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Showing posts from July, 2018

How is the growth of cities visible in the street views? Kimmo Huosionmaa Almost every person in the world wants the own house and lot, but in city areas they are expensive. The taxes of lot are high, and the persons who rule the city wants that there would be live as many people as possible in some area.  Growing and improve the cities happens the way, that if the most people like it, would that thing put in the action. Sometimes there have been claiming, that cars dominate the plans, how the living would be developed. City areas are growing all the time, and that causes very interesting thing in the ordinary street view. The picture above shows, that there was been cheap land somewhere in the past. And in that time the green painted house has been built. The work was cheap and the even ordinary worker could buy that kind of house in the past. But then there was the phenomenon when the price of the land was rising, and that was the reason, why the new buildings were different. This green pai

Why there are so many empty houses in the countryside?

Picture I Kimmo Huosionmaa Chancing of the economic structure is visible in the Finnish countryside. There are empty houses because farmers must be left the villages because their ranches were not profitable. But there is one thing, what I sometimes wonder, and that is, why those good-looking houses were left without use in the villages, and they would be destroyed by weather and mushrooms, what would rot entire structures of those houses. The question is, why those houses would not use as summer homes, or why they would not dissemble? Those old houses, what are rotten in weather are dangerous because the people like children could go in there, and then the floors would collapse. When we are thinking about those fascinating places, we must notice, that there is sometimes the furniture and dishes inside, and that is quite interesting. Even the ranch is ended, would those equipment needed in the new house or flat, and why they were left in

About 3D-printed weapons

Picture I Kimmo Huosionmaa The United States Of America has legalized the 3D-printed weapons. Manufacturing the 3D-printed weapons is quite expensive, and there is needed 3D-printer, what can produce steel parts. That thing is a modified MIG-welding machine, and it's quite expensive. Also, the system needs the CAD-models of every single part of the gun, and then the system must be sharp enough, that the parts would be fitted together. This is why normal people must not be worried about this technology, and that kind of systems are actually so expensive, that lone gunmaker would not have change or willing to pay the prize about that machine. When we are thinking about the tests, where the guns are made by using 3D-printers, the parts of the weapon have been scanned by using laser scanners for taking precise right form and dimensions of every part of that weapon. So this is the very expensive project, and that's why would be easier

Hybrid whales are interesting phenomena

Picture I Kimmo Huosionmaa Hybrid animals what is the combination of whales and dolphins have been seen since the 1980's, and somebody thinks that those animals would not be naturally born. There are some theories, that some of those hybrid animals are made on purpose, in the program, what is called "Montauk", and the reason why hybrid animals are very fascinating by military and law enforcement, is that those combinations would not interested with another animal, what helps them to concentrate their mission. Hybrid animals are sometimes used to simulate the behavior of the hybrid species, and that information would be transfer to the sociology. When we are thinking about the reason, why people believe this conspiracy theory, we must ask one question. Why those hybrid species have found in the 1980's, and before that the existence of those creatures was only the myth? Why did those animals not exist for scienc

Why somebody vandalizes cemeteries?

Picture I Kimmo Huosionmaa The vandalism at cemeteries is a very interesting thing, because those people, who do that are making the crime. They must pay the damages, what those vandals have made, and that's why the cemetery as the vandal's target is the very uncommon thing. If somebody would fall over a hundred gravestones, there must be some reason for that, because those gravestones are sometimes very heavy, and the person, who makes that needs muscle. If the question would be about so-called "common vandalism" there would be some kind of sprayed graffiti or something like that. If the question would be about satanism, we must ask, where are the signs of that kind of actions? Those people could draw the pentagrams or put the chicken corpses in that area, and common vandals might use drugs, and where are their pipes and other equipment. I think that nobody would do that kind of things just for fun. The good questi

Synthetic sugar substitute named aspartame. Kimmo Huosionmaa Aspartame is the synthetic substitute, what is 100-200 times sweeter than saccharose. This sugar substitute has claimed to be dangerous because it creates methanol and formic acid the human body when it would be destroyed. Some conspiracy theorists claim, that this chemical causes many health problems, but there is no evidence of that. Those doses are not dangerous, claims the health authorities, but there is one danger in this chemical if it would be misused with some other chemicals. Humans are naturally addicted to the sweet taste, and that's why we all like sweets. Aspartame is used in sweets and lemonades for replacing sugar, and that's why diabetic patients can also use those things. But if aspartame is used with drugs or narcotics, would that be very dangerous. If this sugar substitute is connected with anodynes or narcotic medicals, that would make them more addictive, than they normally are. And good ta

