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The artificial womb can revolutionize the cure for burnings and many other things.

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Kimmo Huosionmaa

Growing the lamb fetus in the artificial womb would revolutionize the genetics and rescue of the endangered species in the world. Artificial wombs are tried before, but the plastic bag would make those things lighter and easier to operate, than previous the glass or plastic dish, what is tested before. This kind of technology can allow creating the new skin, organs or even entire new body for people. And it can be used for cloning animals and humans.

The purpose of the plastic bag is to keep the fetus away from the bacteria and air, and that would make possible to grow fetuses in safer conditions than the plastic dish, and if this thing would work, it can be used to creating even the new bodies for humans. This plastic bag is very easy to move, and it can be used to grow the tissues for people, who are lost the large area of their skin.

The plastic bags can be used to create cell cultures, and that could transport to the area even in the handbag if there would be the necessary life support system. But when we are going to think about this fetus, we could use this kind of technology, where is used the blood bags can revolutionize the agricultural meat production. Of course, this bag can be used to creating the muscle cells in the culture, and that would allow growing the beef like some vegetables.

But the genome manipulation would allow creating the animals, what nervous system would operate that way, that those animals would have the temperament what the genome specialists want it to have. When we are returning the opportunities, what this technology can give to the humans, one of the most important targets for plastic bag fetus could be that the dangered animals fetuses and puppies could be grown outside the natural mothers, what would make possible to create the massive number of puppies in short period.

In this cases, the puppies are made with the cloning method, and that could save some extremely dangered species.  And maybe in the tomorrow, we can create also humans in that kind of artificial wombs. This is the very interesting thing because if the fetus of the lamb can be made by this kind of technology, would it used to humans. When we are thinking the technology, where the blastula cell's nucleus would be replaced with other DNA, and that would allow cloning people like Albert Einstein. That kind of technology in the wrong hands is very dangerous.

Because if this technology is thought in the view of the angle of the military, there could be made the clones of the best military operators in the entire military forces. In this scenario, the operator would be doubled, and if another would die, the clone would take the place of that person. This is, of course, the vision of some sci-fi movie, but there is the possibility that some scientist would make human clones, even that would be against the law. In this scenario, the lone persons, who have difficulties to get children could simply clone themselves.  The artificial wombs can be equipped with brain core stimulation, what makes training before born possibly by using electric shock by modified EEG-machine to brain core.

The technology would not very difficult to handle, and that would make difficulties for lawmakers, how to handle the question about the rights of clones. In the real life, the clones can be made for giving extra-organs to some person, and if those organs are from the cloned body they would fit perfectly into the new body. And that would make necessary to determine the rights, what the clone might have. This is one of the biggest moral questions what the mankind have faced.

Have we right to make clones, because of organs, or would those things have human rights? And in some scenarios, the assassinators would make murder and replace the target with the cloned person, who is brainwashed by some notorious organization. This has been pure theory or imagination, but this new technology would make those questions actual. And even the cloning of the human would be prohibited, there are always people, who have money to make that kind of things. And in places like Pattaya would be doctors, who have back-office work, and who would make that kind of clones. In those places, the boys would get silicone implants in the hour, and here I must ask, what those doctors do in the back-office.

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