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What if we establish Venus's base and search for possible lifeforms from that planet?


"A new paper argues that studying Venus, despite its inhospitable conditions, is crucial for understanding the potential for life on other planets and predicting Earth’s future. It outlines the similarities and differences between Earth and Venus, highlights the importance of understanding Venus’s atmospheric and geological conditions, and explains upcoming NASA missions aimed at gaining more insights. " (ScitechDaily, Scientists Turn to Venus in the Search for Alien Life)

The research underscores the necessity of using Venus as a model to make accurate assumptions about life on distant planets and to contemplate the long-term fate of Earth. Credit:" (ScitechDaily, Scientists Turn to Venus in the Search for Alien Life)

Venus can be a more suitable harbor for extraterrestrial life than Mars. 

There may be some primitive lifeforms on the planet Venus. Those lifeforms can hover in their sulphuric acid clouds. Or they can live in Venus' mountain area like Maxwell Montes. 

It's possible. Those still hypothetical lifeforms can be like bacteria, that make sulfur powdery mildew from sulphuric acid. That bacteria could live on the dark side of Venus, and it's possible. Those bacteria could turn themselves into spores at dayside as anthrax bacteria make on Earth. Those bacteria spores could hover in clouds much longer than. 

They could hover on Earth. Venus's atmosphere is much denser than Earth's. And it's different. Carbon dioxide is a heavier gas than oxygen and nitrogen. The atmosphere is also flat, which means it starts to turn denser at lower altitudes than Earth's atmosphere.

But the highlands are more comfortable. And it's possible that sometime in the future. Humans will build a base on Venus's highlands or hover base in its atmosphere.

Artist's rendering of a NASA crewed floating outpost on Venus (Wikipedia, High Altitude Venus Operational Concept)

Suggested specifications for the robotic airship (Wikipedia, High Altitude Venus Operational Concept)

Another HAVOC concept.

"Slide detailing sequence of events for the crewed descent (Wikipedia, High Altitude Venus Operational Concept)

The High Altitude Venus Operational Concept (HAVOC) program. 

In 1971 the Soviet engineer and Sci-Fi writer Sergei Zhitomirsky introduced the idea of the "Venus islands". Those islands would be airships in Venus's atmosphere. 

Venus's atmosphere is a carbon monoxide or carbon dioxide-based place, where lead will melt. In some visions, there could be liquid lead ponds on Venus's surface. Carbon dioxide is a very heavy gas. And on Venus, we could fly by using nitrogen balloons. The High Altitude Venus Operational Concept (HAVOC) program is the plan to make a hovering base in Venus's atmosphere. 

In some visions, the HAVOC base could be the quadcopter that acts as a platform that hovers in the atmosphere. The system can use a long tube. That makes the capillary pull through the generator. This system can hover in Venus's atmosphere because it's denser and carries that craft better than Earth's atmosphere. Nitrogen and oxygen are lighter gas than carbon dioxide. Also, a copy of Earth's atmosphere makes lightweight structures hover in Venus's atmosphere. 

The program plan is to send the airships to Venus's atmosphere. Those fully automatized systems can predict manned bases at Venus's clouds. Or in its highlands. 

Manned base on Venus's highlands can be like regular houses. But the life support system requires carbon monoxide filters. The structure must have thermal protection structures. Venus's colonists can use similar protective suits that the people who work in steel factories use. 

The carbon filters can remove carbon dioxide from Venus's atmosphere before the life-support systems drive that cleaned gas to the crew cabin. The crew must stay in those mountain areas, where the temperature is lower than on Venus's surface.

One purpose of that futuristic Venus base could be to terraform that planet. In that case, the colony creates the genetically engineered bacteria to remove oxygen from carbon dioxide. That should decrease the temperature on that planet's surface and lowlands. But those visions are far away in the future.


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