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Showing posts from May, 2024

Researchers never imagine what they make when they make new metamaterials.

"Researchers have demonstrated the ability to engineer materials that are both stiff and capable of insulating against heat. This combination of properties is extremely unusual and holds promise for a range of applications, such as the development of new thermal insulation coatings for electronic devices. "(ScitechDaily, How Scientists Engineered the Unthinkable With New Hybrid Materials) The researchers worked with a subset of the class of materials called two-dimensional hybrid organic-inorganic perovskites. These are thin films consisting of alternating organic and inorganic layers in a highly ordered crystalline structure, as shown in this illustration. Credit: Jun Liu, NC State University" (ScitechDaily, How Scientists Engineered the Unthinkable With New Hybrid Materials) The new metamaterials are incredible things. Researchers never imagined what this kind of thing could do. Above this text is a diagram of the two-layer metamaterial that can transfer energy out fro

The sea is a forgotten energy source.

Tidal waves and ocean currents are forgotten energy sources.  Tidal waves offer a potential energy source in many places on Earth. The tidal waves can travel through the dams that are equipped with turbines. Or water can travel over the water mills, there is the generator connected. The system can use the dams that can fall if some big freighter must travel through.  The tidal dams that can let the tidal water travel through those turbine channels can harness energy from that water flow. And in the case of storms, the dam can close those channels if the water level rises too high. The water power can be also in cases like the Ijisselmer in the Netherlands where the water must travel through the dam anyway. The dam can be equipped with turbines and generators.  The hydro plants can also be more effective. If the drainage channels in existing hydro plants are equipped with turbogenerators. Those channels can also produce electricity. The system can drive electricity to the batteries.  An

The new innovative thermal trap can increase temperature to over 1000 degrees Celsius.

"Illustration of the experimental thermal trap. It consists of a quartz rod (inside) and a ceramic absorber (outside). Solar radiation enters at the front, heat is generated in the rear area. Credit: Casati E et al. Device 2024, edited" (ScitechDaily, Harnessing the Sun: Innovative Thermal Trap Reaches Over 1000 °C Using Sunlight) When solar light travels in the tube, the outcoming heat will increase the tube's outer shell's temperature. When sunlight travels in the channel in the hollow tube, the infrared radiation from the walls increases its temperature.  The heat trap can make it possible to create effective solar generators.  The new thermal trap can be an innovation for the steel industry. That system can decrease the steel industry's pollution. And it can make the solar-powered blast furnaces possible. However, the new thermal trap can offer the possibility to create effective power plants. The thermal trap can used to replace the fossil fuels on sunny days

Russian electronic warfare has become more effective.

Russian EW jammed the Starlink system. And that is a good example of why civilian systems are not suitable for military use. The problem with the military use of civilian GPS and other radio systems is that there is no flexibility in those system's frequencies. Chancing those frequencies is too complicated, and that thing causes problems with the communication.  If Russians know radio frequencies, that Starlink uses, they can cover those signals using the jammer signals. Same way. If the Russian EW operators know the frequency. That the GPS uses, they can jam those systems. So to find out those frequencies. The Russians must just find one working GPS and one working Starlink system. Then they can make the transmitter that transmits radio transmissions covering those frequencies.  The HiMARS system is becoming ineffective same as dart ammunition. There is proof that Russians can jam the GPS. But those systems require the information of the frequencies. The GPS jamming over the Balti

The next generation of AI uses data structures. That researchers copied from the nervous system.

"Cowley’s team recorded the fruit fly courtship process over a series of “dates” in a petri dish, tracking the behavior of the male (blue) in response to any sight of the female (red). Tiny microphones placed below this “arena” captured the songs the male produced by beating its wings. Credit: Cowley Lab/Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory" (ScitechDaily, AI Predicts Fruit Fly Behavior With Stunning Accuracy) The AI predicted the fruit fly's behavior with good accuracy.  The next step for the AI is to make a system that emulates the neural system. The AI used microphones and cameras to observe fruit flies' behavior. The system observed sounds and movements that two fruit flies used in communication. And then, the AI connected those sounds and other signals with things that those fruit flies made. That allowed the AI to predict the fruit fly behavior.  The insects are talking. They use both acoustic and chemical signals to communicate. The acoustic signals are a more effecti

New nanotechnology and magnetism make new and more practical quantum computers possible.

