon layer, what gives electricity, and sometimes the gas would be conducted in this chamber. Then it would send the radiation to the system. But if the ball would be damaged, and the black hole will be released to the atmosphere, could that destroy the entire planet, and that's the reason this system would not be tested in the atmosphere of Earth.

There is the possibility, that in someday we could make the electromagnetic black hole, what can be transferred in the spacecraft. The black hole can be forming, that way, there could be accelerators in the spacecraft, and then the support system will start to pump energy to that system by touching it with tongs, what transfers the energy to that hypothetical spacecraft. And then the spacecraft would use this thing as the energy supply. When we are discussing the UFO:s we can think that this kind of energy will be used in some kind of spacecraft. The size of the spacecraft would not be necessary big, and the size of the black hole would be smaller than golf-ball. But if that small black hole will release to the atmosphere, will the results be devastating. And this will make the hypothetical unknown spacecraft dangerous.

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