Saturday, July 27, 2024

Don't say "metaverse". Say "Internet".

Maybe "metaverse" is a new way to say "Internet". It's the future of digital interaction. The AI-based chatbots can connect with data glasses, and the user can give spoken commands to the system. The data glasses can be connected to a mobile telephone, and the user can give spoken commands to it. 

In those systems, the calculation and other operations are outsourced to central computers, that are in data centers. That makes the carried devices lighter. But batteries are the main problem with those systems. 

Things like virtual keyboards can help the user in a noisy environment.  In the ultimate versions of the metaverse, the user can use data glasses, with the integrated brain-computer interface, or,  BCI user interface. In those systems, the user can communicate with computers using BCI. 

The BCI operates like systems that compile voice in police stations. The BCI records the EEG and then it connects those curves with curves that are stored in its memories. Then if it finds the match the image activates an action that is connected to the EEG curves. 

Metaverse is not anything as special as we might think. We can say that it's only the new interface. That connects people, computer hardware, and networks to entirety. With this system, the user uses virtual reality and other tools. Or, as Ross Pomeroy says in his article at, the metaverse would be the new way to say the word "internet. And it would be a less or more revolutionary way to use the net. 

The metaverse can be the new version of the internet. The experience of the metaverse use can be an interesting thing. The user can flow in the virtual room, where the applications are like books or virtual labels. Maybe the user can select what those rooms might look like. It's possible. That metaverse is like a virtual city or virtual house. The service providers will be like houses or rooms. The user can make virtual teleportation between rooms, or fly and travel at virtual houses, or virtual streets. 

The metaverse users can also make business meetings and other kinds of things in virtual rooms. They can use characters that look like them or avatars. The imagination is limited to those things. 

The metaverse will make it possible to control physical robots in new ways. And that makes it possible to do remote surgery or fix cars. Using remote-control robots. When a system uses machine learning and other similar things the robots can learn new things. And maybe in the future is possible that the human leaders just oversee. Then the robot makes the work. 

The new fast internet makes this kind of thing possible. The metaverse that is connected with VR classes can be a new tool for almost everything. The VR classes that use augmented reality can revolutionize traffic and there are lots of military applications. The augmented reality can connect with a drone that hovers above the vehicle. 

This allows the driver or autopilot to drive a vehicle into the parking lot better than just watching from mirrors. The system allows the driver or computer to see the vehicle from above. The AI can advise how the driver must turn the steering wheel and move the vehicle even if the car doesn't have autopilot. The law enforcement and military operators can use drones to observe their environment. 

When a person who uses a VR system walks into a shopping center the system can introduce things like sales to a person. However, portable, lightweight VR systems have shown their power in the Ukraine war. The small drones, whose weight is a couple of grams can hover above the team. The kamikaze- or bomber drones can transmit data to tactical and strategic level commanders. They can hover above the combat units, and then make their attack if they see the target.

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Researchers can use holograms to teach the AI. Or they can use holograms to fix architectural errors.

"In the quest to train robots for real-world tasks, researchers have created “Holodeck,” an AI system capable of generating detailed, customizable 3D environments on demand, inspired by Star Trek’s holodeck technology. This system uses large language models to interpret user requests and generate a vast array of indoor scenarios, helping robots learn to navigate new spaces more effectively. (Artist’s concept.) Credit:" (ScitechDaily, Not Science Fiction: Researchers Recreate Star Trek’s Holodeck Using AI)

The interacting hologram room doesn't require extra technology. That it can interact with humans. The camera systems can locate the person's position and hand movements etc. make possible to copy those movements to the hologram. Then the hologram can be used to make sure, that the robot makes things right. Then computer can drive those movements to the physical robots. 

The user of this kind of holo chamber can use VR glasses or the hologram system can create needed models in fog, that the system makes to air. The system can use a smoke machine for making scattering which makes it possible to create holograms in the chamber. 

The Star Trek-style holodeck can be an outstanding tool for controlling and training AI-operating robots. Things like holograms, data gloves, and 3D augmented reality are tools that make it possible to teach AI in new ways. 

This thing gives a new ability to make robots that can fix something complicated. In ideal cases, the maker of the systems, like washing machines, can store the orders of how to remove and connect parts into the database. 

The database can include all the system details. Those details are the things like how big skews the system involves precisely where those screws are in the machines. 