"Researchers at the Cavendish Laboratory have identified spin coherence in atomic defects within Hexagonal Boron Nitride (hBN) under ambient conditions, a rare achievement in quantum materials. The study, published in Nature Materials, highlights that these spins can be controlled with light and have promising implications for future quantum technologies, including sensing and secure communications. " (ScitechDaily, Cambridge Scientists Achieve Long-Sought Quantum State Stability in New 2D Material) The findings also stress the need for further exploration to enhance defect reliability and extend spin storage times, underlining the potential of hBN in advancing quantum technological applications. Credit: Eleanor Nichols, Cavendish Laboratory" (ScitechDaily, Cambridge Scientists Achieve Long-Sought Quantum State Stability in New 2D Material) The Cambridge researchers created a new way to make a stable quantum state in 3D material. The normal problem with quantum systems i

Drones can harness energy from the skies.

"New research into Airborne Wind Energy Systems (AWES), funded by a substantial Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) grant, seeks to harness high-altitude wind energy using drones, aiming to overcome challenges in system stability and enhance commercial viability, supporting the UK’s net-zero goals. Image of a prototype Kitemill drone in action. Credit: Kitemill" (ScitechDaily, Energy From the Sky: How Drones Can Generate Electricity) The drone can harness energy from the sky using solar panels and wind turbines. The drone itself can rise into a high atmosphere using its engines. Their drone shuts down engines. And then the drone can hover in jettisons or rising air pillars like sailplanes.  And there the electric engine that turns into wind turbines and solar panels can create electricity. That drone can use advanced autopilot and things like lidars to search right air flows. The idea is that. This kind of drone can minimize its electric use.  In this v

Neutron stars can involve dark matter.

Researchers use supermassive and massive objects to observe the dark matter. The dark matter is the gravitational effect, and researchers use things like galactic clusters to see how the dark matter bends the light. Researchers calculate how much those objects should weigh. Then they, see how much the object turns or blends the light in the gravity lens. That tells what is the real mass of the object.  In some models dark matter or weakly interacting massive particles (WIMP) are inside all or some other particles. The idea for that is from the observation that protons involved charm quark. The charm quark is a more massive particle than a proton. That gave the idea that the charm quark might hover in protons. And the next idea was this. Maybe dark matter's WIMP particle hovers in some other particle.  Because dark matter interacts with gravity as well as visible material. Researchers should find dark matter near massive objects or gravity centers. The thing that makes this mysterio

The Chimera engine is the new tool for hypersonic systems.

The Hermeus corporation developed new advanced hypersonic aircraft called "Dark Horse".  The Dark Horse is interesting because of the new engine type, called "Chimera". The Chimera system is the most advanced hypersonic hybrid system.  1) Turbojet Mode: At low speeds, Chimera operates like a typical turbojet engine found in jet aircraft. It uses the incoming air for combustion and thrust. 2) Ramjet Mode: As the speed increases. Chimera transitions to ramjet mode. In this mode, it bypasses the incoming air around the turbojet and relies solely on the ramjet for propulsion. Ramjets are more efficient at hypersonic speeds. 3) Hybrid Design: The key innovation is that Chimera combines both turbojet and ramjet technologies in a single engine. This hybrid approach allows for efficient operation across a wide range of speeds. 4) Operational Hypersonic Flight. Unlike traditional rocket engines used in most hypersonic platforms. Chimera doesn’t require rockets for accelerati

Brain inspiring computing: virtual neurons.

