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Showing posts from August, 2024

Researchers found the origin of the black hole X-ray emission.

Visualization shows how the turbulent plasma moves in the magnetized accretion disk corona. Credit: Jani Närhi (ScitechDaily, Solving the Puzzle of X-Ray Radiation From Black Holes) University of Helsinki researchers made a model that explains the black hole's X-ray emission. The thing is that the researchers looked too much about the gravity of the black hole. The black hole itself pulls a magnetic field inside it at the point of the event horizon. But the plasma that surrounds the black hole can form a magnetic field.  This magnetic field makes the relativistic jet possible. The magnetic field that forms when material orbits the event horizon is the thing that forms the conditions where those X-rays can come. When particles in the magnetic field jump out from the black hole's orbiter at the point of relativistic jet impact with plasma whirling around it.  That forms a very high temperature. There are also differences in the speed of gas in the material disk. And that forms th

Uncertainty principle.

"Today, the Universe has evolved into the complex, life-friendly place we know it to be because we were able to form neutral atoms early on in the Universe. Yet without just the right quantum properties, the formation of stable, neutral atoms would have been delayed significantly, or might not have even occurred at all." (BigThink, What is the origin of quantum uncertainty?) "The uncertainty principle, also known as Heisenberg's indeterminacy principle, is a fundamental concept in quantum mechanics. It states that there is a limit to the precision with which certain pairs of physical properties, such as position and momentum, can be simultaneously known. In other words, the more accurately one property is measured, the less accurately the other property can be known." (Wikipedia, Uncertainty principle) The uncertainty principle means: that if we focus on one quantity. We cannot keep focus with the same accuracy on other quantities. In simpler saying, if we focus

Slime mold cyborgs are interesting opportunities for material or medical research.

"A photo of the slime mold Physarum polycephalum growing in a petri dish. Credit: Nirosha Murugan, Levin lab, Tufts University and Wyss Institute at Harvard University" (ScitechDaily, Slimy Action at a Distance: Thinking Without a Brain) Researchers created a hydrogel brain that shows the ability to deep learning. Theoretically, the simple hydrogel can learn to play ping-pong. Or simple computer games. The problem with learning hydrogel is how to transfer information into and out of it. If that thing can be done that is a great breakthrough in robotics.  These kinds of advances are things. That makes it possible to create robot amoebas. Those soft-shell robot amoebas are tools that can carry things like medicines or observation tools to places. Those are hard to reach. The cyborg-slime molds can use the hydrogel to control their behavior. In some interesting possibilities, the system can combine this hydrogel with slime molds. That kind of hydrogel can control the actions of

The waving light over kagome metals

' "A diagram of the Kagome metal cesium vanadium antimonide showing plasmon waves moving through the material. Credit: Guangxin Ni" (ScitechDaily, Weaving Light: Unraveling the Quantum Lattice of Kagome Metals) Graphene is not the only interesting 2D material in the world. The metal combinations called Kagome metals can also create the 2D metal structure. Kagome metals have a triangular 2D shape. That shape is like Kagome. The optical Kagome lattices are always interesting, but modern technology can make it possible to create Kagome nanostructures. The plasmons that travel through that structure make it possible to manipulate the nano-scale optical abilities of that material.  The Kagome metals can used to aim electric impulses to the target. The Kagome structure can collect electromagnetic waves from the air. And then aim it at one point. That thing requires that Kagome. Which collects radiation and has a triangular shape. This thing allows us to transmit information and

Researchers made the banana fly young again.

"Researchers track the intestinal health of fruit flies with a blue dye, hence the name Smurf. Fruit fly intestines damaged by aging leak the blue dye, this image shows an HRJD-modified fly on the left and an unmodified fly of the same age on the right. Credit: ©2024 Hiroki Nagai CC-BY-ND" (ScitechDaily, Anti-Aging Treatment Breakthrough: Japanese Scientists’ Regenerative Gene Transfer Success) Japanese researchers made banana flies younger using gene transfer. The ability to transfer genomes between young and old individuals and make elder individuals younger is an interesting thing. The gene transfer that made older banana flies younger is the first step in the process which end can be immortality. The ability to turn the individual younger is theoretically a very simple process.  The system must just change the DNA in the cells, and then the individual can turn younger. The problem is this: how to get fresh DNA. The thing that causes aging is the damage to the DNA.  Outsid