The banking reserve and financial policy Kimmo Huosionmaa When governments make their contracts of the structure like roads and buildings they act like other actors. Almost every budget in the building industry is calculated a little bit over the real costs, because of the unexpected catastrophes or disturbing the production. There is calculated the loss of building material, what can be replaced with new elements, and if the accident happens in the building site, would that replacement pay the contractor.  But if there are no accidents, the money what is reserved for those replacements would leave to the bank accounts. Also, another reserve is made for repairings, but if there is no need for that the money would not be used. This would grow the money in the accounts, what are called the overbudgeting.  The governments are working like big companies in this area, and one of the things, where that money is used is the financial buffer, what makes possible to make fa

The natural explanation for energy vampire Kimmo Huosionmaa Some people believe that they are so-called "energy vampires", what sucks the life force from the people nervous system. So this so-called energy vampire steals electricity from the nervous, and that would cause tiredness and other physical problems. But in fact. we have met the energy vampires in the real life. The bosses, who give us too many jobs and working fellows, who always disturb people, while they have some important work, where the main role has the concentration are real-life energy vampires. When those people are in the workplace, nothing would be done, and that might feel very bad. Also, the real-life energy vampires are persons, who harass other people in the work and make all working day feel uncomfortable. And of course, one version of this so-called physic vampire is neighbor, who keeps extreme nice parties just, when we must go to work in the morning. But when we are thinking about th

The role of navies in the war against terrorism

(Picture I) Kimmo Huosionmaa President of Russia, Vladimir Putin has said, that the Russian navy has the great role in the war against terrorism, and this is one of the biggest roles also for other navies. Navy and it ships are in the key role in long-range over-seas operations, where those things can give tactical support for ground forces, deliver and carry equipment and rescue the crews of attack planes if they would shoot down or face the engine failure in those operations.  In those cases, rescue crews can use naval ships as the base, where those pilots can be taken for getting medical attention and return home. The ships can also work as the safe place for own troops because the enemy cannot surprise those men while resting. But in the case of Russia the protecting the gas tubes, what deliver natural gas to Europe is one of the biggest roles of anti-terrorism troops. Also, offshore oil rigs are probably one of the most vit

Suhde uskontoon on jokaisen oma asia

Writing about religion and opinions Kimmo Huosionmaa Sometimes we are facing the newspaper article, where is mentioned, that somebody is atheist. And this kind of news is probably meant for giving the people some kind of picture of that person's opinions. What does the opinion of religion and god influences of other work of that person, is the thing that I don't sometimes understand. When we are talking about religion, we are talking about the thing, when people believe, or they do not believe in something. Religion is a myth, what is visible in every city in the Western world, or in the countries, what has not the officially atheistic government, what would deny any religious signs.  When we are thinking about the God, I'm sure that this creature would not live in my neighbor. And I ever met this thing, so I must say that if there is no proof the existence of the god, we must proudly say that we believe or we would not believe that thing. And believing i

A-12 "Oxcart" (SR-71) and the strange tale about this plane

SR-71 (Picture I) Kimmo Huosionmaa SR-71 was the fastest aircraft in the world, and it had the capacity to fly at speed over 3600 kilometers per hour. The program was also known as A-12 "Oxcart", and the name of this system was selected for covering the top-secret spy plane, by claiming that is new attack plane. This aircraft had extreme high speed, and some of them were lost in accidents. One of the reasons or the biggest reason for terminating this program was that the CIA afraid that the motor technology what was used in this plane got into hands of the communist block if one of those planes would get the motor damage during the mission. There were explosives in those planes, that if it would go too low, the explosives were destroyed the motors and other important parts of that plane, and some of the destroyed planes were destroyed in the tests, where those self-destruction mechanisms were tested because CIA afraid that