The robot might have ultrasound and pressure equipment that allows it to clean and disconnect parts if they are stuck because of dirt. 

The system can scan things like washing machines that the robot should fix. Then the human assembler can make the repairments in virtual reality. Then the movements and other things that the assembler used can be transferred to the robots.

"Researchers at the University of Maryland have developed the Artificial Microsaccade-Enhanced Event Camera (AMI-EV), inspired by human eye movements, to enhance robotic vision by reducing motion blur in dynamic environments. (Artist’s concept.) Credit:" (ScitechDaily, Mimicking the Human Eye, Researchers Revolutionize Robotic Cameras)

The AI can locate every single screw, and then the system must only know, what direction it must turn the screw. The system can give serial numbers for screws so that it can remove them in the right order.  Developers can use the hologram-based VR to operate any physical system remotely. 

Holograms and VR augmented reality can also used to test things like space functionality. The AI can simulate echoes and other things. That helps architects solve many problems before the building work begins. The hologram systems can also show, what the house looks like in a real environment. The same systems can operate aircraft remotely. 

Researchers can use robot systems to teach all kinds of systems. From everyday robot workers to space and military robots. 

If the robot has things like robot eyes that work and look like human eyes, those systems allow operators to remote control robots, like they are own bodies. The robot eyes that mimic the human eye can also act as bionic eyes that can transfer information into the brain's visual center. The bionic eye can operate in place of the human eye. Or it can operate remotely. 

The bionic eys can also installed in robots and drones can transmit data to the screens. Or they can give stimulation to the brain's visual center using electrodes that stimulate those neurons. The bionic eyes make it possible to scan the space remotely.

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Morphing neural networks: modern Frankenstein.

"Researchers at Georgia Tech are advancing neural networks to mimic human decision-making by training them to exhibit variability and confidence in their choices, similar to how humans operate, as demonstrated in their study published in Nature Human Behaviour. Their model, RTNet, not only matches human performance in recognizing noisy digits but also applies human-like traits such as confidence and evidence accumulation, enhancing both accuracy and reliability. Credit:" (ScitechDaily, AI Learns To Think Like Humans: A Game-Changer in Machine Learning)

The AI learns to think like a human. That is a breakthrough in machine learning. And those systems are important for controlling robots. The machine, which thinks like a human is the tool, that can control quantum computers. AI-based operating systems can also make morphing neural networks more powerful than before. 

The main thing in morphing neural networks is that there is always a gate open when the system wants to drive more data into that system. If there is stuck somewhere in the morphing neural network, the system can drive data using another route. 

One of the reasons why it's so hard to model machines that think like humans is that we always think that the brain is a 3D structure. However, researchers can model those structures into the 2D model. In that model, the flat brain's main structure looks like a tricolor. The computer or its database's main structure is divided into three main units, that act like human brains. Each database can have its, own individual physical microprocessor, that controls its action. 

The model of the 2D brains is like a tricolor. Each color symbolizes each part of the brain's main structure, cortex, midbrain, and modula oblongata. 

The machine that thinks like a human is theoretically very easy to make. The system requires three different main systems, that act like cortex, midbrain, and modula oblongata. The data travels between those structures. When we think about the human brain we can copy all those structures into the substructures. 

The idea is simple. We can put the drawings of human brains on the floor and then put microchips on the image. Then we can share a mission with those microchips following that chart. That makes it possible to create a new and powerful database structure.

The artificial neural network can have organic components. That component can be electric eel cells that produce electricity for those robots. Or they can be cloned neurons. And that means things like drone swarms can be as intelligent as humans. 

Above: The neural network diagram. Each knot point can be a drone. Or even a quantum computer. 

The neural network that is introduced in the second image is one of the most powerful tools in the world. Each of the points in the diagram can be a drone. That makes it possible to create a traveling artificial morphing network, which can solve complex problems. 

But artificial neural networks can be more intelligent than we even think. The artificial neural network can involve the organic actor. That organic actor can be the electric eel's cells, that create electricity for those drones. Or the system can involve living neurons, that communicate with microprocessors. Those systems are in lab-grown mini-brains, and those drone swarms or robot groups can be as intelligent as humans. 