"One way race logic strives to save energy is by addressing the shortest-path problem. In one scenario, cars set off in multiple directions trying to find the fastest route. When the first car arrives, all the other cars stop, saving energy.Credit: B. Hayes and J. Wang/NIST" ( Computing Can Help Us Create Faster, More Energy-Efficient Devices — If We Win the Race) When we select a route for data, we always select the shortest possible route. But what if there are two routes whose length is the same? That causes a situation in which the data packages that travel through those routes can reach the same point. At the same time. The situation is similar with two cars that reach at the same moment the same parking lot. That thing causes conflict in the system.  If those cars are lorries, that must only deliver material to the house the system can tell that another driver can go to take some coffee. And the other car can deliver its cargo. In computer systems

The new brain-inspired computers are the tools that make new models for the AI.

The brain-inspired computer can revolutionize the spontaneously learning AI. The idea of brain-inspired computers is that those systems act like human brains. In human brains, neurons can connect and disconnect their connections. Every neuron involves a small data structure. When neurons make connections they connect those data structures.  They form virtual neurons that can connect those data structures in billions of ways. Every data structure involves some skill. And why neurons remove the connections. That makes it easier to control that connection structure or neural network. The brain is the morphing neural network. That morphs its structures all the time.  Above: Von Neumann architecture is used in binary computers. The brain-inspired structure can involve even billions of networked Von Neumann architecture structures. (Wikipedia, Von Neumann architecture)  The biggest difference between brain-inspired morphing neural networks and traditional systems is this: in traditional syst

The Caltech new brain implant makes it possible to transform thoughts into writings.

  "Scientists created a minimally invasive brain–machine interface using functional ultrasound (fUS) to accurately map brain activity related to movement planning with a resolution of 100 micrometers. Credit: Caltech" (ScitechDaily, Reading Minds With Ultrasound: Caltech’s New Brain–Machine Interface) "The latest advancements in Brain-Machine Interfaces feature functional ultrasound (fUS), a non-invasive technique for reading brain activity. This innovation has shown promising results in controlling devices with minimal delay and without the need for frequent recalibration. Credit: (ScitechDaily, Mind Control Breakthrough: Caltech’s Pioneering Ultrasound Brain–Machine Interface) The Caltech researchers worked with the brain-machine interface (BMI) that uses ultrasound for reading the mind. And the new systems can make it possible to turn thoughts into text.  Researchers at Caltech created a new AI-powered Brain Machine Interface (BMI) that can transform

Harnessing the RNAi is the tool for next-generation genetic experiments.

"Alnylam Pharmaceuticals is translating the promise of RNA interference (RNAi) research into a new class of powerful, gene-based therapies. In this rendering, the green strand is the targeted mRNA, and the white object is the RNA-induced silencing complex (RISC) that can prevent the expression of the target mRNA’s proteins. The orange strand is RNAi. Credit: Courtesy of Alnylam Pharmaceuticals" (ScitechDaily, Harnessing RNAi: Alnylam’s Path From Lab Discovery to Life-Changing Treatments) Harnessing RNA interference (RNAi) is the tool that makes next-generation, life-changing treatments possible. The other names for RNAi are co-suppression and post-transcriptional gene silencing (PTGS). And  quelling . That  thing  makes it possible to turn genome silence like a programmer sometimes "kills code" in computer coding. RNAi is one of the most effective tools for genetic engineering.  The idea of the RNAi is simple. The outside RNA will intervene in the genomes if there a

The misuse of the AI is one of the biggest threats.

"Leading AI scientists have issued a call for urgent action from global leaders, criticizing the lack of progress since the last AI Safety Summit. They propose stringent policies to govern AI development and prevent its misuse, emphasizing the potential for AI to exceed human capabilities and pose severe risks. Credit:" (ScitechDaily, Leading AI Scientists Warn of Unleashing Risks Beyond Human Control) When we think about small, limited AIs that can used for commercial use, we sometimes forget, that those limited AIs can act as modules in large-scale AI. That means. Hostile actors can even steal things like Chat GPT and the Copilot AIs by making large groups of limited AIs. In those cases, the hostile actors interconnect those limited AIs under one entirety.  AI is a tool that can generate many good things. But the same tool can create many bad things. AI-based image recognition is one of the tools. That can track terrorists. The same tool can also used to tr

The AI is an excellent spy.