Muodonmuuttaja-noidat sekä kansantarut

One thing, what you probably didn't know about traffic tickets Kimmo Huosionmaa Almost every person, who lives in the cities is using sometimes the bus or train.  The public transportation system is one of the best inventions, what cities have. This system contains trains and busses, and of course, it's not free. When we are using this system, we must buy the ticket for traveling in the public transportation system, and this thing contains one very big danger for information security. That danger is connected with the customer groups, what have the right to get lower price tickets. In some cases, the handicapped and mental patients have the different group for sale than other users. To getting the sale, we must show that we have right kind of diagnoses or we are students in some kind of high schools or universities. And that can danger our privacy because another reason for sale is needed the doctor's testimony, and that might be the thing, what we would not want to tell anyone else in

Metamorphosis in legends about Werewolves

(Picture I) Kimmo Huosionmaa Metamorphose is a very interesting thing and many native believing and stories are the tales about creatures, what are able to change their shape as an animal. The idea that some person could change it's shaped between human and animal is very fascinating.  Also in Finnish national book Kalevala the bad creature, Louhi (1) could change her creature as a giant eagle. The creature is similar to the native American Indian stories about Skin-walkers (2), the witches, what can take animals form. And there are some other tales about creatures, what change as the animals when they want to do that. The most well-known characters are of course werewolves and naguals (3) . The last one is some kind of werewolf, but it normally takes the form of a coyote, puma or wolf, and this connects it to the creature of the werewolf. When we are thinking about this very well known the character of horror tales and movies, we

Helsinki 27.7.2018

Cuckoo-effect and the dark side of human personality Kimmo Huosionmaa This is the thing, what I would write also in the future. Cuckoo is the bird, what kills it stepsiblings. The thing happens because the cuckoo has sensitive point in it's back and when other chicks in the den would touch that point, will the cuckoo push them out from the den. This behavior has given the name for the effect, where one of the siblings kills family members. Sometimes we will face the news, where is told about domestic violence, where one member of the family has killed one or more members of the family, and this is of course very sad. But why somebody makes that thing? Sometimes there is the tumor in the brain tissue, what causes violent behavior, but sometimes the reason is that this member of the family has been violated in the society. In this kind of cases, one member of the group would face the violation. When we are thinking about the cases, where only one member of the group has been targe

Graffiti, and its relationship with social media Kimmo  Huosionmaa Graffiti and other wall writings are one way to make social media, and they have still a strong position in many subcultures. The graffiti is a mark for the border of some gangs area, and sometimes it tells the people, where are the parties, and who would be taken to the gangs. Graffiti is one way to make paintings. Many times there are people, who are concerning about that somebody would think of graffiti as an art, and here I must say, that making graffiti to the wall without permission is the thing, what would be punished. Graffiti is actually an art like everything else, and it is protected by the copyright like other productive work. So that means, that introducing graffiti as the own product if it is made by some other person is violating copyright laws. And here I must say, that I haven't made the graffiti what is in this picture. But the maker would get inspiration from the Easter Islands stone hea

The case of the "Sherman's ranch" or "Skinwalker ranch"

(Picture I) Kimmo Huosionmaa There is one thing, what you probably didn't notice in the video of the strange things, what happens in the place, called "Skinwalker's ranch". The former owners were named "Sherman", and one of the United States most popular tank has their name. The stories tell about strange stock mutilation and other paranormal activities in that area. There is the possibility, that in this area would be made by some kind of genetic or crossing experiments, and that's why there is something, what they don't want you to know. One thing what you should know is that area is private property, and that's why going there is prohibited. The name of that ranch smells like PSY-OP, what mission is to keep people out of the area, where happens something, what those people don't want to introduce all people on Earth.  And maybe there is tested some new kind of weapons or equipment lik

The little writing about Pigeons.

Picture I Kimmo Huosionmaa We have all heard the story of the "Birdman of Alcatraz", civilized prisoner, who grew birds in the Ravenwood and Alcatraz prison. The story is very famous, and I would not return to it during this time. But sometimes I have thought that this man was a quite big risk for security in those prisons because he grew Pigeons. the bird, what is used for carrying the mail. Pigeons have one quality, what makes it very dangerous for every person, who have reason to hide their identity. This bird always returns to the nest, if it would send to somewhere. This is why Pigeons would be used to carry letters, but they can also carry drugs or even the weapons. They can carry an even long weapon if the barrel of the gun has been cut into small pieces, and then those pieces can put together again. In this scenario, the barrel of the gun would be covered by the screw thread, and then it would be sent to the priso

The little story about marketing.