Those robots require nutrients, and if they have an artificial stomach with the right bacteria, those machines can eat like normal humans. Living cells require nutrients. They also require an immune system, that protects them against outside threats like microbes. 

And that is one of the most interesting and frightening technologies in the world. We must realize that when we create intelligent machines, we might someday create an alien or modern Frankenstein. The machine that might make us think about our relationship to technology.

Monday, July 22, 2024

Light can control superconductivity.

"Mid-infrared laser pulses coherently drive atomic modes in YBa2Cu3O6.48 and stabilize superconducting fluctuations at high temperature. This quantum coherence leads to the ultrafast expulsion of a static magnetic field. Credit: S. Fava / J. Harms, MPSD" (ScitechDaily, Light-Induced Superconductivity: A New Frontier in Quantum Physics)

"This light-induced superconductivity has been shown to replicate crucial features like zero electrical resistance and expulsion of magnetic fields, suggesting potential applications in high-speed devices and extending superconductivity to ambient temperatures." (ScitechDaily, Light-Induced Superconductivity: A New Frontier in Quantum Physics)

Many materials reach superconductivity in very low temperatures. Things like UV- or IR  lasers can adjust the temperature in the superconducting structures. That is one way to control the electricity in the superconducting 2- or 3D structures. The laser can switch superconductivity on and off. This helps the system control switches and gates in a microchip. 

Superconducting computer systems are the most effective data systems in the world, but they need resistance to control some vital elements. The laser can warm resistors, gates, and switches. And the rest of the systems can superconduct. 

Another thing that can cause superconducting of material is pressure. The laser systems can press material from both sides, making them superconduct at high temperatures. The high-pressure laser-based system can turn material superconducting when operators want. However, the problem is that laser systems require lots of energy. 

Another thing is that. The laser-based superconductivity can be done only in small areas. The laser-base superconductivity can revolutionize the computing. The system can use this thing to adjust the systems like new 2D microchips. In 2D microchips, the microchip structure atom-size components that are on or in the 2D atom structure operate like full-scale systems. 

The laser system adjusts resistance in that structure with extreme accuracy. And that thing can make the nano-size microchips work. The problem with nanotechnical microchips is temperature. Superconductivity can be the answer to that problem. 

However, the main problem with superconducting microchips is controlling the electric flow in microchips. There is always the possibility that the information jumps over gates and switches. And if the system can switch superconductivity on and off, that makes it fundamental and effective.

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Remarkable possibilities of hypersonic technology.

Above: X-43 thermal image. 

The hypersonic aircraft can travel over the Atlantic Ocean in 30 minutes. That means the entire world in three or at least 5 hours range from the base, where that kind of aircraft stays. Hypersonic aircraft that use hydrogen as fuel don't leave pollution behind them. 

That means the hypersonic aircraft can be excellent tools for cargo and passenger flights. But the problem is that. Hypersonic aircraft are also weapons. The hypersonic aircraft can turn into a powerful kamikaze drone even if it cannot drop bombs. 

Diagram of a typical gas turbine jet engine. 

Connecting rocket applications with turbojets is possible to create spacecraft, that can operate from regular runways. In rocket turbojet, the hatch closes the air inlet and engine compressor face. The reason for that is this.  By closing the air inlet the system denies the gas flow to the front of the engine. Then the system starts to inject oxygen with propellant to the turbo-engine. 

New technology like acoustic systems that can push pressure waves away from the aircraft body makes it possible for the hypersonic aircraft, whose speed is about Mach 5-20 can operate in multiple altitudes. The hypersonic systems can use regular rocket engines like Kinzhal missiles do. But more advanced systems will use air-breathing engine systems like ramjets and scramjets. 

Diagram of a valved pulsejet. 

1 - Air enters through valve and is mixed with fuel. 

2 - The mixture is ignited, expands, closes the valve and exits through the tailpipe, creating thrust.

3 - Low pressure in the engine opens the valve and draws in air.

The pulsejet engine that is turned into a ramjet shape can be the answer to the hypersonic aircraft's problem. The pulsejet engine that was developed for the V-1 cruise missile in WWII can give the possibility to make new types of rocket systems. Pulsejet can be a breathing system at lower speeds. Then the pulsejet can close its air inlet. Then the system can start to inject liquid oxygen into the combustion chamber. 