The AI can lie if programmers order it to do that thing. One of the biggest threats in the AI world is that somebody creates a copy of the well-known AI. And then, that actor turns the data traffic to that trusted AI's digital twin. The limited AIs can used as the modules that operate under one domain. The versatile AIs can act as attack tools.  Or the digital twin of the well-known AI chatbots can used as the greatest honey pots in the world. The AI-based chatbot can store all queries that users make. And answers that they get in the mass memories. There the intelligence can analyze that data.  The attackers may work for some governments. And if they can create a large number of limited AIs they can create the entirety that is the same way versatile as the Chat GPT or Bing. But the programmers can modify that thing into the cyber attack tools.  When we talk about language models and especially network-based giant applications. There is always a small possibility that hackers creat

Underwater microrobot swarms are coming.

"Innovative microrobots designed to mimic natural swarms can effectively remove both microplastics and bacterial contaminants from water, offering a reusable solution to water pollution. (Artist’s concept.) Credit:" (ScitechDaily, Microrobots Swarm the Seas, Capturing Microplastics and Bacteria [Video]) Microrobots are the next-generation tools for civil and military purposes. Microrobot swarms can clean water by collecting poisonous chemicals from water. Microrobots can colect oil and platics. They can capture bacteria from wastewater.   In some models, the microrobot can carry a filter system.  Those microrobots can be quadcopters that can operate airborne and underwater. The microrobots can filter the air the same way. They can pump polluted air through filters. And that can be useful at least in closed spaces like rooms.  The robot drives polluted water through that filter. The filter can separate microplastics from water. Or the robot can act like a peli

The AI can make custom medicines. But it must see the system, that it can manipulate it.

"Researchers at UC San Diego have created a machine learning algorithm, POLYGON, which enhances early drug discovery by simulating complex chemistry, thus accelerating the development process. This AI tool not only identifies candidate drugs quickly but also focuses on multi-target molecules, potentially reducing side effects seen in traditional combination therapies. Credit:" (ScitechDaily, AI Transforms Drug Discovery With Faster, Safer Cancer Treatments) "The researchers trained POLYGON on a database of over a million known bioactive molecules containing detailed information about their chemical properties and known interactions with protein targets. By learning from patterns found in the database, POLYGON is able to generate original chemical formulas for new candidate drugs that are likely to have certain properties, such as the ability to inhibit specific proteins." (ScitechDaily, AI Transforms Drug Discovery With Faster, Safer Cancer Treatmen

Light can vaporize water without heat.

MIT researchers found a new photo-molecular phenomenon. That light can vaporize water without heat. There has been suspicion that this kind of phenomenon exists. But this is the first evidence of that phenomenon. Light inputs energy into atoms, and then those atoms release extra energy into their environment.  Photo vaporization releases vapor from the water surface. Atoms release energy that they get into another atom. At the point of the surface tension, the water molecules resonate when light inputs energy to them. That forms standing waves between those water molecules, and then that energy starts to drive water molecules up. This effect is possible if the light affects all water molecules on the surface. In that case, there is no space where energy can travel.  Developers can use photo vaporization to make purified water.  That effect makes space around the atoms. And it separates water molecules from their entirety. The effect. Where light vaporizes water without heat looks a lit

The new technology boosts quantum computers and quantum stealth systems.

"Researchers at NYU Abu Dhabi’s Photonics Research Lab have developed a new two-dimensional material that can precisely manipulate light, promising enhancements in bandwidth for communication networks and optical systems. This breakthrough in tunable optical materials demonstrates potential applications in environmental sensing, optical imaging, and neuromorphic computing. (Artist’s concept.) Credit:" (ScitechDaily, Revolutionizing Photonics: 2D Materials Manipulate Light With Remarkable Precision) New technology allows systems to manipulate light with very high precision. That technology allows to creation of new types of stealth systems and new types of quantum computers. The same counterwave technology that operates in stealth systems can protect the quantum computers against disturbance. The 2D quantum surface can create counterwaves that deny electromagnetic radiation reach the quantum entanglement.  The new fundamental research allows the 2D quantum met