( Kimmo Huosionmaa This is the very common way to sale and marketing many things. The hidden images of naked women are meant to attract especially men to buy the things. Image of naked women are used in the etiquettes of alcohol bottles and deodorants, and also in some shops, the magazines, where is some lady, who is dressed in very small clothes are placed near the section, where is so-called men's stuff like hammers and other tools. Also, those pinup-photos are used in the cover pages of the car magazines. This picture turns the eyes of the men straight to that production, and maybe the picture of this dress is from the past when the men bought also clothes for women. But in the modern times, the pictures of men are also used for the same purpose. The ladies clothes can contain the hidden image of the man in the figure, what is painted in it. And that would turn the eyes of the women to those clothes. But as we know nothin

Is there something, what is hidden even for AREA-51?

Picture I Kimmo Huosionmaa These pictures are about trucks, what takes cargo to AREA-51, and there is one big question, why that very large stuff would not be carried straight to that military area by using areas own airfield.  The upper photo (Photo I) has been published in many aircraft publications, and it's quite famous. The second photo is taken from the Internet and found by using the phrase "Trucks to area 51". When we are thinking about the upper photo, we might see something strange in it. One thing about this quite famous photograph is that this cargo is very huge, and that's why it would have problems with tunnels. The box so wide, that the truck would be very visible and in the narrow roads must the special arrangements made for the traffic, what comes against this cargo because otherwise would be an accident near. Picture II The controlling of this truck would be extremely difficult becau

Elinkeinorakenteen muutoksesta, eli mitä jos paperi ei enää mene kaupaksi?

The misuse of the social media data is a very big problem Kimmo Huosionmaa Collecting data from the social media services is against their contracts, and they would want to disconnect the firms, what makes that kind of actions on the Internet. But the problem is, how to control, that nobody would collect data by acting private person. This makes the surveillance of the net very easy because the corporation can have thousands of Facebook-accounts in their hands. And they can operate that by using remote computers, what are placed even in the different countries. This is why connecting those accounts to some firm is impossible. The use of the cover firm makes possible to get flats and equipment possible without uncovering the identity of those operators. Firms can always establish new if the old one would get a bad reputation. But the workers are difficult to renew, and the data to the Facebook would always send from the Western country. Those operators can use remote connections from Russia,

One silly thought about faked "Alien Autopsy"

Picture I Kimmo Huosionmaa Sometimes I have thought, that maybe the famous "Alien Autopsy" film is faked for some movie, what was not shown in anywhere.  or it was ordered by men, who claimed that this trick picture is for some kind of movie. But there is one question remaining, why it is made for? Is it made for cover the existence of real alien autopsy film, what was taken after the Roswell incident, because of somebody afraid that the film would uncover the truth about alien co-operation? Or maybe it was covered the developing of the new kind of pressure suits, what were classified in 1947. This explanation could be the realistic choice for alien co-operations because if the air force personnel used special NBC suits in Roswell, those suits could be classified. And if there dropped some special high-altitude test plane, the fuel of that plane could be poisonous, but I like to write long texts, and that's why I'm going

More thoughts about secret societies Kimmo Huosionmaa When we are thinking about some things about secret and weird societies, we can say one thing, if somebody would pay 10 000 € for membership in some society, we can say that is quite an abnormal thing. Even that society protects the wild animal. Living in harmony with nature seems the very innocent thing, but there is something, what people normally don't care, and it is, that special forces soldiers like some green berets would want to live in harmony with nature, that they would not disturb wild animals, and can operate unseen in the territory. Where I got the 10 000 € membership bill for the secret society, is that there is a group of people, what are called themselves as the 1001 club. The club establishes the same person, who called Bilderberg meeting, Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands first headman of WWF. The protection of wild animals does not fit to that man's personality, and many people know that thi

Why somebody claims, that the Earth is flat?

Illustration photo Kimmo Huosionmaa Some societies are really weird, and their membership rituals are very interesting. One of those societies is "Flat Earth" society, what members claim that Earth is flat like a pancake. This society is sometimes targeted for laughing and jokes, and sometimes somebody even suspects the existence of this group. But when we are thinking more carefully, we might think that this very interesting society is actually the meeting place for some individuals, who are making some business together or keep sex-club, where they make weird things like keep teddy-bear suits when they are making those things. But when we are thinking about bourse-games and inner circle trading with shares, the sex club might be very good cover-story for those things. And maybe the "Flat Earth" society is one of those circles of businessmen and the ritual for getting the membership in this club is that the prospec