That kind of engine makes it possible for the shuttle, which operates from regular runways and fly to space. In the atmosphere that kind of system can use an air-breathing pulsejet engine. And when the craft is required to operate at the edge of the atmosphere. Or the orbital trajectory. The aircraft closes the pulsejet's front hatch. Then the engine starts oxygen injection into the hydrogen fuel. 

"Simple ramjet operation, with Mach numbers of flow shown" (Wikipedia, Ramjet)

In some more futuristic models, the tractor beam could pull air to the ramjet engine. Or, an ionizer will ionize the air molecules, that the magnetic system pulls into the ramjet engine. The limit of the ramjet is about Mach 6-7. There is a more effective version of ramjet. 

"A shock-induced combustion ramjet engine (abbreviated as shcramjet; also called oblique detonation wave engine; also called standing oblique detonation ramjet (sodramjet); or simply referred to as shock-ramjet engine) is a concept of air-breathing ramjet engine, proposed to be used for hypersonic and/or single-stage-to-orbit propulsion applications. (Wikipedia, Shcramjet)

"Diagram of principle of operation of a scramjet engine." (Wikipedia, Scramjet)

In some other models, the regular turbojets raise the aircraft's speed to Mach 1. Then the ramjet engine starts to operate. Then the ramjet accelerates the aircraft to a speed that is about Mach 6. Then the scramjet will launch. 

The scramjet engine can also be an afterburner for the ramjet engine. When the aircraft's speed turns high enough, the fuel injection will turn to the scramjet. Those systems are the most exotic and powerful engines in the world.

The metasurface tractor beam.

"Researchers at the ARC Centre of Excellence for Transformative Meta-Optical Systems, TMOS have developed a metasurface-enabled solenoid beam that can pull particles towards it, potentially revolutionizing non-invasive medical procedures like biopsies. This technology, which uses a thin layer of nanopatterned silicon, offers a lightweight, portable alternative to the bulky equipment previously required for such beams. Credit: University of Melbourne" (ScitechDaily, Not Science Fiction: Researchers Have Developed Metasurface Tractor Beams)

The acoustic tractor beam is like a tornado. The system must have a hole in the plate and the phonons or some other acoustic systems. Those are on rotating plates and must make the whirl. 

The whirl closes the space inside it. The whirl denies the air channel fill from inside it, and then it forms the chimney where the air flows upwards. That kind of system requires, that there is a lower pressure area on the other side of the system. 

Multilayer systems make it possible to create low-pressure areas between plates. That increases the system's power. And then the tornado just pulls things in it. The idea is that there is a targeted structure like a whirl that pulls objects in the wanted direction. The thing that makes this structure tractor-ray is that air flows in it, as it flows in a vacuum cleaner. 

The phonons that send sound waves to every side of the structure can create the needed vacuum. The phonones can send acoustic waves simultaneously. And that helps to keep the low pressure in that structure where the objects travel in the air tube. This kind of system can remove dirt from surfaces. 

The electromagnetic tractor beams require that there is almost zero energy point. Then the hollow laser ray will be shot around that  0 K point, and that laser ray causes the effect, where energy starts to travel to the 0K point in the bottom of this ray. 

The coherent radiation travels like strings, and there should not be standing waves in the middle of the laser rays. The standing ray forms because of scattering. In long-distance models, the system must clean air using water or something like that to deny standing wave formation. 

So outside energy pushes particles in that channel. And that kind of system is a fantastic tool for submolecular- or subatomic technology.

Saturday, July 20, 2024

Quantum materials and AI can turn the object invisible.

The new materials and AI are the ultimate pair. 


"Researchers have introduced a novel method that integrates computational analysis with precision fabrication to accelerate the identification of quantum defects, enhancing potential applications in computing and telecommunications. Their work has led to significant advancements and the establishment of a publicly accessible quantum defect database. Credit:" (ScitechDaily, Unlocking the Power of Quantum Materials With Breakthrough Technology)

The thing that can make this kind of material invisible to at least radars is the possibility of creating a structure where energy travels in only one direction. The idea is that there is an energy pothole in the material. And energy can travel in those potholes. The material can involve quantum sping or so-called quantum trapezium. The quantum trapezium could form a standing wave. That can affect the reflecting radio wave frequencies. Similar standing waves can also turn visible light into invisible. The idea is that standing waves can transform the visible light frequency or wavelength. 

"The Artificial Intelligence for Non-Equilibrium Relaxation Dynamics, or AI-NERD model learns to produce a unique fingerprint for each sample of XPCS data. Mapping fingerprints from a large experimental dataset enables the identification of trends and repeating patterns which aids our understanding of how materials evolve. Credit: Argonne National Laboratory" ScitechDaily, Revolutionary AI Method Creates Precise Material “Fingerprints”)

The controller requires complete information about the system to control and manipulate it.  And the ability to control the material gives it new abilities. The fully controlled quantum material system can make it possible to turn structures invisible even to the human eye. 

The AI makes it possible to create new materials with ultimate accuracy. That thing gives a new boost to material research. New types of computers and aircraft require new materials that can conduct energy in one direction. The new quantum materials can make things, like traditional stealth materials old-fashioned. 

DNA-controlled quantum materials can fix aircraft damage in the air. And those AI-controlled quantum nanomaterials can make it possible to create aircraft or any other vehicles, that can fix their damages independently. 

The active stealth materials can transform their molecular shape.  And that makes it hard to detect them. The active stealth materials are harder to break. And that makes them promising tools for hypersonic stealth aircraft.  

The idea is that the quantum materials can be from the active layer, and the neural network can measure if there are some kind of reflections from the layer. The idea is that the outer layer of the structure involves active components, like quantum propellers. Or some kind of crystal form. It's possible. The quantum materials can make wave-shaped forms in the body. Which makes it impossible to hack stealth technology. There could be propeller-shaped quantum systems, that drive energy into wanted directions. 

And if somebody hacked one form, the quantum material can turn another form against the radars. In this system, quantum material increases scattering, which makes radar echoes weak. But in some ideas, the quantum material can conduct all electric energy inside it. The ability to control the wave movement in the material makes it possible to connect energy in the channel and aim it away or conduct it into the aircraft's battery.     

Quantum technology can turn aircraft or any other structure invisible. Along with hypersonic technology, quantum stealth can make the aircraft and maybe missiles even more dangerous, than nobody expects. 

The power field around the aircraft or ship can create a standing wave, that changes the reflecting wave's wavelength. That can make the aircraft or ship invisible in radar IR and even to the human eye. 

Another way is to distort the reflecting radio waves. It's possible that around the aircraft is the EM field, which changes the reflecting radio wave wavelength. That causes an effect. The radar cannot see the echo and loses its target. A similar electromagnetic field can theoretically change the reflecting visible light to X- or gamma-ray. 

The standing electromagnetic field around the aircraft can make it possible to turn reflecting electromagnetic impulses shorter. In this case, the electromagnetic field can turn reflecting lightwaves into the X- or gamma-ray frequency. And that kind of electromagnetic field can make the target invisible.

Monday, July 15, 2024

Terahertz systems have a new capacity to manipulate light.

"Researchers have created a new method to generate structured terahertz light beams using programmable spintronic emitters, marking a significant advancement in terahertz technology. This innovation allows for the generation and precise manipulation of light with both spin and orbital angular momentum."(ScitechDaily, Terahertz Breakthrough: New Technique Offers Unprecedented Control Over Light)

"The technology has potential applications in security, medical imaging, and communication. This development overcomes previous challenges in generating and controlling terahertz light, paving the way for novel devices with enhanced capabilities. Credit:" (ScitechDaily, Terahertz Breakthrough: New Technique Offers Unprecedented Control Over Light)

New terahertz systems use spintronics to create radiation. The system uses spintronic-based programmable spintronics. And those spintronics have an important role in the new terahertz systems that can open paths to new communication and photonics control. 

The system where photons are trapped in the terahertz radiation can be incredibly multi-used. Researchers can use that thing for making new sensors and new communication tools. 

Terahertz radiation can make channels that can used to manipulate photons. That thing can used in the new photon-based neural networks, that can sense electromagnetic and even gravity waves with new accuracy. Those systems can make it possible to collect data about gravity waves and their interaction with other radiation types. 

"(a) Schematic diagram of the experimental setup. (b) Schematics of the laser-assisted-magnetic-programming method. Credit: Shunjia Wang, Wentao Qin, Tongyang Guan, Jingyu Liu, Qingnan Cai, Sheng Zhang, Lei Zhou, Yan Zhang, Yizheng Wu, Zhensheng Tao" (ScitechDaily, Terahertz Breakthrough: New Technique Offers Unprecedented Control Over Light)

Teraherz-radiation is one possibility for the new communication lines. Those kinds of things are important for the 6G and faster communication. The terahertz radiation allows to make more channels for the 6G communication. 

That thing makes it a very interesting tool is that the terahertz radiation goes through the walls. That makes this thing a very promising alternative to laser communication. The laser ray will not normally travel through walls. And that limits its use in the wireless network. 

"UAB researchers have developed an innovative switch for 6G communications that doubles performance to 120 GHz and reduces energy use, promising enhanced sustainability and efficiency in telecommunications." (ScitechDaily, High-Frequency, Low-Power: Researchers Develop Switch To Revolutionize 6G Communications). It's possible. The 6G network can also use terahertz frequencies. Terahertz frequencies involve more frequencies and more space in that network. 

Coherent terahertz or terahertz masers can offer safe and effective communication tools. They can be the new tools for communication in highly populated areas. Terahertz masers can send their data in a coherent package. If the eavesdropper cannot put the antenna in the Terahertz radiation that makes communication safer, because the eavesdropper must precisely know, where the message travels. 

Coherent terahertz radiation allows to send multiple messages in the same way as lasers. The messages travel like laser beams, but terahertz radiation uses different frequencies. That means the coherent terahertz radiation can also offer to use bandwidth more effectively than in non-coherent communication. In terahertz technology, the system can send more data if it uses coherent terahertz-based data transport.

The photonic neural networks make messages safer.

"Researchers at the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light have developed a simpler and potentially more sustainable method for implementing neural networks using optical systems." (ScitechDaily, Neural Networks Made of Light: Photon Power Drives the Next AI Revolution)

The AI requires a very secure data transmission. The purpose of ultra-secured data transmission is that the outside effects don't harm information. 

When data travels in a complex structure high-level encryption guarantees that only receivers of the data can receive it. Because the entire network will not handle the same data, that leaves reserve in that network. 

That guarantees that neural networks cannot be stuck. If there are some kind of problems with the photonic or electric routers the system can put information to travel in other routes. 

This structure where the system follows the minimum force principle saves energy. But it allows the system to handle multiple missions at the same time. If the problem is complex, the intelligent system connects more calculation units for that problem. 

The photonic networks are the new tools for computing. There are two versions of the photonic networks. The first one is the optical neural network, where electric data cables are replaced by optical cables. In that system, the information travels in the laser rays. The laser ray that is targeted to photovoltaic cells can transfer data more securely than electric systems. Eavesdropping normal electric data cables is quite easy. Eavesdroppers must just put a sensor on the cable. And observe changes in voltages. 

Eavesdropping the laser systems is not so easy. To steal information from coherent light, the system must push the sensor into the laser ray. And that is seen as the decrease of the light power. If the laser ray is covered using another, hollow laser ray, that denies the eavesdropper to see that laser ray.

The intelligent system can also share information into data packages using TCP/IP protocol. And then the system can send those data packages by different routes. The system can put a serial number into each data package, and that allows the receiving system to sort them into the right order. That system can send data in mixed order, which makes it hard to open. The data packages can send in white noise or meaningless data packages, which makes attackers work harder. 

Artistic illustration of a neuromorphic system of waveguides carrying light. Credit: @ CC Wanjura (ScitechDaily, Neural Networks Made of Light: Photon Power Drives the Next AI Revolution)

Quantum photonic neural network. 

Quantum neural networks can revolutionize AI. In those systems, superpositioned and entangled photons form multi-state quantum computers. 

A photonic neural network can be the net of the superpositioned and entangled photons trapped in the nanotubes. The photons will be trapped in the points of the carbon frames in the nanotubes. 

The idea is that the carbon frames in fullerene nanotubes can stop photons at a certain distance from each other. Then that superpositioned and entangled photon series acts as a photonic neural network. 

3D quantum photonic neural networks. 

Theoretically is possible to make the photonic brains. The 3D quantum structure operates like quantum computers. The problem with the 3D photonic brains is this: the system requires the ability to stop photons. The trapped photons act as photonic routers and gates. 

If the receiving photon's energy level is higher than the transmitter, the information cannot reach the receiver, and the gate is closed. When the transmitter sends information at a higher energy level than the receiver that energy makes the receiver oscillate and the gate is open. 

The other way is to use noble gas atoms (or small fullerene molecules) to close and open the information route to the quantum nanotube lines. The idea is that those atoms are at the crossroads of those structures, and they can be used to select the route, where information can travel. 

Another way is to use noble gas atoms in the structure that act as router-switch. The router can be the flap system like noble gas atoms, that close the fullerene nanotube or quantum channel. And that thing means the router is the nanotube structure where the data can travel in selected routes. 

And if the system can trap photons in the photonic crystals or some kind of photonic field, that would be the greatest possible quantum computer. It's possible. Photonic crystals or artificial "industrial" diamonds will involve channels, there are 100% reflecting mirrors. 

Or in the wildest visions, standing wave movement can hold photons in their position. Those waves can make photons travel in wanted directions, or even put them to hover in wanted positions. 

The ability to make the 3D nanotube structure, and grow diamonds around them can make this thing possible. But that requires that the nanotube structure can keep its form in melted metal, where diamond grows. In that structure, there could be a frame at the crossroads of the nanotubes, where the photon is trapped. Information travels between those photons in the form of electromagnetic waves.

Saturday, July 13, 2024

The AI with an empathy gap can turn dangerous.

"New research at the University of Cambridge identifies a significant “empathy gap” in AI chatbots, posing risks to young users who often see these systems as lifelike confidants. Highlighting incidents where AI interactions led to unsafe suggestions, the study advocates for a proactive approach to make AI child-safe. It proposes a comprehensive 28-item framework to help stakeholders, including companies and educators, ensure AI technologies cater responsibly to children’s unique needs and vulnerabilities. Credit:" (ScitechDaily, Cambridge Study: AI Chatbots Have an “Empathy Gap,” and It Could Be Dangerous)

Researchers created the empathy gap for AI so that it can turn to feel like humans. The idea is that AI can make customer service missions, and that thing makes it feel like human. There are already services that people can transfer things like salesmen calls to the AI, that discuss with sales agents. The idea is that this thing takes those salesmen's time, and creates more costs to the marketing companies. 

The empathy gap makes also it possible to create computers and simulators that test people's behavior. People like therapists or salesmen can use those simulators to improve their professional skills. But sometimes people don't realize that the empathy gap is much more than some simulator, that tests people's selling skills. 

Ai is a machine. And in machines, all parts must operate without surprises.  The empathy gap means the module, reacts like real people react to things like sadness, but the empathy gap means that the AI can react to things, like verbal abuse. The AI can imitate things like anger. These kinds of things might seem very nice things. 

The problems begin when users connect generative AI with physical bodies. AI is a very good tool for conveying verbal orders to robots. The verbal command that involves abuse activates the empathy module. And then that empathy module can make the robot act like an angry person. 

The AI-based empathy gap is one of the tools that make AI look like humans. This ability makes it possible to create robots that can imitate certain people. This kind of thing makes cyborg-humanoids more trustworthy than we can imagine. Those humanoid robots can have innovative skin, that looks and feels like real skin. 

That thing allows us to create robots, that can play or act on certain people. Intelligence, police, and the military can use those cyborgs in deep-cover operations. And the reason for that is this: those cyborgs don't take money from criminals.

These kinds of humanoid robots can collect data from drug gangs. Or they can deliver information from the enemy HQ. In some wild visions, the enemy commanders can replaced using cyborgs. Those cyborgs can eat regular food like humans. They can operate using biological energy production like cloned electric cells from electric eels. That kind of robot can multiply itself. 

The term Von Neumann machine means self-replicating machine. The "Von Neumann" cyborg can construct copies of itself even using Black&Decker. 

The Von Neumann cyborg can self-replicate. If the robot has access to some factory, it can make copies of itself by using each machine itself. Or it can deliver its production orders to car factory's robots. Then it can just copy its operating system to the descendant. 

The problem is that cyborgs can create descendants themselves. The "Von Neumann machine" means a self-replicating machine. Cyborg can take the robot factory under its control. Or it can use the engineering works to make copies of itself.

New systems allow researchers to follow cellular communication wirelessly.

"To improve biosensing techniques that can aid in diagnosis and treatment, MIT researchers developed tiny, wireless antennas that use l...